Chapter 20: Crate Girls Pt.1

After we wrapped things up at Terrace City, I gave my report, and the mission was deemed a success. We made friends with The Tank’s team, while The Tank himself continued to wallow in his defeat. Of course, he went quiet once TBC questioned him about his failures before we had arrived. He clearly had nothing to say, the bastard was a glorified moron. I wondered if he would be re-stationed, given more training, or fired altogether. Only time would tell.

As for my team, I couldn’t be prouder. Two successful missions in a row. But we were exhausted, and after I suggested that TBC improved my super suit, we headed back to our ward. An enhanced version would be given to me in a few minutes, another prototype to be left at my front door. I was hoping this one would actually work this time, while considering the range to my explosions. I was banking on not doing it often, but I had to work with what I had. And even though I wasn’t proud of blowing up, it had come in handy for Noir.

It was late, everyone was tired, and everyone was hungry. I lent a helping hand with finishing the dinner Dessi had been prepping before the mission, and then we all ate. After dinner my team decided to retire for the night, including myself. I stepped out to pick up my suit at the front door, a huge box with some suggestive wrapping paper around it. Guess it was safe to say this super suit engineer/designer had a thing for warheads.

I locked the door behind me and made for my bedroom, but when I dropped the box on my desk, I noticed I had a visitor on my bed.

“Aster?” I questioned, raising my brow up at her sexy sprawled out position on my bed.

Liam,” she sang, giving me bedroom eyes, stroking her fingers down my bed sheets and inviting me to join her. “Your bed looked oh so very lonely and cold. Thought I’d warm it up, and keep it… company.”

“Cut it out,” I chuckled. “Between that sexy lacey number you have on, and that look on your face, I’d say you’re more interested in keeping me company.”

“Do you object?” She grinned deviously.

“I should, and I will,” I said, making her pout and grunt at me.

She jumped, standing on my bed on all fours as I closed the door behind us. “Liam, stop being so hard to get!”

“We are both tired,” I said, making up an excuse. “It’s been a long day, and after detonating, I could use some rest.”

“Then I’m not moving,” she demanded. “I’ll sleep here. Besides, your bed is more comfortable. Even has your delicious scent on it,” she purred.

“Eh, exactly what kind of a spider woman are you again? I don’t want to wake up in a few hours missing limbs,” I teased.

“You got jokes, Liam,” she giggled, grabbing my arm as soon as I slipped myself under the covers near her. “You can say that I caught a glimpse of your down under after the fight, and wanted to see if I could get some play tonight,” she whispered lovingly in my ear.

“Oh, so you are an Australian redback?” I snickered. “I’m not kicking you out, but you better stay on your side of the bed.”

“Liam, you don’t want to fool around?”

“We need to catch some sleep. Pamela scheduled more training for us in a couple hours. And if we keep this winning streak up, we will rank up in no time. So no funny business under there with my down under.”

“I promise to behave, captain,” she said in an Aussie accent, giving me a mischievous gaze as she slipped her sexy self underneath the comforter with me.

I felt terrible for denying her, but I had a rule I abided by. I’d already shown Aster twice the damages I could do. I didn’t want her getting caught in my fire. Too bad too; she looked extra tasty in red, her supple breasts falling heavy above her tiny waist. I’d only tempt myself by having her sleep next to me, but I promised to keep my boner in check.

“Good night, Liam.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek then turned around, propping her full ass cheeks up and pushing them against my thigh.

For fuck’s sake…

I turned the nightstand table lamp off then bumped her round bottom with my hip facing her.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Aster…”

“So are you, sugar,” she whispered playfully.

This was a game of chicken, wasn’t it? Well, I wasn’t about to give in, and luckily, she was genuinely tired, passing out before I did.





Aster was a light whistle snorer, and I was a light sleeper. Even so, I knocked out like a baby, the crickets outside lullabying me to sleep. That was, until my watch started vibrating again with another alert.

Another mission, at this time?

It was two in the morning…

Hell, I didn’t even get a solid three hours of sleep before this next on call assignment.

Ugh, it was time to suit up again. I grabbed my team, then we headed for the briefing hall.

On tonight’s menu—supe trafficking. Pamela mentioned this was another super villain mob group looking to make a quick profit off vulnerable supes. Whether infants, kids, or adolescents who had no idea how to handle their super powers. They would hunt them down at the dead of night and pull them out of hiding, just so they can sell them to the highest bidder. Those buying were people of power, big business men looking for protection. It was a sickening idea, because they had a system to condition these broken kids, plucking them up one by one to send them to false parents and caretakers.

They targeted the orphans looking for anyone to love and care for them. They were desperate, without a home and without a family, so of course they could be easily persuaded. In exchange, they would become slaves. The very idea made my stomach turn, especially knowing I played a part in this mess.

I was here to stop them though. With every chance I got, I would try to make things right.

Pamela sent us coordinates, with class threat clarification unknown. She told us to prepare for an ambush, and that these exchange locations could be heavily guarded. At this hour and this location, something told me that wouldn’t be an issue. So far, my team and I had tackled class A’s, two of them, so if this was anything below that, then it was an easy win.

Once we reached the abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere, we scoped the perimeter. Vast and vacant, nothing but surrounding grove, streams, and hills. This farming supplies shipment dock had been rotting here for years, making it the perfect spot for illegal transactions. From our position tucked behind the forest line, I noticed one parked tractor trailer, and Rynn cloaked up to scope out the other four sides thoroughly. She came back with a confirmation of an empty outside, but not an empty inside. Two people: one possible reg, and one confirmed supe.

We took her lead and edged ourselves close to the shattered window that had allowed her a visual. I poked my head up and noticed that inside was pretty dark, with one overhead light helping us see a distant scene: one stocky looking guy with a pistol strapped to his waist, and another yellow, taller guy with a supe outfit on. We had a view of their backs, same could be said with the crate for transport they were talking about.

“About four foot three, the other one is weaker but not by much, four foot four. Sisters from Crescent City,” the stocky one said in a gravelly voice, puffing fumes out his cigarette. “A real catch. They have been linked to a couple of homicides around the area. They both got blood-trait powers.”

“Crescent City?” Rynn whispered, “That’s where I am from…”

“How the hell did the council manage to abduct them, then?” the yellow super villain said, with his arms crossed over his chest, speculating.

“Ain’t no one said anything about a council,” he snorted.

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“You went against the council and abducted them?”

“Hey, before you get any smart ideas, I’m running solo now. Ain’t no mob head making me run around wrangling supes. That’s way outside of my pay grade.”

He chuckled. “Seems like you managed on your own fine though.”

“That’s because I got a special secret tucked under my sleeve for these special types,” he chuckled. “Real grade A shit. If you show your loyalty to me, I can give you a sneak peek.”

“I don’t give a fuck about all of that. Really, I’m just here for the quick cash. And after I drop this shipment off to Ruiz, I’ll be set for fucking life.”

“Yeah, this one has a pretty hefty price on it. But these girls won’t sleep forever. He’s gonna have to find out how to keep them under lock and key, ‘less he wants all of his men’s heads poppin’ off.”

“The other one has hellish scream, right?”

“Yeah, pretty nasty shit. Her voice could get your blood flowin’ through all of your orifices. No wonder they’ve been pretty good at evading the cops.”

“Well, now you’ve gotten me intrigued… about this drug that you used on these little demons.”

“Wonder what this drug he’s talking about is?” Dessi whispered, then turned to the disgruntled Rynn with a smile. “Don’t worry, Forger. I don’t think they have your twin sisters. You mentioned that they are shorter, remember?”

“Um, yeah… right…”

“Okay then, this should be easy,” Aster murmured. “Just mind control the supe, Oracle.”

“That’s the strat,” I whispered, looking over to Dessi. “You’re close enough, right?”

Dessi nodded with a smile. “Mhm!”

“Make him take down the reg, then hold him under your control for containment. TBC will come in and take care of the rest.”

“Got it!”

I was skeptical, because none of our missions had been this easy so far. But I guess we deserved a free win. After all, we were streaking with flying colors, busting our asses out there. It was about time we caught a—

Wait, what the fuck just happened?

Dessi winced, jerking back an inch with her two fingers along her temple. I felt something zoom past us, a gust of wind making me block my eyes from the dirt hovering off the ground.

I crouched, hearing Rynn whisper under her breath in a panic, “What was that?”

I peeked over my arm, and noticed the yellow clad and fleshed supe standing right in front of us.

“Well, well, well; look what we have here. This is quite a discovery. Looks like we’ve been tagged by The Brother’s Code, all the way here, at the dead of night,” he sang condescendingly.

“I’m sorry, he must have noticed me trying to tap into him,” Dessi apologized, all of us gearing up to fight.

“Forger, I want you inside the warehouse protecting the shipment,” I ordered. “We will take care of this supe.”

“Now, now, no one is doing any of that,” he chuckled under his breath. “You must think I’m some kind of rookie player. The Awakening might have been last week, but rest assured, I’m nothing to be taken lightly. Name’s Zip, and we are about to get better acquainted.”

“Hmm, I don’t know about lightly, but we are definitely taking you in. How difficult you want it is up to you,” Aster sassed.

“What? I gave you four a whole introduction, and I can’t even get your names?”

“That’s not going to matter once you’re detained,” Rynn bit back.

“Forger, your commands haven’t changed,” I said, glancing over to her. She nodded, and made for the warehouse. “Red Sorceress, I want you—” I stuttered, a yellow blur slicing right between me and Dessi, and making for Rynn.

He yanked her off her feet and chucked her right across, as far away from the warehouse as he could. Rynn dropped head first against the ground, and just when I was about to run to her, the asshole intercepted me.

“Don’t disrespect me, tool,” he grunted. “I warned you, didn’t I? You best not take me lightly.”

“We’re not afraid of you, scum!” Dessi barked. “Trafficking children for profit! You are as bad as they come! And for that, we will stop you!”

“Cute,” he chuckled. “Let me help you understand.” He put on a show, slicing through the air, taking down my team. He already had handled Rynn, and he made his move through the rest of us. Just as the whizzing started, it stopped, with the aftermath not too different than a half second ago. Except…

Where was Aster?

I looked over my shoulder, realizing she had been chucked through the brick wall. She looked dazed, but for the most part, she seemed fine. As for me, all I felt was a tickle down my chest and face, realizing he might have went to strike all of us at the same time.

He couldn’t do much to me, though.

Zip stopped short, right in front of Dessi, who stood there gawking at him while he made a discovery.

“Ah, ha…” He grinned fiendishly. “I can’t touch you, now, can I? I saw that look on your face. It was quick, but the impulse was clear. You were begging for me to reach over and knock you out. You must have some special power, one of those rare types. Leaving yourself open like that. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You made it too obvious.”

I grinned. “Then how about you pick a fight with me?”

“Such confidence! Heh, I’ll admit, you’re pretty tough to crack. As for your girls though, I’m sure I can put a dent on two of them.”

“Fucking asshole,” Rynn grunted under her breath as she got back up.

“Be my guest. Go ahead and test your luck,” I said, turning to Aster. “Sorceress, I want you underground. Let’s sweep this bastard up.”