After pulling the sword out of her hand with her teeth her palm quickly regenerated in front of the eyes of Hiro’s party causing them to widen as she just mumbled to herself.
“She told me to not make use of my first bloodline if I want to resist *yawn*... That. Yet I don’t think regeneration counts since pretty sure uncle Sword God Emperor would also have quick regeneration wouldn’t he? They are meant to be able to survive everything but a broken heart after all fufufu~.” <Eel>
Glancing at Eel once more they tried to find some sign of ‘what’ she was rather than who she was now. They knew she was a dragon however the only dragon that they knew was the Drake bloodline of dragons who cared about their physical endurance with that being about that. The first detail Hiro noticed were of course her elongated ears and pupiless eyes - add onto that she had very vibrant purple hair a certain type of elf came to mind.
As if putting all the points together Hiro’s (the fake hero) eyes widened in surprise. Soon that surprise turned into greed and then became a contorted version of conviction. Turning such a gaze upon Eel he crawled backwards till pushing himself back onto his feet where he would point towards the girl. Speaking out with righteous tone as he challenged the little girl who sent him on the arse with basically no effort.
“Are you one of those royal high-elves that worship that jumbo titted fake goddess who both the elves and beasts worship?! No, it makes perfect sense, you look just like that royal captured a decade back. If that is the case you must have made some illicit deal with the demon lord. I’ll take you down which will mean you can’t give payment thus causing the demon lord to retreat before it can create any more problems!” <Hiro>
“Hm~?” <Eel>
Of course Eel was paying no attention to the fool as he had completely lost her interest as soon as he fell for such an obvious trick. He wasn’t terrible with his sword, it could possibly be said to be more skilled in the moment than her, yet his experience shone through. Anyone who was competent could tell that Eel could’ve killed him there and then so obviously Eel knew that.
Thus instead of focusing on him she glanced at her hand as it healed before retrieving the handle of the ‘mithril sword’ from her mouth. Weighing it in her right hand until the dumb knight in literally shining armour called out to her with such a silly comment. Looking towards his now empty right hand then her own which held his sword.
“Oh~ and how exactly are you going to do that - I don’t suppose you have some claws of a female dragon you seduced then killed in bed like you do with that succubus~?” <Eel>
Hearing that the ‘hero’ who was reaching into a bag on his belt trembled slightly at Eel’s words while looking at her in shock.
<Heh~ so momma Alexis was right and that piece of trash relies purely on such methods to take away Emily’s aunt? I wouldn’t mind if he was simply proud of managing to kill a strong opponent yet he acts so righteous about it while pretending it was some kind of battle. Even a hunter like me dislikes people who lies about their methods so blatantly so I guess I’ll just kill him since he’ll just escape if we try to capture him~!>
Her unconscious thoughts quickly turned to spreading his blood across the walls as her smug grin turned into a ferocious toothy smirk. Those gray eyes of hers slowly formed a golden cross with a crimson ring encasing it all as she released her intimidation. Being looked on like prey made the ‘brave hero Hiro’ promptly release a cold sweat as he stepped back unconsciously while hiding behind his shield.
Seeing what would come of this the strong bodied barbarian wanted to stand up to prevent his coin purse bitch from dying.
However, just as he was about to do that a certain artificial lover released a sliver of her very own abyssal dark aura which she too had inherited. Unlike Eel’s who was born from intent the aura of Promicarus’ was based on profoundness so could only be sensed by those gifted. It only made Fuka feel unnerved while to the bloodthirsty hero this just made her grin as if a question she’d been wondering was answered.
<As expected of the one I think of as my rival, she is indeed far stronger than she’s been letting on but I’ll catch up then surpass her~!>
Though those two were far more passive than the last person in the room who reacted. Despite being in the sham hero party the Sage was truly just that; a person who had obtained the rare powerful Sage title due to his magical prowess. This required having [Magic Accume] which in turn allowed hints to clearly recognise who that little girl was. With that he tightly gripped the loin cloth of the barbarian while in a cold sweat while blood flowed out like tears from his eyes.
“D-don’t, we don’t stand a chance against that thing! It wasn’t even trying yet it’s aura is so overwhelmingly dark and gluttoness that it felt like it would rub my eyes from just catching that single glimpse! I won’t be surprised if that girl is the Demon Lord…” <Sage>
“Don’t shout at me bitch meat!” <Barbarian>
With that the strong man backhanded the cheek of the fairy like sage sending him into the floor yet despite his harsh treatment it seemed to instead calm down the sage.
Well calmed down in one fashion yet more excited in others…
“Merely don’t move and I have no quam letting thou keep thine pitiful lives. Thou may even continue having duff coitus both thine boy toys should the hybrid lose their duel though I must warn thy keep thine expectations tapered. I also recommend leaving this blight of a country if thine wishes to continue with thine’s treasured lives.” <Promicarus>
In typical fashion when everyone turned to look at her propper she had a cup of steaming tea placed in front of her while she held her right hand up. Those metallic black nails were being filed with a beautiful metal nail file that had a black cat surrounded by brambles depicted upon its backside. She even refused to glance at the people she was talking to as her full attention was on her nails just like the first time she fought Eel.
While that was happening the window to the room was pulled open from outside causing it to creak due to the quality of the thing. Turning back to see who it was, the ‘fake hero’ team only turned even more white. A certain [Nine Tailed Kitsune] who was supposed to be dead stood right there with a warm motherly expression upon her face as she gazed at spear wielding Eel.
“Weren’t ya meant to be guarding the exits?” <Fuka>
“Oh~? There was only the front door and a hidden exit leading a bit outside the village so I let those two cover them so I could watch over the little cub~!” <Alexis>
“Ah… I see…” <Fuka>
She immediately decided that if a conversation begins between those two, for her own sanity, she shall refrain from intervening thus looked to the two party members as if she was helping.
“Dear~ you should use this as a chance to try a different sword. As it stands you’ve only used the highest quality of blade there is available, which is fine, but you may rely on the quality of your weapon a little too much. Such a thing can hold you back in the future so use this chance to use a low quality weapon which can’t handle your intent without fine control~.” <Alexis>
“L-low quality?! That sword has the highest content of mithril of any blade thus is the strongest weapon on this cont-” <Hiro>
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