Chapter 35: Chapter 10.3: Lora (images by Ivanna provided)

      “Why am I so thirsty?” Lora Rookson kept asking herself the same question, over and over, as she walked down the halls. Her loins ached something fierce. There was a slight limp in her step that was hard to disguise. Yet, she kept her composure the best she could, remembering her training to hide such discomfort. 

      The ship seemed so quiet around her, as if it new her secrets, and darkest desires. Her stomach flipped each time she recalled what happened. She just spread her legs for multiple men, and even a woman with a giant cock! 

      Lora bit her lip just thinking about it. If she concentrated, Lora could still feel the warmth of newborn seed spreading through her groin. She was thankful for the birth control medication upon coming aboard, although…Lora couldn’t help but feel a tiny glint of excitement. 

      Deep in her gut, her womb was opening. An army of semen invaded her castle without mercy, eagerly seeking their prize. Lora had brought enough children into the world to grasp the feeling that something was happening. She discounted the thought, assuming it was her paranoia, but the idea that she had just been inseminated wouldn’t relent. 

      Lora swallowed a mouthful of saliva, her throat was so raw and dry after hours of unrelenting passion. Dehydrating was near, and Lora couldn’t wait to down an entire liter of water…or something a bit more…bitter. She shook her head at the thought of ingesting another load of the comfort liaison’s semen. 

      Why can’t I stop thinking of her disgusting ejaculate! Why did it start to taste…so…sweet. In her experience, semen was always fairly salty with a bitter aftertaste. For it to taste so juicy, thick, and sweet was a surprise for her. Lora had barely walked down the halls of C-deck before feeling her tongue itch for taste that unnatural flavor again. 

      “Are you ok?” The voice seemed like an echo, yet still Lora recognized the charming sound of her previous conquest. Reward was leaning against the wall, a cigarette in his hands, and noticed her approach with some excitement. His uniform was crisp, and clean, as if he just had it washed. There was something about a man in uniform that always captured Lora’s attention, now so more than ever.

      “I’m fine.” Lora did her best to sound honest, but truth-be-told, she sounded on the verge of swooning into his arms. 

      Reward saw her apprehension, and stood up straight with alarm. “Are you sure? Because you seem off.” He wasn’t wrong, it took everything in her not to collapse. 

      Lora paused for a moment to catch her breath. The taste of semen still lingered on the back of her tongue. It made her frustrated. Her armor suddenly seemed heavy, and uncomfortable against her frame. For the first time, Lora couldn’t wait to be rid of it. 

      “I said I’m fine,” She scoffed at Reward. She bit her lip to steal her attention. It was hard not to look at his groin. 

      To his credit, Reward played a decent man rather than let her obvious gaze lure him into an unprofessional position. “So where were you yesterday? I looked everywhere for you.” There was actual concern in his tone. 

      Lora checked the time, and realized she hadn’t reported to her men in over eighteen hours. That had never happened before! She realized her entire company was probably looking for her. 

      “I was…” Lora didn’t know how best to explain, but decided not to describe the orgy she just participated in. “Pre-occupied,” Lora finished sternly.

      Reward noticed her hesitation, and followed her at a distance down the hall. Several minutes passed, Lora had just reached her private quarters, when he decided to speak next. “I wanted see how you were doing. maybe buy you lunch, or coffee sometime?” 

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      Lora breathed a sigh of relief. He must’ve noticed her sour mood, but was more worried about his own proposition than her own debauchery. Lora thanked the gods for that. 

      “You wanted to ask me out?” Lora let the question linger as the door to her room opened. The air inside smelled remarkably refreshing after hours spent in the officers sweaty confines.

      Reward always seemed to exude confidence, yet at that moment he was anything but. His cheeks were blushing, and he struggled to remain focused. There was a chip in his voice that showed how hard it was for him to frame a sentence. Lora found it charming, actually. 

      “Maybe, I just…well I would love,” he froze. “I mean, I would be grateful to get to know you. At the very least, I want to know the story of that tattoo.”

      Lora shot him a narrow smile. “I don’t know, maybe another time.” She shrugged. “I’ve had a long night.” She thought it best to leave it at that.

      “Are you sure you’re alright?” Reward noticed the strain in her eyes, and the flinch with each step. Lora knew he was genuinely concerned, and in a way, so was she.

      “Yes,” Lora waved him off. “Now stop asking. I’m going to take a shower, and get some sleep.” Lora paused, resisting the urge to invite him in. “Why don’t you ask me again next cycle, I might even say yes.” She gave him a wink.

      Reward grinned at that. “Ok, will do.” 

      The pair said their goodbyes, and then Lora eagerly entered her room. The minute she was alone, she removed her armor. Lora didn’t even bother to collect it, instead etting it scatter to the floor. She was almost free of its restraint when a series of alarms captured her attention. 

      Almost completely naked, Lora spent a couple minutes strolling through the holographic display of her personal computer. There was an abundance of old messages requesting her attention. Her first sergeant was alarmed at her absence, and was worried she might’ve suffered a terrible fate during her celebrations. The last time he saw her was in the lounge, just before she left to drag the new girl into the hibernation pod. 

      Lora was tempted to prod his memory. She clearly remembered him enjoying the comfort liaison in her stead. Perhaps…even a little too much. The thought of him enjoying her actually upset her, and Lora shook at the thought that she could actually have become jealous.

      She sent messages to all her mercenaries, letting them know that she had a great birthday celebration, although she might’ve gotten into too much trouble. Despite this, she was otherwise fine. Her first sergeant enjoyed that, and was relieved. He even offered to send her a bottle of his famous ‘hangover special’ to relieve her pain. 

      After finally easing her companies nerves, Lora finished stripping her leggings and boots. She then took the longest shower she possibly could. She felt the need to go past her allotted water partition, and purchased an additional third cycle to wash the hours of lust from her skin. 

      Finally free, and cleansed, Lora didn’t have the energy to report to duty. She barely had the energy to make her way to the bed. Instead she put on her pair of stockings, and sat in front of the massive window overlooking the void of space. Her breasts bare, she basked in the starlight. Her scars were highlighted against the backdrop, each telling a story of nightmares long past. As her mind drifted away, the bitter taste of semen continued to linger in the back of her throat.