Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Betrayel

Irene looked disbelieving as her own soldiers were surrounding her and pointing their weapons at her.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“The meaning? Isn´t it obvious what this means or are you that stupid, you monster.”

Searching for the owner of the voice, Irene found her husband Rung entering the room, but his look was grim.

The way he looked at Irene was if he was looking at an abomination or a monster.

But she had no time to think about it, because behind were soldiers who were holding Aversia and Zeldaris captive.

The two were crying and looked terrified.

“Aunt Irene.”, both yelled when they saw Irene

On a closer look, Irene could see that their bodies were covered in wounds and the gauntlets of the soldiers were covered with blood.

“What have you done?”

“Securing the future of humankind. They were stubborn at the beginning, but the soldiers made them more obedient.”

Irene could only imagine what the soldiers had done to them.

Irene looked in horror as the soldiers brought the two beside Rung and punched them in the face.

The two fell and looked at Irene pleading for help.

Although, both were trained by Challot, Emrissen and the others, both Aversia and Zeldaris had no true battle experience and fought only in friendly spars.

The only time they were in danger was when their powers were partly unsealed and even then, were Irene, Challot and Emrissen ready to save them.

Irene looked with disgust and hatred at Rung, who looked at her with contempt.

“Rung are you crazy, do you know what is going to happen when Challot and Emrissen hear of this? Do you want the destructions of both our countries, because that is the future when they find out about it!” Yelled Irene.

The soldiers started to laugh and even Rung had a smile on his face.

“I am not afraid of two woman who can use some magic.”

(Does he really, not know that they are dragon´s in a human form, is he really that stupid?)

“Know then monster teach me how you three created those two and I will grand you a quick and painless death.” Said Rung and kicked Zeldaris in the stomach.

“What would you do if I were to answer you?”

“Isn´t it obvious? I would refine the magic of your little test subjects and learn to use it myself and build an army of wizard wielding that magic. Then we would kill Acnologia and conquer Ishgar. What else would I use it for? Hahahahahaha.”

(He really has gone insane. Maybe the fear over Acnologia mixed with his ambitions. No, I do not have time to think about this. I need to find a way to save Zeldaris and Aversia.)

“Why do you think that we created them and for what?” asked Irene to get more information and stalling for time.

“You can´t fool me, these two are the prototypes for dragon slayer magic aren´t they not?”

(I only took inspiration from them. He really is stupid and even if he were right, there is no one besides Zeldaris and Aversia who could weald that magic. Wait didn´t he said he isn´t scared of Challot and Emrissen does he mean he has a plan against them? I need to find out.)

“What are you going to do with Challot and Emrissen?”

“Those two women should be dealt with by my soldiers any second now. But enough of this tell me what I want, or I am going to kill them both.”

Rung drew his sword and pointed it at Zeldaris throat.

Irene was thinking at that moment.

(We are dead. That idiot just killed us all.)

Seeing that Irene was not about to answer, Rung raised his sword.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

But at that moment two loud roars shook the entire castle.

The ground and everything else were shacking before that roar.

Everyone in the room, except for Zeldaris and Aversia who recognize these roars as their mothers, and they cried out calling them for help.

As the roars were subsiding, Rung recovered himself and looked in a panic around.

As he saw nothing, he became angry.

“You little brats, how dare you play such a trick on me, die.”

Rung swung his sword.

Irene wanted to step between them, but she was too far away.

But before the blade could even reach them, the roof exploded, and a giant claw appeared between the two half dragons and Rung´s sword.

Let´s rewind time a little and look at what Challot, Emrissen and Vulcan were doing in the meantime.

The three of them were together with Igneel and the other two dragons who transported Belserion to the castle at the courtyard were most of the injured dragons and dragon slayers were being treated.

The reason that the dragon slayers were treated at the same place as the dragons was because they were slowly turning into dragons too.

Most of them had just had a few scales, while few were at a later stage were other parts changed.

Because of that, most people were afraid of them and didn´t thought of them as human anymore.

Emrissen, Igneel and Vulcan were looking at the scene and didn´t know what to say about it.

“It really is sad to see that the people treat them like this. Not only are these the people and dragons who thought for them, there are now even losing their humanity for them, and this is how they are being repaid. It really is sad.” Said Igneel.

“The worst part is that we can´t change the situation. Most of them are afraid that they are going to turn into another Acnologia, and they would have already killed them if Irene wasn´t their Queen. But the fear of the people is only going to grow. Even now it will only take a single incident to blow this mess up.” Said Vulcan.

Igneel would have never imagined that the husband of Emrissen would be a human and someone like Vulcan.

He had imagined someone who was as violent and brutal as them, or someone weak who wouldn´t talk back, but not an actual normal human who talked and argued with her.

Emrissen who noticed the stupid expression on Igneel´s face, grinned and said,” Are you really that surprised about Vulcan?”

“I mean, I never imagined that you or Challot would be able to find a normal husband.”

“What´s that supposed to mean? I have way better taste in man than Challot.”

They all looked to the other side of the room were Challot was talking with one of the other dragons that transported Belserion.

It was a dragon that looked like he was wearing armor, the iron dragon Metalicana.

He was normally a dragon of few words and came over as rude and straight to the point, but there he was chatting happily with Challot.

Apparently the two had some history with one another.

Igneel and Emrissen, seeing Metalicana being so happy, couldn´t suppress their laughter.

“Now then, what should we do with all the dragon slayers?” asked Vulcan.

“We can´t let them stay here, that’s for sure, but need a place where they can live in peace and where we can help them with their transformation problem.” Said Emrissen.

“Then maybe we should leave Ishgar and try our luck in the mainland of the continent, or we could go to the northern continent.”

“The other problem is that we don´t know where currently Acnologia is. If we were to move and encountered him, it would be a catastrophe.” Said Challot who finished her talk with Metalicana and came over with him.

As they were discussing this, soldiers came running into the courtyard and surrounded Challot, Emrissen and Vulcan and pointed their weapons at them.

“Are you stupid, or do you all have a death wish?”