Chapter 35: Returning Myu

Last time:

"I will speak to you again if the situation calls for it, until then children live happily knowing that in the future your suffering will be no more." With those words, the man disappeared back into the portal and all returned as if nothing happened, except the still kneeling beast-man who was looking at the place the man was before in awe.


A portal opened back up at the settlement of the Haulia and out from it came a smirking Akio. 

The Haulia were all staring in the direction of Verbergen with their mouths opened in awe. It seemed the beam of light was visible to even the Haulia.

"My lord was the majestic display your doing." Cam stared in awe at Akio. 

Akio with an even smugger grin nodded. "Indeed I've decided to impart my protection upon more of the beast-man peoples."

Akio spoke how he thought a god would speak when addressing mortals. 

(You are not far off) 

Ava's voice resounded in Akio's head to which he responded with a hmph. 

Looking around Akio noticed that the Haulia were hiding a sort of dissatisfaction with his actions, instantly he understood and spoke to address it. 

"I understand your thoughts, but understand that the actions of your former nation were due to fear, I cannot tell you to forgive them but do not wish destruction upon them."

Akio's words reached the Haulia and although they still had inhibitions they nodded in understanding. 

"Now, as for our earlier topic, I will employ a good friend of mine to make weapons for your raid. Although I recommend if you are going to do this, end beastmen enslavement permanently." Akio spoke giving his suggestion. 

With his words, Cam simply responded with a "Yes my lord," before going to inform the group he had assigned to help with the raid.

"Oh my lord please forgive this lowly one for intruding upon your presence." Akio turned around when he heard Miledi's teasing voice. He was greeted by the sight of the girls all chuckling at Miledi's joke. 

*Sigh* "It's all for a purpose." Akio spoke before bringing the person closest to him into a hug. 

"We know, still it's funny seeing you acting like that." Kaori who was now in his embrace buried her face in his chest. 

"Oh, child do you take amusement in the way I speak?" Akio played along and when back to his previous way of talking which led to more chuckles from the girls. Staring at the girls laughing Akio pulled something out of his inventory.

When he poured mana into and thought of someone the artifact shined before a couple of seconds later a voice could be heard in his head. 

"Yo Akio wassup." Hajime who was on the other line spoke to Akio. 

"Nothing, much but I have a favor to ask, I'm going to open a portal in front of you," Akio spoke before he did what he said and a couple of seconds later Hajime came through the portal. 

Akio informed Hajime of what he needed which was just swords, knives, etc. He didn't bring modern weapons in as he knew the Haulia mainly wanted to do this with their strength and two if someone managed to get their hands on it there's a chance for outsiders to try and replicate it. 

When he was done Akio wanted to do one more thing before returning Myu to her home. He told the girls to wait for a bit before he teleported to Oscar's labyrinth.

When there he waited for the hydra to spawn before intentionally letting his soul be read. When it spawned he did his usual method of killing it before he made his way to Oscar's garden. 

He did the usual process of activating the magic circle and getting creation magic. The true purpose of creation magic was the ability to interfere with inorganic material. Akio had plans to use that later.

With this Akio teleported back to the Haulia tribe.

{Congratulations, you have gained the concept of creation (2%)}

Already expecting the notification Akio ignored it before speaking out to the Haulia.

"Listen up, my group will be gone for exactly 2 days, in that time familiarize yourself with the equipment and ready yourselves." 

Akio not giving a chance for anyone to speak opened a portal and ushered for the girls to follow. When they arrived they found themselves back at Grand Gruen Volcano. 

"Wait here I'll find Myu's home." 

Akio went up in the sky and looked around with his enhanced vision for the Dagon race settlement. When he spotted it he went back down and kneeled before Myu. 

"Ready to go see your mama." Akio patted Myu's head and spoke softly to her. 

Myu instantly nodded her head as fast as possible bringing out a laugh from Akio. "Then let's go." With those words, Akio opened a portal to the place he spotted. 

Akio made sure to teleport to a place where people weren't all just running around. That combined with the fact that night was quickly approaching made it so no one saw. 

Impatiently Myu immediately ran in a certain direction. Chuckling Akio and the girls followed her and soon arrived in front of a good-sized home. When Myu banged on the door it took two minutes for it to be opened.

You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at

When the door was opened a beautiful woman was revealed. The woman had emerald green hair and ocean blue eyes both reminiscent of her daughter. She wore a yellow nightgown that failed to hide her large breast. Her lifeless eyes and the bags under her eyes combined with her bruised leg showed the extreme suffering she had been going through. 

Upon seeing Myu, tears immediately came to the women's eyes. 

"M-Myu." The woman not minding her damaged leg bent down and snatched the small girl in her arms. 

What followed after that was loud sobbing as Remia and Myu cried in each other's arms. 

Seeing that the noise was gaining attention Akio picked up Remia while she was still holding Myu before taking her to her house.


"Thank you so much for saving my daughter." 

Akio had just finished explaining how he had saved Myu to Remia. The whole time the girl in question was lodged in Remia's chest still crying. 

"It's not a problem." Akio smiled charming the young Dagon woman. 

Remia blushed before looking down and yet again marveling at her newly restored limb. Kaori had made sure to heal Remia while the discussion was going on. 

"You know Akio, Myu already sees you as her papa wouldn't that make me your wife, fufu." Remia still with a blush spoke to Akio ignoring the death glares she was receiving from the other girls. 

'Does this woman not fear death.' Akio made no response to her words.

"Are papa and mama getting married?" Myu innocently asked eliciting a panicked reaction from the rest of the girls. 

"No Myu," Akio responded to Myu while giving his lover an expression that screamed 'Do you have that little trust in me?' 

When the day officially turned to night and Myu had fallen asleep Akio told Remia he would be leaving for the night. 

He explained that he could be here whenever he wanted so he wasn't abandoning Myu. With that, he opened a portal back to his dimension before he sat everyone down on the couch. 

"What's up you seem like you've been planning something," Aurora spoke up noticing Akio was rushing today's events.

"Can't hide anything from you, your right." Akio sighed before speaking again.

"We haven't had much time to spend together one-on-one so I found a way to train myself as well as achieve that goal." With his words, the girls perked up before listening intently. 

"I'm going to build separate dimensions and expand the time as much as possible then I will spend that time with one of you girls then I will do the same with more dimensions."

Akio went over his plan leaving all the girls excited including Miledi although she tried to not show it by teasing Akio. 

Akio went to do his task while he left the girls to decide the order they would go.


Upon creating another dimension Akio was just floating in space.

Using his newly obtained creation magic he used materials he bought from the shop and made a giant 300-meter by 300-meter platform. Around that platform, he created a barrier that encompassed it entirely. 

*Sigh* 'Now comes one of the hard parts.'

Using his concept of creation which was essentially creating something out of nothing Akio made oxygen. 'That was easier than I thought.' 

(Even at a low percentage the concept of creation is still powerful however creating things like entire stars or planets is beyond the current you.) 

Akio nodded at Ava's words before he went on to the next part. 

He started to as much as possible slow down the time in his current dimension. The starting ratio was 1:1 with the default measurement being days. 

After around 10 minutes of trying Akio managed to bring the ratio to 1:500, this meant he could make 1 day in Tortus equal to 500 days in his current dimension. 'Not sure if that's good or bad.' 

(Fufu, it's pretty good for being a beginner with a low understanding. Understanding doesn't necessarily mean complete control. One's mental and spiritual capabilities play a role in it as well.)

'I understand.' 

Akio changed the ratio to 1:30 making 1 day in tortus equal to 30 days here.

Akio then installed furniture and decorated the room to fit the preference of Aurora. When he was done he made a new platform and repeated the same process but for a different girl. He did this 7 more times for all his lovers and future lovers.

When he was done he returned to the original dimension and it seemed the first person had been decided.