"I'm too sleepy for this,” she pouted and moaned, then got up on her feet, Zip ready to knock her back down again. I was at a handicap here. I wasn’t quick enough to intercept him, and neither were my girls. So when he revved up to tackle Aster again, I couldn’t do much. But Aster did what I told her to, slipping off him just as he reached her, while her construct prepared to sink her under the ground.
Perfect. She shook him loose!
“Forger, I want you to teleport and set up shop,” I shouted across, but she didn’t look convinced.
“I’m pretty useless here,” she sulked. “He’s too fast for me to do anything, even if I could teleport to him, he’d be gone before I could bat an eye.”
“Then give him a reason to go to you,” I said with a confident grin on my face. She froze, then looked over to the crate, still sitting there pretty. Rynn looked back at me and confirmed she got my message.
“All right!” She cloaked while Zip was distracted with Aster’s disappearing act. She’d set up shop, loading cloaked explosions along the crate. C-4’s to be exact, while keeping the crate safe in an invisible dome for its protection, similar to how she kept Noir caged up. Her forging powers were pretty diversified; just as long as there was a weapon attached to what she forged, she could create a range of things. Rynn liked using grounded spikes to cater to her forging requirements, and it had worked great in training. It would work even better for our mission.
As for Aster, she kept Zip busy, pooling black constructs along the ground, keeping him on his feet. He had no clue what my girls were up to, and all Dessi and I had to do was wait for the hot shot to take the bait.
“Come on now, this isn’t fair!” he bellowed. “Hiding underground like that. I thought you wanted to play?”
“Hey asshole!” Rynn cried out, reeling his attention to her as she perched herself on top of the crate. “How about I blow this bad boy up?”
“Hey, you get out of there! That’s my ticket to an early retirement!”
He took the bait, Rynn still crouching on the wooden box with a cheeky smile on her face. As soon as he assumed position, Rynn vanished, and not a moment too soon, too.
“How about I blow you up?” Rynn said sucking her teeth, having had teleported a safe distance so she could see the fireworks. The explosion was massive, big enough to have half of the warehouse crumbling down. The impact made me and Dessi go airborne, and from this elevation, I got to see how bad the damages were.
The debris clouded the heart of the detonation, but for the most part, I saw the reflective shield bouncing off Rynn’s encasement around the crate.
As for Zip, surprisingly enough, he was still standing.
Shit, I wasn’t expecting him to be invulnerable too…
He stood there hacking up fumes, until a pair of tentacles came from underneath the rubble and grabbed his ankles. It took him by surprise, but Nunu wanted a piece of that action too.
“That’ll teach you to hit a pretty lady,” Aster said, pooling from underground.
“You creepy little bitch!” Zip cursed, glaring at Aster as she piled more grabby tentacles around his legs.
“Nah, ah, uh. Learn your manners.”
“You can’t hold me here! You can play dirty all you want, but at the end of the day, you’ll still lose to the Zip Rider!” he shouted, and then I noticed something with his legs. They looked like they were beginning to blur.
He was trying to phase out of Aster’s hold.
Dessi flew, honing down at him like a missile. And then, “Tag! You’re it!” she cheerfully beamed, tapping him on the top of his head.
He was fucked now.
She leaped over him, and landed a few feet away as she allowed his power to course right through her. Zip had no idea what she did, going completely numb, patiently waiting for Dessi to move.
“What the hell did you just do to me?!” he wailed, with eyes bulging.
“What if I told you she did nothing? And that you were worried for no reason?” I smugly boasted as I approached him.
“Wow, looks like you’re just about ready to shit your pants,” Rynn taunted, my team getting together to surround him by the crate.
“You’re just a bunch of tools, you know that? All of you!” he raged. “Doing work for a corporation ran by a bunch of regs!”
“Yeah, but you were a reg once too, weren’t you?” Aster grinned. “Yet somehow fate tossed you a bone, and gave scumbags like yourself super powers. The same powers you use… for regs. Huh, look at that? The irony.”
“That’s it!” he growled, slipping through the tentacles, Zip ready to have at us again. Until Dessi put him in his place with a straight punch right in his smug face.
They might have had the same speedy powers, but Dessi had strength training, so she took him down nice and easy once she mimicked his abilities. That being said, she may have punched him too hard, the poor chap flying across the debris and into the row of trees in front of us.
“Oh, um, maybe I put a little too much umph in that one, yes?” she innocently questioned me.
“Eh, don’t worry. He’ll be fine,” I chuckled. I turned to my left, and noticed Rynn by the crate, strumming her fingers along the corner, conflicted. We obviously couldn’t open the box, but I was sure she had her doubts. Even so, Dessi was right. The description on those girls didn’t add up.
You are reading story Warhead: A Superhero Harem Adventure at novel35.com
“Hey,” I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You all right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…” she said, snapping out of it. She pulled away from me, still bothered. “Let’s just wrap up here and go home.”
Another successful mission. Luckily for us, we had spotted the reg before he got far, thus tying up any loose ends. Zip was detained; as for the kids in the crate, TBC ensured us that they will be dealt with accordingly.
Pretty vague on their part, but we were in no position to question their authority.
This time, the cops hadn’t been involved, and there was no reason for them to be. The debriefing was quick, and my team and I finally got to catch some well-deserved Z’s.
The next morning, I woke up to a postponed training notification. Finally, Pamela had given us a break. Well, at least for the next few hours. She cleared our morning, so I went back to bed until ten, waking up to the fresh smell of blueberry pancakes. Hmm, I could almost tell by the scent who had cooked it; I wanted to say Dessi, or maybe, Aster? Yeah, definitely Aster.
I made with my morning routine, got dressed in something casual, and made out the door to confirm my assumption.
There she was, in a tight apron, with a skimpy outfit that I didn’t mind gawking at one bit.
“Morning, sexy!” she greeted me in a bubbly mood.
“Good morning, Liam!” Dessi greeted after her.
“Hey girls!” I looked around for Rynn, and she wasn’t around.
Was she still locking herself up in her bedroom?
“I hope you like pancakes,” Aster asked me as she flipped some jacks on the stovetop, while Dessi continued setting up the kitchen island for breakfast.
“I’d never say no to free pancakes.” I glanced over the laptop on the very corner of the counter, noticing Aster had been shopping around. “Huh, so we really do get internet access in Serva?”
“If you can even call it that. Most sites are restricted. There is super dense security on campus.”
“Yeah, they only allow us access to certain sites where we can shop for essentials like clothes and food and stuff,” Dessi followed. “Nothing fancy.”
“Ah, good to know. Hey, have you two seen Rynn?”
“Rynn who? Our cute snow pea has been locking herself up inside her bedroom and only coming out for missions ever since…” Aster paused, pointing her nose in the air as she thought. “Well, ever since… you know.”
Ah, right. That kiss. Well, I was sure she’d get over it. All I had to do was continue giving her some space until she came around.
“Such a confusing girl, that’s for sure. Gets what she wants, and still gets upset. Maybe she needs some good eating out; that’d fix up her mood.” Aster chuckled. “I wouldn’t bother with her. Enjoy your time off and relax. No stress, no indecisive girl drama.”
“Hey, let’s just give her her space.” I knew at a certain point I’d have to talk to her if she didn’t approach me. But until that time came, I’d leave her alone. So far, she had been doing great on missions.
Speaking of missions, the audio from the TV caught my attention. I heard a loud bang coming from the screen during the broadcast, a live explosion right behind Miss Campbell.
I caught my breath, stunned by the clouds of thick debris swarming the camera. Screams and cries followed, the camera angle jagged as the technician tried to pick himself up and run. It was hard to make out what was happening in between shots of black and grey, until the camera stabilized, videotaping Miss Campbell standing a few meters away from Watch Square’s retail bank.
‘Just in, there has been a break in within WS Unity Bank!’ she cried out, her voice muffled and sliced. The screen wasn’t too clear either, and the three of us were having a hard time making out what she was saying as she started to run.
Another explosion, this one stronger than the last.
This was no ordinary bank heist, and I had a feeling that Roe City was going to turn into another hot zone from this bold daytime attack.
“Oh no, I jinxed it!” Aster cried, looking at her notification on her watch.
“Wait, are we the only team on call?” Dessi complained.
“Looks like we are being called on duty yet again, super team,” Aster sighed, packing her meal on the go. “They can’t tell me no.”
“Hey, toss in two extra pancakes for me too for the road.”