Chapter 30: Arc II Chapter 18



Arc II Chapter 18


The fluffball brigade advanced into the jaws of death despite their prospects being grim.


The sprites gulped. They regretted their decision. Their courage wavered, and their resolve crumbled, but it was too late. Their retreat was blocked.


The wolf snapped to attention and his eyes fell on them. They returned to being his prey.   


The wolf snarled. His violent blood boiled.


This wasn't ... good. Sweat ran down their forehead.


The dread wolf flashed his razor-sharp fangs. His claws bit into the ground, propelling his massive body forwards. He came closer.


The will-o-wisps realised the danger. RUN! RUN!! RUN!!!


They ran as fast as their floating mode of movement carried them, and fear. Blank fear proved an effective incentive. They floated like never before, and never again.


The sprites raced across the ruins with vengeful monstrosity following them. The distance shortened, and their panic increased.


What shall they do? They were done for!


The dust settled and Aurora emerged from the rubble. Her head carefully inspected left and right. The wolf ignored her and took her bait. The sprites served as her sacrificial pawns. May their noble sacrifice be remembered throughout the ages.


Aurora scratched her hair. “This ... worked .... better than expected. A flawless execution.“


Her doll shared her sentiment.


Aurora left her cover and jumped over the wall, advancing, sprinting. Her small steps and short legs carried her forwards.


The wolf snarled in the distance. Her allies bought her precious time, time she had to use wisely.


Aurora reached the crystal formation. The crystals radiated a powerful aura of lightning aether.


Aurora closed her eyes and explored the surrounding energy. Massive quantities of aether circulated through the vein below the ground.  


Aurora focused. Her mana reacted and gathered. Aurora injected a pulse and forced a reaction. The crystals resonated and flared up. Their purple glow fascinated her, enthralled her. A beautiful sight.


The vein pulsated and produced arcs of lightning. Their physical form still contained the unstable aether.


Aurora grinned. The fuse was set. The firework was prepared.   


Her friend returned. The fluffballs lured the beast back to her position.


The wolf shattered the nearest wall, hunting the sprites. They swirled around in complete disarray.


Their plan fell apart like a house of cards in the heat of battle. Each sprite fought for their own survival, forsaking any sense of camaraderie.


Fleeing was the only option. Their tactical retreat turned into a full-blown rout. Discipline collapsed and they zigzagged around with the sole goal of escaping his vicious fangs. They didn't want to end up as lunch.


The wild beast didn't cease his hunt, but his crimson pupils halted on a known presence. His eyes narrowed and his fangs sharpened. The girl had returned. May it be folly, or insanity, the foolish little girl had returned to his claws.


“RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!“ The wolf growled and exploded into a frenzied charge. His claws ripped stone apart as his legs catapulted him forwards. A wild beast, a living machine of flesh and tendrils. The earth trembled under his momentum.


Aurora grinned. Her plan succeeded. Unbeknownst to the beast, the tables had turned. His defenceless prey had turned into a hunter. The hunt commenced, her hunt.


Aurora injected a last pulse of mana. The crystals finally shifted and disintegrated, decomposed, decayed, unable to maintain their structure. The frail equilibrium was collapsed.


Now what was left to her was running, trusting in her short legs.


Aurora sprinted, a race against time. The fuse wouldn't last forever. Disintegration was imminent.   


Ten ...


The clock ticked.


Nine ...


The sprites raced after her, realising the danger.


Eight ...


Aurora gritted her teeth and increased her pace.


You are reading story Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht at

Seven ...


The wolf came closer. The distance between them melted like snow in the sun.


Six ...


Aurora cursed her body. Her short legs ... Her small steps ... Her long fluffy hair ...


Five ...




Four ...


Time was running out. She needed to take cover.


Three ...


Cover. Cover. Cover. Her eyes fluctuated before identifying a decapitated pillar. Target acquired. Adequate choice. Sturdy basis. Stone. High blast resistance. Little fragmentation.


Two ...


Aurora checked on her companions. Her fluffballs followed their mistress, their only lord and saviour. “Follow me!“


One ...


Aurora decelerated and threw herself behind the pillar. Her yes closed, her ears plugged, her mouth open, Aurora braced herself for the incoming blast.








Nothing happened. The detonation misfired. The fuse malfunctioned. In her moment of need, crystals failed her.


Aurora rolled her eyes. Her displeasure was openly visible. This wasn't planned. This wasn't supposed to happen.  


Aurora peeked around the corner. Two crimson eyes greeted her. The beast flashed his fangs. Her grandiose failure even amused him. He chuckled, ridiculing her efforts.


Nice try, lass. Next time, try harder.


Aurora clenched his fist. Her eyebrow twitched. This rascal. This oversized fur coat had the impertinence to taunt her. Her!


Aurora cursed, “Go screw yourself, you fucking asshole. We will see who laughs last.“


His chuckle vanished and was replaced by pure undiluted rage.


Aurora clicked her tongue and lifted her chin. The puppy didn't scare her.


Aurora beckoned him. Her hand provoked him. “All bark and no bite, bring it on if you can. I am waiting ...“






The eerie sound of electrical currents interrupted them. The crystals reacted. They discharged sparks.


The orchestra of lightning intensified. The intervals shortened. Aether expanded and demanded space.








Bolts of lightning lashed out. The crystals glowed. Purple turned gleaming white. The aether levels escalated. They exceeded her calculations.


Aurora fell silent. The aether levels were way too high. This was bad, very bad. The explosion was far more potent than expected.


Aurora hugged her doll and braced herself. This was going to be a rough experience. How right she was.


The earth trembled, and her world turned white. Her frail body absorbed the shock wave.
