Chapter 36: Aurora’s turn

The girls ultimately decided on the order based on who met Akio first. That meant Aurora would be the first one to get her private time with him. 

After kissing all his lovers bye Akio and Aurora stepped into a portal and went to the dimension made for her. The dimension had a ratio of 1:30 and with Akio only spending a week in the dimension with Aurora only around 5-6 hours would pass in the dimension with his other lovers. 

When Aurora stepped through the portal she was greeted by the sight of a complete recreation of Akio's house. It was a 2 story western medium-sized house. Of all the places in her old world, she found the most comfort at Akio's house and more specifically in his room.

Aurora stood in a daze her face that of nostalgia. "I missed this place," Aurora spoke to Akio still taking in the sight. 

"I thought so that's why I made it, come on let's go inside," Akio answered before picking up Aurora princess style and taking her into the house. 

Skipping the first floor he immediately took her to the second and towards the end of the hall. 

In front of them was a plain door, but this plain door was all too familiar to both of them. It represented the entrance to the place they spent most of their time together in. 

Smiling Akio opened the door and walked inside. The room had a standard bed in the middle with a tv hung on the wall directly in front of it. On both sides of the TV, we're various shounen anime posters. On the side of the bed was a PC setup. A closet could be seen on the other side of the bed. LED lights span across all corners of the room. 

Both of them took a second to admire the recreation. Even Akio who was the one who made it was lost in the nostalgia. 

Aurora on the other hand felt emotional seeing the room she had missed for such a long time. "Y-you really put a lot of thought into this." 

Aurora ran and jumped into the bed burying her face deep in the pillows trying to find the scent that would usually be there, but alas this was only a copy. 

Akio chuckled before walking over to the bed and also sitting down taking Aurora into his arms. 

"We have a week to imprint our smell into every inch of this room." Akio gently rubbed his hand through the head of the girl in his arms. 

Aurora blushed knowing what Akio meant by 'imprinting'. Still, she didn't deny him as she moved into a position where she was laying on his chest. 

"I've got another surprise for you," Akio with his right hand still holding Aurora reached with his left to a nightstand on the side of his bed. He took the remote laying on it before pressing the power button. 

Despite not having any electricity running through it the tv still turned on. Grinning Akio pressed another button in the middle of the remote and an infinity sign appeared on the display before changing to a screen that looked no different from that of a Netflix catalog. 

Aurora took notice of the first show on the catalog and her voice rang out in excitement. "You managed to get shows from our Earth." 

Akio looked at the beaming Aurora who was staring at him expectantly before answering with a grin. "Yup, I got it from the shop it has every show/movie in existence on it." Aurora was smiling like a kid who met their idol, she buried her face in Akio's stomach before screaming in it. Akio was glad at the success of his surprise.

From his inventory, he brought out a bunch of Aurora's favorite snacks and drinks, before laying them out in front of her.

"This time is just for us, let's not worry about anything and simply indulge." Akio's words were like the devil trying to tempt someone to sin and Aurora took the bait immediately. 

Immediately she snatched the remote from Akio before using the search function to look for something. She pulled up a bunch of anime and starter bookmarking them. When she was finished she played the first one which so happened to be Arifureta. She then hopped under the covers before sending Akio a look. 

Akio immediately understood her gaze as he also went under the covers before wrapping his arms around Aurora. Like that the two relived their previous life until they felt hungry for real food. 

Upon Aurora's request, Akio decided to make a simple pasta. When the dish was done and the table was set the two set across from each other and ate. While they ate they reminisced on the past laughing sometimes as they enjoyed each other's company. When the food was done and the dishes were clean the two not wanting to be apart made their way to the bath.

After cleaning themselves they sat in the hot water side by side both leaning on each other. 

"You really made this special, Akio" Aurora broke the silence, her voice oozing with love and affection. 

"I will make sure you get times like this to enjoy as much as possible, I know although you accepted the harem you still would rather have me all to yourself, and if this does even a little to remedy that it's not much." Akio knew his lovers deep down wanted him all to their selves, and despite that, they chose to stay with him regardless. He would always be eternally grateful for that and make up for it in any way he could. 

"Stupid, it's not like we hate it. Sure if it was at all possible to have you 1 on 1 we would want it but we wouldn't want that at the expense of each other's happiness." Aurora paused and took a breath before speaking again.

"We are not just putting up with each other just for your happiness we support each other and care for one another. Plus believe it or not, it's kind of fun with them around." Aurora finished her speech with a satisfactory smile. 

"Thanks." That's all Akio could say to the words of his lover. 

"That being said... it is nice having you to myself once in a while." With those words, Aurora straddled Akio's lap before placing her arms around his neck. 

Immediately she felt a reaction as she was slightly lifted a couple of inches off Akio's lap. 

" *Giggle* Looks like little Akio wants to play." Aurora sexily began grinding her ass against Akio's hardened member before bringing her face closer and planting her lips against his.

Immediately the two's mouths opened as their tongues went to work battling each other. At the same time, Akio passionately hugged Aurora from behind bringing her deeper into the kiss as he also began grinding his member against her. 

After 5 minutes of teasing and kissing, Akio stood up still holding Aurora. She wrapped her legs around him as he began walking while still kissing her passionately.

He used his mastery of wind magic to quickly dry themselves before he continued his walk to the bedroom. 

You are reading story The Journey To The Top (Multiversal Story) at

Once they arrived he threw the girl onto the bed. Aurora who was panting hard opened up her arms and legs exposing herself to Akio entirely. 

"Love me thoroughly." 

With those words, Akio pounced on the young girl before the sleepless night began with it not stopping until well into the morning of the next day. 


(6 days later)

Waking up from the artificial sunlight that was produced by the barrier the first thing that came to Akio's vision was the beautiful sleeping face of Aurora. 

Smiling Akio kissed Aurora's forehead before carefully unraveling himself from her arms. He went downstairs and although it was well past morning he made breakfast. 

This had been the usual routine for the past 6 days as the two enjoyed each other's company. They did absolutely nothing but wake up, eat breakfast and then stay in bed together while they watched anime until it was time for lunch. After lunch, they would just talk and do whatever miscellaneous activity they wanted to do before they ate dinner. After that, they would take a bath and then finish the day enjoying each other's bodies. 

They hadn't gotten bored of these activities as they enjoyed the time together.

This day also despite being the last continued the same way until after dinner. 

Currently, Akio and Aurora had just gotten out of the shower, and instead of just going straight to the bedroom Akio brought her to the living room. 

When they were situated on the couch with Aurora sitting on his lap Akio brought something from his inventory. It was a simple silver ring with a beautiful sky blue gem at the top. The gem perfectly matched the eyes Aurora almost as if they were built from the same material. 

When Akio put the ring into view of Aurora she was immediately drawn to it and slowly tears started coming out of her eyes. 

"Akio." Aurora already knew what Akio meant by this, she turned around and immediately kissed him passionately.

When they broke away Akio put Aurora beside him before sliding the ring gracefully on her left ring finger. Aurora kept her hand outstretched as she stared at the ring.

"Well I never really got to do it in our previous life and I thought I should do it now, especially with the convenience of you being the first to go."

Akio scratched the back of his head as he watched Aurora admiring the ring. 

The ring was something Akio had made after he had tired out Aurora every night. He would slip out of her arms and make his way to a shed he created outside the house. In there he would use his creation magic to mold the ring. The gem on the ring was crystalized magic, Akio had concentrated a massive amount of mana and condensed it until it became the shape he wanted. He then infused some of his newly gained divinity into it effectively connecting it to his soul and letting Aurora use some of his divinity. The whole ring had well over 500,000 self-regenerating barriers around it making it practically unbreakable. He also made it so the ring would only be wearable by Aurora and if it was to somehow fall off it would end up on her finger again. 

Akio planned to make one for each of his future wives.

"Do you like it?" Aurora was still in a daze before she slowly looked up and into Akio's eyes. 

"I love it." 

Her words were enough to convey her feelings at the moment.

"I love you."

With those words, Aurora crawled back onto Akio's lap before stealing his lips.

"I love you."

Repeatedly Aurora would peck at Akio's lips before saying those words. 

"Akio... No husband, I need you." 

Aurora's gaze was heated showing her desperate need for Akio at that moment. 

"Yes, my wife." Akio didn't disappoint as he picked up Aurora and took her back to the room, this time they went at it hard not apart from each other for even a millisecond. 

The next day they woke up to find themselves on a broken bed, it seemed it couldn't take the pressure of the two. 

After the two ate breakfast and got ready they left the dimension satisfied with the time spent with each other.

It was little surprise that the girls rained questions down on Aurora when they saw the ring on her finger, however, Aurora only chuckled before remaining silent.
