Chapter 28: 28 – Village



After flying a few more days South I eventually see a tree that stands at least ten times higher then the rest of the trees around. I go to have a look only to see there are a bunch of houses around it. Nice! The book said to find a nearby village to procure supplies that I cant find in the wild. I recall all of the stuff I need to talk about with the villagers then make my way to the outskirts of the village. 


I land outside of the wooden wall they have surrounding the village. I go to approach the gate when about ten hooded people appear at the top of the fence with drawn bows.


“Hello! I would like to have a meeting with your Elder / Leader / Whoever's in charge”


“What did you come here for!?” Are they idiots?


“I would like to have a meeting with your Elder / Leader / Whoever's in charge”


“Why do you want to see the Elder?!” Maybe I should talk slower? They don't seem to understand.


“To. Have. A. Meeting.”


“What for god dammit!?”


“To. Talk.”


“What do you want to talk about?”


“I wanna talk to them, not you. I would have just talked with you if I wanted to talk with you.”


“You smart fucker.” He pulls his bow back but before it goes all the way back he gets hit over the head by another hooded man and almost falls over.


“I apologize. This man is new to his position and we have been having problems in this area lately. You have requested a meeting with the Elder?” I Analyze him.


“Yes. Would you accept?”


“Sure. Open the gates.”


“No need.“ I flap my wings and jump on top of the wall next to the man. Everyone seems to be unnerved by my actions except the Elder. “Where shall we talk?”


“It'll be a bit of a walk to my residence so let's use that building there.” I take a proper look at the buildings in the village and it seems different than in the town I was in before. The buildings look the same except there is only wood and no stone, in town all of the wood was made out of planks but all the houses here seem to be like a single bit of wood. I ignore it and follow the Elder down the stairs on the wall and enter a nearby house behind him. It seems to be a pretty empty house. He gestures me to a table so I sit down. He takes a seat across from me.


“Now before we get started can I ask how you found this place?”


“Huh? I think it's kind of easy. The massive tree makes it kind of obvious? Are you guys hiding or something?” He takes off his hood slowly and stays silent. “Hello? Are you ok?”


“Ummm. We are the Elves.” he finally replies.


“I'm sorry, am I supposed to do something? I don't know any elf culture so I apologize if I have offended you.”


“Well, we Elves stay hidden in the forests.”




“So barely anybody has ever seen us before.”




“Some people see us as beings above normal humans.”


“Ok.” His eyebrows twitch a little. “I'm sorry. Like I said I don't know anything about Elf culture, am I meant to do something?” I wish Analyze could give me better information. The Elf Elder sighs.


“It's just usually people would be a little more surprised.”


“At what?” He sighs again.


“Nevermind. What did you come here for?”


“I came on a journey of self discovery. I am intending to settle down nearby for a while and I am wondering if you could advise me on nearby Holy Sites / Sacred Areas / Territories or other such area’s I should stay away from to avoid angering your Village / Tribe / Community.”


“You are speaking in a strange way again like how you did at the gate. Did someone tell you to say that?” I nod and retrieve the book then open it to the page. 


When you find an area sufficient to settle down in, make contact with a nearby village and request a meeting with their Elder / Leader / Whoever's in charge. At the meeting, be polite and follow whatever their cultural norms are. Tell them the purpose of your stay and that you are intending to settle down nearby for a while and ask them if they could advise you on nearby Holy Sites / Sacred Areas / Territories or other such area’s you should stay away from to avoid angering their Village / Tribe / Community.


The Elder sighs again.


“How old are you, young lady?”


“My Status says I’m 15.”


“What do you say?”


“I don't know what you mean.”


“Well you said your Status says your 15 but what do you say you are?”

You are reading story Points at


“I don't know. I only woke up about 10 days ago?”


“What do you mean woke up?”


“I started a few days ago. My Status says I’m 15 but I dont what happened the past 15 years or even if I lived for 15 years. I assume that is my body's age.”


“Why did all of the adults let you leave town if you don't have any memories?”


“I didn't tell anyone.”


“Why not?”


“No one asked.”


“So basically you have been learning things as you go? What have you done until now?” 


“I broke out of the bad guys place. Killed the bad guys. Joined the Adventurers Guild. Did some Quests. Hunted monsters. Hunted bad guys for a while. Hunted bad guys with knights. Then the Old Man told me to learn about my powers and figure out who I want to be. I left the city. Hunted more monsters now I'm here.”


“In only ten days?”




“How did you learn about most things if no one taught you?”


“Analyzing things.”


“Do you have the Analyze Skill?” It should be ok to let people know about skills that are on my Guild Card. I nod. “You should really keep that quiet. It's a rare but dangerous skill.”


“I already told the Guild though.”


“It's ok. They are stupid about such things. They probably just surmised you have an Appraisal Skill of some kind.” The man looks serious for a second and has a thinking face so I let him be silent, eventually he speaks. “I’ll let you stay in the forest to the West about 30 minutes walk away but I would like it if you spent a day at the village every 4th day. There aren't really any places you should avoid out here, I would only ask that you don't mess with the big tree in the center of the village.”


“Thank you. I understand. It sure is an amazing tree though.”


“Yes. The tree is our pride and joy.” The man nods with a smile. “Now since we are going to be acquainted for a while I’ll introduce myself. I am Soryuse the Elder of this tribe.” He tilts his body a little forwards while saying his name.


“I am Yui.”


“Now Yui. When you introduce yourself to another person you should slightly bow like I just did. You should also state your Job and where you come from. Although it is not a necessity it is considered polite.” I quickly activated the Floater Skill to change my Job from Assassin since I was using it for combat.


I bow forwards and repeat “I am Yui. Winged Scout. Uhmmmm.”


“You don't have to say where you're from. But once you find a home you should.”


“Yes.” He leads me outside and walks to the wall.


“You can go find a place to set up camp. I’ll send someone to see where you are staying tonight just so we know. Afterwards we’ll leave you alone unless necessary.”


“Thank you Elder.” I extend my wings and take off towards the West while scanning the tree line for a good spot.



Just after Yui leaves, the new Guard Captain approaches me.


“Are you sure about that Elder. Letting someone stay here?”


“It's ok Troyuya. She is not a Human and I am pretty sure we can trust her. If anything I have a feeling we need her help. Can you call all of the Elders together, I need to discuss this with everyone.”  Troyuya bounds off to find the other Elders.


I walk to the Meeting Hut under the World Tree. Once I enter I go straight to the Root Room and see the root that protrudes from the ground. I bow towards the root and sit at the seat next to it while processing all of the information  I have received. The other elders enter the room one by one and once all 5 of us are here and in a circle I nod to everyone and activate the spell. 




Roots grow out of the ground and rest on our shoulders. Everything goes white.


I wake up and immediately kneel in the pure green space. I confirm the other Elders made it and are kneeling next to me. Now that the ceremony is complete I finally hear it.


“What the hell are you doing Sor? Letting a beastkin stay in our holy grounds? Have you gone mad?” Farlot speaks up.


“He’s right Sor, You better have a good explanation for this.” Daliars speaks as well.


“I don't. After hearing her story I decided based on the little bits I figured out. I called you all here as I don't understand it myself. I beseech the Grand Spirit of the World Tree for advice.” Everybody falls silent. They understand the severity and seriousness now. Beseeching the Grand Spirit directly like this can have immense cost if the issue isn't serious enough to the Spirit. I could lose my entire life force. Eventually the calm green space explodes into a darker green and plants fill the empty space. A root grows out from the center of the plants and takes a female elf form. This must be serious, The Grand Spirit hasn't appeared in person before. Eventually a calm voice fills the space.


“Observation - She is new, unformed. While she holds great power she doesn't know the power she holds, when she knows she wouldn't know what to do with such power. She is a force that can shape the world how she pleases. She listens but also trusts no one. She has fierce emotion locked behind her calm shield of wings. She is stable but extremely unstable. She is Chaos but she is also Life. She is Dark but she is also Light. She is Good but has the capacity for Evil, She is Evil but has the capacity for Good. 

Advice - Raise her, Not as an Elf but as a Child of the World. Guide her, Not down the path of Good or Evil but her own path. Accept her, Not for her power but as a person. Love her, not for what she is but for what she can be. Protect her, not her body but her mind and soul.

Prediction - Unclear

Closing - Please. As she is a Child of the World. She is also a child of mine.”