It is unknown where universes come from, but you have never seen them all. Scientists believe that universes just get randomly born, which still leaves a lot of questions open. When was the first universe born? What had come before? Who created the rules for the existence of a universe?
Sometimes traces of a higher existence than a universe can be found, but publishing such knowledge and findings always leads to said traces disappearing and with them the researchers often do too.
Excerpt of Mysteries of the multiverse
Now that Argul’s Avatar was asleep she could finally do what she wanted to since the portal opened on Erod. “The sixth floor!!” she shouted to herself while mentally throwing her arms in the air.
But first came rules for her dungeon and portals. First, you had to have access to at least the fifth floor portal to be able to go to Luna. For Erod you had to have access to at least the sixth floor. That way the sapients of Erod would have a bit more time until higher level wild life would come through her portal.
Back to the floor! Argul was excited as she had a, in her opinion, really nice idea. All the floors of Erod she would connect together and would use biomes as connections that would make that easy. As such her sixth floor would have an ocean with islands theme.
Each island would represent a biome, that way Argul could sneak entrances to other floors on the islands that you wouldn’t notice. There would be small to large islands on the floor.
The small islands could be anything from just a rock looking out of the water to something you could build a small village on. They would always surround large and medium sized islands, forming archipelagos.
Medium sized islands would be obviously larger than small islands, somewhere around 25.000 km². They could be around large islands and had a small possibility to be in the ocean between large islands. There would be a 5% chance for medium islands to have an active volcano.
Lage islands would have around 100.000km² of area. Nothing the size of Greenland, as that would somewhat destroy the island vibe. Between large islands there had to be at least 2.000 km of ocean. There was a need to have some ocean to call it an ocean and islands theme.
Large islands have a 20% chance to have an active volcano and small and medium islands will form around them in a 50km to 100km radius. Argul would always put an entrance to another floor on the large islands.
Her first island would have an active volcano that was connected to the fifth floor. Every other active volcano would have a 25% chance to have a connection to the fifth floor and their activity would influence the region they connected to on the fifth floor.
Argul added another rule, that portals would form randomly, with at least 5000km distance between each other in the future and her sixth floor would have two portal zones that were independent from each other. One zone would be the islands and the other the ocean ground.
The ocean could be up to 10km deep between the large islands.
Argul took another look at what she had set in place and then accepted. She had made sure that such things as ocean currents and coral reefs could form. Coral reefs were nice.
Floor 6
Ocean and islands
island size: small to large
Ocean depth: up to 10.000m
Temperature: 10°C to 35°C
Ocean temperature: -5°C to 35°C
Daytime: 67 hours
Nighttime: 33 hours
Balancing events:
Volcanic Eruptions
If less than 5km³ of soil matter is on the floor than optimally there would be, all volcanoes will erupt to return the matter.
Random events:
Earthquake and tsunami.
There is a chance of 50% of small localized earthquakes to happen each month. They can cause tsunamis if they occur somewhere near islands.
Volcanic eruptions
There is a chance for volcanoes to erupt if they are active.
All sorts of storms can naturally occur if the conditions are right.
Argul waited until her starting island had formed. The growth speed of his floors had increased with his wisdom, so she should be able to finish the floor during the night. The floor would continue to grow afterwards, she just needed a bit of ocean so she could spam some plants and fish in there every now and then. To fill an ocean with life in a more creative way was just impossible to do in a short time and Argul wanted to have some life in the water.
Once the island had grown enough she started with a bit of plant life. The first thing she created was a large fern. It wasn’t special in any way so Argul just waited until her Mana was full again to create the next plant.
This is a mid-sized plant. This fern grows in humid and warm environments. They grow a bit larger to catch more sun during the day.
She then created something that looked a bit like a coconut tree, yes very creative. The trees would actively drop their especially hard fruits to protect themselves. The coconut milk had a refreshing effect and that might have been her fault, but who would flame her.
Skull breaker coconut tree
This is a large plant. This tree grows on islands with warm environments. Their fruits have an especially hard shell containing a liquid and their seeds. The trees will drop the fruits on anything that tries to do them harm which often leads to smashed skulls.
The liquid is sweet and has a refreshing effect when consumed.
Argul was satisfied. Holiday location check, now we need a bit of nightmare! She created a flower the size of a tree. The blossoms had a humanoid shape and were colored blood red. That wasn’t the problem though. During the night some parts of the blossoms glowed making it look as if blood crying humanoid shapes were moving around a tree. Some of them even looked as if they had grievous wounds.
Blood crying cultist
This is a large plant. This flower grows on warm islands. Their blossoms, while beautiful and blood red during the day, look like some crazy humanoid cultists, who were crying blood, were dancing around a tree during the night. The blossoms glow to achieve this and will add more wounds to the shapes the longer they haven't been fertilized.
See, nightmare! Though Argul had no idea what the flower achieved by doing this other than spooking innocent hermaphrodites during the night. At least they looked nice during the day, just don’t go out during the night.
Her third plant was some kind of salad. Argul needed salad, because she wanted turtles. In the two hours afterwards Argul created plants for the ocean. His island seemed to be curved, so there was already a bit of water. They were doing mostly plant things, so she again didn’t bother naming them. She sadly didn’t have as much time as before, as she wanted to get done before Mia woke up.
This is a small plant. This is a salad that grows in warm environment. It tastes especially fresh
This is a small plant. This sea weed likes to grow in warmer waters.
This is a small plant. This algae likes to grow in warmer waters. It uses the currents of the ocean to spread.
So on to the turtles she went. They were about one and a half meters tall and their shell looked more like a metal than any kind of keratin. Salad would not be able to feed these things alone. While they looked more like land turtles, they were able to swim and dive for long durations.
Metal shellok
This is a large animal. These turtles live in the ocean around land masses or on land masses near the ocean. They use mana to infuse and strengthen their shells for optimal defense, but can also bite to defend themselves. Shelloks are naturally inclined to learn some kind of water magic during their lives.
After the turtles Argul created a small bird and some fish. They both were nothing special and she would need a bit more to fill this floor. During the creation of the fish Mia woke up, so Argul hurriedly checked her status and then returned his mind to her avatar.
You finished the floor
Level up!
Argul Agren
Mana core
You are reading story Reincarnated as a mana core at novel35.com
Structural integrity
Mana regeneration
Knowledge domain
Core regeneration
Mana manipulation
Learning (3)
Magic missile
Sense Mana
Identify (2)
Accelerated [m] growth (small)
conjure Water
Accelerated [s] growth (all)
Water manipulation
Sense Space
banish Water
Mental fortitude
fake Tears
curse of harmlessness (s)
Fate contract
curse of arousing beautie (l)
emergency portal
perfect clean
Size (radius)
Area or Volume
Luna (moon)
Upper mantle
57,9M km³
Luna (moon)
Upper mantle
65,4M km³
Luna (moon)
Upper mantle
73,6M km³
Luna (moon)
Upper mantle
82,4M km³
246.300 km²
Argul Agren
Mana core (humanoid)
100d (3 years)
Mana regeneration
Gah, she had forgotten to create some plankton for the ocean! How could she forget and crabs! She would have to remember that later, Mia was more important right now.