Chapter 41: Chapter 40 – R1 – Attacking the Ship


The explosives were planted on the outside of the ship. I kept watch over the aliens on the inside. The twenty of them were still awake and copulating. Their private acts were done while completely unaware of our presence. I didn’t feel sorry for them as Robin was angry and ready break in.

Robin: “I’ve planted it on a weak spot on the ship’s wall. Once it goes boom, we go in and start taking care of business. The cryogenic chambers will start to warm up those in stasis. All the inhabitants will awaken and we might be in for a difficult fight.”

Kevin: “Do you think we’ll lose? We have sensing ability, we won’t get caught off guard and our aiming and reflexes are equivalent to a cheat code.”

Robin: “Those alien males are huge though. Ten feet tall and mostly muscle.”

Kevin: “We still have guns.”

Robin: “You’re right, I’m probably worried about nothing. Here we go!”

The explosives were set off and the wall was breached instantly. I took out a high powered rifle known as the AR-10. It is basically an armalite rifle which I modified to be fully automatic. It shot 308 rounds, which were more powerful than the 556 nato rounds. 

The ship was huge but there were only 200 total aliens. I have enough bullets. We have enough bullets.

Ark’Ovar was still busy with Bo’lin when a specific alarm sounded. This was indication that there had been a breach in the ships outer wall. It was only a few meters away from their current activities. The computer of the ship began to start emergency measures and the cryogenic chambers began to warm those who were frozen within.

Stunned by the loud stimuli of the alarm,  Ark’Ovar got up and started putting on his armor, the heavy chest piece and the arm guards. The armor made him look like a walking tank except for the opening for his face. The much smaller Bo’olin panicked beside him as she didn’t understand the different alarms. The females of the species were not trained to handle the mechanics of the ship.

Bo’olin: “Ark’Ovar! What is happening? Are we being attacked?”

Ark’Ovar: “I do not know if we are being attacked! The ship wall is damaged, that is what the alarm means. It could be a weakness or something hit it.None of the satellites shoed activity from the native inhabitants mobilizing toward us. For safety we must treat it as an attack. I will go to the cryogenic chambers and stand guard while the other nine males will gear up and go to the breach.”

Bo’olin: “Will the ship be safe for the ten rotations around the sun if it is damaged?”

Ark’Ovar: “Female, it is no problem. We have extra materials to patch up, but first we must determine how it broke open. The other males will go. Bring the other females with and follow me to the cryogenic chambers.”

Bo’olin: “I shall follow your command.”

Bo’olin put on her clothing. The females of the species were not expected to fight and thus she had no armor to wear. Instead a thin and comfortable shiny fabric that allowed easy movement was worn. Bo’olin went to the other rooms to find the females were already dressed while much larger males were in their armor. The nine of them gathered together and started moving towards the breach.

Bo’olin was the highest ranking in their society among the nine females, as was Ark’Ovar over the males. Their partnership reflected their status and so the other nine would listen to her.

Bo’olin: “All if you come with me, we will move in the opposite direction of the breach and go towards the cryogenic chambers. The others will be awakening and we are to standby with them until more information is received.”

9 Alien Females: “Yes, we will follow your command!”

They spoke in unison and then followed Bo’olin hopeful to remain safe. They were all of similar stockiness and size standing between five and six feet tall. Of the 9 males who were armored up, they all stood in between 9 to 12 feet tall. Ark’Ovar who towered over the females had to walk slow so they could keep up. The size difference would make it difficult for a leisurely walk on the beach. They reached a transport trolly that wasn’t far off from the living quarters. It moved them quickly to the cryogenic chambers.

The other 9 males ran to the breach. They held large guns in their arms that were equivalent to cannons, but instead of gunpowder it used magnetism. While they didn’t expect the breach was an attack, the protocol was to approach every breach the same way. Discipline is of fundamental importance for survival in unfamiliar and unknown worlds.

In formation they speedily moved down the large halls towards the breach. The cold was coming in as the wind howled on the outside. They observed the metal of the breach and realized that it looked like an explosion. It was something that had been planted rather than a moving rock or boulder but there were no culprits nearby.

The highest ranking of them spoke.

Alien Male 1: “Proceed forward slowly. The breach looks like an explosion from tampering. Keep your focus while I report in.”

The large gray skinned alien tapped a small insignia on his chest and called Ark’Ovar to report.

Alien Male 1: “Reporting to commander, the breach appears to be an explosion. We suspect there might have been an early awakener who became delirious.”

Ark’Ovar: “Stay near the breach and send two out to patrol the nearby area on the inside of the ship only. If there is one with delirium then find them. I will do a check on the cryogenic chambers to see if there is a malfunction or an empty chamber.”

Bo’olin was there near Ark’Ovar as he opened a room for all ten females to shelter inside. All the chambers were slowly warming up now and the gray skinned aliens would all awaken soon. Ark’Ovar didn’t stop the warming process because he had an instinctual feeling that something bad was happening.

Ark’Ovar walked over to Bo’olin and squatted down to give her some more instructions.

Ark’Ovar: “You have control to open the safe for others to go into the chambers near you. Keep the chambers separate incase there is an imposter among those awakening. We might have been tampered.”

Bo’olin: “Ark’Ovar, is something so wrong that we must hide in the shelter?”

Ark’Ovar: “I do not know but if something is wrong, but if there is something wrong and we do not perform correctly then our race will be extinct. Bo’olin, when other females wake up, open the chambers other chambers with your control panel on the inside. Let them shelter in separate rooms until I have secured the breach.”

Bo’olin: “I will do you as you say Ark’Ovar.”

Bo’olin waited in the chamber and took control of the room doors. Ark’Ovar walked to the Cryogenic Chamber Computer and went over the details of each individual who was frozen. He  noticed that all of them were accounted for and waking up. This meant that the breach could not have been one of their own becoming delirious. 

Ark’Ovar felt a chill as he sent a communication to the other nine.

Ark’Ovar: “Soldiers, tell me what you see. Has any intruder been discovered?”

There was silence on the other side. There was no answer as he waited. Ark’Ovar tried again.

Ark’Ovar: “Arte’Ovar respond to me.”

Ark’Ovar: “Artu’Ovar?”

More silence and no one called back, when he looked at his transponder he noticed the communications were offline. Ark’Ovar felt a tinge of fear creeping over his large and broad back. The cryogenic chambers finished the warming process and the other gray skinned aliens started to emerge.

You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at

Ark’Ovar: “Computer, lock all sectors in the ship. Proceed with ship infiltration protocols. We are under attack by an undetected enemy.”

The ship cameras did not spot any movement anywhere. It couldn’t even find the bodies of those who had stopped responding.

Computer: “Commencing lockdown. Stand clear of doorways.”

The robotic voice reverberated itself over the entire ship as it each door closed. Ark’Ovar saw the first of the group of his comrades awakening. He directed the males to put on armor and sent the females to the shelters.

It wasn’t difficult to avoid all the cameras when we were picking off the giant gray skinned aliens one by one. They had their mouth’s and the back of their necks exposed so despite their thick armor it was still easy to kill them by a stab in the neck. Robin did the same and we moved their bodies away from the cameras that were stationed in what would normally be the high traffic areas of the ship.

The aliens don’t have the same senses as we do, and even with their great size I was stronger than one of them individually. Their guns however, were not something we could easily handle due to the weight. While I could lift it up, it’s weight would throw off my body balance. I had the time to play with one while Robin was dragging the dead giant alien bodies to a corner. They had red blood like we do.

Robin laughed at me when I was holding the giant gun and felt myself tip over. Like I said… balance would be an issue since I don’t have the weight to hold it easily.

Robin: “It doesn’t matter if you have the strength for it if you can’t maneuver it because of the size.”

Kevin: “I know… but it’s powerful…”

If I carried the gun from the center it wouldn’t be that difficult to hold but then reaching the trigger and aiming would be imposible normally… that is ‘normally’ as with my current senses I can aim without looking.

I carried the gun from the center while balancing it appropriately. Robin stared at me doing this while shaking her head and dragging more bodies.

Robin: “Sometimes I wonder why I fell in love with you.”

Kevin: “I wonder that too, but I also wonder why I enjoy doing shit like this so much.”

I have to admit that trying to figure out how to carry this huge gun is fun. Since we killed all the aliens sneakily we should probably make haste and set traps to take care of the rest of them.

Robin: “I’m still angry about how they destroyed our planet, but I don’t see the point in killing all of them. From what I can sense, these aliens are genetically compatible with humans so they can mate with us.”

Kevin: “I sensed that too, but what human woman is going to want that large thing inside them?”

Robin: “Maybe not in this universe, but maybe other humans in other worlds would be able to adapt to it. You said most of the people you saved were males right?”

Kevin: “Yeah, I think most of the survivors will be male.”

Something seemed to be going through Robin’s mind but I didn’t question it. I didn’t feel like it since we had a task to complete. I took the gun over to an area where there were weapon fabricators. I pointed the magnetic cannon at the fabricators then fired the large metal ball bullets into them.

The balls ricocheted back and forth into the machines and destroyed most of the insides with only a few hits. The ship was large but had only one of each facility. Destroying those facilities meant the aliens would not be able to repair or use them again.

Robin: “So they can’t make weapons or armor now.”

Kevin: “Not with their current supplies anyway. They could repair the breach but that’s it. Even if they have a skilled technician who can replicate the fabricater, they’ll have to find the materials and recast it. For now, we can go through the vents and get to the zombie device. That’s something we have to do even if we don’t take out all the aliens.”

Robin: “Good thinking. We’ll destroy the device so they can’t use it again in case we fail.”

The vents were large and easy for us to run through. Yes, we didn’t have to crawl through them. They were designed with the idea that there were ten foot tall gray skinned males who needed repair them from time to time. For us regular sized humans it meant an easy to move through passage way. The ship was easy to navigate and working together with Robin we reached the machine room quickly. We were able to pry open locks of the vent and go down to our target.

The ‘zombie nano miasma machine’ or whatever we call it, was a glowing orb like device that emitted signals globally. There were no guards around anywhere which showed how confident they were in their plan, but there were some defense robots. Robin dropped down first and moved quickly to take out the robots. I could do it too… but I let Robin have the fun.

Robin: “It feels like everything is too easy.”

Kevin: “We should be overpowered for this world as it is. Of course it’s easy. We filled the quota, we only have a month to live because of filling the quota… why can’t it be easy?”

Robin: “I don’t know why… look can you take care of the machine? I don’t do well with computers.”

Kevin: “No problem.”

I took to the computer with all the different alien symbols on it. The connection with spirit energy granted us the knowledge to read and understand all languages so long as we came into contact with it. That was part of the spiritual power we were given. It does not mean we know all languages, only that we can understand it if we come into contact.

I set the machine to start activating a new miasma. One that we had planned on activating. It would make the head of every nano-bot infested zombie explode. The signal however would take a few hours to charge and process all the information before releasing to every nano machine. When I was done setting it up, the alien numbers displayed a countdown timer.

Kevin: “Robin, here comes the part I hate most. We’re have to fight off all the aliens trying to retake the room.”

I hated defending missions… in video games.

Robin: “Do we have to prevent them from destroying the machine?”

Kevin: “No, we just have to stop them from shutting it down the orders I put in. They won’t want to destroy the machine because it’s their only way to control the zombies. If the machine breaks, the nano machines may act strangely and attack them too while they won’t have a way to destroy the zombies. That’s why they have the head explosion function.”

Robin shook her head because I smiled when talking about the ‘head explosion function.’ I just loved that idea. Robin smiled at me, then she kissed me.

Robin: “You’re cute when you get excited over dorky things, but lets finish the job alright?”

Kevin: “Alright.”