Kein's POV
"Aunt Haren, I'm going out to the city to buy some ingredients needed for tonight's dinner."
Aunt Haren looks at me briefly before sighing in annoyance, "Yeah, sure, whatever. Be back before sundown."
Welp that was easy. I smiled, "Thank you, Aunt Haren."
Well at least she gave me consent to go. "Now how do I sell these."
I looked at the canvases that I was carrying. In total of five of them. For now I'll take at least one painting to be 20-30 silver's each. Art is expensive.
You know actually, I've seen on earth where the artist just sits around in a corner while their works are just hanging around in a wall, hoping it'll get noticed and that some collector will buy them.
Or I could just find some stores like some merchant's store and see if they'll be willing to trade for some money.
Agh. If only some stroke of luck will hit me and some noble walks by suddenly buys my shit. That only happens in mangas if I'm not lying. Can't get my hopes up like that.
I'll figure something out the moment I get there then.
It was hours walk when I got into the city. It was definitely rowdy, a lot of carriages, stalls, and people.
I walked and I definitely looked like a tourist needing work. Some people glanced at me before going back to their own business but I guess is it really weird for a kid like me to roam around unattended?
"Fresh fish sir! Take your fresh fish!" (Stall owner)
"Flowers! Perhaps for a lovely lady at home!" (Stall owner)
"Fruits! Only the sweetest and Freshest fruit in Lindeshire!" (Stall owner)
"Perhaps I can interest you in exotic clothes! From the west of the kingdom!" (Stall owner)
Right so this city is named Lindeshire. I wasn't really aware glad to know.
I sighed feeling anxious while walking. I hope that I at least sell one of these paintings...
Let's so something like what a normal person would do. I walked up to a nice looking person and asked a question, "Um excuse me?"
It was an old man with a long beard who was using a cane to walk he noticed me and scoffed, "What is it lass?" he asked as he took an expensive looking cigarette out of his pocket.
Ugh. I think I caught a rich person but I hope he's not an ass. I shook my head from these thoughts and continued.
"Do you know anywhere where I can sell paintings?" I asked him while showing one of my canvases. It was the scenery of the sunset back in the garden, the colors were really bright and dark it overshadows the light colors of the roses.
The old man's eyes widens as he saw my canvas, "My word! This is—! I need this! How much is it young lass?!"
Right, my paintings has this effect on people. "I don't know... like 30 silver coins?"
The old man gasped really exaggeratedly like dude I can see his teeth from his huge beard, "ITS SO CHEAP BUT SO— ELEGANT! I'LL TAKE IT!"
He screamed that part to which everyone ended up glancing at us while whispering.
I scratched my head while looking away from the onlookers and answered this old man, "I mean it's one of my first works. So I'm new around the whole selling painting business."
I answered honestly. He scratched his beard and looked at me concerned, "Young lass, I'm afraid you'll get cheated if this keeps up. Your work is astonishing. What else do you have?"
"Oh here. I have four more." I told him as I grabbed the other four gently and laid it out for him.
"It's all beautiful indeed. Is it alright if I buy then off from you as well?" The old man said observing my paintings. He definitely took a shine into those.
"For how much?" I ask crossing my arms.
"10 Gold." The old man answered as he takes coins from his ring. Suddenly appearing out of his hands from thin air.
"Whoah, what was that?"
"[Storage Ring] lass. Now is 10 Gold enough?" The old man asked as he threw the pouch full of coins into my hands.
"Ah!" I catched it quickly sighing in relief when I did.
Hey rude! Don't throw money away like that! "Yes, it's enough."
I mean since 100 silvers mean 1 gold. Meaning at the moment I have 1,000 silvers. This will last me for months, if I'm careful.
I scratched the back of my head still uncertain, you know I've been dumb since I'm selling my painting to an old man I never even got to know his name.
"Actually what's your name old man?" I asked eyeing the pouch of money making a clinking sound that he gave me. I opened it to inspect the money and counted in my head.
Right there really is 10 gold in here. It's not a scam which is a relief.
The old man lights his cigar and smiles, "Baron Hills. Nice to meet you, young talented lass."
He give his hand out for a shake.
Holy shit I landed someone rich!
AND I CALLED HIM OLD MAN. HAH! Never gonna live that one down.
I put the pouch in my pocket and gave his hand a firm handshake, "Pleasure to be doing business with you, Baron Hills."
He scoffs as he lights his cigarette. "I was just idling around town waiting for my servant to finish tailoring my coat but someone like you made my day, interesting. Perhaps, if I see you around selling your work again. I'll buy them all." (Baron Hills) said as he eyed at the sunset painting that I did.
"While this has been weird. And fast that I got a buyer it was nice? Thank you for um your purchase?" I told him awkwardly.
"Hahahaha! Young lass with that kind of advertisement no one would buy from you the second time. Raise your chin up and speak confidently, your work is certainly something." (Baron Hills) laughs as he handed me a card and smiles. "If you ever seek from me, here is my business card should it ever come to it."
[Baron Edmund Hills.
Lindeshire, Monrolls street, Hills Estate, Lane 4.
Kingdom of Puromia]
"Um... thank you?" I told him as I looked at the business card again not believing what the fuck is this turn of events? Ugh my face my be looking like a cringing aunt right now.
Fuck I better not look like Aunt Haren when she's confused.
"If it comes down to it. I'm also up for tea, this old man rarely gets any visitors." (Baron Hills) tips his hat as he saw his servant panting with his suit in hand.
"MiLord... The suit is... *pant*... good now! We... *pant*... can go back to the estate."
The old man nods as he leaves leaving me a one last look of appraisal. "Perhaps use your earnings carefully, young one."
Then he leaves with the servant behind him as they got on a carriage not too far away. The horses trot away further until I can no longer see them.
Wow okay.
I just landed a rich person and off he goes into a fancy carriage. Well I definitely won't see him anytime soon but—
"Well no wonder he's a Baron. Must be definitely rich beyond middle class standard. Oh right time to buy what I need and maybe some few canvases." I hummed happily as I walked all over the stalls I passed.
This is how you make someone buy your painting. Ask a random person and pray he's rich.
It works 100% of the time when you're isekaid.
Right I still need to buy groceries for whatever dinner is going to be tonight thankfully the head maid gave me a list and if I'm late then I'm expected to raise my pants again and get smacked by a stick.
'Right fuck, okay this is a problem.'
I thought I myself while looking over the list.
[Kislim Fish x5
Jimin Fruit x6
Umilie Stalks x3
Opilus Beans x1
Wasp Honey x1 bottle
Flour X2 kilograms
Clovers x2
Onion x2
Garlic x2
Large Potatoes x4
Vegetable Oil x1 bottle
Forest Boar Meat x1 kilogram
Mangoes x5]
I only know half of whatever these are and I'm not sure if the money the head maid sent me is enough. She gave me 10 silvers in total.
Wow was she setting me up to fail?
I clenched my teeth and cursed to myself. I looked at the list again with a lot of question marks on my head.
I should buy a basket to carry all these things but then again that [Storage Ring] was so cool! I can't believe getting isekai'd means I could see magic in action!
You are reading story Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) at
Then again now that I'm looking all over the town. Everyone at uses at least some kind of magic and chants some kind of spell.
One lady was watering her plant as she has her hands raised up with a blue glowing magic circle as water comes out of it. So she's a [Water Magic] user or something?
Lenard told me about the magic that surrounds this world and he told me that he was a [Wind Magic] caster. If I'm being honest it suits him because he's calm like the wind.
His twin brother Lucas is a [Fire Magic] caster. Yeah will how he's destructive he is I can tell it's also a fit for him.
I wonder what kind of magic do I have.
Hey, when you're a reincarnated person surely I'm at least OP as hell like in the mangas. I've watched too much fantasy animes to know where this is going.
I went to a stall that sells baskets and bought a blue one. I like blue a lot— if someone expected me to get pink just because I'm a girl. I'll barf.
Fun fact: In the early days pink is actually a color meant for men with high status and heels were also for men before! Hah! I don't know how it ended up a norm for girls now though. I should've researched more enough, honestly.
"Thank you, pretty lady!" I told the pretty woman running the stalls with baskets.
She blushes with the compliment and shooed me off but not before giving me a fruit of some kind.
Okay I know it's not good to accept candies from strangers— in this case fruit but it would be rude if I declined.
I took the fruit and thanked her again. The people here are oddly friendly which I don't mind.
I asked her where possibly the list of shit I need to buy and she answered, "Oh! If you walk around and ask you'll find them. I'm sorry I'm not that familiar with the other stalls but be safe!" (Pretty Lady)
"Thanks, miss!"
Ah I do have a soft spot for women.
I walked around and managed to get half but mostly it was the earth ingredients that I recognized.
The fruit the lady gave me looked safe so I took a bite and was surprised at the sudden burst of sweetness like strawberry with a mix of banana!
What the hell?
This is some weird ass fruit but in a good way. I swallowed the fruit, leaving another sweet after taste. "Well I need food for fuel and free fruit tastes great."
I only have about 2 silver coins left.
The remaining stuff are only three more items. "Alright so I wonder where can I get Wasp honey, Umilie Stalks, and Opilus Beans?"
I looked around some more but no other stalls had it.
"Well I can't go back empty handed. I haven't even bought the healing ointment I needed and some bandages."
I sighed as I crossed my arms looking at the full basket with me. "Well I guess I'll try again. If I got no luck then I'll go."
I walked around again and asked every stall there is but a sudden commotion gained my attention.
"Hey! Let it go! Come on."
"From a brat like you? Stealing is a crime! You could be punished for this!"
"Don't be selfish! It's just an apple! Unhand me at once!"
Yikes, from all that screaming I wanted to see what was going on.
It was a girl who looked almost the same age as me. She was being held by the arm by a stall owner with fruits. Hey I know the kid stole something but can you treat a lady with a little more you know? Respect?
"It hurts!"
Oh well that did it. I quicky went through the crowds and pulled the girl over to my side, "Little sister! Where have you been?! Do you know how worried I was?!"
The girl eyed me suspiciously, while being shocked she opens her mouth, "What little sister—"
I glared at her and whispered only for us to hear, "Shut up. Can't you see I'm helping you?"
Her eyes widened in realization and smiled, "Big sister! I was lost and hungry! I'm sorry!"
I sighed and turned to the stall owner and bowed, "I'm sorry for what my little sister's trouble caused. She's a real handful."
The stall owner scoffed and pointed a finger at me, "A sorry ain't going to pay what she stole."
I looked at her again and she looked away not meeting my eye. Clearly from her posture she had her hands behind her back hiding something, I sighed. "Let me pay for it, good sir."
He holds up his hand, open palm. "Twenty coppers."
I hand him a silver coin and bowed. "Please keep the change for the trouble she caused. I'm deeply sorry."
His eyes softens when I looked up, "I'm sorry too. It's just been hard business and I have to keep my family afloat you know. Now run along."
I nodded understanding the stall owner as I grabbed the girl's wrist and got out of there as quick as I could.
When we were out of there I crossed my arms and looked at the girl, "Care to explain why you were stealing?"
The girl didn't answer and she walked without me as she looked around an alleyway. "Hey don't be rude."
She ignores me still trying to find something. "Ah there you are!"
She takes the apple from her inner clothes— what the heck where was she hiding that? Pretty cleaver for a kid. I eyed more closely to where she was referring to but apparently it was some old beggar who was... ah his legs are gone.
"It's all I could get but please take care."
The girl left the apple forcefully into the old beggar's hand. The old beggar smiles thankfully as I followed the girl out of the alleyway.
I laughed, "What a noble one. You stole for the poor. Who are you Robin hood?"
She looks at me and chuckles, "I don't know who this Robin Hood is but if you compare me to such I would think it might be a compliment."
"Don't let it get into your head, girl." I told her. "Seriously, you went through the trouble of stealing to just give it to an old beggar that was bound to die anyways."
The girl looks down, hiding her face in a shawl, "I-I was going to pay him back!"
"Yeah. With what money? I'm just saying if you do noble things like that often. You'll get in trouble. Maybe do it when you actually have money next time." I told her and her shoulders slump.
I scratched my head awkwardly, "Well that's all. Just be careful next time, alright? You might not have a big sister to save your skin by that time."
I was about to leave but then I felt a tug on my sleeve, "W-Wait. What's your name?"
"My name is Rose."
"Well. See you, Rose."
As if. I bet we'll never see each other again after this. Hmm, you know I'm getting a deja vu with that one Disney movie.
I felt like Aladdin and I'm saving some Princess Jasmin. I shrugged.
We walked into different paths and I continued my mission. Only three more things to buy...
After two hours, I got all the things I needed on the list even those weird named ones. I didn't knew wasp can make honey in this world.
I was ready to go home but that's until I was walked next to an art shop and stopped my tracks! Look at that canvas! Those paints! Some of them are the most high quality materials I have ever seen!
I mean surely it wouldn't hurt to take a peak right?