Chapter 5: The Escaping (Part 2)

Chapter 4: The Escaping (Part 2)

I had done solving my problem with the meals, maybe I have to be used to them now.

Shera and Reimi had reconsidered the ways they make the meals, they thought that their meals were too bad for me to eat, but no. 

I didn't use to eat here like them, they had familiarity with the taste of the meals so they didn't have symptoms like me

Maybe I need to used to it slowly, my rations would be ended up in 1 week so if I didn't use to eat here, I would die, no exception! 

I must place myself to be used to eating here as a priority.

Reimi and Shera were now still worrying for me, they had sat here with me, at the campfire. 

The girls, especially Shera, she always asked me as if to ask me if I felt unwell or not though we were not talking in the same language. 

I was trying to feel better after getting diarrhea, and the girls were now still worried about me, especially Shera. 

Only she was the one who was always close to me, always wiping my face as if to clean my sweats though I didn't sweat at all. 

Shera kept staring at me while wiping my face, she felt so guilty when invited me to eat dinner.

"John! You need to use to the foods here!" - Advisor reminded me though the thing I needed it to do now was to shut up

"Get back to what I told you this morning, I knew the language that the girls are speaking a little bit now."

"Now they are having a conversation so I will give you the texts that have been translated on my screen for you, let's how much I can do!"

Then a long text appeared on Advisor's screen, the texts were very well translated to me though Advisor just translated and sent me this thing the first time.

The texts were about the conversation between Shera and Reimi. They were considering how would they go or some sort like that.

I read the texts and found out that they were talking about going to the border of a Kingdom named Attenta or some sort like that, the journey could be about 2 weeks or so.

"Advisor! I only allow you to give me the texts of their conversation when I need them, I don't want to disturb their private matters!"

"Roger that, John!"

"And about what you said to me, you said that you can help me to learn the language, right? Can you teach me now?"

"John, I don't think you need my help much, just listening to their conversations."

"Focusing on the words they speak, listening carefully to their voices while going with them and you will understand." 

"Why? I know that their language is very easy to learn but why you didn't help me?"

"Listen to their words, do you see their language has anything similar to our English?"

"Just tell me!"

"Erasing the last character! The remaining words are not different from our English, you just need to practice them gradually then you will understand!"

I had listened to Advisor so I was now looking at Reimi, who was sitting next to Shera, they were talking about something. 

She took a thing that looked to be a fur paper which looked like a map, placed it on the ground, pointing onto it and talked to Shera.

"Advisor! Give me the details of their conversation, just record the voices only."

"I allow you this time, otherwise, I don't want to do eavesdropping. It makes me annoyed when I have to disturb the other's privacy."

"Even when I go anywhere that has the conversation of the people there, even if you can hear, do not hear until I give you order."

"I just allow you to hear and send their record voices to me if I see that important."

"Roger that."

"-nes! I thin i w g thi trai t th sout, w wil ge t th borde o Attenta Kingdo soone. I hav gon thi wa onc whe I wa practicin wit m fathe t d th messenge jo." 

(-ness! I think if we go this trail to the south, we will get to the border of Attenta Kingdom sooner. I have gone this way once when I was practicing with my father to do the messenger job) - Reimi talked to Shera while pointing her hands at the map

I have understood a bit now, it was a bit struggle to understand the words that their last character had been erased but I believed I could do the translation on my own.

But when Advisor gave me the voice record, there was a first word that seemed I didn't listen fully, looked like Reimi had called Shera by some title or so.

What was Reimi called Shera, exactly? Nes? Ness?

By the way Shera kept her posture while going, her clothes and the way she stressed her voice while talking, she looked to be noble but very special. 

Shera's armor only covered her chest and her shoulders because it was worn with her blue dress. 

It looked to be shining in white color, it could be made of a material that I didn't know.

What was Shera's truly social status? A high-ranking noble? An important person of the Royal, or even...a Princess?

Maybe I should not dig too much into the other people's lives, must have ignored it. 

Time would have answered me when I went with the girls in the meantime.

Maybe I will talk to Advisor now, I wanted to know how many words I could translate.

"I only need to hear that, Advisor! Let me guess, Reimi said that we would go to the South of the trail to get to the border of a Kingdom named to be Attenta sooner, right?"

"Correct! You are a fast learner, John." - Fast learner your ass! 

I didn't notice the similarities between this language and English at first, if I didn't have Advisor then I would have struggled to learn the language till the end of my life.

"Their language is not different from our English much, just need to erase the last character when you speak."

"Thank you, Advisor! I'll do my best to learn the language!"

"Now I will turn off you to sleep, I'm very sleepy now. Hope that I will used to the food here, at least it is the most difficult thing to do to me right now!"

Then I turned off Advisor and went to sleep, the girls after seeing me get to sleep, they also did the same, Reimi would do the night guard.

The next day morning, I was now still vomiting after eating the meals and still getting diarrhea but it was better than yesterday.

Dammit! When would this process end? Shera was now worried about me more than yesterday. She even talked to me as if she wanted to do something to make me feel better.

Though I cannot understand much of what she said, I appreciated what she had done for me. 

Though I was a bit annoyed when Shera slept next to me last night, she always wiped my face though it didn't have any sweat!!!

I felt a bit annoyed when Shera cared about me more than I expected, but she did care about me with no benefits for herself, she did that voluntarily.

But why does she has to care about me that much when we just newly met in just about one or two days?

Maybe, I should not dig too much about this, Shera seemed to be very kind to me, should not doubt her.

I could now eat a little bit, after done eating, I packed up with Shera and Reimi and went for the journey.

On the trails we were going, I remembered that I needed to learn the girls' language. I think that I would be able to talk to them if I applied what Advisor told me to.

Then I stop in the middle of the trail, going toward Shera and Reimi and started speaking to them some words, hoping the girls would understand what I was gonna say.

Of course, I would speak to them by erasing the last characters of the words. I must keep that detail in mind all the time, I hoped they would understand.

Breath! Let's take a bit of breath and talk to the girls now!

"Hei! D yu underston whaa I a sayin noo?" 

(Hey! Do you understand what I'm saying now) - Did I speak wrong some words? Hope they would understand!

"Waah! It' ver impressiv, Si Rigen! I can' believ tha yo coul lear ou languag i jus 2 day! Wha a geniu!"

(Waah! It's very impressive, Sir Rigen! I can't believe that you could learn our language in just 2 days! What a genius) - Shera and Reimi spoke the same word to me because they were so shocked and impressed by what I did

I have opened my ears as wide as possible to hear what the girls talked, it was a bit struggle to understand what they said but.

I heard that they admired me when I could speak their language if I didn't mishear.

You are reading story A Marine Got Lost In Another World at

"Ho di yo d tha?"

(How did you do that?) - Shera asked me with a shocked face, she asked me why I could speak the language, right?

"I don knu, Shera! Somekho I manage t dr i"  

(I don't know, Shera! Somehow I managed to do it.) - Did I stress wrong some words? Let's forget it! Let's see how Shera would react

"Yo mus b blesse b Goddes Katia, Si Rigen! O, God! Than yo ver muc fo blessin thi ma!"

(You must be blessed by Goddess Katia, Sir Rigen! Oh, God! Thank you very much for blessing this man!)

Again, I had to open both of my ears widest to hear what Shera said. She said the words "Goddes, god", "Katia".

Goddess? Katia? Must be the name of some god, but there was a God that had this name in the Middle ages?

Then I got a little confused at what the girls doing, Shera and Reimi were now kneeling on the ground, holding their hands and started speaking some words.

"Yo Goddes! Than yo fo blessin thi ma, John Rigen! W hop tha followin hi wil someho mak u ge luck!"

"I Sir Rigen ha bee sen her t u b yo, Goddes! The w swea t yo w wil tak car o hi t ou las breat!"

"Yo Goddes! Pleas hel ou homelan t mak ou o thi cou. W kno tha w didn' pra t yo muc whe w wer th kid bu no w trul worshi yo a ou tru creato!"

"W hop yo wil liste t ou voice, Goddes! W worshi yo unti ou soul an ou bodie vanishe b th tim, lon liv Katia!"

(You Goddess! Thank you for blessing this man, John Rigen! We hope that following him will somehow make us get lucky!)

(If Sir Rigen has been sent here to us by you, Goddess! Then we swear to you we will take care of him to our last breaths!)

(You Goddess! Please help our homeland to make out of this coup. We know that we didn't pray to you much when we were the kids but now we truly worship you as our true creator!)

(We hope you will listen to our voices, Goddess! We worship you until our souls and our bodies vanished by the time, long live Katia!)

Seemed like the girls were now praying, I didn't know exactly what kind of God they were worshipping. 

Goddess Katia? Was there a God named like that in ancient history? In this place that looked like to be set in the middle ages?

Must be a lost data in the ancient history, that Goddess's name and her history must have been erased from the history line after the Renaissance.

But I saw that I must not disturb the girls when they were praying, just pretend like I didn't know anything about the one they are worshipping! 

One minute after worshipping, Shera and Reimi stood up, about to keep up the journey. 

I wanted to know what the girls had prayed to that Goddess but I just had practiced talking with the girls the first time so I didn't understand much of what they said during the praying.

But looked like the girls had understood what I said, I had struggled a little bit to understand their words.

But I think I would used to speaking with the girls gradually if I kept practicing with them while traveling or resting.

Because the last characters had been erased when talking so I needed to guess what was the last meaning of the words, hope I would used to it.

Their language was not different from the English language. Just need to erase the last character of the word then you could speak their language easily.

But that was the first time I talked to the girls using their language so they also reminded me that I still have problems when stressing the words when speaking. 

But I think I would used to it, because I had already understood how their language works.

I kept practicing the language with the girls when we were on our journey. Their language was easy to learn than I expected.

But I still need to be used to how their words were spoken but now I could talk normally to the girls after a day of hard work for the practice. 

Must practice more and more with the girls to have a long-term memory or I would forget everything that I learned after waking up tomorrow.

"John! During the journey, you can turn on the Detection, the perimeter of the detection will be a maximum of 500 meters (547 yards)." - Advisor suddenly talked to me

"The Detection works by counting the creatures' heartbeats, except insects, you will know what creatures are on the road forward you when I do the scan."

"I have already turned it on, it's a waste of time to wait for your command."

"Thanks, Advisor! It's good to hear you can work on your own without my orders, you are the most revolutionary technology of this 21st century!"

"We are not in the 21st century anymore and we don't know where is this place exactly, just follow the girls from now on!"

After curious too much about the girls so I asked Reimi and Shera about this place and the reason why they had to get to the border of Attenta Kingdom.

Reimi said to me that she and Shera were running away from something, but she didn't say many details about it.

I also asked her about the forest, she said this forest was named Tod, the border between their homeland, Warsaw Kingdom and the Attenta Kingdom.

Reimi also said Shera's group had been split up from her brother's group and they must have now waiting for them at the border of Attenta Kingdom.

Seemed like our today's journey had no problem, night came so fast and we had already set up a camp.

I had turned off Advisor in the noon for the battery charge, it was now fully charged but I would turn it off again to save energy.

Reimi was about to do the night guard but I told her to sleep, I would do the night guard myself. My language skill had improved faster than I expected after talking too much with the girls.

I would change my shift with Reimi in about three hours, until that time, I would do the guard for the girls.

I had used to the food a bit, I have stopped vomiting but still getting diarrhea, it was now better than before.

I was very curious why Reimi called Shera "my Lady" though Shera herself looked like a high-ranking noble according to me. 

Reimi's voice even had a bit of hesitation and a bit hard when she called Shera that title, she must not be used to calling Shera like that.

Shera looked more than a normal noble, she looked like a Princess by the clothes she wore. 

I felt like Shera and Reimi were hiding me something that they didn't want to talk about.

Shera also asked me where I come from, I said to her that I was a high-ranking noble not coming from this place, my memory got lost for some reason since I woke up in this forest.

Of course, that story was a lie! But I also didn't remember clearly how I got here.

I couldn't even remember the details of the patrol mission I was doing with my soldiers!

Even the names and the faces of two soldiers that had followed me in that patrol, I also didn't remember.

Reimi and Shera seemed very suspicious of my story but they soon ignored it and reminded me to take focus on the journey to the Attenta Kingdom.

I also avoided asking the girls too much about their backgrounds and the place they had lived before, just asked about their homeland, that's all.

I hoped I would get full information about this place when I got to the Attenta Kingdom. I was now doing the guard, in a silent night. 

Sometimes I looked back to see Reimi and Shera, they were now sleeping together, their bodies, gulp!

Reimi and Shera, both were beauties, Shera looked to be young, must be 15 or 16, I guessed, she still not come to the legal age for me to"meat".

About Reimi, her appearance and her face looked to be about 20 or more than that, what would a man do if he was always alone with girls?

I didn't have any girlfriend back home so I always reacted to the girls a bit aggressively and was thirsty for them if I had a mood.

Maybe I should stop thinking about the girls but how?

Ah! The was a tree over there,  maybe I should relieve my libido by going behind it to solve my lust.

Hope the girls wouldn't wake up if they heard some strange noises that I made while relieving.

After relieving behind the tree, I did not do it one but three times! I had spent weeks saving that much.

I hope my excitement about the girls had gone down now, sigh! Dammit! Still wanted, little boy? I just had done that less than one hours ago!

Let's make it quick and return now, hope Reimi and Shera still have their good sleep!

I later returned to do the guard, trying to avoid looking back for the girls, not letting my mind lose its concentration.

The memory of my previous place where I lived begins to be blurred, I hope I won't forget where I am from!