Chapter 39: Book One – Interlude – Part One – Servi’s Nightly Stroll II – Attack on the Markets

Going back in time to just after Servi went back to her room after dinner, she was lying on her bed talking to Itarr.  

So, what’s the plan for tonight? 

“I was thinking that I’ll go out and patrol again. If I can help even one person tonight, I’ll be happy. But I’ll wait for a bit. Gotta make sure Momo is asleep, though,” replied Servi as she held her arms up like she was trying to touch the ceiling.  

Please forgive me for saying this, but I don’t like lying to her about this.  

“I don’t either. But I have no idea how to tell Momo. I mean, I played it out over and over again, but I can’t come up with a solution.” 



I really want to talk with Momo. 

“I know you do. I’m certain the three of us will be good friends.” 

You think so? 

Servi smiled as she reassured her friend and got up from her bed. She walked to the window and glanced out.  

“It sure is pretty tonight.” 

What’s that big thing in the sky? 

“That’s the moon.” 

It’s pretty. I’d like to go there one day. 

Servi laughed, prompting Itarr to ask why. “The moon is in outer space. There’s no oxygen, so most people can’t breathe, and they’ll die. Though considering that breathing is optional for us, I’m sure we’d be fine.” 

Do you think it’ll be possible for us to go? 

“I’m sure it will. Hell, there’s probably a skill that allows flight somewhere around.” 

You’re correct. I know you asked me to look through the skills between Rank 10 and Rank 0, and I did, but I never had a good moment to tell you. I’m sorry. 

“Don’t be sorry. Ya found something you’d consider good? 

I did: Teleportation and Flight. They’re Rank 2 and Rank 1 skills, respectively. I don't know what a Spirit Familiar is, but there's an ability to summon one. It might be worthwhile to learnProiectura Clypeus is a Rank 6 skill that creates a floating shield. There’s an upgraded form of Remedium that also requires Rank 6. Honestly, almost everything seems to be good.  

“Good job. Well, how about we learn skills as we go? I don’t think there’s any real reason we should try to learn everything right away.” 

That sounds good to me. 

The two went silent, staring out at the big city in front of them. It was strange. As of right now, Servi was capable of taking it all for herself.

And that scared her.

It was a good thing Itarr couldn't read Servi’s thoughts because she referred to herself as a monster more than once.

I’m sorry, Itarr, but I really feel like some sort of monster that happens to be shaped like a Human.

“Well, she should be asleep by now. Shall we get going?” 

If that’s what you want. Are you going to change into your disguise? 

“I am, but I'll wait until I'm outside,” Servi said as her hand gripped the knob. Determination flared and filled her heart.  

Yes, I’m a monster, but I also want to save people. If I can rescue those who need it, then I'll gladly take up that moniker.

About fifteen minutes later, a girl wearing an odd mask walked down the streets. It had glass lenses, allowing the wearer's eyes to change color. If that wasn't strange enough, the oversized armor she wore swayed from side to side since it didn't fit her. Servi ignored any and all confusing looks she received and focused on putting one foot in front of the other.

I never realized that so many people had blue eyes. The mask was an excellent idea.

“Thanks,” Servi replied. 

I have a suggestion. I feel like we won’t see many people abusing slaves on roads like this. There are too many people. How about we change our method? 

“Good idea,” Servi glanced and searched for a particularly dark alley. She decided to choose it. The further she went into it, the filthier it got. Trash littered the space in front of Servi, and wild cats and dogs prowled around, growling and hissing at each other.

“These poor things must be scared and frightened….here,” using her unique ability that she called Skill Stacking, she used Remedium multiple times on each animal she saw. Soon the growls turned into frightened whimpers as the pain they’d lived with disappeared. Confused, they scattered and went on their way using the various holes in the fences.  

That’s a sweet thing you did.  

“I can’t bear to see an animal in pain.” 

Reaching the end of the alley, Servi had a choice. Left or right. Unlike the main street she was on, this place didn’t have any light sources except for small candles used as décor. But even then, the light they gave off wasn’t much.

Picking left, Servi continued her search for a chance to help as the narrow alley turned into a wide area.  

The fancy stone and wooden buildings that were so common on the other streets were nowhere to be seen, and Servi could only spot rundown houses held together with a frayed rope.  

“This looks like the area I saw when I first came to this city,” Servi said out loud to no one.  She was half-expecting Itarr to give her thoughts, but she didn’t.  

The area she was in was sort of like a rundown park. Rusty swings with half of a seesaw sat nearby. Behind her was the alley she had walked down. Following that would lead Servi back to where she had come from.

“This place is like a favela.” 

What’s that? 

“A place where there’s a lot of people living in a small area. They’re usually poor, and it’s an area where crime and corruption are a daily occurrence. Wow, I’m surprised I actually knew that.” 

Servi walked over to the swing and gently pushed it with her foot. It was so rusty at the top that it felt like moving a boulder. Sad to say, there was no swinging to be done on this swing set.  

She walked around the rest of the playground and examined each item. She didn’t know why she did. Still, she didn’t think much of it and started to leave, but it didn’t take long for trouble to find her. It was a group of thugs.

“Take a look, boys! We got us a fresh girl moving about. Why don’t ya play with us? Say yes, and we won’t hafta hurt those blue eyes,” the thug at the back said. He had hair full of grease and scars running down the left side of his face. With only one look, Servi determined he was the leader of the band of delinquents.

“Kill them,” Servi said with no emotion. She couldn’t spare any, especially for some trash thugs.  


"HAHA! Boss, look! The bitch is scar—” 

Not registering the sight happening in front of him, the boss stood stupid as his underlings all floated in the air and contorted in a way bodies weren't designed to.

You are reading story The Story of a Girl & a Goddess Whose Souls Became Interconnected at

Itarr used Telekinesis and stacked it to the max, giving her a limit of just over 540KG.  That was more than enough to lift up the five malnourished lowlifes. Then one by one, their arms snapped backwards, followed by an earsplitting wail of fear and pain. But that wasn’t all. They had one more upper limb and two legs, after all. Even though they were in an opening, not a single body came running to investigate the noise.  

In a place like this, it was common for fights to break out for many reasons, and for that reason alone, people wouldn’t run towards a disturbance. They’d be best off ignoring them and getting back to their day.

“One arm. Two arms. One leg. Two legs. I bet you boys wish you were somewhere else, right?” 

Releasing her Telekinesis, Itarr allowed the five broken bodies to fall from a height of around three meters. They hit the ground with a sickly thud and passed out from the pain of having four broken limbs.

The boss’s brain finally kicked into action, and he fell ran over to the bodies of his friend.  

“Hey!! HEY!! Darrick? Come on, man, you can’t be dead! Temp?!” He went to each broken corpse and shook it, like a young deer nudging its dead mom after she was shot during hunting season.  

With wet eyes and a hoarse throat from yelling, he looked up to Servi and pointed. “Y-you’re nothing but a monster. A MONSTER!! You bitch!!! I’ll fucking kill you!!” 

“I’d like to see you try. So Mr. Boss, how would you like to pass on? Oh, I know. I can finally test this out. Itarr, hold him in place.” 


“Bullshit, you ain’t holding me! I’m—Gah!! Why can’t I move!” 

With her subject for her experiment frozen in place by her friend, Servi used one of the skills acquired the night before. Thinking of Conjure Ice Rope, a beautiful blue cable appeared in her hand. It was freezing to the touch, and it was about three meters long. Servi walked up to the frozen thug. His eyes went wide with fear as Servi slowly wrapped the ice rope around his neck.  

“Why isn’t he screaming?” 

That? I used Telekinesis to clamp his mouth shut 

“Good work. I thought this skill was useless, but I guess if you use it like this and be stealthy, you can't ask for a better assassination tool."


“It means killing someone in a way that’s sudden or surprising,” Servi said as she grabbed the ends of the icy rope and pulled tight. The thug’s face went blue as the lack of oxygen started to affect his body. Water flowed from his eyes as snot raced down his nose, and before long, Servi pulled tight once more and heard a most sickening snap. She released the skill, and the rope disappeared, revealing a bright purple line and allowing his broken neck to fall limp. His soul left his body and found a new home within her ring. When Itarr released Telekinesis a moment later, the thug's corpse smacked into the dirty ground.

“Hmm….” Servi pulled out that red enchanted dagger she got from her attack on the Rude Crystal and walked over to five battered and broken bodies. She stabbed each one's chest and watched as fire erupted from the wound. Like a devouring beast, the flame gluttonously sought out flesh to eat. It didn't take long for a gut-wrenching smell to waft up. A few seconds after that, a few little souls joined the army residing in Servi's ring.

This little thing is powerful.  

“It is. And remember, our Protection protected us against it. I didn’t think it was that strong.” 

Storing the bodies, the five plain daggers, and the red dagger, she continued searching around the playground. About ten minutes later, Servi heard a tiny scream followed by a horrific laugh.  She raced off towards the left, stomping down an alley, and leapt over a broken fence until she came upon a frightening sight.

Servi saw two armored guards throwing rocks at an Earth Elf and her dog. Her ankles were purple and swollen, her pointed ears were no longer pointy, and the tattered black robe she wore had nasty white streaks going down the front.  Tears flowed from her eyes as she jumped on her dog to protect it from the projectiles raining down on them.  

“That woman looks familiar…..that’s it! I saw her when I was lost on my first day here,” Servi said as she used Telekinesis to bind the two guards in place. The woman looked up from her defensive position and saw two guards frozen in place. Even though they tried, they couldn't break Servi’s overpowered Telekinesis.

“Are you ok?” Servi held out a hand, but the woman smacked it away.  

“Get away from me! You’re just like the others, trying to get on my good side by saving me,” she tried to get up but immediately collapsed down to the filthy ground. The white dog around her started growling.  

Crouching down, Servi spoke plainly to her. “Look, that ankle looks broken, but I can help you. I can also probably help your ears, but you gotta let me. ” 

“And for what? I have no money to repay you with. Just leave me be.” 

"You're so fucking stubborn. Look, this might be scary, but deal with it,” using Telekinesis to freeze the woman in place, Servi saw her struggle against the invisible force holding her. Ignoring her, Servi put her hands to the woman’s ankles and used Remedium, but she made sure to stack it ten times.

The dog didn't know what was going on.  It only saw an odd woman touching his master, and its first instinct was to attack. And that was what it did. However, it was small and petite, meaning it couldn't get its teeth around Servi's armor.

The purple swelling went down, and Servi backed up, allowing the woman to slowly rotate her foot. She put a careful hand to her ears and gasped in excitement when she felt the newly grown pointy ends.  

“It’s…..healed? Why?” the woman asked. Seeing that his master wasn’t in pain, the dog stopped biting Servi’s armor and ran back to the woman.  

“I don’t have a reason, but if I had to think of one…..I'd say that I wanted to.” 

“…What about them?” the Earth Elf asked, pointing to the two terrified guards frozen in place.  

“I was gonna kill them, but you can if you want to."

“…do you have a weapon?” she asked as she got up. Her torn black robe flowed from the wind and allowed Servi to see numerous scars lining her caramel-colored stomach. Servi didn’t know why they weren’t healed. Maybe she didn’t have a powerful enough healing skill?

“I do. Can you tell me why those two did this?” Servi handed up the enchanted dagger.

“Because I told them no. Those bastards wanted to buy me like a common whore, and when I refused, they took their sheaths and snapped my ankle. I cried and begged for help, but the bastards just pleasured themselves in front of me. I wanted to move, but they gripped my head, forcing me to watch... I thought it would be done once they had finished, but...” The Elf had stopped speaking and eyed the weapon Servi held. She took the dagger and walked to the frozen guard. Taking off his armor, she pulled down his trousers and then his underwear to reveal his appendage. Servi went red in the face and turned around.  

“This is my revenge,” the enraged Earth Elf stared the guard in the eye before using the tip of the dagger to cut his lower head off, leaving the stem as fire raged around. He yelled out as best he could in pain and forced his teeth together in an effort to bear the horrendous torture. However, that was a mistake. The guard bit down so hard that his teeth shattered and chipped from the force, creating another source of anguish that assailed his body.

Servi watch as the Earth Elf had her way with the dagger. She flayed off pieces of skin off his legs and arms before moving to his eyes. It was like human candy, and the woman was carefully tearing the skin to reveal the delicious red muscle hidden underneath. 

“These shitty eyes that did nothing but stare lustfully at me when I was begging for help,” not even using the dagger, she used her thumb and index finger to grossly pull out the eye, revealing a long optic nerve. She gripped it with her fist and yanked it out, leaving a waterfall of blood that poured from the body’s new opening. Not one to leave something unsymmetrical, the woman did the same with the other eye.  

“This is what you get…THIS IS WHAT YOU FUCKING GET!!!” she yelled before stabbing the red dagger into his mouth. She turned and twisted and forced it to go deeper and deeper in his throat. All the while, flames erupted from its blood-red blade.  

The fiery torture traveled down his throat into his stomach and lungs, and a moment later, black marks began appearing around his chest. Very soon after that, it burst into flames as the lower half of his body below his chest fell to the ground, leaving nothing but a floating upper corpse and a tremendous amount of blood that was so hot it was steaming.  

His blood had been boiled from the inside of his body.

Whimpering in fear, the second guard soon followed the same fate.  The only difference was that the woman bisected his rod down the middle, starting from his testicles. In a way, it was more gruesome since she poked his dangling bits, which hung by a thin piece of flesh.

Ten minutes and two hanging corpses layer, the woman walked back over to Servi, who looked up from her ID. “I bet that felt good,” she said as she absorbed back the red dagger and the corpses. It’s a good thing the woman took off their armor.  Servi had two brand new sets at her disposal. And the swords they had weren’t half bad either.  

“You know, I’m surprised you aren’t scared of me. I mean, here’s a person who can completely immobilize trained guards without even speaking a sound and take out items from nowhere. I gotta say, you’re brave.”  

“Tell me the real reason you helped me,” the woman said, completely ignoring Servi.  

The ignored girl sighed. “Fine. I first came to this city two or so days ago, and I saw you walking with your dog. And today, when I was out walking around, I saw you in trouble, and I helped. There isn't anything more or less than that. Oh, take this.” Servi pulled out some clothes from her ring and gave them to the woman.  

“I still don’t understand….” 

“There are some things in life that are impossible to understand. I’m probably one of those things.  You know what, keep this too. I have no need for it. Use it, sell it, I don’t care,” Servi took the red dagger back out and gave it to her. The woman cradled it softly like a mother would a newborn babe.  

“…..I’m sorry I slapped your hand away. And I thank you for these clothes and food…and this weapon. It has to be expensive. And name’s Elly. That’s Cue.” 

“Elly. Cue. You’re welcome. Well, I got to go.  You two stay safe.” Servi reached down, and the white dog sniffed her finger before licking it.  

“Thank you!!” the woman said a bit louder as she watched Servi’s back get smaller and smaller. Her dog howled as if he was saying goodbye. In response, Servi threw her hand up as she walked towards wherever her feet led her.

Her nightly stroll was just beginning.