Many people, regardless of where they reside on the planet, I believe, have their own fate and destiny that they cannot change no matter how hard they try. Some of them may have bad luck, while others live happily without having to worry about anything.
Then there's me, who died completely unexpectedly, and the next thing I knew, I was a ghost in another world.
I also feel that I have some sort of destiny waiting for me, although I don't have high hopes for it.
After we were found by these guards, we were ordered to follow them to a certain place without any explanations.
—Isn't this getting ridiculous by how life isn't letting me relax for even one day?!
One day after another, both me and these girls have been encountering many problems nonstop, and can't seem to find the right time to relax for a bit.
"So, can w–"
"Stop talking and keep walking!"
One of the guards immediately cut me off before I could even finish talking.
I let out a sigh before noticing Theresa coming closer to me, almost touching each other's shoulders.
"Do you know why we are being dragged into this?" She softly whispered while holding the small silver dragon in her arms.
"I may have a guess… but I'm still not sure." I replied as I was trying not to grab those guards' attention.
“Is that so…”
After walking for quite a bit, we were led to a certain fancy building which clearly belonged to someone wealthy.
And since they had no intention of using violence against any of us, I chose to listen and follow what they had to say.
Both me and the girls waited at the guest room until a certain man with classy clothes came inside.
"I apologize if I have bothered you by forcing you to come all this way." As he sat across the table, the man apologized without exhibiting any emotion on his face.
"I don't really mind for as long as we finish this up a bit quickly. You see, we had some problems until recently and never had any chances to take a break. So please tell us the reason why you brought us here."
The man in front of us narrowed his eyes for a bit before replying. "I understand. Then I'll get straight to the topic."
And before he could say another word, the man placed a certain jewelry on the table, showing it to us what he wanted.
While both Aya and Theresa were a bit confused about this, I immediately caught up with what might've been going on.
That piece of jewelry was what I used to pay the dept the house my girlfriends and I now live in.
"I believe that was part of the payment I made to pay off the debt we had at the time."
The man's poker face was quickly covered by an angry glare aimed at me the moment I responded to the item he put on the table.
"So you are admitting that you were the one who held this item?" His glare remained the same while trying to get clear answers from me.
"That is correct." Before I realized how unsettled Aya and Theresa were, I answered.
Maybe I should explain this to them after we get out of here.
"Is there something wrong with that item? At that moment, I didn't have a lot of gold coins on me, that's why I used everything that was valuable as a payment. If there are more taxes left, then I can fully pay them right now."
But one thing I noticed about this man was that his killing intent became denser as we chatted.
“It seems there must be some kind of misunderstanding between us.” Theresa suddenly spoke while trying to understand the anger behind this guy’s glare.
“I agree with Theresa as well.” I continued after seeing how both Theresa and Aya were concerned about this. “I’m assuming that item is related to something which caused this misunderstanding. But believe me or not, that item was given to us as a reward for capturing some bandits.”
“Do you really expect me to believe that?” The man asked, his eyes never separating mine.
“I don’t expect you to believe me. But if you go to the guild and ask about Aya, you’ll see how she has the achievement of defeating the leader of Dark-X bandits.” I gently rubbed Aya’s head as I confidently informed him.
I wasn't sure if this man was trying to intimidate us into telling the truth... But as soon as I told him about Aya's accomplishment, his killing intent vanished and his face softened.
“I know…. Before coming here, I already did a background check on all of you.” The man explained before directing his eyes towards me once again. “But the one thing I found suspicious, is that I couldn't find a single information about you at all. It’s almost as if you never existed ”
"Hiroki had some difficulties as a traveling merchant, such as the curse that changed his identity. That's why you won't be able to find any kind of information about him." Theresa briefly explained.
"That's right! Hiroki is a good guy, so don't be mean to him." Aya also added after seeing the doubtful look on that man's face.
But before anything more was said, that man let out a sigh.
"I didn't bring you here to cause any trouble. I'm sorry if I have acted harsh with you. I simply wanted you to answer a few of my questions."
At least this guy isn't the type of person to not think twice before talking.
"If we’re here only for some questions, then we don't mind."
And after he got my approval for the questions, then the man crossed his fingers together as he was about to speak once again.
"This jewel belonged to my daughter who went missing three years ago. I've been trying to find her whereabouts every single day, but with no actual leads… That's why, when I received the news that an accessory from her was found, I was happy that at least I finally found something. My other daughters have already accepted the fact that she was dead… but I just can't…"
Even though that must’ve been a painful thing to go through, this man's eyes didn't show any sign of crying. Only pain which was shown on a real man who was trained to remain his composure.
"It must be painful not knowing whether your daughter is still alive…" Theresa slightly lowered her head in respect while trying not to pry too much in that man's life.
"It is… I live in fear that someday, I'll find out that my daughter no longer lives. So please, if you have any information about her, even if it's vague… please tell me."
Well, I have nothing to lose out of this so telling him what we know might not be so bad. After all, if we manage to help him out, we'll have another individual with higher status in our debt.
"This item was found in a secret room where the bandits hideout was, that's why there's a chance that your daughter might've been captured as a slave."
The man suddenly got up in shock the moment I mentioned the chance of his daughter being captured slave by those badnits.
“What happened to all of the captured slaves?” His yellow eyes were filled with sorrow as he was waiting for an answer from me.
“WIthin the group, was a certain merchant which helped us send all of the captured girls back to their homes. I believed that she was trustworthy, that's why I decided to let her help the remaining girls. So if your daughter was within their group, she should've already come back here. ”
He looked a little pained and discombobulated while listening to what I knew about this.
“Do you perhaps know how your daughter went missing? Since you have guards and concealed assassins all over the house, I'm sure she couldn't have been kidnapped so easily."
The man’s eyes narrowed as he was looking at me cautiously at my statement.
“So you managed to find out about my hidden cards? That was unexpected…”
Since I can sense their aura, I can feel anyone who is hiding in this room or outside the hall. So if they want to catch me off guard, they need to learn how to hide their own aura.
“But, moving back to your question. You are right. My daughter wasn’t kidnapped.” He relaxed his back on his seat from all of the stress he has been going through.
“She escaped?” I guessed before he could finish talking.
But to everyone's expectations, no one was surprised to hear my guess.
“But why would she escape from here? This place is so pretty…” Aya wondered as she was trying to understand why the daughter from a higher ranking would escape from this majestic place.
Unless she was getting abused, it would be hard to explain why she would want to escape from here.
“This was all of my fault… If I hadn't been more careful, she wouldn't have run away from the house…” The man clenched both of his fists as he was about to tell us the story about his missing daughter. "I had a wonderful wife who I adored.... But, due to a curse, she died just a few days later. I couldn't even figure out what was causing the curse. My daughter could barely remember her since she was really young at that time, but her love was still there.
As a result, she began to ask more questions about her mother as she grew older. She wanted to know about her mother's roots since she felt different from other young females."
“Origins?” I asked.
“Oh, right. My wife was an elf, that's why our circumstances were a bit difficult at that time. Not to mention, how there was a lot of discrimiation against elves at that time.” The man briefly explained.
“Hold on, if your wife was an elf, then that means your daughter as well…” I spoke out after realizing something.
When me and Aya rescued those captured girls, among them was a certain elf who helped us take down the boss of the bandits.
“Yeah… she wasn't the same as the other girls.”
“An elf?!” Aya gasped after remembering the elf which was among the girls.
“Is something wrong?” The man asked, a bit confused about our sudden change.
“Among the captured girls, there was an elf which also helped Aya out in the guild.” I explained.
“My daughter was a half elf, that's why I believe that she isn't the one…” The man explained with a saddened look on his face.
“Is there any difference between an elf, and a half one? A physical difference, one which can differentiate them out?”
The man in front of us thought for a bit before responding to my question.
“The only thing that comes to my mind is their eye color and ears. Usually, half elves have pointy human sized ears, while elves have longer ears and bright blue eyes.”
“Then I believe that the one who helped us was an elf… Also, she seemed to be an adventurer, so I don’t think she can be your daughter. By guessing the power you hold in this city, you can find out if your daughter was in here or not.”
After finally resolving our misunderstanding between us, the baron of this town let us head back.
Also, as a way of making amends for the manner he suddenly brought us here, he granted us complete ownership of the house I and the girls were living in without requiring us to pay off the remaining debt from the past few years.
We didn't have to do something irrational just because we had an item that belonged to his daughter, thankfully. Also, that baron appeared to be a reasonable man, which is why he let us off so lightly.
It's been almost a month since anything noteworthy happened.
We spent most of our days either training our skills, hunting monsters, or wandering around the town as a way to relax since we already had money which could hold us for months without having to work. Not to mention the coffee business which has been growing a lot more.
I also taught that blonde merchant how to make coffee properly in this world without endangering anyone else's health.
* * *
One month ago
Back at the small castle where the king just burnt the letter given by Hiroki, a certain prince could be seen looking outside his window in wonder.
His face remained unchanged as he was staring blankly at the amazing view which was provided through his window.
But his thoughts were cut short as a maid entered the room and noticed the prince standing near the window.
“Y-your highness, you shouldn't get up yet! What if you faint once again and hurt your head?” The maid called out in worry about the prince’s relaxed position.
But the prince didn't seem that bothered by what the maid just said.
“There’s no need to be worried. I already feel better.” The prince reassured.
But that didn't make the maid feel reassured as she didnt want to get blamed in case the prince would get hurt while she was in charge.
“...Hey.” The prince called out, jolting the maid out of her thoughts about what would happen if something horrible happened to him.
“Y-yes, your highness!? Do you need something? Or are you perhaps not feeling well?!” The maids' voice cracked a little as she wasn't sure about her own situation.
“Who was the girl that healed me?” The prince asked, his eyes still wondering at the beautiful sight of the whole town from his window.
Something that the maid noticed was how his eyes were sparkling with excitement while staring outside the window.
“She is an adventurer who happened to be related to the cause of your poisoning.” The maid briefly explained.
“She was related? What happened to her?”
From what the maid could see, the prince seemed to be quite concerned about the wellbeing of the girl which saved his life.
“She was rewarded together with her party members after the real culprit was caught.”
The prince let out a relieved sight before looking back at the slightly confused and worried maid.
“Then I’m relieved…”
And before he could have the maid help him get dressed, the prince looked outside the window one last time.
[ I hope I can see you again… ]
* * *
Hiroki’s POV!
It’s been almost a month since the last time I have seen improvements in my own status.
While I wasn't concerned at first, now this thing is kind of bothering me.
I also blame myself for getting way too comfortable in this town, that's why I need to start working a bit more on my own status.
Name: Hiroki
You are reading story Summoned as a Ghost in another world at
Race: High Ghost
INT: 2,230
STR: 0
AGI: 0
VIT: 0
DEF: 0
Skills: < ... >
Compared to when I first came to this world, the only thing that has improved in my stats is my intelligence.
Well that's not surprising since I still haven't found a way to get a physical body…
Maybe I should look around if this town has any libraries I can access to.
“Theresa, you’ve been in this town for quite some time, right?” I suddenly asked as I turned around in order to face Theresa.
“Huh, you knew I was awake?” Theresa asked, a bit surprised as she was laying at the side of the bed which was close to the window where I was levitating at.
“Well, If you stare at my back so much, then of course I will know that you are awake.” I gently smiled at Theresa's surprised face.
“At least you should learn how not to be so blunt…” Theresa said with a tired voice as she didn’t want to argue any longer about this.
Well, seeing them embarrassed is something that makes me feel better, that's why I don't think I’ll stop doing it.
“You wanted to know how long I have lived in this town, right? I think I told you before, but I’ve been raised and trained in this town. So you could say that I know my ways around here.”
Theresa raised a brow at the sudden interest that I was giving about that question.
“Did you want to know something?”
“Yes. I actually wanted to ask if there was a library in this town.”
I need to learn a bit more about this world, that's why I decided that it was the best option to go to a library.
That way, I might even figure out a way to find myself a physical body.
“A library… I think the adventurer’s guild owns one in this town. If you pay a small fee, you can enter and read as many books as you want. But there are policies that if you damage a book, you’re going to have to pay a large amount of money. That's why not many people go there.”
I am a bit surprised that this world has a library at all since the civilization here is not that advanced, and many commoners don't even know how to read.
But since the adventurer’s guild owns it, then that explains how they manage to keep their business running.
Adventurers need to find a source of information about the monsters they are going to hunt, or perhaps a plant that they don't know how it looks like.
The next morning, I asked Aya whether she could come with me to the library. And she was more than happy to come since she has never been into one.
At the entrance of the library was an old woman who was reading an old looking book at the recepisonit’s table.
The moment we got closer, that old woman lowered her book and looked at us in surprise.
“Hm? I never expected such young lads to be coming in here. How can I help you?” The old woman asked, slightly excited to see that someone had come into this empty library.
I can see now what Theresa meant since no one really comes into this library.
“I wanted to find some general information about this world’s history if possible.”
The old woman directed her sight towards Aya in order to see what she wanted to read.
“What about the young lady over here?” The old woman asked.
“I’ll read Hiroki’s history books for him.” Aya explained with an exciting look on her face.
The old woman was a bit surprised how the roles between us were reversed, but a gentle smile appeared on her face as she pointed her finger towards a direction.
“You can find any history related books in that section over there. If there are any questions, please let me know.”
“We will.” Aya excitedly responded before both of us could head to where that section was located.
"Hiroki, what do you want to read first?" Aya asked with a smile on her face that showed how excited she was to read me books.
"Is there any book which has a general explanation of the entire world? Since I've been dead for a long time, I have many things that I don't know."
Aya began to look around the moment I told her what I wanted.
While she was excited to read me a book before, she now all of the sudden seemed really serious when reading the nametags of the books.
"Now that I think about it, where did you learn to read?"
Aya’s body flinched for a bit the moment I asked that kind of question.
Did I perhaps ask something I shouldn't have? If so, I should apologize to her…
"I learned how to read back to when I was at the orphanage…" Aya said with a somewhat sad tone in her voice.
While I couldn't see her face right now, I understood that my question brought unnecessary memories to her.
"I'm sorry if I bought that up. I'm sure that you don't want to recall what happened back then…"
Aya suddenly turned around with the requested book, and to my surprise she had taken this much better than I had thought…
"..." Aya gently shook her head with a forced smile on her face which was trying not to worry me. "I'm already happy with Hiroki, and I don't think worrying about the past matters anymore."
"Is that so?"
After changing the sudden atmosphere from Aya's past, she began reading the contents inside the book which she had chosen.
I didn't have high hopes for reading history books because not everything can be trusted, but I did gain an understanding of how the world works to some extent.
As I had thought… this world’s civilization is not that advanced, not to mention that skills and special abilities are possible.
That means that humans in this world will probably believe everything that the majority knows or believes.
But something that surprised me was how the demon race used to be into diplomatic relationships with other kingdoms.
I was sure that demons were always in a war against humans, but this version seemed more realistic based on this kind of world.
Commoners aren't that scared if someone with white hair wanders around. If they were, they would certainly discriminate against me and my girls for having white hair.
Seems like the first king of demons, also known as the demon lord, started the first war with the Echilion kingdom.
The reason behind the declaration of war is still unknown.
But the kingdom of Echilion didn't fret from this sudden misunderstanding between one another as they had a hero who stood up against demons.
And that hero had the name… Aito Suzuki.
An unusual human who had unimaginable powers and wealth that even the king recognised.
But as the war was about to end, Aito Suzuki went missing, causing the war between two countries to stop.
While the Echilion kingdom had many casualties, the demon kingdom isolated themselves so no demon or human could come across.
Now I can understand the sudden investigation why the guild had to investigate Amberlight, and the letter notifying the king…
The demon’s kingdom barrier is becoming much weaker, causing many demons to act as they wish. And since humans in this world believe that demons can't get out of their territory, they try to keep their fears of demons out of their mind.
Amberlight was already affected by demons, and I wouldn't be surprised if humans would start rumors about this. But luckily, none of the brainwashed humans could remember what happened.
"Is something wrong? I'm sorry if I can't read them properly, I still don't know what some of the words mean." Aya suddenly spoke after reading some important parts of the book.
"Actually, the way you read is really good. I think you could make a great librarian."
Aya’s cheeks blushed before covering her face with the book she was holding.
"I don't think that's true… I'm not that great." She softly denied while trying to remain quiet.
Later on, I asked Aya to look around for any book which contained alchemy, manipulation, or golems in case any of those things exist in this world.
This library had lots of books, and until now we didn't find any books that were related to any of these.
That was until Aya read out aloud a certain book.
"...wooden golems?"
"Aya, can you read the whole title for me?"
Aya looked back at me before reading out loud the name of that book.
"It says, the art of wooden golems."
Since the name somehow got my interest, I asked Aya to read that book for me.
I don't know how or what golems look like in this world, but I believe that moving entities may be able to help with my situation.
And based on the title of the book, I was right to search for that kind of term.
Golems exist in this world, but for some obvious reason they are not that popular since they require a huge amount of energy to use. A well experienced researcher, and a lot of resources to make them possible.
Thats why, not many people want to study that kind of field.
But leaving that aside, Aya also read out some parts, explaining what golems are.
That was an important part since I wanted to make sure I was researching the right thing.
From what this book had provided, golems were wooden looking dolls which a human could control by giving them simple commands.
This was an art used many years ago, but as many new skills were discovered, the wooden golems became useless as humans of this world no longer wanted them.
Other than explaining how these wooden golems were operated, there was basically nothing else in this book.
But at least I was happy that I finally found something on how to have a physical body without having to possess Aya and Theresa all the time.
“Seems like you’re still reading, I see?” Suddenly the old woman came by our side after Aya finished reading the book.
“Yeah, if Hiroki wants, I can read him whatever he wishes for.”
The old woman giggled at the adorable way Aya was acting.
“I’m sorry if I have interrupted your cute date, but I have to close the library really soon.”
When I looked at a window which was located, both me and Aya noticed how dark it had become.
“We got absorbed too much and almost forgot about the time. We apologize if we have caused you any trouble.”
But the old woman simply shook her head before giving us another gentle smile.
“I’m glad that you found your time to come to this old library. It brings me joy to see that there are still younglings who are interested in books.” The old woman said a bit tiredly.
But before we could say anything else to her, the old woman’s eyes widened in surprise the moment she noticed the books that we were reading.
“I'm surprised that you, young lads, are interested in such books…” The old woman said with a surprised voice.
“I don’t want to get into too much detail, but I’m looking for a way to acquire a golem.”
The old woman thought for a bit before speaking once again.
“Nowadays, you won't be able to find anyone who has such knowledge about making golems.”
I already was aware of that since the book mentioned how golems were not needed in this world anymore.
“But, I think I know an old friend of mine who has pursued his entire life for golems.”