Chapter 15: Chapter 5.2: Journey

      Journey wanted to be caught by surprise. Her skin wanted to be touched, and her nipples yearned to be manhandled aggressively. Her loins ached to be spread wide by a ferocious meaty cock. She wanted to get on all fours, and lift her rear up high so that she could look down and watch as her assailants shaft dipped between her legs. The sudden pressure of its intrusion would give way to burning pleasure as her inner walls would coil, and grip him with bonding enthusiasm. 

      They needed to be raw, so that she could bask in the warmth of his bounty filling her stomach. She desired to be ravished to exhaustion, and used for his enjoyment. Images flashed in front of her eyes, ones of being coated in a warm soup of mans pleasure, with her erection raised high. 

      Imagine her surprise only to find another woman to please her rampaging hormones. The intruder looked familiar, but through the shadows, and steam it made little difference. Something snapped in Journey’s mind. She felt angry, more than that, she was irate. 

      For over three hours, Journey plowed her overly sensitive erection into her victims warm, and soothing, folds. There was a sense of exquisite relief produced with each orgasm. As a woman, she wasn’t used to this new sense of pleasure. The way her quarry squirmed against her throbbing skin was unbelievably tantalizing. It made her toes curl, and her nerves sting. Journey’s womb was on fire, making her own sex sweat as she slammed her rod deeper, and deeper into her victims womanhood.

      It was violent. Her entire body was spent each time she shot her load inside her victims moist grip. It was incredibly taxing, yet somehow within minutes her balls would be full again. Each reload brought with it another tidal wave of testosterone fueled endorphins. 

      A thick white haze coated Journey’s vision as she plowed deeper into the sobbing pink lips of her intruder. The way her victims warmth cradled her shaft after each passionate release only furthered her desire to reach farther. It was a shock to the system, feeling her balls swell and ejaculate inside the woman’s unprotected pussy. 

      Eventually, Journey collapsed onto her back with her limbs spread wide. The entire room reeked of sour sweat, and bitter semen. A coating of moisture collected over the window overlooking the great beyond. Journey didn’t even bother to untie her pathetic victim from her shackles, instead she let the mattress absorb them both as they were. 

      There was no mercy, for Journey’s body screamed to explode. If it were a man that had snuck into her room, Journey would’ve thrown herself onto the floor, and begged for him to strangle her while impaling her loins. But alas, it was a woman who had dared to breach her sanctum. Whoever she was, she was a prideful and arrogant creature hoping to find a willing slave. Journey would have none of it, her nerves were on fire, and her manhood demanded to be unleashed. 

      Thus she didn’t feel an ounce of sympathy when the woman cried out for help, or begged for her to stop. Instead Journey had become the very thing she craved. She became a callous, and harsh, example of raw power. 

      Journey’s guess was that her seed must’ve been especially potent, for within minutes the woman’s pleas grew into moans of pleasure. Now that her balls were finally spent, and her loins tight, Journey heaved her voluptuous breasts in the air with each breath with some relish.

      “Ms. Chase, I see there is a discrepancy in my logs. I’m missing three hours, and forty five minutes of video, and audio conditions. It appears, someone has overridden my security settings until now. Are you in need of assistance?” The artificial intelligence’s voice caught Journey off guard. 

      Journey opened her eyes, and looked up to the ceiling. “No,” she was still panting. “Just…let the doctor know…that I’m ready for my first shift.” 

      A series of small beeps could be heard as Dave cycled through his settings. “I am sensing another individual in your room. Should I get security?”

      “No, no.” Journey rolled over so that she was able to sit on top the intruder strapped to her bed. “I’ve got it handled.”

      “If you say so Ms. Chase.” The computers voice was surprisingly nonchalant about the situation. 

      “Hey Dave, who is it I’m supposed to report to as a comfort liaison?” She asked while withdrawing a collection of ropes from one of the many cabinets under the bed. Her room seemed to have an abundance of such tools. Journey strapped her victims arms overhead, and wrapped new ropes around her arms and breasts. She couldn’t wait to enjoy her new pet later that evening. In the meantime, Journey would make sure she couldn’t get away.

      “According to your records, you are assigned to an officer by the name of Rise Righte.” Dave answered.

      “Can you send me his psychological profile? I want to know what he’s into.” Newly programmed instincts gave Journey new perspectives on love making. She was eager to please him, however he wished. 

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      “Of course Ms. Chase, all officers are required to undergo a thorough mental, and physical review prior to employment.” Dave was quick with his retort. “I’ll forward non-classified records to your tablet now.” 

      “Good,” Journey strolled a finger down the arch of the woman’s spine.  “I want to know what would please him the most.”

      “Of course Ms. Chase, I’ll send you the files immediately.”

      As her finger strobed the base of her victims spine, Journey could already feel herself growing hard again. “In the meantime, can you unlock the safe containing all the clamps…and electrodes?”

      “I’m not sure that would be wise?” Dave’s artificial voice sounded authentically disturbed.

      “What about the container of special dildo’s?” Her eyes wandered to the containers mounted to the wall, each bearing sex toys, and instruments of varying shapes and sizes. 

      “Is this for your personal enjoyment?” This was the second time Dave’s smooth voice caught her attention. In a way, it was turning her on. 

      “Mine…and a guest,” She ignored the sudden warmth between her legs. 

      When Dave next responded, Journey got the impression he was lying. “If it isn’t for on-duty service I’m not authorized to unlock these containers.”

      “What about…”

      “I would advise you release the intruder, and alert security.” Journey laughed at Dave’s outburst. She leaned up against her captives bare shoulders, pressing her breasts against her solid backside. 

      “You’re no fun.” Journey eventually answered while sliding a thumb into the woman’s mouth. Outside, a carpet of star light showered the naked woman’s torso. 

      “I’m simply doing my job.” 

      For a few seconds, Journey played with her guest to see if she could tease her to full awareness. She had passed out sometime during the heated affair, and had yet to awaken. 

      “Fine…whatever…but don’t alert security. I wouldn’t mind if she snuck in again.” Journey sighed as she loosened the chord of rope, causing her victim to collapse onto the dirty sheets. 

      Journey spent the next half hour in the bath tub, letting the lust wash off her clammy skin. By the time she had refreshed herself, the woman on the bed groaned. It would be a while before she had the strength to move, until then she just watched as Journey adorned her sultry uniform, and brushed her hair back. 

      Just before she left, Journey put on her glasses and was happy to see her guest was blushing wildly with a passionate grin.