Chapter 36: Chapter 10.4: Esta

      An entire compartment had been prepared for the colony ships entire crew. Those that were suitable for insemination would find themselves with plenty of breeding stalls to choose from. The occasional subject would be signaled out, and transformed for a myriad of reasons. Esta’s tastes were fickle, and so to were many of her clients. 

      She already had a buyer for the bulk of the cargo she pursued. A mining colony deep in the cloister was in dire need of increasing the gene pool. They would pay handsomely for a thousand strong, able-bodied men, and fertile women. Another lordling from one of the pirate kingdoms was also willing to pay a high premium on foreign women for his harem. He had a taste for brunettes, with large heaving breasts. Esta knew she would be able to find a few for him.

      Esta did have standards. She had a soft spot for families, and she never touched children. Children were dropped off at stations along the way, many with pockets full of credits. Families were left alone as well, and for a fee she would offer them safe passage. Occasionally one of her abductees would turn out to be a wealthy aristocrat, successful merchant, or a welcome traveler worth some esteem. They often made good clients.

      The woman Esta was playing with now, wasn’t one of those things, but she was a rare find. She was a celebrity from the Freehold, and a beautiful one at that. She had been traveling to Sinmore on a private charter, supposedly to perform for soldiers on R&R. Some of the strands of her dark black hair was dyed blue, giving her azure bangs.

      The celebrity was fair skinned, without a single blemish other than an acceptable amount of freckles over the bridge of her nose. Her pink nipples were fully erect as her body was submerged in a tank full of semen. The milky white soup looked like a clear milk bath, with an overwhelming manly smell. A plastic sheet ceiled the celebrity in, except for her head that was allowed to rest on a soft pillow. Her mouth was forced open so that she could learn how to enjoy a man’s girth without biting down on it.

      Esta Stonewall wore only a cream colored gown over her ample bodice. The soft linen wrapped tightly over her wide hips, and left an open slit down the middle to expose all six of her breasts. It was times like these, where she couldn’t help but marvel at her victims. 

      The thrum of engine vibrations melted through the hull; even at the forward end of the grand vessel Esta could feel the slight pulse as if it were a valid heartbeat. The Daughter of Silesia was hungry, it’s reactor eager to stiffen with power. It wouldn’t have to wait much longer, soon it would be on the chase again.

      Fourteen days have passed since Esta’s ward inserted herself aboard the colony vessel, and so far Esta had been kept in the dark. The idea that Melie would betray her was unthinkable. Yet, fourteen days was far too long to achieve a simple sabotage mission.

      There was excitement in being forced to wait, but eventually it would grow into impatience. Esta knew there was a chance her prey was already dead, committing to an emergency jump might’ve been its final acts. Somehow, however, Esta felt that fate had more in store for the wayward colony ship. For now Esta had plenty of space to roam, and there were plenty of civilian craft to pursue.

      Already she had captured three other vessels in the fringes of mapped space. One was a simple smuggler vessel, and luckily its captain had known her. In fact, he had purchased more than one concubine from her store. For that reason Esta let him go, although she found it humorous he had been flying an old Mark II Load Hauler. 

      The second vessel she had seized was an illegal transport, its cargo a collection of refugees. She let the families go, but kept the others to add to her own supply. The grown men were of good breeding stock, but the women needed a little alteration. 

      Finally, the last spacecraft held a real prize. The very celebrity currently submerged in the tub of jizz had been dragged from her private ship with her entourage in tow. Within minutes, Esta had the beautiful lass brainwashed, and forced to do whatever she ordered. The woman complained, of course, even as she groveled on the floor with her legs spreed wide. 

      Esta let her most experienced henchmen plant their seed into her fertile womb. For hours the celebrity crumbled into a quivering mess, her loins were ravished and filled to the brim. She could barely walk without spilling a cupful of man milk when she was forced to sit upon one erection after another.

      Just for added measure, Esta put the girl in the semen bath afterward just to make certain someone’s sperm would take. The celebrity was exhausted, her eyes unfocused as another man approached to sink his shaft down her throat. She gagged on his girth harshly until nearly passing out. Esta rolled her eyes in disappointment, she couldn’t wait until the celebrities gag reflex was washed away.

      Esta Stonewall watched silently. It wouldn’t be long before her toy would fully submit. Until then there was plenty of time to enjoy the show. Esta was already debating on which petty lordling she should offer her too, or whether she should keep her for herself. The burden of indecision weighed heavy upon her shoulders.

      A shudder disturbed her train of thought as a draft of cool air brushed against her bare cleavage. The refreshing wind blew through the open doorway from the adjacent side of the room. Esta was always surprised how silent the Daughter of Silesia’s inner doors seamed to open and close. It could get quite unnerving, having her sanctum disturbed so delicately. 

      A milk slave entered the room. Bare foot, she was garbed in satin, and decorated with elaborate piercings. She strode to just within arms reach of her mistress before halting in her tracks. A pair of amber eyes looked toward Esta with apprehension. Fear etched the girls face.

      “Still no communication?” Esta asked the slave.

      “None, ma’am.” Her voice was a flutter, and her eyes darted to the pleading celebrity. Arousal dripped down her legs, and Esta smirked upon seeing the girls flustered cheeks.

      “I see, then we might as well proceed without her,” Esta sighed. “It’s a shame really. I hoped Melie would live up to the challenge.”

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      “There is something else.” The slave fought not to look at the girl submerged in the goo.

      “What?” Esta could already feel a migraine growing.

      “The Son of Thrace appeared on our sensors.” The declaration froze the blood in Esta’s veins. The slave took a step back, noticing her mistress’s sudden tension. 

      For several seconds Esta stood there in silence. Her skin crawled as memories flashed before her eyes. None of them were pleasant. Only the sound of slobbering lips, and a sweaty ball sack slapping against a woman’s chin, could be heard as Esta digested the news. 

      “Are you sure?” Esta’s voice was hallow. 

      The milk slave cleared her throat. “Yes mistress, but It’s gone now. Our long range sensors discovered its unique transponder, and tracked it over a five minute interval. The info sphere also confirms a reported sighting near the Byzantium sector.”

      “Byzantium,” Esta chewed her lip. “That’s…unexpected.”

      “Should we divert course?” 

      Yes! Was Esta’s first thought, but she rubbed the back of her neck and took a deep breath to calm herself. If that wretched ship was near Byzantium, she pitied the worlds inhabitants. There were only a few reasons she could imagine why the Son of Thrace would venture there. 

      “Chloe Butcher, do you think I’ll actually wander into your trap?” Esta spoke quietly to herself. “Or are you really just a coveted whore?” 

      “Ma’am?” The slave stiffened with fright. 

      “No.” Esta planted a hand on her hip, and looked over to the slave with a curt smile. “Tell the helmsman to keep our current course. We’ll seize that colony ship, and prep them for the flesh markets. The Son of Thrace can wait another day.”

      “Yes, ma’am.”

As soon as the cock left the celebrity’s throat, and she finished swallowing the huge load of sticky man milk, the bound woman cried out, “Please, stop! I don’t want to be pregnant!” She plead for mercy.

      Esta marched to the bath tub. The woman was incredibly beautiful with her sharp eyes, and narrow chin. Her face was a sculpture in feminine perfection, as if carved by the hands of a savant. She was the idol of entire worlds, and interstellar pop feeds shared her videos and likeness across the stars. If only the celebrity new just how priceless her perfect genes were on the market.

      With a firm backhand, Esta slapped the celebrity on the cheek. She then cupped the beauty’s chin and forced her to look, tears streaking down her face, into Esta’s cold eyes. “Relax, you won’t have to raise it. I’ll transfer the embryo to a synthetic womb, and then impregnate you again, and again, and again.” Her words cut through the celebrity’s soul. “Before I sell you, I’ll have hundreds of your offspring, bearing your beautiful genes, growing in our vats. You won’t believe how many people want to adopt someone with your blood.”

      “NO!” The celebrity’s voice was raw from hours of abuse.

      “Relax, you’ll love every minute of it. I’ll make sure of it. Before I sell you off, you’ll be begging to stay with me, forever.” Esta motioned for another man to approach. “You’ll see, a few more days of training, and you’ll be licking the dirt off my feet.”