I’m ruined, Dithy’s loins ached so fiercely to be touched. Every brush of fresh air caused her fingers to twitch, and her groin to quiver. There was a tightness along the base of her stomach, and it was a struggle just to keep her mind clear while she worked. The steam coming from the engine turbines leaked through the bulkheads, turning the engineering section into a sweat lounge. It made Dithy want to unzip her jumpsuit, like so many others nearby. She resisted the temptation, fearing that her coworkers would notice the crusty left overs of spent semen spilled upon her chest. There wasn’t enough time to shower that morning, and after guzzling a healthy load from the sprout of Journey’s womanhood, a thick dabble of gravy was left behind.
The taste of Journey’s drool and Melie’s sex had become irresistible, and their seed a ferocious delicacy. Her greatest fears realized, Dithy wished she could take it all back. Just yesterday she tried to reprogram the hibernation pod to reverse the changes done to the comfort liaison. She hadn’t figured out yet how to convince Journey to get into it, regardless Dithy found that she couldn’t commit the changes. Her fingers just hovered over the confirm button frozen in suspension. Multiple tries, Dithy tried to force herself to update the protocol. Each time she was met with failure. It was almost as if, deep down, she didn’t want things to return to normal.
Four hours into her shift Dithy was seething with pent up arousal, she could barely keep her hands to herself without rubbing the itch between her legs. Moisture glistened down her thighs, and it wasn’t all sweat. The first couple of days since sharing her man with the comfort liaison was a trial from hell. She could hardly go an hour without thinking of rubbing one out, and strange fantasies haunted her dreams.
It was only a matter of time before she would gave in, yet again. Each time she had, it left Dithy craving for more. Her stomach growled for a helping serving of protein every morning, and a soothing growler full of milk each night. Even now, as she tempered with the engineering control console, Dithy had a mug of coffee mixed with some of Melie’s nectar. The whitish fluid swirled in the dark caffeine, the sweet aftertaste brought a flutter to Dithy’s stomach.
“Long night?” The voice echoed from up above. The menial was but one of many working to keep the ship’s reactor running to perfection. Dithy recognized his voice, but he was just one of the two dozen men who competed for her attention. Sometimes they would leave her small offerings, or bottles of wine at her desk. It was the closest she ever got to receiving flowers.
On a normal day, Dithy might’ve entertained his jibe. Today wasn’t one of them. “You could say that,” her voice was hoarse. Hours of slobbering on Journey’s erection would do that to anyone. The salty tang of manly flesh, mixed with Journey’s feminine wilds, had opened her eyes to new lusts and cravings. Heightened pheromones were an added spice to that sensation. Journey was simply delicious, and it was making Dithy rather insatiable.
The day drifted by slowly, each minute felt like torture. When her rotation shift finally ended, Dithy fled the chamber without a second thought. She nearly ran into her other workers on the way to the door, and violently pushed one unlucky man aside.
As Dithy strolled down the halls, sweat beaded down her face, and her heart throbbed beneath her breast. Underneath the jumpsuit, Dithy’s legs were soaked from hours of indecent daydreaming. The lights of the inner hallways stung her eyes as she left the shadowy confines of the engineer sanctum.
Her stomach was growling by the time she made it to her small quarters. Dithy resisted the urge to make it all the way to Journey’s room, where more pleasures waited. A layer of dust collected over all the furniture, a sign that she had been away for far too long. The mattress was messy, and a half bottle of whiskey laid among the pile of sheets. Her arms stretched overhead, lifting her breasts, Dithy tried to relieve the tension in her muscles.
Things were getting complicated. Any time alone she had with Rise was also spent with his assigned comfort liaison. Even outside of the normal rotation schedule, Journey could be found lingering around his room like a specter looming over a gravesite. Dithy would bet all the whiskey she had that she would find the young blonde creature stalking up and down C-deck right now.
She poured a cup full of spirits, leaned her head into the pillow, and turned on the monitor nestled in the corner of the room. The ship only featured a couple of channels, most of the movies were copies of stream-vids from Galli. War vids, detailing the heroism from the Great War, were common. Dithy always had a soft spot for Nu Xiu romance flicks, or anything with an oceanic setting. She even kept a small storage crystal containing several tetrabytes of movie’s and collected novels, but hadn’t found a conversion input for the ships internal feeds.
The only thing Dithy could find that was even remotely interesting was a poorly edited drama about a pirate captain trying to save the universe. Somehow, she found herself enthralled by the poorly structured narrative, if only thanks to the whiskey. Her body grew hot as she refilled the chalice, forcing her to unzip her jumpsuit to relieve her clammy skin. Before the final credits rolled, Dithy was already half asleep, and beginning to snore.
She didn’t notice when another warm body pressed up against her, but she did open her eyes at the feeling of someone playing with a lock of hair.
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“What are you doing?” Dithy’s tongue was numb, causing her speech to slur. She leaned forward to notice the newest crew member smiling alongside her. Since her transformation fourteen days prior, the snarky spy seemed to have grown an attachment to her.
Melie’s purple uniform barely stretched over her voluptuous curves, and there was no hiding the engorged sprout of womanhood between her legs. The suit had to be modified so that a pair of suction cups were attached over each areola, her nectar was siphoned through a pair of tubes into a series of bottles attached to a belt around her waist. It was strange, seeing the small copper skinned girl leaning over her, with a delicate smile upon her face.
“Just checking in, I thought you might like a pick me up.” The way she leaned on her right arm made her breasts sway against the bedsheets. “Not to mention, you’ve been acting strange.”
“I’ve been acting strange?” Dithy mocked her tone. “Are you actually saying I’m the weird one?” Her eyes darted to the giant melons brushing against her arm.
To Melie’s credit, or lack their of, she didn’t seem to care about her undignified appearance. “Can I have some of that?” She motioned toward the glass bottle of whiskey, it still had a small portion inside.
“You’re a drug, you know that right?” Dithy handed her the bottle, and Melie downed it without needing a separate glass.
The girl didn’t even cough, she just gulped the liquor without a second thought. “The doctor said the affects were mild,” Melie spoke while dropping the bottle to the side of the bed. She jumped up on her feet, and fiddled with one of the attachments on her belt.
“Tell that to my stomach.” Immediately after saying it, Dithy froze as she was offered a plastic cylinder from Melie. Its contents were unmistakable. She accepted it, but only because her stomach was on fire.
“Be sure to clean up, and come join us upstairs before too long.” Melie approached the door to leave the room. “Oh, and your boyfriend wanted to see you.”
“Just don’t go sabotaging the rector,” Dithy shot her an accusing stare. Melie had eagerly spilled her guts out about the purpose of her mission. Lora’s suspicion had been confirmed, although it wasn’t that hard to guess the obvious. Melie’s submissive nature made it impossible for her to keep a secret, especially when bribed with sexual pleasure.
Melie seemed to not have heard her, or was ignoring her on purpose. The moment she had left the room, Dithy sighed a gasp of relief. Now that she was alone, Dithy was able to enjoy the clean air without it being laced with eerie pheromones.
“Ok,” she spoke to herself while looking at the fresh portion of milk, only to spill it out in the corner sink. “It’s time to take back control.”