Journey had been called many things in her life. Her mother used to say she was hopeless for her constant daydreaming. Meanwhile, her brother enjoyed teasing her about how gullible, and ditsy she could be. Before she quit her job to begin her journey to Sinmore, many of her friends had referred to her as the ‘Space Cadet’ on account of her head always being in the clouds. Despite all of this, she had never been known as a nihilist. Even as her bare skin tingled, and juices trickled down the length of her stomach, Journey felt surprisingly calm.
It was impossible to tell if her positive demeanor was natural or due to the chemical imbalances in her brain. Her bloodstream was washed with elevated surpluses of testosterone and estrogen, sending her into a constantly nauseated state. According to the doctor, that would pass once her body stabilized, but until then she would experience a continued range of side-effects.
Either way, she gasped a sigh of relief as the doctor pressed a stethoscope against her breast. The slightest pressure was all it took for her nub to release another steady stream of fluids. The bounty of her nurturing glands was without end. Since returning to her room Journey had to relieve her sore breasts multiple times.
If it was only her breasts that had been augmented during her hibernation, the changes might’ve been easier to manage. But alas, they were the least of her problems.
Her throat was parched, and no amount of water could sate her thirst. As the good doctor wrote down a series of notes, Journey couldn’t stop looking down at his groin, as if somehow his manhood could relieve her. She found that alcohol helped, wine in particular, and there was an abundance of spirits available in her private quarters. Sadly, there was only one other liquid that alleviated her, and Journey knew that only because she had the means of harvesting it now.
Journey’s newly grown appendage was born from the sensitive tissue that once was her clitoris, thus the flesh of the shaft was unbearably delicate. Its ache was ferocious! Yet each time she tried to wear anything, the receptive skin made her want to scream. A single touch caused it to grow hard, and sent jolts of pleasure down her spine. In fact, she couldn’t so much as look at it without feeling butterflies in her stomach. Its bulbous tip stood out, glistening with pre-seminal fluids, and a collection of blue veins decorated the monument of pink flesh.
Embedded just underneath her ovaries, two newly christened testicles had grown to fuel her immaculate rod. They were tiny, yet strove to demand her attention. The rush of hormones made it hard for her to fight the constant erection.
Stimy Coley, the ships primary physician, told her she would get used to it; so far, she doubted him. He spoke with a strong spacer accent, and seemed especially cordial. Despite her naked body sitting in front of him, Stimy remained completely professional. There was a tiredness in his eyes, like he had seen far too much in his lifetime, and a gentleness in his touch that made her feel a sense of comfort.
He was an aged man with a gentle demeanor and humble features. Short and stocky, Stimy kept his reddish hair short, and his beard neatly trimmed. His skin was unbelievably pale, like someone who hadn’t seen a day of sunlight in his life. It reminded Journey of the denizens of Galli.
The doctor checked her vitals studiously, writing occasional notes as he went through his analysis. Journey was thankful he could do this in the comfort of her own room, instead of the chemically intoxicating confines of his infirmary.
Stimy had been upset when he learned of the sudden changes in her hibernation sequence. It was his job to log, and prepare for everyone’s well being. That meant any invasive procedures should’ve been approved by him. When Journey stumbled into his infirmary the day before, her body throbbing in a chemical stupor, his outrage was palpable.
“How would you rate the discomfort?” He asked. The question was focused on her chest. His fingers were rough, and yet she still enjoyed having him touch her. It felt good, alleviating in fact, for someone to touch her soft and ample breasts.
“Better now,” Journey spoke softly. She bit her lip as the doctor felt up her soft flesh in search of any signs of bumps or complications. He was gentle, trying his best not to cause her to lactate too much as he had to press deep into her mounds.
The second he withdrew his hands to write something on his pad, Journey seethed with renewed desire for attention. She desperately yearned for him to do more than feel her up.
“Much worse now,” Journey couldn’t hide the desire from her voice.
Stimy could tell she was interested in more than just his practical assessment. “Hyper stimulation seems to have taken affect.” He leaned back in the chair as he continued, “And your gland secretion continues to build at a steady pace. At this rate, it’ll be another twenty four hours before you’re fit for duty.”
“What!” Journey didn’t know if she could wait another day for sexual release. She had never felt this anxious to go down on someone before, and for the first time she held genuine excitement for being a comfort liaison.
With stinging nipples, Journey tried to lean forward, and was quickly held back.
“There’s something you should be aware of,” The good doctor carefully pushed her back. “Your new physiology has complicated your inoculations. Your fertility is through the roof. Also, you’re likely going to experience heightened cramps over the next several days.”
There was a long pause as Stimy finished writing something on his notepad. Journey could feel beads of sweat strolling in between her shoulder blades, and down her cleavage.
You are reading story Journey Is A Comfort Liaison at
“In other words Ms. Chase, I would avoid unprotected sex for the duration of the trip. This includes your new…penis.” He pushed his chair back and stood up to leave, but not before handing her a small package of meds. “This should help with the nausea and stomach cramps, you should take two now, and two in the morning.”
“Can I please…start my first shift tomorrow?” Journey didn’t know what came over her. Every inch of her being demanded satisfaction, and she couldn’t escape the realization that she was someone’s personal comfort liaison. She could only imagine what degrading, and humiliating things she would be forced to do on someone else’s behalf. She hadn’t even met the man she was assigned to yet, and already her loins were gushing wet.
Stimy took a moment to review his patient files before considering her request. “I would suggest another twenty four hours, but I can check on you in the morning to see if you’ve improved. If your testosterone levels have mellowed out, I’ll consider it.”
“Thank you…doctor,” Journey said sweetly.
He ignored her seduction, much to Journey’s dismay.
Once alone to her own devices, Journey spent the rest of the night exploring her newly ripened genitalia. Eventually she blacked out in a pool of her own sweat and sticky fluids. The taste of her own seed burned against her tongue as she drifted into a hazy dream. Even there, there was no escape from the madness.
“Good morning Ms. Chase,” Daves voice surprised her coming from a speaker in the ceiling.
Journey had trouble opening her eyes, somehow her sticky left overs crusted over her lashes. “Is it morning already?” She asked with a dry voice.
“Indeed Ms. Chase, and you are scheduled for another appointment with Head Physician Stimy Coley in one hour. If you’d like, I could prepare breakfast while you shower, and change into your uniform.”
“Oh boy, great.” Journey exaggerated. Her entire body was burning hot as she rose from her sheets.
“I see your bedsheets are already in need of washing. Please insert them into the recycling dispenser, and I’ll have them changed immediately.” Dave’s voice echoed through the room.
“You can make up my own bed? That’s weird.”
Just as she finished speaking, a pair of mechanical arms extended from a side access. The clamps on each arm already held new packages containing fine linen sheets, and even a new robe.
“Thats nice,” Journey struggled to get up on her feet. Her legs were shaking, and it felt weird walking around with an erection. She couldn’t keep her legs together, or figure out how to walk with a dick swinging between her legs. It felt incredibly awkward.
She carelessly threw her sheets into the small dispenser in the corner of the room before walking toward the bathtub, and drawing herself a bath full of hot water. As she sank into the warm water, her sensitive erection nearly caused her to pass out from sheer euphoria.
The next hour passed by slowly, as if Journey were in a drunken stupor. Eventually the door to her private sanctuary opened on its own. The sound of light footsteps wasn’t enough to capture Journey’s attention, instead it was the smell of roses, and perfume that captured her senses.
“Well, look what we have here?” The voice didn’t belong to the good doctor. Instead the strange spacer accent belonged to a woman. It was assertive, powerful, and even strangely tempting. The guests intrusion didn’t seem to bother Dave, who hadn’t said a word upon her arrival.
Journey shot her a delightful glare before sinking farther into the water.
“Don’t be afraid,” The woman wearing a utilitarian jumpsuit strolled toward the bathtub. With thin fingers, she unzipped her suit all the way down to her groin, exposing an abundance of soft skin and succulent curves. “I’m not hear to hurt you.”
There was a time when Journey would’ve been afraid, instead something ravenous consumed her. Without warning, and without lament, she threw herself from the bathtub and landed hard against the intruder. Her mind wasn’t her own, instead it was her fully erect shaft that was doing all the thinking.