Chapter 38: Book One – Chapter Four – Part Six – Trouble and Confusion (R-18)

With a nod, the two resumed walking and quickly came across another rat. Following the plan, Servi waited until Momo was halfway finished chanting before she rushed in. The Magic Missile flew by her head as she was three meters away. The moment the skill collided with the rat on its neck, leaving a brutal hole of flesh and blood, Servi used Decoy. 

The rat's mind became filled with paradoxical thoughts. Half of its mind wanted to run away, but the other half was filled with the emotion of hatred and anger. A burning bloodlust that could not be sated even if it was to kill the human in front of it. But the two different desires fighting against each other gave Servi the moment she needed to slam the rat with her shield. It snarled out as it shook its head, but it couldn’t avoid the incoming sword slash to the neck, which knocked the rat to the ground. Using a swift twirl brought to her by Soul Essence of Primal Combat, Servi spun around and dodged the rat’s last-ditch effort of a swipe.  In return, she jabbed her sword down into the rat’s skull. As she pulled it out, white bits of bone and pink brain matter came along with her weapon.

Momo then caught up to her.  

“Good job, once again!” 

But maybe too good of a job. If you can do this without me, then do you need me? Momo thought.  

“Thanks, Momo. I couldn’t have done it without you. Good job!” Servi replied. 

Just hearing her friend speak those words was enough to bring calmness to Momo's doubting heart.

Servi couldn’t have done it without me? Me? Was I helpful? I was, wasn't I? 

With each rat came a soul, a set of claws, and a pelt. It was like clockwork, an endless cycle of extermination resulting in the deaths of many monsters.

The two spent another four hours in the sewers, making sure to refresh Protection every so often, and killed a total of eleven rats and one roach. Thanks to their skills, their efficiency and combat power dramatically increased. For the rats, they used the same strategy. Servi usually opened with Decoy, and Momo did the damage with Magic Missile.

The roach was a bit different. Magic Missile wasn’t that effective against their outer shell, and Servi didn’t have any roach souls, so she couldn’t follow the afterimages. Still, Servi used her memories to learn a shield bash that knocked the roach off balance. Momo took advantage of the opening to rush forward, stabbing her sword into the underside of the multi-legged beast. Not dead and as immobilized as she thought, it used its hatred and anger to thrust out one of its many limbs towards the Singi. An attack that she would not come out unscathed, but she wasn’t scared. She had a friend, and her role was the tank. Servi was there to take the hit with her new shield.  

With anger, the roach screeched and started a flurry of rapid thrusts.

“Thanks for the save! I’ll use Magic Missile, but I don’t have that much Skill Energy left!” Momo shouted as she retrieved her sword and backed off. She prepared her skill as Servi matched every stab with her shield. A metallic noise rang out every second or so. Eventually, the roach got upset and performed a synchronized attack with its many legs.  Suddenly, it became a battle of strength.  

“Take this!” Servi heard a yell from behind. Her partner's skill flew by her. The colorless arrow smashed into the roach's exoskeleton, but that was enough. Servi used the moment to put all of her strength into a final shield bash which knocked it to its back. Before the beast had a chance to right itself, Servi leapt to its wiggling stomach and stabbed down with her blade. In and out, it was like she was churning butter, but only blood spurted out, covering her in a foul warmth.

It was dead.  

Momo walked up and fell to the ground, breathing hard and quick.  

“Good job, Momo,” Servi said as she groaned at the fact that, once again, she was bathed in a splash of crimson.

“Yeah….we…..were…. totally in….sync!” she happily said.  

“You’re right. We were awesome! Good work using Magic Missile when you did. I was struggling a bit.” 

Momo’s tail wagged after being praised.  

“You do have a lot of stamina, huh? I mean, you’re taking the brunt of the attacks and dodging all over the place, but you aren’t even sweating,” said the sweating girl who pulled a rag from her bag. Her skin was slightly flushed pink. She lightly licked her lips. The sweat that dripped down reinforced Momo's natural beauty. Pulling out a small bottle of water, she put it to her lips and drank a bit. Then she offered it to Servi.  

“Are you thirsty? Oh, and here’s a rag,” she said, handing both items to Servi, who gladly took it.  

After wiping the blood off, Servi took a sip of the water and handed it back to a red-faced Momo who stored the bottle and rag inside her bag.

She drank after me. Wasn’t that a…..? 

Shaking her head, Momo started to clean her sword while Itarr talked to Servi.  

Are you ok? 

“I’m fine. I guess I just noticed how cute Momo is,” she said silently.  

Is it love? 

“Maybe? I don’t know. We did have that fight earlier, so...I don’t know.” 

As you said, this ‘love’ thing is really complicated. But even through all that, do you still love me? I don't mean to ask again so soon after, but this is all so new. All of these emotions are foreign to me. I don't have anything to compare them to.

“I do love you! If you have any questions, I’ll answer them to the best of my ability. That being said, do you still love me?” she said so quietly that even she, herself, didn’t hear it. If there was one thing she could change, it would be the way she communicated with Itarr. If only there was another way, she thought.  

If the emotion I'm feeling is love, then I do love you.  I’m glad you’re having a good time with Momo. I can’t wait until I get a chance to talk to her. 

Momo glanced over when she heard Servi’s voice.  

“What’s wrong?” she asked.  

“Oh, I was just talking to myself. Sorry if that’s weird, but I find that it calms me down.” 

“Hehe, I know what you mean.  I used to do the same thing.” 

The two chatted a bit, and after Momo got her breath, they went to work chopping up the roach.  

“Ummm, what part do we need?” she asked with her sword in hand.  

“The legs. I heard they sell for 5 dupla, and we have six here. That’s a cool 15 each if we count in these rat claws,” Servi said, using her sword to chop the thin and sharp leg off at the base of the roach. A moment later, they had six legs split between the two of them.  

“I’m sorry, but the legs are too long to fit in my bag.” 

“Don’t worry about it, I can carry it. So how about calling it here? It should be getting late, and I’m a little hungry. We also need to cash in these parts before the shop closes.” 

Though she said that, it was a lie since Servi couldn’t get hungry. She was just tired of being in the sewers.

“You mean it’s not open 24 hours a day?” Momo said, following Servi as they made their way to the exit.  

“I don’t know. We also need to need to rent a room before it’s filled.” 

“You’re right! Oh man, we might need to hurry!” 

“Then let’s pick it up.” Servi broke into a quick sprint, and Momo followed behind. After stopping twice for Momo to catch her breath, a thing she profusely apologized for, they finally made it to the sewer base.  

After Arty made eye contact with them, he walked over, much to the dismay of Servi and Itarr.  

“Did you leave anyone behind this time? How many did you kill?” he smugly said, much to the amusement of those behind him.  

“Shut up. You always have to start with us. All we want to do is make ends meet. Don’t you have some guarding to do?” Servi clapped back. “Every time I see you, you aren’t working. Just standing about and probably saying nasty things about us. And why are you so focused on us? That dude dying isn’t our responsibility."  

Arty stood there dumbfounded as the crowd gathered around laughed at him.  

“Come on, Momo. We gotta sell these,” Servi walked off and headed towards the door leading to the outside.

“Ummm, right. I’m behind you.” 

“This isn’t the end, you know! It was your fault he died!!!” 

“Just ignore him,” Servi said.  

“Okay...” Momo replied as they made their way through the wide tunnel. The door to the outside was right in front of them.  

Servi opened it, and Momo went through first.  

It was around 6:30 or so when they left the sewers, and now the sun was starting to set. A gentle spring breeze flew by, gently enveloping Servi and Momo’s hair as they danced along.  

As they walked to the cash building, Servi’s ominous red eyes stared down anyone who dared to lock eyes with her, Momo asked something.  

“What you think of Arty?” 

“Him? I can’t really say I like him," Servi abruptly replied.

“I don’t either, but...what if Arty was friends with the guy that died?” 

“I know where you’re going with this, but I gotta stop you. For us, it’s killed or be killed. At the end of the day, we need to return home alive. What happened to him is of no concern to us. Remember, he was going to attack you, and I’d be damned if I let him hurt my friend.” 

Momo’s heart fluttered at the words ‘my friend.’ 

But at that point, we’d known each other for less than five hours. Did you really consider me a friend so quickly? Why would you do that? I want to know, but I’m afraid of the answer. I should be happy, but I’m actually a bit scared… 

“I know you’re right, but it’s not something I can forget just like that.” 

“And that’s a good thing. That kind of thinking shows you have a kind soul. Be sure to hold on to that.”  

Momo looked up to her friend. She had made her choice. This girl with a near limitless supply of stamina, who took the dangerous role of tank, who saved her life twice, and who protected her yesterday when she was about to be attacked: her name was Servi, and she was Momo’s friend.  

“I guess you’re right. Thanks for talking with me.” 

“You’re most welcome.” 

You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at

A few minutes later, they reached the cash building, and ten minutes after that, they each held a hefty bag of coins. 176 claws, eleven pelts of various quality, and six legs from a roach came out to be 236 dupla. And divided in half, they’d each received 118 for four hours worth of work.  

Fifteen minutes later, the two of them were talking to a familiar dwarf behind a counter.  

“Good. I was afraid we were gonna be late. Here, let me pay for four days and four dinners,” Servi handed Rakred 80 dupla, and he gave Servi a key to room 310, four meal tickets, and four bath tickets.  

Momo did the same thing. They then agreed to meet up in an hour for dinner as they both walked to the showers together. Just like the previous night, Momo carefully explored her body and reached the pinnacle of pleasure twice.  

I don’t know why, but this feeling won’t go away… Momo thought as she licked the honey on her fingers that came from her fruit between her legs. Her spare hand floated over to her modest breasts as she rubbed them gently.  

Why do I enjoy this so much? she asked herself.  Part of her wanted to stop, but her tongue kept going up and down as her hand kept squeezing.  

On the other hand, Servi's pleasure overflowed only once, but it was much stronger than the previous night.  

Servi, are you okay? Itarr asked as Servi used her thumb and index finger on her right hand to caress her breasts, pinching her right nipple. Her left index and middle finger slowly went in and out of her warmest spot. Each thrust sent electrical pulses surging through her body, something she’d never before felt. She tried to use three fingers, but that was when she collapsed. The hot water flowed down on her like her fluids that leaked out from her sweet spot. 

“I’m…fine….” she said after getting to her feet. Her flavor still stained her fingers, so she cleaned them using her tongue.  

Are you sure? 

“Yes… I am. Once you try this, you’d know how I feel,” 

Though they didn’t know it, both Servi and Momo had shared their orgasms at the same time, almost like they were connected by an invisible threat of lust.

After washing up and rinsing the embarrassment out of her face, Momo happily went to her room. Since the Singi still had some time before dinner, she penned an entry in her journal.

Dear diary. Today is May 2nd, and I just got out of the shower. I did the same thing again, but it felt even better. But enough about that! I have something to confess. Me and Servi had our first fight, and I’m not proud of it. It was my fault, anyway. I missed my attack, and the rat would’ve really hurt me if Servi didn’t push me out of the way. But that’s not the worst part. I actually yelled at her because she was kind enough to take the damage in my place. Pretty pathetic, right? And even worse, we argued in front of our client. He said he wouldn’t report us, but I don’t know.  

He gave us some food, and his dad gave us some milk. Halfway home, we stopped and ate. It was nice. Me and Servi talked, and I guess we both forgave ourselves for that stupid little argument.  

We reached Canary after that and went over to the cash building to sell some monster parts. I don’t want to bore you with all this, so I’ll skip it. But I learned Magic Missile! My first offensive skill. Servi learned Decoy, and that helped us out.  

We went to the sewers and practiced. I was happy with the result. Then, we fought a roach, and once again, my attack didn’t finish the monster off. But I wasn’t scared. Servi used her new shield we bought to protect me, giving me the time to back up and prepare a Magic Missile. I used it to help Servi defend from a rush of attacks. See? I can help too. She even thanked and praised me.  

We left the sewers, and Arty had something mean to say. I wanted to call him a jackass, but I didn’t have the courage to. So again, Servi spoke something in my place, and we left for the cash building. We talked on the way too. After selling, we had over 100 dupla each! It’s a lot, but it’s also not a lot. The 80 coins I spent tonight were for four days worth of food and four days to sleep.  

Life isn’t easy, grandpa, but having Servi around makes it worthwhile. She’s so nice to me that I’m a little scared. Not to mention that she's obviously more experienced than she said, and she was nowhere near as bad as me. But that gives me worries when it should make me happy. If she’s so good and strong, why is she with a weakling like me? I mean, I can’t do half the stuff she can. She’s like the perfect person and someone who I want to be.  

But I can’t ever be her. I’m Momo, and she’s Servi. I’m short, and she’s tall. I’m not pretty, and she’s beautiful. I’m weak, and she’s strongI’m who I am, and she’s who I want to be.

Servi is my polar opposite in nearly every way.

If I was the old me, I’d probably cry right now, but I’m not. I’m sure Servi has some big secrets that she can’t tell, but I hope that one day she’ll let me be in the know. And I know the day is coming soon where she’ll leave me and move on to something better than me. But that’s hopefully a long time from now. So from this moment on, I’ll do my best to be the best Momo I can.  

I have to work hard and prove myself 

At least, that’s what I want to believe. What I want to believe and what I actually believe are two different and completely opposite things. I want Servi to just be lucky. I want her to be as strong as I am so we can grow together. I don’t want her to hide her strength. I’m sorry, but I just don’t. 

Oh geez, I’m writing like a crazy person, but emotions are challenging and sometimes a pain to understand. 

Well, I have to go. It’s almost time for dinner. I’m wearing the same thing I wore yesterday. The black skirt and white shirt are my favorites.  

Goodbye, grandpa. I still miss you.  

Sincerely, Momo.  

Momo closed the diary and opened her bag up. She sat it inside gently and stood up, staring into the mirror. The night sky and moonlight filtered in against her will, illuminating her, but Momo didn’t see it that way. She saw herself as the reflection, not the original. There’s no way something as beautiful as the moonlight would ever shine on her.  

But that’s ok. I know what I’m capable of, and I know what I’m worth. If someone like me can be a stepping stone for someone great like Servi, then I’ll be happy 

Actually, no, I don’t want that. I’m Momo, and I’m not a stepping stone.

She walked out of the room with her beloved bag secured tightly around her shoulder and made her way to the kitchen.  

“Hey, Momo,” Servi said when the girl in question sat down. Servi wore the same outfit as the night before.

“Hey, sorry if I'm late,” she said. Momo tried to act cheerful, but Servi felt that something was off.  


“We did good today, right? I mean, we were in sync, and I think we work well together,” Momo interrupted Servi again, but she didn’t mind.  

“Of course we did. I mean, if you ask me, we make a pretty good team. I’m looking forward to tomorrow, too!” Servi flashed a smile.

“Yeah… Me too!” Again, Servi had to clear away Momo's doubts. The Singi enjoyed a tasty meal of a baked chicken, a potato, and a salad.

The two talked about the day and how much fun they had.  

It wouldn’t be too long until her heart was clouded by darkness again, but that was something Momo would have to work through herself. It didn’t matter how many times Servi assured her. Only Momo could rid herself of  her doubts.  

After dinner, the two chatted a bit about their plans for tomorrow.  

“We could do some quests, or we can make money,” Servi said.  

“I say we try to make some money. Once we get to the point where we can afford supplies, like a tent, rope, nails, and food, we’d be able to take on more quests that require us to travel. I think there’s a set we can buy, but it’s pretty expensive.” 

“We might want to look into it. Do you still wanna train tomorrow?” 

“If you don’t mind. We can both learn how to use the bow,” 

Servi smiled. “Good. Well, how about we meet up at 9? And I promise I’ll try to be awake.” 

“That sounds good to me, but I’ll be there to wake you up if you aren’t downstairs,” Momo smiled back.  She folded her hands and laid them on the table.  Her pink tail playfully swooshed back and forth.


After a few more minutes of chatting, they decided to call it for the night. As Momo walked Servi over to the stairs, she spoke. “Good night, Servi. I hope you sleep well.” 

“Good night Momo. Sweet dreams,” Servi replied as she descended the stairs and went to her room.  

Momo did the same. Since she already wrote in her diary, she locked the door, put on her nightgown, and went to bed. Her heart was a mess. Between Servi’s praises and Momo’s depression, it was not an easy night for her.  

But even through all that, she slept soundly and only woke up when the sun started had to replace the moon.  

She groggily sat up and yawned. Finding the strength to get up, she took off her gown and stood naked for a moment before doing her morning stretches. Standing upright, she bent down and touched her toes without bending her knees. She did this a few times before stretching her arms out wide.  

She heard a small crack. “Ahh, that felt so good. This stupid bed is too hard…” she whined as she did her tail exercises. As a Singi, it was vital to keep her tail flexible and healthy. After all, it was the proof a Singi was a Singi.

After loosening up her muscles, she walked to her bag and took out her clothes and armor for the day. Getting dressed, she walked over to her tiny window and saw a most horrific sight that set her adrenaline flowing at full speed.  

“Was the city attacked last night?!!” she nearly shouted.

Yes, it was. Somehow Momo managed to sleep through it all, even the 23 massive lightning strikes.  

The giant golden building that could be seen from anywhere in the city was no longer there, and smoke filled the area around it. But that wasn’t all. In the distance, Momo could see three other plumes of black smoke. From the Singi's tiny sightline of the street below, twenty or so guards were rushing about like a chicken with its head cut off. It was a state of utter chaos.   

“Oh, I gotta check on Servi,” grabbing her sword and sheath from her bag, she rushed out of her room and immediately ran into someone and fell down.  

“Hey, watch it—oh, Momo?” a familiar voice said.  The stranger held out her hand.  On her arm was a black shield with a red-eye. Once Momo saw it, she became ecstatic.

“Servi? What are you doing up here? Never mind! Thank goodness you’re ok,” she grabbed the outstretched hand and immediately went for a hug, ignoring the chaos going on around her. Every single adventurer was panicking as news of the smoke and reports of domes of fire traveled around. And with the panic came fake news, which promoted even more panic.  It was hard to discern  the truth from the lies.

“I saw the smoke, so I came up here to check on you,” Servi was a bit alarmed, but she hugged her back. 

“I’m sorry,” Momo said as she pulled back and opened her door. She and Servi walked inside her room, and Momo closed the door. “When I woke up, I saw the fire and smoke, and I got scared that something might’ve happened to you. I mean, it’s a long shot, but I was still afraid. Hehe, I guess we were both worried about each other, huh?” 

Servi smiled, but it wasn't happiness that powered it.  The truth was this: The city was attacked last night, and she was directly involved in it. The hundreds of people who died by her hand, the sheer destruction of tens of meters worth of space, the murder of the very Governor who controlled the town of canary... Servi played a crucial role in all of that. 

There was only one thing she could say, even as she fought back the tears threatening to cloud her red eyes.  

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Servi whispered.  Momo squeezed tighter as she cried. 

Just then, an announcement came from overhead.  It asked that all available Warden members come down to the lobby for an emergency meeting.