Chapter 4: The Escaping (Part 1)

Chapter 3: The Escaping (Part 1)

Shera's perspective

I was now inside the carriage and about to sleep, Reimi had told me that she would do the guard. She was staying outside, protecting me by guarding the night.

I cannot sleep, today was a bad day, I just lost 10 people in my group, and my country was now in a coup. 

I had been split out from my brother's group, and my group only had 12 people including me.

My father had told me to get out of Capital City to avoid being harmed in that coup. 

I didn't know the current situation of my homeland, especially the Capital City now, maybe still bad.

My father must have surrendered to the rebels, I had been hunted by 30 assassins earlier. Now there were only me, Reimi and a strange man named John Rigen.

I had asked Reimi to know who he was, she only said to me that John Rigen was a noble but not coming from this place.

It could be said by the clothes he was wearing and also the way he reacted to my name. 

My family was a Royal family, I was a Princess, this man John Rigen seemed very mysterious!

Even a poor commoner who didn't know my face would have reacted with respect attitude when hearing my name.

The man John Rigen, didn't speak any words of our Englis language, he didn't come from this place for sure.

But with his heroic acts, he had worth having my words for him. I had given Sir Rigen the sword which was from Hermann - the best guard in my group, and also the man that Reimi had secretly loved.

Hermann had now died but his honor sword would be awarded to Sir Rigen. Your death was not in vain, Hermann! You died an honorable death!

I was still curious about this John Rigen so I went outside the carriage to find Reimi.

"My Highness! It's already late, you should get some sleep for the tomorrow's journey!" - Reimi seemed very worried about me

"Reimi, can you tell me more about the man that saved us, John Rigen more for me?"

"Of course, my Highness! But please go to sleep after hearing my story."

Then I and Reimi went inside the carriage. I sat next to her and Reimi started to tell me the progress of our escaping from the time we got out of the carriage and ran into the forest.

I was very shocked, cannot believe what I heard.

Reimi told me that Sir Rigen had a long metal stick, which according to her was a very powerful magic tool that could make loud powerful noises with terrifying destruction.

Sir Rigen had the clothes according to Reimi when she said to me, that were military clothes with strange designs. 

She also told me about Sir Rigen's bag which looked big and heavy but he could move easily without any struggle.

Sir Rigen also had a small metal box that was sticking to his right hand that could talk.

He also brought the sweet flavors that had brown color wrapped in the silver cloths, which were stuffed inside Sir Rigen's bag.

Reimi said the flavor of those black-colored things was very delicious!

I held my head, trying to verify whether what Reimi said was true or not. Reimi saw my confused face so she tried to calm me down.

I didn't hear the metal thing on Sir Rigen's hand talk yet, Reimi said to me that when that metal box talked, Sir Rigen had done something to make that thing go silent.

Even if that story was true, it was still very hard to believe but soon after that, I managed to calm down and then turn toward Reimi.

"All right! Understood, I think we should keep Sir Rigen with us for now."

"My father has told me to get to the border of the Kingdom of Attenta, the road would be long so we much take care of each other."

"Reimi! You do the night guard, but remember to sleep, I don't want to see you exhausted the next day morning."

"Yes, my Highness!"

Then Reimi went out of the carriage to keep doing the guard. I saw her holding herself, trying to hold her tears from flowing out because of her depression when she lost her loved one.

I wanted to appease her but I could not, why we have to go through these bad things, you Goddess?

I lay down on the floor of the carriage a few seconds later, trying to sleep for tomorrow.

Rigen's perspective - The next day morning

I just woke up, seemed like Shera and Reimi had woken up before me. They wore mourning the deaths in the graves maybe for the last time before thinking about keeping going.

Maybe I should go with the girls before thinking about parting on my own. I had lost the way to return to Virginia, lost my soldiers, even didn't where I was lost.

"John! This is the best time for you to check on me!" - SA said to me, seemed like I forgot to turn it off last night

Then I surfed SA again, the Scanning had gathered so much information about the area I was going. 

I saw the map that was being drawn from the way I went yesterday, this forest was very huge, I guessed!

"John! Look like I have understood those girls' language a little bit. Try to keep me near them when they are about to talk, even when they are doing the trash talks."

"I can collect the words they say and write texts that are translated to my screen for you to understand what they say."

"But I think you should learn to talk to them, I don't like to have someone that always depends on me too much."

"Thanks! That would help me a lot, SA."

"And SA, I don't like to call your name like that anymore, it seems very odd so I will now call you Advisor."

"Roger that!" - Advisor accepted my order

"John! Please turn me off for the charging battery, you didn't turn me off last night so my battery just has about less than 5 hours left."

"Turn off me, if you can take against my heat while charging then keep me on your hand."

"Otherwise, remove me and place me somewhere, don't lose me, remember!" - Advisor told me that but, you dare to say like that to your owner???

Then I turned off Advisor, the screen had now turned down only a black screen. 

I stood up and went toward Reimi and Shera to ask them if there was something for me to help them or not. Though I didn't know how to say their language.

Reimi saw me, I tried to explain to her by using hand language and body language, she may now understand what I wanted to say.

Then Reimi pointed her right hand to the goods that were on the carriage as if to tell me to bring those things out, I rushed into the carriage and took the food.

My military bag was also a new kind of technology, it was very big and very wide.

I was now carrying 40 kgs (88,1 pounds) or more of the weight of equipment in this bag but I could move easily. I was stuffing the food inside my bag as much as possible.

Reimi and Shera also gather their stuff. Reimi was now both doing guard outside and taking stuff outside by taking them over from Shera, who was searching the carriage.

After stuffing the food inside my bag, I saw that had very full inside now so I changed my direction to the other things inside the carriage.

I found something, like the luggages that had been made of very priced fabrics. I opened one of five luggages I found, uh-huh! These were clothes and underwear for girls!

I immediately shut off the luggage and handed it over to Shera, who was now next to me. She saw the luggage and took it from my hand then opened it, seemed curious about what was inside.

After seeing what was inside, Shers glared at me, her eyes were very scornful seeing me as nothing but filthy trash.

Please, girl! It was just a misunderstanding I was no masochist so don't look at me like that anymore!

Hey! Hey! Why did she keep looking at me closer and closer?

But after a few seconds, Shera ignored me and kept searching for goods. 

After 10 minutes, we went out of the carriage. We had to leave some of the goods inside because didn't have much space to stuff but I saw that we didn't lack anything.

Shera then pointed her right hand to a place that according to me was the West side of the forest, Reimi also raised her fingers for me to see.

Reimi did that repeatedly 2 times by raising her fingers one to one, until it reached the 14 fingers looked like the destination they wanted to go to was away from them for about 14 days or so.

You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at

Then we went on the journey, the forest was quite flat, it just had lots of grasses and trees, we just followed the trails on the road to the destination.

After walking a little bit, I stopped in the middle of the trail, pointing my right hand to Shera. She was a bit confused after seeing what I had done.

Then I pointed my right hand down to a small rock on the ground, slowly spelled some of my words to call the rock, I wanted her to understand what I meant.

"A roc." - Shera replied to me, looking like she had understood what I was meaning

I was trying to learn the language of this place from the basic things first. On the way we went, I had asked a lot from those 2 girls, pointing at everything I saw on the trail.

I hope they did not feel annoyed when being asked to answer too much.

For some reason, the words the girls taught to me were very easy to remember and learn but I hoped that Advisor's battery would be fully charged to help me learn the language.

Maybe we had gone so far, maybe 2 hours passed, Shera then made a signal to me and Reimi to stop in the middle of the trail for the break. I took out a water bottle from my bag and drank a little.

After drinking the water bottle, I returned it to my bag and looking around, I saw about 10 creatures. 

They were all green-colored, their bodies were short, they were holding things like clubs, those creatures looked very like the goblins from the fantasy stuff that I read in novels, movies and animes.

I pointed my right hand to those creatures for the others to see. I was curious about the creatures, really wanted to ask them.

"Hey! How do you people call these creatures?"

"Goblin! Fal bac, Si Rigen!"(Goblins! Fall back, Sir Rigen!) - Reimi and Shera both shouted to me as if to tell me to stay away

The girls immediately drew their swords, running toward the creatures, forming their circle line stance.

I was about to draw my M4 Rifle but later remembered what Advisor told me earlier so I drew the sword that Shera has given to me and joined the fight.

The way Shera and Reimi acted meant those creatures may be dangerous, the girls immediately sliced the creatures apart. 

Reimi looked to be very good at this, about Shera, she seemed to be a bit clumsy because she just swinging the sword around in nervous.

Those creatures seemed very easy to kill so maybe I should slice them with the girls.

I swung my sword at one of those creatures from behind, it was hit by the sword but the wound was a bit shallow. That creature roared at my face because of its pain.

I got shocked a little bit at its roar but later calmed down then cut its hands then gave it a stab through the chest.

That creature was very easy to take out, according to me.

The girls had now done killing those creatures, Shera looked to have a bit of sweat, she breathed a bit hard in nervous. 

Her hands were shaking after being covered in the blood of the creatures she had sliced so Reimi had to take a cloth to wipe her sweats and also the blood.

Shera even when she was still breathing hard but kept pointing her hand to one of those creatures' corpses then said to me "goblin", as if to let me know what were those creatures called.

Then Reimi pulled out a dagger from her belt and started ripping those creatures' bellies.

She later brought out some stones like crystals from their bodies, I guessed! After collecting those "crystals", the girls pointed them at me, said "magi ston".

I felt strange a little bit, the way Shera said "goblin" while pointing to those creatures? Did I get transferred to another world? 

No way! I still do not believe what I saw, must be seeing things, yeah! Must be seeing things!

I was also curious about the Crystals that Reimi took out from those creatures' bodies.

I thought that my eyes just tricked me, let's wake up, my eyes! Stop dreaming during daylight!

I managed to stop thinking too much, ignored those things and returned to rest.

After about 10 more minutes of resting, Shera decided to order me and Reimi to move forward on the journey, in that progress, I asked them to answer everything I pointed out on the road.

Nothing special happened since that morning, only encountered those green creatures, then night finally came.

We were now setting a camp at a river nearby, the water here was drinkable.

I took some water with the empty water bottles and drank them. 

Wow! The water tasted very good, very fresh, and very natural, at least they were pure fresh. Most of the places that had water on the earth had now mostly polluted or as not fresh as this one.

Shera and Reimi were now sitting on a campfire we set up, they were all holding cups that contained Coca-Cola that I brought to them. 

At least I found it in my bag so I brought it to them to drink because I didn't know what I should do if I had to drink it alone.

I told the girls to drink the coke, they looked very happy after drinking it, seemed very enjoyed at new flavors that came from the modern time.

I was now turning on Advisor, I had spent the whole day recharging it, the device needed only 6 hours to be fully recharged. The battery was now fully 100 percent and had the addition of 50 percent for the backup battery.

After turning on Advisor, I went toward the girls, sitting with the girls at the campfire. They were all now done making the meal or a small dinner if I had to say, they invited me to join with smiles.

Shera and Reimi were now eating their meals with happy expressions on their faces, I also took one of the meals, the meals were the goods from the carriage, it contained potatoes, eggs, bread, etc...

The meals were very beautifully decorated, I dropped a piece of bread that had some pieces of potatoes into my mouth and later chewed it.

Uh oh! Looked like the meals were not as good as they were decorated. They were not tasty but I tried to swallow the food because they were the girls' efforts, hope they would be happy about that!

After eating the meal for a few minutes, my stomach felt hurt a little bit, what was wrong with you anyway?


If my thought was right then the things that I read on the Internet were right, about the reason why my stomach got hurt. 

The internet said that if we went back to the past and ate the food there, our stomachs wouldn't be used to the food there because of the change of environment, the dirty of ancient life, etc...

So the next thing I would have to do after eating would be...vomit them all and go on defecate...RED ALERT!!!!

I immediately rushed toward a tree and started vomiting.

I also wanted to go to the toilet, but this place didn't have a toilet so I sat down on a bush a bit far away from the girls, please don't see me!!!

Shera and Reimi saw me and started worrying about my behavior, they thought that their meals didn't fit my taste. 

I called the girls using English, even pointing my hand to my bag, telling them to bring me toilet rolls that were now inside my military bag. 

As if knowing what I meant though we didn't speak the same language, Shera immediately opened up the whole of my bag and brought out a toilet paper roll. 

Shera rushed toward me as if she was running through the rain of the plane bombing then put the toilet roll down in the place where my hands could easily reach it.

Shera then ran back to Reimi, her expression was now very shame, the girls were now covering their eyes, turning around to wait for me to "solve" my problem.

I started removing the "wastes" from my butt out of my body, I was now being diarrhea, I kept removing the "wastes" until their last drops.

After I had done "solving" that problem, I took the toilet roll and started wiping around my butt.

Man! The thing that Shera brought to me was not a toilet roll but a roll of the bandage!!!

In that "red alert" moment, I had just mislook it to be a toilet roll.

My hands were dirty right now, maybe I should use the river nearby there to "wash and clean" my hands.

"John! I forgot to say you this but the foods here are not fit your stomach, so your body will rid them out every time you eat!"

"That process will only stop at the time you are used to the foods here."

"Good luck! God bless you, the United States bless you!" - Advisor talked to me as if to comfort me but why you didn't try to be in my situation at least for once?

So this was the first thing that would harm you when you traveled to the past, huh?

Seemed like I need to be used the foods here first before thinking about learning the language in this place.


Wait? Have I done the defecation yet?