Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Punishment.

Kein's POV

I looked around the art shop and got invested in a lot of things.

"Acrylic paint!"

"Don't tell me these brushes are made from horse hairs! Holy shit they smooth."

"I need that canvas in my life."

I've been feeling around the shop for God who knows how long. They also had background references books and I bought some of those. "Thank you for the purchase!"

I counted how many gold coins did I have left. 7 gold coins left from the paint and five more medium sized canvases. I happily started walking back home only to see that the sun is close to setting down.

The only problem is— it's already getting late and it's merely hours before dinner time.

"Haha well fuck."

Time to run.

And so I did. I ran as much as my leather shoes can take me. Heck, I can feel it already being worn out.

I ran and ran and ran.

This is fucking torture!

This world didn't even have any bicycles in it. Ugh.

When I got back into the mansion half breathing I immediately sneaked out into the abandoned shed and left all my new painting materials and canvases there. "Right. Be safe."

I also took an old blanket and covered them up neatly. Now to the kitchen—!


"May I remind you what time is it?" (Head maid) asked while holding a stick on her left hand.

"I don't have a clock so I don't know." I told her honestly.

"Mind your language!"

She hits me right in the knees, looks like I gained another red mark. I can't talk formally to people I don't have an ounce of respect for.

Especially ones who hits children with a stick this badly that it leaves a scar. For the past month I've also been hit by the stick in the arms, wrist, and shoulders.

"I had enough of you. Now, you better have learned your lesson." (Head maid) tells me as she settles down the stick in a nearby desk. "No dinner for you."

I roll my eyes and got out of that room as quick as I can. I closed the door silently as I saw Lenard with Lucas.

"Oh! So— the trouble maker is making trouble again. Hah! What a loser with all that scars on you no one would even bother!" (Lucas) laughed as Lenard looked away but I can see his sincerity in his eyes. It's like he's saying sorry with it and honestly it's fine. I've heard worse.

I smile at Lenard and ignored Lucas who kept following me while walking to my room.

"Aw... Is Kein gonna cry to your mommy? Oh rightttt. You don't even have one in the first place." (Lucas)

Oh hell no he's bringing in a person I don't even know. What kind of disrespectful ass is he even— that's literally your aunt! You're disrespecting your mom's sister!

I glared at him as I clenched my fists to my side. He saw it and gave me a disgusting smile, "Mad? Oh no! Who can you tell it to? No mommy or daddy dearest to vent on! What a shame? Gonna cry? Loser."

This is what I have to deal with Every time I get home. Lenard also couldn't handle it anymore and tries to stop his brother, "That's enough... come on, Lucas. Mother should be waiting for us for dinner." (Lenard)

Lucas scoffs and pushes his brother aside. "Whatever loser."

That kid has some serious issues. I sighed and glanced back at Lenard who looked at me with concern, "Are you okay, Kein?"

He walked towards me and saw the new fresh red marks on my arms and legs. I rolled down my sleeve and pants forgetting to cover it.

"I should be fine in a day or two." I told Lenard reassuringly.

Lenard frowns, "The head maid really has it out for you... I think mother ordered her to do it. I'm sorry. I can't do anything about it." he looks down unable to meet me but I just smile.

This won't be enough to break me literally. Back on earth was so much worse, I'm glad there's food and shelter here.
"It's okay at least I have you Lenard. So I'll be fine. How about you? Lucas pushed you pretty hard back there." I eyed his shoulder which Lenard pats and laughs.

"I can take a little push if you can take a lot of painful hits with sticks if I might add." (Lenard)

I couldn't help but laugh too, "You got guts man."

Lenard scratches his neck and blushes, "Um... thank you."

He's definitely still not used to flattery but it's fine. "Not to worry cousin. Things will surely be better in years to come!" I exclaimed as I grabbed him by the waist and dramatically poses with my right hand balled into a fist and raised up.

"Eheh... I hope so." (Lenard)

I ignore the sting in my body as I try to walk again, "Well you can't be late, Lenard. Who knows what Aunt Haren will do if she sees you talking with me."

Lenard nods in understanding as he walked with haste, "I'll meet you tomorrow at our secret place."

I got the message and left to my closet room. Still cramped as always as I awkwardly got in. I searched for my box and found the healing ointment— slowly running out. Well fuck— I got too absorbed by that art shop that I forgot the most important thing!

Healing ointment and bandages.

I groaned. Looks like I'll be dealing with minor stings and pains over the days. It won't heal as fast as before if I don't have it. I'm afraid some of the wounds might bet infected so for now I just treated it with alcohol and let it dried.

Time to volunteer again to buy shit next time. I'll promise I won't be late, surely they'll let me out.

I took the remaining coins left thanks to the Baron for buying my paintings. 7 more gold coins. I took out five if them and hid them in the box.

I'll just spend 2 gold coins next time I go back into the city. I tried placing the box back into it's hiding place before clenching my teeth at the wound acting up. No mercy for kids, it seems.

I took the two coins and hid them into my pockets on my pants. I took off my shoe and tried to sleep.


Ah fuck stomach not now. I know you're hungry and I wish I could've at least hidden a fruit or some bread in my clothes. For them to not notice.

I never realized this problem because this is the first time I went without having dinner. I held my stomach down trying to pass time and closed my eyes hard.

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"One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four lamb steak, five lamb stew, six lam skewers— aw what the fuck it turned into cooked meat jumping on a fence!"

It was horrible. I hate this place.

I didn't even had breakfast or lunch! Only that one fruit the pretty lady gave me for free! I have to thank that pretty lady for her kindness in a prayer.

I put my hands together and prayed, "Dear Lord, Buddha, Jesus and whatever god is in here."

I closed my eyes and wished for the worst, "For the pretty lady who gave me fruit, bless her with love and everything she deserves. As for my Aunt— please STRIKE her down. I don't care if it's by lightning or by divorce. But definitely DIVORCE."

"My stomach deserves justice. Starving a child is inhumane. For fucks sake." LORD HEAR MY PRAYER! STRIKE THAT WOMAN DOWN!


Another growl hit me as I felt my stomach suffering. I think I'm also getting weaker by the minute.

I know wishing harm to others is bad but seriously I can't even think straight when I haven't eaten anything and I can't expect Lenard to bring something for me, he's already done enough.

"Time to try and sleep. Let's just not count sheep or they'll turn into lamb chops the next time they jump the fence." I muttered to myself.

Slowly I really did drift off to sleep, feeling the tiredness in my eyes.

I yawned the moment I woke up and stretched my arms only to realize my fist bumping with the wall. "Right, I sleep in a closet. Is this what Harry Potter felt like?"

I went off to the public bathroom and bathed myself quickly. I know the other maids are also itching to get themselves clean bright and early.

I grabbed my towel and rushed into the public bathroom. Well, glad no one's up yet.

I went in and didn't waste any time on cleaning myself. I was out in five minutes. "Now to do all whatever chores I need."

It was laundry day so I had to clean both my clothes and the my aunt's clothes in a nearby river. Of course joined by the other maids.

I did my best walking while holding a basket full of clothes in a slippery and muddy trail. You know people can just use magic right? So I wonder why did they even wanted to go to the lake.

"Now we can have fun." A maid said grabbing me over and tossing me into the shallow waters. I was so shocked I braced myself on impact and landed my ass on the clear waters.

"Hey that was a petty move!" I screamed as I coughed out the water that I swallowed.

"What are you going to do about it? Hahahaha! We're going to that otherwise of the river. So do all the work for us will you?"

The three maids giggled and left me there by the river as I stood up, my feet a little numb.

No wonder, they wanted me to do all the work for them.

Bet you 10 silver coins they'll also take the credit for a good job well done.

You see I did thought of messing up the dress instead but of course the blame will fall onto me so I can't have that either.

I sighed walking out of the river and grabbed the bar of soap and began scrubbing the clothes senselessly. "I wish I had magic for this." I told myself.

I don't even know how to bring out my magic yet. Maybe I should talk to Lenard about it. Speaking of which I have to hurry and finish all this by afternoon so I can meet him in the gardens.

The water felt cool yet it stings my other still slightly open wounds. The river is clear at least not much dirt on it. My clothes are already wet because of those maids and it'll be more hard when going back home.

Wet clothes are even more heavier than dry clothes. "Ah fuck this is heavy! Come on arms!"

It was already past afternoon when I got back and I saw Lenard around the corner of the garden watering the roses.

I was already done hanging the clothes to dry and I didn't had the time to change into new clothes— so I'm still on my wet clothes from when the maids threw me into the river.

Lenard saw me in that messy state and he rushed over while carrying a watering can. "Kein! What happened to you?!"

I shrugged, "Maids threw me into the river and didn't had enough time to change my clothes so yeah."

Lenard frowned as his face looked pissed, "This is going too far! The more this goes on they won't leave you alone and might even do something worse than throwing you in a river."

His face softens before giving me a determined look as he throws the watering can into the ground. "I shall speak to mother about this. It's been going way too far—!"

I held his arm shaking my head before he can do something noble and stupid, "No that'll only get you in trouble, Lenard. Come on this is alright okay? The good thing is I'm alive right? Other than a couple more bruises earned."

I said looking over my elbows noticing the new bruises I sighed. "If Aunt Haren thinks we're getting too close she definitely won't let me meet you again. So don't, please?"

He bites his lip adorably and crosses his arms like bro this dude is adorable, "O-Okay."

I smile and high fives him he looks at his hand in confusion oh right earth stuff that doesn't exist, "Oh yeah uh that's called a high five. You do it when you agree on something with another person or you just wanna do it because it looks like a cool secret handshake between two close people."

Lenard right now: ヽ(。◕o◕。)ノ.

"A-A secret handshake!" (Lenard) whispers to himself while he looks at his hands in bewilderment.

Aw how cute.

"C-Can we do it again?" (Lenard)

I nod happily and high fives him again as we both smile at each other, "Cheer up. Now wanna water the gardens together cousin?"

Lenard picks up the watering can and nods happily, "Yeah! By the way maybe you should change clothes first then come back because you'll get a cold on that."

"Well can't argue with that. I'll be back!"



I hope you're enjoying Princess and Female Knight. To those in question yes, Rose is the princess just pointing that out. 

Lenard is cute and I wish I had a little brother like him.

I'm contemplating on drawing my characters. While writing I have also begun to practice my digital art. It's shit right now so I might need votes on who to draw first.

Would you like to see?

>Aunt Haren (Yes, she's on the list cus why not)