Chapter 24: Chapter 22 – Hidden feelings

- POV Hestia -

It was the day after I woke up on the ship and we all decided to be as ruthless as it would take to achieve our goal. I had slept for 3 full days and my wounds had almost all healed in a crazy way. I did have some pain in my ribs, but other than that, there were only scars on top of the ones I already had.

Now that our gifts had fully awakened, I suspected that my healing had something to do with mine without really being able to confirm it. Afterwards, we talked a lot about our new abilities that we knew more or less already in order to make a point. At the same time, my companions had taken the opportunity to tell me what had happened after my fainting, realizing that they had all acted perfectly.

For my part, I remembered what happened and how I got hurt, but more than mental memories, they were physical. I could still feel those vibrations running through my body, those murderous impulses and intoxicating bloodlust that had taken hold of me. Just thinking about it made me feel excited, especially when I remembered the Lieutenant and the merchants completely at my mercy.

[Aaaah yeees~ how I would love to feel this again and again, always more. All these sensations and these emotions were divinely delicious for me to do without !]

As my heart began to beat faster in my chest, the city we were to reach in a week was already beginning to appear in the distance. We had reached it in exactly 7 days and for the first time, a whole new world was opening up to us. Belfort City, where we were to commit our first acts of piracy on land, as it was the first stop known to my mother and written in her diary.

[Theft and kidnapping are on the menu fufu~]

Our plan was clear and simple, to steal the mysterious map that my mother had copied a few years ago from the mansion of the Lord of the city and to kidnap his daughter. Achi Von Kokosnuss, this young lady was just as mysterious as what we had come to find and the worst part was that I didn't even know why my mother had underlined her name several times in her notebook.

However, before doing anything, we had to explore the city and gather as much information as possible about the Von Kokosnuss, the city and the world. It was still very early, the sun had just risen and Belfort City was already visible only a few kilometers away. For us, who had never left our little island, everything was new and I could feel the excitement of my crew rising with every meter.

[Since we now have a big bag of gold coins thanks to the merchants, who says we can't have a little fun while gathering information ? After what happened...they deserve it]


After another hour of sailing, our ship was finally approaching the Belfort City dock and the port was huge and filled with ships of different sizes and designs. Of course, ours did not have the Jolly Roger, symbol of the pirates, but a white flag, symbol of the travelers. The sea air was mixed with other smells, both familiar and unknown, and I had only one thing in mind, to discover these new lands as soon as possible.

As we slowed down, the Cerberus finally came alongside the dock, which was a length and width I had never seen before. A multitude of people were there, crossing the wooden planks without even glancing at us. There were also four men per dock, no doubt belonging to the Navy, seemingly collecting mooring fees from all the crews.

"Drop the anchor !"

"AYE !"

I was at the bow and had shouted my order to all those who were bright-eyed with excitement at the prospect of setting foot in this great unknown city. Joe was still at the helm, maneuvering skillfully with a steady gaze as Buggy dropped the anchor into the water. Mysie, Lucas and Edward were pulling up the sails while Douggy jumped on the dock to tie the ship with heavy ropes to the mooring ropes.


Going down to the main deck, I joined my crew who were waiting for me while I took off my tricorn and my coat that Douggy was quick to grab to put away. It was time to split up to explore the city and gather information while hiding our pirate identities. All of us wore capes with hoods to look like travelers and had abandoned our weapons.

"As you know we're going to split into three groups to cover as much of the city as possible before we meet back here in the afternoon. Joe with me, Kali and Lucas together, which makes the last group Mysie and Edward, any objections ?"


"Good. So visit and pretend to be real travelers while remaining discreet or at least not arousing any suspicion. You have a purse of gold and silver coins each so have fun ! However, Douggy, two stay on board to watch over Loki and Azeil who are way too flashy to go unnoticed."


While the two disappointed brothers answered while looking at my two tigers with a worried look, I put on my cloak and put on the hood that only I was wearing. With my face always attracting the eye, I couldn't afford to be noticed or bothered at least on the street. None of our personal weapons were with us but daggers and knives were hidden all over our clothes.

"So...let's go, my cuties~ fufu~"


- POV General -

Belfort City was a very large city made of many buildings made of stone or wood depending on the area and where many stores existed. The streets were very wide and made of large stone slabs that led to absolutely anywhere in the city. It had the peculiarity of being shaped like a crab claw, forming a huge cove where two huge lighthouses stood on the two points welcoming ships.

A little east of the city, Kali and Lucas who had separated from their Captain and the rest of the crew were walking the streets amazed by what surrounded them. The two friends had like all the others, received the order to gather a maximum of information concerning the Kokosnuss and the city. It was with great enthusiasm that the two friends went to a large building resembling a guild, where they could get information about Belfort City.

"Well we were lucky to find 'The Central House', without it I think we could have at least toured the whole city for at least an hour."

"I'm even sure that's what the others will do hahaha~. But hey, after all we are here to visit too, right ?"

The young man with long hair winked at his friend before taking out one of the parchments they had just recovered from the famous Central House. It was a relatively detailed map of the city where all the most important places to visit were located. The armorers' district, the merchants' district, the craftsmen's district and one of the most popular ones: the fine food district.

"Mmmh...we're in the rich neighborhoods where there are mostly high-end cafes and restaurants. I was thinking we could..."

Feeling that no one was listening to him, Lucas suddenly stopped to turn around, ignoring the many stares fixed on him due to his great size. Indeed, Kali was not following him anymore and had even stopped in front of a café like a little girl in front of a doll store window. "ArTea" was written on a big sign that hung above the door corresponding to the concept of the café where it was possible to drink tea in the middle of works of art.

"Do you want to go in and try ?"


"Kali ??"

She couldn't hear, the young woman's brown eyes shone as she looked through the window at the many drawings and paintings that seemed to flood the café. As a drawing enthusiast, discovering different drawing styles, techniques and ideas from around the world was a dream. While Kali was in her bubble, Lucas took the opportunity to stick two fingers in her ribs to wake her up, making her react instantly.

"OUCH !! That hurts, you moron !"

"For someone who has keen hearing I find you rather deaf sometimes pffhahaha~"

"Oh fuck off ! We need a quiet place to look at all those scrolls we picked up, don't we ? So get off your ass and let's go have some tea !"

Not having time to answer, Lucas found himself dragged by the sleeve in this brand new place that his best friend was anxious to discover. With a hand in his pocket, the two of them with their purses full of coins entered the beautiful stone building for the first time. There, the two friends planned to browse all the information they had while sipping tea in front of many unique works.


You are reading story The Legendary Tale of the sadistic Pirate Hestia at

The ArTea cafe was very big, more than it appeared at the entrance since a large space full of tables, paintings and drawings was available. The place was very classy, warm and popular considering the well-dressed people who walked the golden red carpet of the café. The large white walls were covered with works of art that many came to admire and analyze while waiting for their orders.

"Miss, what would you like to drink for tea ?"

"I'll have your exotic spice tea, please"

Kali and Lucas were sitting at a table in the corner of the large, bright room filled with people who seemed to be from the nobility or at least quite well off. The atmosphere was quite different from the bar "The Raven" they knew well, dirty and noisy rather than calm and classy. A waiter very well dressed entirely in white had just taken the order of the young woman before turning over towards Lucas.

"Excellent choice if I may say so. And for you Sir, it will be ?"

"Just bring me what you want. After all, it's nothing but hot water with plants in it."

"W-Well, very good. If you will excuse me."

After giving a small, judgmental look at his answer, the waiter bowed slightly before slipping away to give them some privacy. Each table was quite far from each other so the two friends didn't have to worry about being overheard if they spoke softly. Kali, who had thanked the waiter with a smile, then turned to Lucas who had a blank face, seeming uninterested in the concept of this coffee.

"Lu' seriously ? You could have made an effort"

"What ? Sorry, usually I don't like leaves in my drink. Besides, it's not really a place for...pirates after all, I don't feel like I belong there."

"I just wanted to see all these works of art so beautiful, I couldn't help it. But it's true that I hardly see our Captain or Edward here haha~"

Lucas may have looked absent-minded, but he knew very well that his best friend had drawing among her passions and even if he didn't show it, he was happy to have accompanied her. While Kali chuckled softly, he straightened up on his chair before taking a serious and resigned air. The two friends had information to collect but the young man was certainly not going to let such an opportunity slip through his fingers.

"Speaking of our Captain...there is one thing I wish I had asked you earlier but the opportunity never presented itself. Now that we're both safe from the prying ears of the Hysterics, I wanted to know...have you finally decided to confess your feelings to Hestia ?"


Taken by surprise by the sudden question of her friend, Kali had started to blush furiously without knowing where to look or what to answer, beating the ground with her foot of stress. Lucas had obviously predicted this reaction but did not let himself be touched by her cute face as he continued to give his opinion. He wanted answers and especially wanted to see this absurd situation unblocked, he who had witnessed it for so long.

"Kali. How long have you been in love with Hestia ? At least ten years, isn't it ? I don't want to tell you what to do, but I would like to understand. I thought...I thought that what happened on the merchant ship would have pushed you to finally confess."

The biggest secret the Cerberus Quartermaster was keeping from her Captain was her romantic feelings for her. Yes, Kali was in love with Hestia and although most of her childhood friends understood it, only the one concerned was completely unaware of it. Lucas, who couldn't bear to know this without reacting, had thought that passing by death would be a shock capable of changing things...and yet.

He had been direct and frank because he wanted to know after all that why she still said nothing even if deep down he knew the answer. Yet the young man wanted to hear it from the mouth of the young woman who was somehow happy to be able to talk to someone. Faced with the natural questions of her best friend to whom she had officially confirmed her feelings for her Captain, Kali had stopped blushing and had her head down.

"Fifteen years. It's been fifteen years since I was sure I was in love with Hestia."

Fifteen years that Kali loved Hestia in secret without ever admitting it, remaining the cute and smiling best friend in silence. This was what Lucas couldn't stand, he knew how much she was in love and even if it didn't concern him directly, he wanted his friend's happiness. Remaining silent, he let Kali take a deep breath before pronouncing words that he unfortunately knew only too well.

"I-I don't want to change who we are today, our relationship and everything we've built so far. I-I'm too afraid of losing everything, of drowning in my own love must remain hidden for our sake. B-But it’s fine !"

The young Quartermaster was ready to suffer to keep her secret and had resigned herself to this for a long time now. She, who preferred to cry silently in her room for a love she thought impossible rather than to act and risk being rejected. For Kali it was like that and not otherwise, she was sure of it but for Lucas it was a tissue of bullshit that only hurt her more and more.

"So you're okay with that ? What about your own sake then ? Deep down it really suits you ?"

"I-...What if she rejects me ? What if our relationship changes to never be as good as it is now ? It's been so many years since I got used to being a spectator rather than a protagonist that I don't have the courage anymore. Besides, as long as I can stand by her side, see her smile and as long as she loves me, even if it's not romantically...I'm happy."

"But doesn't it hurt to see her with so many women ?"

"O-Of course it does but I love her for who she is know as well as I do, Hestia is free as a bird and her flirts she has are never serious. In the end, of all her girls I am the only one who can stay by her side and that is something extremely precious to me."

For Kali, nothing was more important than being one of the few people Hestia actually cared about and that was more than enough, although sometimes painful. The lack of confidence in her was great and Lucas knew it well, it was not something that could be forced. He knew his friend sometimes invaded of big doubts, demons and other trauma which made her drown in her own fears, so he did not want to insist.

"You are much stronger than you think Kali.."

"What ?"

"Oh nothing, never mind"

Lucas was right, because even if Kali thought she was weak and a coward, she showed enormous courage and altruism. Although he thought it was a bit stupid, she was willing to watch over Hestia in the shadows and in silence, content with her happiness and that of her friends. She had a strong will and a strength that she did not know yet but that he knew well for a long time.

"Okay I get it, though, I have to admit that Hestia is the most beautiful woman but still. She's a crazy, deranged, sadistic ice bitch worthy of a real waking nightmare. She seduces everything that moves and especially women, sometimes just by looking at them, the one and only Empress of Lust. More than dangerous, she is deadly in every sense of the word !"

"Pffff~ Y-Yes..."

"Ah and also selfish, cruel, unconscious if not suicidal, fucking stubborn and totally dense when it comes to real feelings. In short, a sadistic psycho insane lustful bitch who would probably say thank you for everything I just said. Run !"

"Pffhahaha~ It's true. But she's the strongest person I know, she keeps surprising me with her positive attitude and her willpower to not only keep going but also thrive at what she does. She may be called heartless but her determination and willpower are more than unshakeable and nothing and no one can stop her from rising again and again. I admire her, she inspires me, and I know all of us who have decided to follow her feel the same. I...I just love her."

Kali had a loving and innocent smile on her face, her eyes sparkling as she listed some of the reasons for her love for her Captain. Lucas had told the whole truth about his adopted older sister, but he also knew that the young woman in front of him had done the same. Hestia was for them like a being apart, impossible to determine and special but which held a particular charisma, attaching and federator.

"Sigh...yes I know that all too well. Despite everything I said ,Hestia is still amazing and the person I admire the most as well indeed. We all love her for who she is no matter what her flaws are and no matter how the world sees her. For nothing in the world would we want to change her hahaha~"

Smiling in his turn, Lucas raised his eyes to the sky unable not to chuckle while making Kali understand that he loved his big sister despite his words. Of course, she knew it very well and giggled in return to his cute behavior. The discussion on the feelings of the young woman ended there, the two having had what they wanted, now preparing to drink hot water with plants.

"So, how about we finally take a look at these scrolls ? Besides, I wonder what Mysie and Edward are doing right now..."