Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Wrath

Challot and Emrissen looked at the soldiers with a bored expression at the soldiers.

Vulcan on the other hand had a grim expression and reached for a two-handed hammer.

It was his personal weapon and the best weapon he made so far.

The soldiers were surprised at their reaction, but it didn´t take long before their surprise became anger.

“Don´t give us that look, or we are going to kill you!”, yelled a soldier.

“Have you guys gone mad, what would Irene say when she would see this?”, yelled Vulcan.

“That dragon bitch is no longer our queen we follow only lord Rung.”, said the captain of the guards who stood behind the soldiers.

“Really? Fitting, idiots following a bigger idiot, it is almost poetic. Hahahaha”, laughed Challot.

“Laugh as much as you want witch, but we have now your little test subjects and with them we will create the ultimate wizards and kill even Acnologia.”, yelled the captain.

(Has he gone insane?), was what everyone thought.

“Wait? What did you mean with test subject?”, asked Emrissen with a foreboding feeling.

“The two little kids that are always with you. Lord Rung and I captured them and is now questioning that dragon bitch how you made them, so that we can control and perfect that power.”

The second he finished his sentence he felt an unbelievable strong aura enveloping the hall and made him quiver in fear.

Both Emrissen and Challot were releasing all their magic.

The entire room was trembling and breaking apart.

They were absolutely and completely furious.

Vulcan was not much different, if his look could kill then the soldiers would die a thousand deaths.

Challot waved with her hand and an energy wave shot out of her hand and decapitated the soldiers except the captain.

At the sight of the rolling heads of his soldiers he shrieked.

(Lord Rung never mentioned that they were this powerful. What have I gone myself into?)

Emrissen walked to the captain, grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up.

The captain tried to escape her grip, but to no avail, so he gave that idea up and swung his sword at her.

The second his sword touched her, shattered it into many pieces.

Emrissen became annoyed and strengthened her grip and with a loud *crack* broke the neck of the captain.

She then trough the lifeless body aside, it hid the wall, made a small hole at impact, before falling to the ground.



“You and two other dragons will follow us and pick up Belserion. The rest will carry as many dragon slayers as they can and fly to the west, there we can decide our next steps. Vulcan, you will ride on one of the other dragons and will help them find a place where, we can stay for the moment.”

“What about you two?”

“We will rescue Aversia, Zeldaris and Irene and kill that bastard Rung.”

Igneel and Vulcan wanted to say something, but they couldn´t utter a single word when they saw the expression on their faces.

Their expression where full of hatred, but also full of worry for their children and sadness for what they had to go through.

Igneel and Vulcan turned around and began to work.

Challot and Emrissen stood there, trying to get control over their emotions or to at least hold them back until everyone was evacuated.

The dragon slayers were brought upon the backs of the dragons and after a short time was the large hall empty.

Igneel and two other dragons were flying above the castle and were waiting for Challot and Emrissen.

Challot and Emrissen stopped holding back their emotions and unleashed them in a cry and turned back into their original dragon form.

And as they were changing back, transformed their cry into a roar that shook not only the entire castle but also the surrounding city.

You are reading story Fairy Tails Half Dragons at

The people inside the castle fled in a panic outside the castle, the people on the streets screamed and run away as well, except one old man who was smoking a pipe.

“Well, it was only matter of time until before that happened. I bet it was that idiot Rung´s fault, even if it was a political marriage, Irene should have never married that idiot. I hope those two are ok.”

Challot and Emrissen flew above the castle, searching for the hall were Belserion was resting.

Suddenly, they herd two voices calling out for them, it was their children Aversia and Zeldaris.

 Both flew immediately in the direction of the voices and crushed through the roof.

What they saw was Rung swinging his sword at Zeldaris.

Challot moved her claw between Rung and Zeldaris.

The sword broke into thousands of pieces as the sword contacted her claw.

She threw Rung against the wall.

She and Emrissen picked their children up and saw with horror their injuries.

Zeldaris and Aversia were almost about to lose conscience, but as they saw their mother´s they stretched out their hands trying to reach them, but they lost conscience before they could touch them.

Igneel and the other dragons came also flying into the hall and grabbed Belserion and flew off.

The soldiers and Irene were to shocked at everything that happened to react.

As the two dragons looked at the condition of their children something snapped.

Their hatred and anger reached a new high point, and they released a killing intent so great that it almost killed all the surrounding soldiers and Irene and only then snapped Irene out of her state and looked around her.

As she realized the situation, she run up to Emrissen and started to clime her up.

Emrissen noticed that someone was climbing up her body and as she looked down, she found Irene.

Emrissen picked her up and flew into the sky.

Challot followed Emrissen and as both were in the sky, thought the soldiers that their lives were spared.             (AN: Yeah, No, not in a million years.)

Both spewed their fire breath at the soldiers and Rung.

Normally, their flames are strong enough to turn them instantly into ash, but both regulated their flames so much that the soldiers and Rung would die a slow and very painful death.

They soldiers could not breath under this heat.

Many tried to run away but couldn´t move a single muscle.

Their hair burned to ashes and their skin turned into charcoal.

Their weapons and armor melted and covered their bodies giving them even more pain.

Every second was hell, every breath they took was pure fire and when they exhaled, they exhaled fire as well.

It was an unbearable pain and every single one of them wished for the sweet release of death or that their Queen would save them.

Rung was thanks to Challot´s throw unable to move and had to endure the pain in silence.

He wanted to scream but couldn´t find the air to scream.

In the end he lost himself in the pain.

Irene watched everything with a horrified expression.

When they stopped remained only black charred corpses.

Still not satisfied, both used their breath again, only this time at full power.

The result was that the entire castle was destroyed.

Thankfully, no one was in the castle anymore since everyone run away when the two roared.

Challot and Emrissen turned around and flew to the west.

This day would later be called a catastrophe, where the humans incurred the wrath of two dragons, but no one knew what truly happened and the truth would never surface.