* * *
The next day, I explained to Aya and Theresa about my idea of figuring out a way for me to get a golem.
None of the girls were against the idea of me getting a physical body. Actually, Theresa and Aya were eager to help me out with this kind of thing.
I mean, I don’t mind not being able to have a body. But I wonder why both of the girls were more excited than me about this.
The old woman back in the library told us about a close friend of hers who knew very well about golems. But unfortunately, this person was in another kingdom. A pace which would require more than a week to travel. But none of us minded that since we already are used to camping outisdie for multiple days.
Another thing I had to do before departing, I had to notify the merchant that I was working with.
“If you are going on a long trip, then why don't you use one of my carriages?” The blonde merchant suggested after telling him that I won't be around this kingdom for a while.
“Then, I’ll leave that to you.” I responded back to the merchant before telling him that I had to get more stuff ready.
Aside from preparing many bottles of coffee, I also prepared many other things which would be carried in her dimensional pocket the whole time.
Aya and Theresa also had a few personal stuff which they were carrying, not to mention extra clothes and underwear.
The next day, both me and the girls were waiting in front of our house for the carriage to arrive.
I told that blonde kid when my party and I were departing, that's why I knew that the carriage would be arriving any time now.
But the moment the carriage arrived, all of us were a bit surprised at how different the carriage looked. And what made the carriage more convenient were how the wheels were made out of rubber so we wouldn't be feeling the rough vibration of the ground.
They almost looked like they came from the modern area.
After we began our long trip to another kingdom, things were going much smoother than we had thought. Aside from getting rid of some bandits that got into our way, the other things were really peaceful.
We took turns driving the carriage, but most of the time it was me since I couldn't get tired. But the first day, it was mostly Theresa since she was the one who taught me and Aya how to drive the carriage.
It was much easier since not only Theresa was good at teaching, but also our way of driving did not specify any risky way of traveling.
“Theresa, have you ever been to the Iceland kingdom?” I asked while I was sitting right next to Theresa who had taken the leash.
Since Aya was sleeping in the carriage and the mood between us was kind of quiet, I decided to break the ice by asking that question.
“No, I haven't. Why do you ask?” Theresa responded while staying focused on the road in front of us.
“No reason. I was just wondering how we’ll get around that kingdom since we barely know our ways around. We also don’t have a map, which makes things much harder… I think.”
Theresa took a glance at me as she was looking a bit confused on the sudden question.
“Since we are from another kingdom, we aren’t allowed to buy any maps that show their terrain. But even if we bought one illegally, they will pretty much sell it to us for an insane price.”
I crossed my arms together while listing how travelers were treated in this world.
Even though most of the humans are against demons, they still don't trust each other. Seems like, no matter what kind of world I am, conflicts between countries are still there.
“So how do we find our way around if none of us haven't been there?” I think we can gather information from the residents of that kingdom, but still I wonder how adventurers in this world manage to navigate.
“That's simple, we’ll ask the guards or anyone who lives around the kingdom. How else do you think we can find our way around?” Theresa said in a voice that seemed like she was talking common sense.
But still, this confirmed how many of the people of this world navigated in different territories when they couldn't afford or buy maps.
Several more days passed after finally getting closer to our destination. It was early in the morning, and the sunlight was giving us the best view that it could possibly give.
But one thing that we were warned, was how the weather in this kingdom was much colder than all of the other ones. The kingdom itself wasn't snowing cold as the name sounds, but the temperatures were much lower. That means you had to wear thicker clothes than usual every day even though the sun provided with warm light every day.
“I can see the border!” Aya exclaimed in excitement while pointing at the first view of the walls surrounding the whole town.
“Even though I don't have a physical body, I sure do feel tired from traveling for one and a half weeks.” I guess this could be called boredom from doing nothing else other than driving the carriage or staring at the forest.
At least we found some bandits which were a bit fun in order to kill time, but they were simply too weak compared to Theresa’s brute strength and Aya’s stealthy speed.
“Stop right there!” A guard shouted before we could get any closer to the main gate of the walls. “Show me your identification cards!”
But this time I had nothing to worry about since with my merchant’s card, I can enter any kingdom I want and I don’t have to make up any lies anymore.
“State your reason for coming to this town!” The guard demanded after carefully reading each of our identification papers.
“We’ve come to sell some goods to this town. These two are merely hired adventurers who are protecting me from any bantits.” I responded as I opened up the carriage in order to show proof of our merchandise. But in reality, those were pretty much most of our personal stuff.
“I understand. There have been quite a few incidents with bandits recently, and you’ve done the right thing by hiring adventurers. Very well, you may enter.” And after confirming our identity, the guard shouted for the other ones in order to open up the massive gate.
After entering inside the walls, we were first introduced with the amazing fantasy sight of a kingdom of another world.
The whole town was filled with different people walking around, traders, shop owners shouting their products, or even kids who were playing around.
“The town is so big!” Aya said in amazement at the busy town which didn't seem to have an end. But from here I could actually see a certain castle that was built at the top of the hill which probably could give an amazing view of the entire town.
“Well, of course it is. This is the capital city of the Iceland kingdom.” I explained to Aya while continuing to analyze everything that caught my eyes.
Actually I was a bit impressed that this town was this much developed. This must be because of the large amount of population in this city.
“I’ve never been to somewhere like this before as well… This is a first for me.” Theresa said out loud her thoughts with her eyes were wide open. This city did catch her interest after all, and I’m glad that all of us agreed on coming here.
This must be something new to her since she must have never seen this many people in one place before.
“How about we buy something to eat? I feel like you all deserve a little snack after traveling for so long for my selfish request.”
I managed to grab both Aya’s and Theresa’s attention when I mentioned the word snacks. And even though their eyes were sparkling in excitement, they did hold themselves back.
“Not at all, it's not selfish to ask for a proper physical body. So don't feel that way.” Theresa responded with a motherly tone, which was something unexpected from the usual warrior.
“T-that’s right! It's not bad for Hiroki to want something!” Aya also said while giving me an adorable glare of who seemed to want to scold me but failed miserably. She was way too cute and little to be strict with someone.
Later on, after we bought some interesting snacks for the girls, we asked the shop owner for a nice place where we could spend the nights. And thankfully, since this city was big enough, they also had stalls where we could leave our carriage.
Since we only just arrived in this city, I decided that it would be best if we relax in our rooms first then explore around into different shops. But even though I advised that, both Aya and Theresa immediately went out shopping for different clothes or anything that caught their interest.
Yelena on the other hand was simply relaxing in Theresa’s head or Aya’s gentle arms.
Since we have a small dragon around us, we decided to give her a name tag so the other people will be convinced that she is a trained monster.
The next day, it was finally time for me and the girls to look for a certain person which the librarian old lady told us about.
“Do you know where to look for him? Since I underestimated the size of this city, he could be anywhere.” Theresa wondered while we're thinking up a way to figure out where that certain person was.
“I was told he doesn't show himself to the public, that's why it won't be easy to identify where he is. Even if we asked for his name, no one would recognize him.” I explained to Theresa what the old lady said about the person who knew of golems.
“Then how are we supposed to find him?” Theresa asked while both Yelana and Aya were waiting for what our next move would be.
“We don’t need to look for him, he will be the one to look for us.” I responded with a grin on my face about the way we were going to locate such a person.
While both Aya and Theresa were looking with surprised, yet confused looks on their faces, I looked towards a certain building which was visible from here.
Where we were going right now was supposedly a so-called academy for youngsters who wish to learn more about their own unique skills.
This place was more for nobles, royals, and children who have wealthy families in order to pay for the institution.
But going there just to ask where this person is, wasn't going to cut it. The staff of that academy probably won’t let us even go inside if we aren't students or staff.
“Do you have some kind of plan, Hiroki? Cause I don’t think they are going to let us in. The security in this school looks very strict since many important people attend it. And simply asking them to look inside will be very suspicious.” Theresa waited for my answer of what we were going to do next after asking that obvious question.
Aya was also innocently waiting for my answer while holding Yelena in her arms.
“Well, we wouldn't be coming this far without any plan.” I smirked while we approached the entrance of the academy where we were stopped by two other guards who were wearing shiny armor, who stood out the most at the gate of the whole place.
While Aya and Theresa were slightly worried about what I was talking about, they still decided to follow me since they trusted me about everything that I would do.
“I don’t recognize any of you. Are you new students?” One of the guards asked as he pointed his spear towards us.
“Based on their clothes, they seem more like adventurers.” The other guard surmised after giving us a quick observation.
“What are you doing here? This is no place for mere adventurers! Leave if you don’t want to get hurt.” The guard who was pointing the spear threatened after seeing that we were not part of the academy.
“We are here for the auction which is being held today. This is my invitation.” And before the guards could get any wrong idea, I gave one of the guards the same letter which the old lady at the library gave to me.
“This s-stamp!!” The guard which took my letter gasped in shock the moment he recognized the red stamp over the letter.
“You may enter. Please forgive our rudeness!” The guards apologized as they gave me back the letter and opened the way for us to enter inside.
While Theresa was still a bit confused about what just happened, Aya immediately understood the reason as she was with me the moment the old lady back in the library gave us the introduction letter.
But from the way these guards acted… This letter must show some kind of high class entry…
Just who is that old lady?
“I’ve never seen a place this clean…” Aya said out loud while looking everywhere in this academy.
From everywhere we could look, there were many different things which caught our eyes. But what surprised me the most, was how well maintained this whole facility was. If I could compare this place with H*gwarts, then I would say that there aren't any differences in it other than being located somewhere in a city.
“I never thought that a day would come where I could see such a place…” Theresa told her thoughts out loud while wandering her eyes around in amazement. She was excited to be in here even though she doesn't seem to show it. But no matter how much she tries to hide it, her sparkling eyes couldn't fool me.
Things were pretty much normal, and after looking around for a bit, we finally managed to find the main cafeteria where the students of this school would eat during their breaks. The cafeteria was in a wide open garden where we could enjoy the wonderful sight of many flowers and stuff which were really pleasing to look at.
“This is delicious!!” Aya exclaimed while drinking something warm that we bought from the cafeteria.
“This is indeed very good…” Theresa also said her own opinion while staring at the cup in front of her.
“It has a similar taste to coffee as well, but it's a bit sweeter.” Theresa commented while taking sips of the brown colored drink.
If my sense of smell is correct, this kind of drink is very similar to hot chocolate, or the so-called Cacao.
This does sound a bit fishy, but I wouldn't be surprised if the people of this world have already discovered the seed of Cacao. But here lies another thought… there’s a chance that someone from our world might’ve discovered the first seed and decided to share it to the whole kingdom.
“Haaa? What are these peasants doing here?!” Suddenly out of nowhere, a certain girl in uniform loudly asked while glaring at us in disgust.
She looked like a girl in her sixties, with blonde drill hair on each of her pigtails. Her head was straight up standing in a way so she would look much taller and intimidating than us.
“Are you talking about us?” I asked, a bit unsure about why this cheeky girl would be talking like that to us.
You are reading story Summoned as a Ghost in another world at novel35.com
“To whom else would I be talking?!” The blonde drilly haired girl asked while still giving us the attitude.
“No, I’m just wondering why you are talking that way towards us. We are just minding our own business.”
I don’t want anything to do with such a troublesome character, but I still don't want to get in trouble in case she comes from a very important family.
“You dare mind your own business while coming in such a place without any shame about wearing such peasant looking clothes?” The drilly haired girl mocked while holding the back of her hand in front of her mouth in order to block her smirk which she was showing it to us on purpose.
"Haaa…." I let out a sigh before getting up in order to leave.
I was also followed by Aya and Theresa who also had finished drinking that warm Cacao.
"Huh? Where do you think you're going?! If you're going to apologize about your rudeness just now and showing me such unpleasant clothes, then you better kneel down and beg for forgiveness."
But whatever that this drill haired girl was saying, I simply ignored it as I walked past her without saying anything else.
Aya and Theresa quietly followed after me in the same manner, leaving that cheeky girl with a frozen expression that couldn't believe the way we were acting.
“H-Hey! Are you ignoring me!? How dare you show me such a display then leave?!” The drill haired girl continued making whining sounds as we continued walking further away.
But thankfully, she didn't decide to follow us, making it easier for us to get out of this situation without making any ruckus.
“Was it really okay to leave her like that?” Aya asked with guilt from the way we treated that girl.
“Aya, you should stop treating everyone else with kindness. Some people don't deserve the same treatment.” I advised Aya while continuing to walk through the halls of the academy, unaware of where we were supposed to be going.
“I agree with Hiroki as well. You should learn when to treat someone with respect, and when to treat someone else with the way they treat you.” Theresa added.
“...” But Aya simply looked at the ground, thinking about what was said just now.
Well, I can see why Aya would be confused in this kind of situation. She is always too kind to everyone she meets, and has never been able to treat anyone else in a different manner.
While we were wandering around the halls, many other teens with the academy's uniform could be seen walking around.
I think they are about to head to the main cafeteria of this place guessing from the number of them walking out of rooms.
From what I could see, many of them were walking with straight backs and strict form to show their discipline. This must be the difference in manners between normal people and higher ranking families.
“Are you having trouble finding your way around?” Suddenly a certain boy wearing this academys’ uniform approached us with a friendly smile on his face. “If so, I would love to show you where to go.”
“Yes, actually we might need a bit of help right now.” I responded to that boy.
His brown silky hair waved around at the sudden move of his body, before slightly nodding at his guess that we needed help.
“Then, where do you wish to go?” The boy asked without a change in his attitude.
“Actually, we came here to attend a certain auction which is supposingly starting today.” I explained to this boy before he led us the way to where we wanted to go.
“The auction? You just came to the right time. The auction is about to begin anytime now but since all of the students have to take a break, it may be delayed for an hour.” He explained.
“We came all the way here from another kingdom, so waiting one more hour isn't a problem for us.” Theresa chimed in.
“Is that so?” He looked at Theresa before continuing to move forward. “Then I hope that our kingdom will provide you with our utmost experience.”
While we continued following this guy, I actually saw how well behaved the other students actually were. From here I could see as many girls were walking down the hall together with her own friends and boys who were simply doing their own stuff.
“In here is the main auction room where everyone will be arriving really soon.” The boy said after taking us to a certain room on the first floor where many people could already be seen entering inside. “Feel free to take any seat that you want, and I hope that you’ll find whatever you are looking for in this auction.” And as he said that, the boy left.
After a few seconds of staring at the back of that boy, I turned towards the girls.
“Shall we enter?”
Both of the girls smiled before responding to me.
We were currently inside the auction room, and this whole place was already being filled to the brim with different students of this academy or other people that were currently wearing masks.
“Waaahhh, there are so many people!” Aya said in amazement as she was looking at this many people that were chattering with one another.
“It's basically the entire academy who come in here, so it's no wonder that this many people would come to this auction.” I commented.
And as we already had gotten more comfortable, the auction had already begun. Many items were brought into the stage as people or students were bidding with different prices.
But once the masked participants started bidding, none of the students dared to counter back as their prices had reached crazy numbers at their first try.
“10,000 gold!”
“10,000 gold, do we have another one?!”
“30,000 gold!”
“50,000 gold!”
“Already 50,000 gold!! Take one, and take two, and ta–”
“600,000 gold!”
“600,000 gold! SOLD!!”
While Aya’s head was spinning around at the prices that were being shouted, me and Theresa were observing each of the items which were being bought at a high price.
While we were enjoying the show which was being presented in front of everyone, I noticed someone sitting next to me.
“How is it going? Did you find anything interesting?” The boy who sat next to me asked.
I already had recognized this boy who had shown us the way in this auction room.
“Not yet.” I responded without bothering to look at him.
“Hiroki, I forgot to ask, but I’m still not too sure of how we are supposed to find the person we are looking for.” Theresa whispered in my ear as she didnt want the guy beside us to listen to our conversation.
“You’ll see pretty soon.” I responded back to Theresa's ear.
And as I was saying that to Theresa, the main speaker of the auction brought the last item which was a certain wooden looking doll that could be found anywhere in this kingdom’s shop.
“Isn't that…” Theresa stared at the doll in surprise as she forgot to finish her question.
“Hiroki’s doll?” Aya finished her sentence while giving the same reaction as Theresa.
“You also participated in the auction?” The boy beside me asked in surprise.
But I didn't plan on telling him what I was planning, that's why I didn't respond to any of the reactions.
Right before the auction could begin, I registered myself in order to sell one single item at the price of…
“While the look of this item is an ordinary doll, this piece is actually a wooden golem that will do simple commands. And the starting price of this item is… 1 gold coin!”
While many people could be seen either laughing or chattering at such ugly doll being presented to them, a certain masked person from the crowd raised own number in order to buy that useless doll.
“Number 69 is offering to buy this wooden golem for 1 gold coin. Do I see anyone else interested?...” And as the auctioneer saw that no one else was willing to buy the golem, he let out a small sigh. “The wooden gold is sold to number 69!”
The whole room was quiet as no one could understand the worth of the wooden golem which could be found as a random doll in the streets.
“Aya, Theresa. Let's go.” I called out the girls after the auction was finally over, but before I could leave from my seat, I looked at the boy that was looking at me with a perplexed expression. “Thank you for helping us around today. I hope we can meet again soon.”
“...right…” But his expression remained the same even after talking to him.
“Hiroki, I’m still confused? Why did he buy that doll? That was only a few copper coins.” Theresa continued asking as she found it hard to see the reason behind this. But even for this kind of situation, it finally clicked her what was going on.
“Don’t tell me…” Her eyes widened. “You were luring the person we were looking for!”
“I understand now! So that's why Hiroki wanted to buy that doll!” Aya also added in astonishment at the things I was using to find the person we were looking for.
“Seems like you finally noticed.” I softly smiled while both Theresa and Aya were following me.
We went towards the back stage in order to not only receive my one gold coin, but also to meet the person who was behind the mask 69.
“You are Hiroki, right?” The person who was holding the doll asked as she was together with the masked person who had the number 69.
“Yes, that's me.”
“The payment has already been made by number 69. Since the auction takes a small part of the bidding, you’ll only be receiving–”
“I don’t care. You can keep the money.” I responded back to the girl before she could give me the payment made by that masked person.
The girl’s eyes widened in confusion and surprise at how I cut her off without even bothering to look at her. I didn't care at all about anything else other than the person wearing that mask.
While still standing still for the girl to walk away, that masked person took some steps forward as he glanced at me.
“I’ve always thought that fate was nothing else but a made up tale. But I never expected that the person behind my sudden interest would be none other than the hero who saved Holl-town.”