The rear of Mayor Brewer’s home was a beautiful courtyard with a large fountain and flowers surrounding it. One thing this place wasn’t lacking was colorful birthday decorations. I felt like I had just walked inside a bag of Skittles. I pushed a large cart that carried the food I prepared for the party. Muni pushed a second cart that carried the cake. It was the first cake I’d ever baked in my life on both worlds. I thought it came out exceedingly well. It was a yellow cake covered in decadent frosting in the shape of a dolphin. I didn’t know what the little girl’s interests were, but who in their right mind doesn’t like dolphins? It matched the environment well because of the waves crashing on the beach a couple of streets over.
“Welcome to my home! I can’t wait to see what you came up with,” Mayor Brewer shouted from the table as he placed some gifts on a there. He darted over to our location with a huge smile on his face. I lifted the lid off the cart, releasing an intoxicating aroma of beef and bacon. The cart was enchanted and could keep the food hot. The mayor stood over the food and breathed in the wonderful smells. He even closed his eyes to focus on the smells more closely.
“This food smells absolutely delicious. What is all of this called?”
I put my hands behind my back and stood straight proudly, as if I was being complimented by a general in the military. “They are from my home and are called hamburgers.” I directed his attention to the platter beside the burgers. “These are kettle cooked potato chips. Try one.”
In order to avoid touching multiple chips, he pinched one that stood upward in the pile. He lifted the chip to his nose to get a good whiff of the aroma, then placed the whole thing in his mouth. He slowly chewed, creating a crunch that he enjoyed. He nodded and shook his head. “This chip, you call it, is fantastic.”
“Would you like to see the cake that Chad baked? It’s really something else,” Muni added.
The mayor grabbed another chip quickly and stepped over to the cake cart. Muni lifted the lid, revealing a gorgeous dolphin cake. The smell of buttercream almost took his breath away. “Gods, this is perfect. Ivory loves dolphins and anything that has to do with the ocean. Did someone tell you this?”
I shook my head and shrugged. “No, I just wanted to create a dolphin cake. By the Nine, I can’t believe a cook of your stature actually catered to my little girl’s birthday party. Thank you.”
“It was a group effort,” I replied quickly.
Koshiro laughed. “Yeah, right, we just helped put the food on the carts and packed up the plates and stuff. The cooking was all Chad.”
“Yeah, I could never get a cake to come out that perfect. Chad’s genius level cooking profession is exactly that… genius,” Betty said with an expression of wonder and gratitude.
I waved away the compliment. “It was a lucky first try. That’s all it was.”
“Ugh, Mayor, you’ll find out that Chad is overly humble. He doesn’t realize how great he is. I’m working on that,” Koshiro replied as she hugged my large arm. “Don’t you like his little chef hat I bought him? Isn’t it cute?”
“Yeah, I think Chad has earned the right to be called a chef. He’s much more than just a cook, plus he has a cute chef’s hat now,” Betty chuckled.
Mayor Brewer placed another potato chip in his mouth and smiled. “A S rank barbarian chef? I think people are going to come far and wide to see a man of your size and stature cooking delectable food right in front of their very eyes.”
Betty exhaled. “I’d love to stay and chat, but Muni and I need to get everything ready to serve. Can you lead us to where we need to be?” Betty grabbed the push handle of the food cart, and Muni readied herself to push the cake cart.
I held up my hand and shook my head. “No Betty, I can handle this.”
“Nonsense. Setting up everything is the least that we can do. Why don’t you take a load off and relax? Go meet the birthday girl, Ivory,” Betty retorted.
“Yeah, but…” my voice trailed off as Muni and Betty followed the mayor, ignoring my objection.
Koshiro rubbed my back and squealed. “Alone at last.”
“Do you know what Ivory looks like? Have you met her?” I asked.
“Yeah, plenty of times. She loves to eat at the restaurant. Let’s find her and I’ll introduce you.”
I heard a scream to my right. It was a good scream, one of excitement. “I bet that’s Ivory. Let’s go,” I took hold of Koshiro’s hand and we walked toward the little girl’s scream. Our jaws dropped in a few seconds and we froze in place at the bizarre sight. Ivory was on a big saddle on the back of Henegar, the huge fucking grizzly bear. Jamison, the lizard man stable manager, gently pulled the bear along with a rope.
“What in the actual fuck?” Koshiro asked with wide eyes.
“Instead of a pony, she’s riding a deadly grizzly bear that just recently ripped the head off its previous owner. Bubba was an asshole, but still.”
“Chad, come on over!” shouted the lizard man.
We both nodded and strolled over with some apprehension. Ivory’s eyes lit up. “Hey there! I’m Ivory. I heard you were bringing food and my cake. Thank you so much! This is Henegar,” she said as she rubbed the brown fur on the scary bear’s neck.
“Jamison, like how?” Koshiro asked, still in shock.
The lizard man’s tongue fluttered out of his mouth and he scratched the snout of Henegar. “Breaking him was much easier than I expected. He was a good bear that was forced to do bad things.”
Koshiro sauntered over to the grizzly and rubbed his brown fur in front of the saddle. “Hey buddy, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Yes I am,” said the kitsune as she made kissing sounds between the words she spoke.
Henegar huffed and leaned into Koshiro lovingly, and closed his eyes.
This deadly predator had become a fucking golden retriever. Koshiro motioned for me to come on over. “Come on Chad, he will not hurt you. He’s so sweet.”
I walked over slowly and rubbed his neck, much like Koshiro did. “Hey there. I’m Chad.”
Ivory burst into laughter. “I would die if he told you it was nice to meet you.”
“Oooooh, can I ride when Ivory is done? Please, please!” Koshiro begged the lizard man.
Jamison’s long tongue flicked out of his mouth and he nodded. “Yes, that would be fine. He’s yours anyway.”
“Yeah, he’s welcome to stay at the stables, of course, but this is your bear. It isn’t like he has a home to return to. He’ll make an amazing riding mount and a battle mount.”
I laughed as I rubbed the bear. I’d become extremely comfortable with the beast after a few rubs. I still had my hand, so that was good… right?
Koshiro looked at me and Jamison, then at the bear again. “I guess I’ll be his mommy then.”
“Great, he’s a good bear and will treat you well,” Jamison replied in relief.
“You said he could stay at the stables. How much is that going to cost me?” Koshiro asked.
“If you provide his food. I’ll let him stay for free. Don’t get too excited. Henegar eats an ungodly amount of food. He isn’t an inexpensive animal to keep fed.”
“Can we keep him, Chad?”
I cocked a brow and grinned. “Sure, I’ve always wanted a grizzly bear.”
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All the food was a big hit, and I couldn’t have been happier. Seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces made my heart melt. The girls did all the serving, and I was able to sit back and take it all in. I mingled a little with some parents, but I’d never been a social butterfly, so I was glad when that part of the day was over. It would be nice to talk about something other than my S rank, but I get it. It was as if Thor had moved into my hometown on Earth. I wouldn’t want to talk about lawn maintenance with him. I’d want to see the hammer, and talk about all the fights he’d been in.
Henegar, the not quite so scary grizzly, was the hit of the party, though. They rode the big guy countless times. Even the adults joined in on the fun. Henegar seemed to enjoy every second of it. He didn’t look like one of those depressed ponies you see at the fair with rude fat kids on their backs. He looked like he actually enjoyed doing something other than evil shit for the Big. Koshiro spent a lot of time bonding with her new bear, and she couldn’t wait to take him out on a ride in the open. My pervy self pictured her in a red bikini galloping down the beach with her large tits bouncing up and down. It would be like Baywatch but in a fantasy world… with bear mounts.
Muni walked over and sat right beside me and exhaled. “The party went well, I think.”
The blue-haired catgirl smelled terrific. I couldn’t help but glance at her cleavage when she looked away at Betty in conversation with the mayor. Muni was so beautiful. She was also much more mature than Koshiro was and probably less stabby stab. That wasn’t a shot against Koshiro. I loved her personality, even though she could be scary at times.
Muni cleared her throat. “Are you peeping at my breasts?”
My face turned about twenty different shades of red. I chose not to lie about it. “I’m sorry.”
Muni chuckled and patted my knee. “Don’t be sorry. It’s fine. It was kind of cute that you tried to be all sneaky about it and failed miserably.”
“I’m really not a pervert. You’re just a sight to behold. You can’t be ignored.”
“I know you’re not a pervert, and don’t feel bad about looking. Koshiro was right earlier about me dressing provocatively to get your attention. I’m ashamed to say it, but I was. It also pains me to say Koshiro was actually right about something.”
“Don’t be ashamed. A sexy girl trying to get my attention is always welcome. It’s something that I’m not very used to. I wasn’t the same guy on Earth. I haven’t always looked like this. Believe me. Being attractive for the first time takes some getting used to.”
“You better get used to it. Women all over this world are going to be desperate for your attention. You’ll be able to have any girl you want. I’m not sure that Koshiro would be thrilled about that. Yet, she seemed okay with the possibility of a harem. She’s a complicated kitsune.”
“And you turned me down,” I smirked.
Muni elbowed me in the side and grinned. “Did not. You’re such a dork.”
“Well, my harem roster has only one member. I can’t really call it a harem roster. One girl doesn’t qualify.”
“So you have genius level math skills too? You’re the total package. That was some quick calculation,” Muni giggled.
“Psh, I definitely don’t even rank when it comes to math. I’ve always sucked, but my skills are good enough to count my harem girls. Hopefully, I’ll be able to calculate one plus one, eventually.”
“Oh, really, and what would the answer be?”
“Two, is that right?” I asked sarcastically.
“Yes, but don’t get a gigantic head. That was an easy math problem. Who’s this new addition to your roster?”
“I have a thing for girls that meow.”
“Reeeeoooow,” Muni replied playfully.
“Is that the best you got?”
Muni locked eyes with me and cocked a brow. Her long blue tail wiggled behind her. “Reeeeeeeeeooooooow!”
I heard soft footsteps behind us, then saw red hair out the corner of my eye. “Muni, are you over here getting your whore on right now?”
“Koshiro, relax. We’re just becoming more acquainted,” I replied.
“Yeah, I heard the meows. They weren’t only meows. They were sexy meows.”
“Were not,” Muni scoffed.
The red-haired kitsune plopped down on the seat between us. “Bitch, I bet you have wet panties right now. Show us.”
Muni’s jaw dropped. “I’m not showing you my panties! Have you lost your mind?”
Suddenly Koshiro stuck her hand down the front of Muni’s shorts and retracted her arm like lightning. “Yup, I was right. See?” Koshiro stuck her sticky finger right under my nose.
The kitsune was correct. The smell of Muni’s sex was on her finger and it smelled wonderful.
Muni performed an old-fashioned titty twister on Koshiro, causing her to yelp in pain. “I can’t believe you just did that. I also can’t believe you did that with kids around!”
“Chill out, the party is over. Those kids saw nothing. Don’t be a drama queen.”
“We need to get out of here,” I demanded.
“Why?” the kitsune asked.
“Because I don’t want to get a boner and a kid’s birthday party. That’s just wrong.”
Koshiro and Muni held their hands over their mouths to stifle a loud laugh.
“You think this is funny? It won’t be funny when Artemis arrests me for being a nasty pervert that gets boners at kid birthday parties.”
Koshiro took her last sip of lemonade and poured the ice on my crotch. “Problem solved.”
“Holy shit! That’s fucking cold.”
“Now you’re using profane language at a kid’s party. You should be ashamed of that as well,” Koshiro laughed.
“I’m really glad I came to sit over here. This has been entertaining.” Muni interjected.
I stood and wiped the ice that was left on my pants. “Great, now I look like I’ve pissed myself.”
Koshiro slapped my right butt cheek. “Have I been bad? Maybe you should spank me later? Maybe you should spank both of us.”