- POV General -
On the west side of Belfort City, while Lucas and Kali were drinking tea in the upscale areas of the city, a very muscular young man and a rather short young woman, both with red hair, were walking the streets. He had a dark brown cloak that hid a large body with tattoos on his chest. She, had a light grey cloak much too big for her and which brought out the color of her hair tied in a braid.
Edward and Mysie, without really knowing what to look for or where, were simply taking advantage of the half-day they had to wander around and discover what the city had to offer. On the right shoulder of the young man with the beard, his black cat had taken his place, scrutinizing everything with suspicion. All three were in a poorer part of the city than Kali and Lucas, and although they did not know it, the difference was obvious.
The buildings were less luxurious, the streets less clean, but it was still a beautiful city, more incredible than Coven Island. In fact, what was different from where the Cerberus Quartermaster and First Mate were, was the poverty that was much more visible. People from many different backgrounds and statuses mixed together, creating a contrast that was sometimes frightening but described the reality of the world.
Poverty was present and the poor, who were not accepted in the richer and less numerous eastern neighborhoods, could be found all over the city. Children, families, orphans could be seen begging or hanging out in the streets wearing clothes that were good for throwing away. For the two friends, it was the first time they had witnessed such a thing, but what was even more new was the slavery.
In the world, slavery was commonplace and even represented a very lucrative business for the slave traders who made their fortune. Mostly made up of men or women with debts, children sold by their parents for money or in rare cases nobles who had lost their title. Thus, a large slave market was held daily where merchants displayed their wares.
"I didn't know selling slaves was so popular in the world, we don't even have them at home.."
As Mysie and Edward walked past the market, the young woman couldn't help but comment, surprised to see so many people. On the island where the crew had grown up, the village was like a large family living away from everything for generations. As a result, the notion of slavery was fairly unknown, although no one was unaware of its existence, but seeing it for real was different.
Mysie looked at the men, women and children who had lost all freedom, wearing collars around their necks, wrists and ankles. At that moment, she felt really sorry for them but even if the situation was sad, she knew that it was like that. Among the Hysterics, just like Kali, the young woman was the most able to feel empathy but did not feel the need to intervene.
After all, the six friends had grown up on a pirate island, raised by pirates who only valued the importance of family and companions. They had not been taught to be altruistic for nothing in return, kind or fair...for a pirate, the good of the crew came first. So, behind her innocent and naive air, Mysie hid a colder and more heartless side that had developed with the recent events, like all her friends.
"Nothing we can do.."
Taking a last look at the market, the redhead shrugged her shoulders before turning to Edward who was not even looking, far from being interested or moved. In fact, he didn't care at all and was even saying to himself "rather them than me", yet something further away attracted his attention. On a sign was written, "prime lot - 1 gift user for 1,000 gold coins" in capital letters.
Edward didn't talk much, but that didn't mean he wasn't thinking, and as he read these words, a question popped into his mind. How was it possible to chain a gift user like a slave ? Gifts varied from person to person but one thing was common, they physically boosted their hosts which for the young man made them incapable of being shackled by simple chains.
"SIR, LADY HELLO AND WELCOME ! You must be travelers, right ? You can tell right away hahaha~! Perhaps you would be interested in our most luxurious merchandise ? Mmmh although on second thought you don't seem to be able to afford it..."
While Edward had unconsciously stopped in front of the sign, the slave trader who offered this famous gift user as merchandise suddenly appeared in front of him. He was very small, fat and had the particularity of having a bad look, one capable of betraying you at the slightest opportunity. However, seeing the look of the young man, a disappointed look replaced the friendly and welcoming face he had had at first sight.
Even though the Cerberus Master of Arms was more dressed up than usual, his barbaric, Viking look hadn't miraculously disappeared thanks to the cloak. His long red hair was still in disarray and his beard, although braided at the end, was still shaggy which didn't help. His blue eyes left no room for emotion but even carried the glow that his friends and him had, the one that all warriors had in their eyes.
"We're not interested anyway. Come on, Ed."
Mysie, who had witnessed the scene and the way the merchant had looked at Edward at the end, had stood in front of him to prevent him from answering. She was afraid that he would say something that might end up in a fight, because if she was angry, her friend would be too. Yet, to her surprise, Edward remained motionless still staring at the sign before asking the man a question under Mysie's dazed look.
"Can't he escape ?"
"Huh ?"
"Gift User"
Frowning, the merchant didn't seem to understand what he was talking about and was even starting to get annoyed. He was in a hurry and if they weren't interested in what he was selling, let them go away and let him do his canvassing with other passers-by. However, a few seconds later the man miraculously realized what Edward meant and made it a point to guarantee the reliability of what he was offering.
"You think because he's a gift user he can escape ? Pfffhahaha~ you are travelers but where are you from, a small island lost in the middle of the ocean ? He can't escape since he is restricted by a collar and chains forged from the natural energy absorbing stone."
What the merchant had said confirmed what the young pirate thought, making him want to know more, feeling that the information was vital. Having grown up on the same small remote island, this kind of information was not known to the inhabitants of Coven Island. Not wanting to waste his time for nothing, the man resumed his annoyed look shaking his hand to indicate to Mysie and Edward to go away, walking away.
"The conversation is over, if you don't buy any of my slaves go and ask your questions of someone else and leave room for those who are interested."
*cling cling*
As the merchant was leaving, suddenly the familiar sound of a purse full of coins came singing to his ears. As if he had heard the voice of an angel, he quickly turned around with stars in his glassy eyes. Mysie, who didn't need to talk to her friend to understand what he wanted to know, had taken out her purse. She pretended to sort out the coins with innocence, while the man came back all nice.
"That said~ If you want information, know that here in this city, everything can be bought and sold hehehehehehe~"
Smiling, the little fat man approached them once again, having seen the many gold coins in the purse. Despite the rather simple clothes of the two friends, he understood at once that in reality they were richer than he thought. His attitude disgusted Mysie and Edward, but the information they wanted to know was far too valuable to leave it.
In this city, they trusted no one, but if there was one thing they understood, it was that money did indeed rule absolutely everything. The two silent friends looked at him with eyes full of disdain but having understood, complied. Mysie, who had no intention of being friendly after what had happened, took out a gold coin and dropped it at the merchant's feet before urging him to continue.
"Give us details about this famous natural energy absorbing stone"
"Of course my lady, right away !"
Rushing immediately to the gold coin to put it discreetly in his jacket pocket, the man stood up rubbing his hands very satisfied. In front of him were two rich strangers who didn't seem to know what everyone else knew and that was perfect. He saw an opportunity to make some money by answering their question, which in reality could be explained for free as it was simple.
"The stone in question is called "Astrionite" and is formed in underground caves, where the energy is the densest and most powerful. At first white in color, it feeds on this force and over the years takes on a dark purple color with red highlights. Small caves can be found on just about every major continent, but this stone still ranks as one of the most expensive."
You are reading story The Legendary Tale of the sadistic Pirate Hestia at novel35.com
"Can we buy some ?"
"Oh I don't know what you want to do with Astrionite but unfortunately it is not possible because its sale is very regulated. Most of the caves obviously belong to the Navy which does not trade in it and the rest to the powerful of the different countries and continents. So you wonder why I, a simple slave trader, have a collar and chains made of Astrionite, don't you ? hehehe~"
The man had been right as his speech so far had done much more than attract the attention of Edward and Mysie who were only waiting for one thing, the next. But he remained silent as he continued to rub his hands together to get a message across. This time, it was the redhead man’s turn to take out his purse full of gold coins before doing as his friend and throwing a coin on the ground with contempt immediately loosening the merchant's tongue.
"There are sales of these stones in the black markets, but some nobles are able to obtain them legally. As I told you, not all the Astrionite mines are completely owned by the Navy, the high society is also involved. It just so happens that the slave traders in this town all work for Lord Hamilton Von Kokosnuss, who supplies them to us when we have special goods."
At the mention of the man they had come to rob, Mysie's eyes opened a little wider while Edward's suddenly crinkled. The little man had noticed this and misunderstood their intention as another way to make money, lots of money. So much money that he was ready to give them information that they reserved only for his most loyal and obviously wealthy clients.
"You may not be interested in the quality slave I'm selling here but...please know that if you are interested in Lord Von Kokosnuss' activities, there will be an auction soon. The first part will be men and women with gifts but the second will be a sale of five unique exotic animals !"
"Animals ?"
"Yes Miss, animals that are very rarely found that may even be considered endangered nowadays. If you come to the auction saying you are invited by Gusto its good, new ones are only accepted by recommendation. The Lord of the City of Belfort himself will be in attendance along with his wife and daughter, so that's a real honor. Here is all the information."
Digging into his jacket pocket, the talkative and greedy merchant discreetly held out a rolled parchment, closed with a gray ribbon bearing a wax seal. Inside was the location of the sale, the date, the time and the instructions that served as an invitation card. As far as he was concerned, if these two rich travelers came under his recommendation and ended up buying something, the premium he was going to receive was going to be exorbitant.
"It was a pleasure, hope to see you soon where you know hihihi~"
Having finished and other things to do, the man walked away this time for good, happy to have found new wealthy clients. He had mistaken Mysie and Edward for middle-class or even poor people, but he was wrong and was glad to have realized it. As the merchant left, the two friends stood there, staring at the parchment in Mysie's hand before Edward spoke.
"Tch...what a greedy cunt, if he hadn't given us his information I would have made him eat his fucking paper through his mouth to his eyes...mangy shark"
"I know right ? Fatty asshole !"
During the whole conversation they had tried to contain their impulses, but the man's attitude had strained their nerves a little more every minute. They knew that he had used them to earn two gold coins and saw them as two rich idiots, and yet the idea was unbearable. Yet, as their Captain had expressly ordered, Mysie and Edward were to remain unnoticed and inconspicuous.
It had been hard, but finally they had important information about the Lord whose daughter Hestia wanted to kidnap and steal the mysterious map her mother had mentioned. It was only to be hoped that they hadn't been tricked again, but that seemed highly unlikely. Ripping the parchment suddenly from his friend's hands, Edward tucked it carefully inside his shirt before speaking again.
"EH !!!"
"Mysie, we need to tell the Captain."
"Yes, this is important information but we still have half the day before our meeting with everyone. Let's take advantage of this to keep visiting and find new information about our target or something else EH GIVE IT BACK !!!"
"No. We'll open it with the others."
As she answered the young man, the young woman with hair as red as his, tried to retrieve what had been snatched from her hands. Trying to grab the parchment from his shirt, Edward had been quicker to catch it and was holding it over his head. Mysie jumped up and down, but she was far too small to reach it, providing a funny scene for passersby who thought they were seeing a brother and sister.
Edward chuckled slightly at her helplessness and Odin seemed to be enjoying what he saw as well, looking down on Mysie from his new master's shoulder. Edward knew for a fact that she wanted to open the scroll to find out what was inside, she was so curious and impatient. However for him, it was his Captain's job to open it so it was with a slight smirk on his lips that he started walking.
"I'm going to get an eyepatch for Odin."
Giving up all resistance, Mysie had already found a new focus that was far more important than that piece of paper at that moment. At the mention of the eyepatch, her mind had taken another direction and had forgotten why she had jumped for a minute. Running to catch up with Edward who was already a little further away and walking without waiting for her, Mysie couldn't help but turn around him, very excited by the idea.
"So cool, can I put it on him ?? Please Ed !! Pretty pretty pretty pleeeaaaase~ !!"
It was still morning, and while Lucas and Kali were drinking tea in the West, taking in the world around them, Edward and Mysie were continuing their tour of the city in the East. To the North, however, the third and final pair of the crew were also working to gather as much information as possible. Hestia and Joe, true to form, had decided to start in a place where all tongues were wagging.
A place where women were plentiful, alcohol was plentiful and meat was never in short supply, no matter how hungry you were. Yes, the Captain of the Cerberus and her Sailing Master had decided to go to a brothel to fish for information. None of the crew had any idea they were there, but if they had, the surprise and shock would have been non-existent.
So it was to the North, in front of a very large stone building made of several floors, a young hooded woman was standing there accompanied by a man with a cloak. Hestia and Joe were in front of the brothel they had discovered as if called by what was waiting for them inside. The sign indicated "Belfort's Beauties" which did not fail to excite the two incognito pirates who were about to enter.
"What could be better than a paradise like this where all the good things are together to find the answers to our questions, right ? Alcohol knows how to make men talk and we...well we know how to make women talk fufu~"
Licking her lips, Hestia turned to look at the one standing behind her before nodding. It was time for them to do their part of the work they were going to do with the greatest of pleasure. It was still early but one thing was sure, the two friends were going to enjoy every second. Lowering her head to caress Seth still close to her, Hestia finally took a step towards the red doors.
"Let's go, to us the beauties of Belfort, let's taste the pleasures that this city can offer us~"
"With pleasure Captain~"