Arc II Chapter 17
Aurora disappeared among the rubble and recruited her newest underlings. The will-o-wisps were pressed into service on an involuntary basis. Duty called and they would obey.
The sprites were far from innocent. Their thoughtless behaviour responsible for the entire disaster. No pardon would be given.
Aurora narrowed her eyes. Her icy gaze froze them solid.
“Zzzz.“ The will-o-wisps gulped. They sensed the approaching misfortune, but they knew it was too late. They wouldn't escape their punishment. Their mistress didn't negotiate.
Aurora scrutinised them. “Listen, my friends, we both know who is at fault here. We both know who provoked the wolf. It certainly wasn't me.“
The will-o-wisps lowered their head, confessing their guilt. They buzzed in shame,“Zzzzzz.“
Aurora approved of their repentance. “We will fight the beast together. And when I say together, I mean we, and when I say we, I mean you.“
Her new friends looked puzzled. Them?
The will-o-wips tilted their heads. “Zzzz?“ They didn't understand. The evil princess made no sense.
Aurora offered a benevolent smile. “Yes, you. You caused the problem. You will take responsibility.“
The spheres suffered a near heart attack. Their aether froze in their veins and their confidence dropped visibly. No sparks. No joy.
They had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling. Their mistress didn't intend to send them out against a vengeful beast, did she?
This was madness! This was insanity!
The sprites protested in unison, “Zzzzzz!“ They didn't sign up for dying!
Aurora sighed. Such pessimists. “Worry less, you won't die. At least, I hope so.“
The sprites grumbled. Their dissatisfaction rose. “Zzzz. Zzzz. Zzzz.“
“Zzzz. Zzzz.“
“Zzzz.“ Her last part didn't escape them. They heard the evil princess loud and clear. They were no cheap cannon fodder!
Aurora ignored their meek protest. Their complaints were dismissed and countered with her experienced glare. “Do I sense rebellious discontent among the nether ranks?“
Her glare proved effective and restored discipline. Order was maintained.
The will-o-wisps whimpered and submitted. Their aether wavered. Her eyes ... The girl was intimidating.
The sprites realised they have gotten themselves into something beyond their control. From here on, there was no way out. Their fate was irreversibly linked to the girl.
Aurora gifted them an encouraging smile. “Do not despair, though, because you are not alone. I have a plan.“
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The will-o-wisps blinked. “Zzzz?“ She did?
Aurora clapped her hands. “I do. It's a simple plan. It's an effective plan. We will use the crystals against the enemy.“
“I will inject my mana and destabalise the crystal formation. This will trigger a chain reaction and set off the crystalised aether.“
“Zzzz.“ They were unable to follow, but the girl radiated confidence. Hopefully, she knew what she was doing.
“But preparations take time. That's where you come in. You will create a diversion while I set up the explosion.“
Aurora elaborated. “You will engage the enemy and act as a living decoy, attracting its attention. After establishing contact, you disengage and fall back.“
“I recommend you run and capitalise on your numerical superiority. Split up and disperse. Less likely to get caught. Less risk for anyone involved. Grouping together is always a dangerous business. Trust me, he won't get all of you.“
“Next step, you lead him back to my position and my little present finish him off.“
Aurora beamed. “In short, nothing complicated. Nothing elaborate. The least that happens is you getting eaten. You might end up as a snack, but life is a dangerous affair.“
The sprites declined to comment. Their blank stares told her enough.
“Any questions?“
“None. Excellent. Now off with you. The enemy is waiting.“ Aurora sent them off and took cover behind her wall. Aurora doll accompanied her.
“Courage! Show no fear!“ Aurora clenched her fists to demonstrate her resolve. “Never forget, I am behind you, right behind this wall.“
“Even my doll supports you. Aurora, wave at them.“ Her doll waved at them, and so did Aurora. Her wave carried a bitter aftertaste, a parting gift of dubious benevolence.
“Good luck. I believe in you.“ Her declaration sounded hollow and offered little consolation. The demon in human skin lied through her teeth.
The sprites gulped and faced the wolf. Time to confront the enemy. Time to die.
The will-o-wisps followed her command without as much as a complaint. They never doubted her authority.
Aurora peeked over the wall. Her comrades floated towards the enemy. Brave little sprites. A pity their chances of survival were minimal, but such information shouldn't be divulged.
Her heart almost pitied them, but the realities of combat were tragic. Casualties were to be expected.
Aurora consulted her doll. Her counsel was appreciated. “Do you think they will make it?“
“I agree. Poor creatures. I hope they are fast.“ Aurora withdrew, biding her time. It was now on the fluffball brigade to prove their worth.