Chapter 42: Chapter 41: R1 – Unseen

Ark’Ovar looked at the computer which was monitoring the ship as those around him were putting on battle armor. The computer noted that the intruders had been identified by one of the videos caught by a robot in the nano-control room. The two intruders were natives and they seemed to know about the device. The computer indicated the device was manually activated and the exploding head function was in the process of charging up.

Ark’Ovar knew there were approximately 20 million people of Earth still alive, which was too many for the now 91 males to fight and kill on their own. If humans weren’t eliminated to manageable numbers, then in the future the two races would clash and the humans despite their smaller size would win with numbers. The ten year plan was to thin their numbers out as much as possible.

Humans were supposed to be weak. They were supposed to be low in technology not having even mastered magnetism. They should not even know anything about the language that was written on the nano-control machine.

Yet on the video was a male and female human who were not as big or as strong as them not only silenced several of them but even knew the command codes for their nano-bot controller. Normal humans in this world were not supposed to be as strong as the males of their own species, and yet Ark’Ovar upon watching the footage began to feel a slight chill in his large bones.

Looking over the males that were now dressed in armor he called out to each of them.

Ark’Ovar: “We must take back the nano-bot controller. If we do not then we will have a long and bloody war against the humans. One we will most likely lose. Set out and I will relay orders over communicator.”

The male aliens acknowledged the commands of the leader. They did not speak over their commander who then ordered them out. They each got on the trolley and moved to the room where the two intruders were.

Ark’Ovar (over communicator): “Approach slowly and use assault formation. The people of this planet are small like females and will be difficult to target with our large cannons, but they can still be killed. They should be weaker so watch out for surprise attacks. They killed nine of us with surprise already.”

Alien Males: “Yes Commander.”

They organized and move towards the breach. The computer scanned two native species within the control room and the aliens moved towards it still in formation and covering each other. The door to the room where the nano controls was open. Alien males with full armor moved on through in single file.

The first one who walked near the doorway kept his their large gun pointed into the room. He readied himself to fight and shoot as soon as he saw any sign of movement while keeping in mind where the nano-bot control was. They did not want to damage their machine. As he looked around a banging sound was heard coming from the ceiling vents and a large magnetic bullet pierced through his armor and chest.

The others near him were surprised by the attack.

Alien Male 13: “We are under attack.”

Ark’Ovar was still in the cryogenic chamber room when he heard the group yelling over the communicator.

Alien Male 13: “They are using—“

The voice was cut off in the middle of his words. Ark’Ovar didn’t understand how they were dying but understood that he had vastly underestimated the difficulty of taking this planet.

The gun I took off one of the dead bodies was useful. I couldn’t operate it by myself so I had Robin pull the trigger while I aimed. Since we could sense without visibility it was equivalent to having wall hacks in a first person shooter. Also, having godly aim reflexes due to the spiritual senses made me feel good.

The bloodied alien corpses were littered on the ground as we shot them quickly one after the other. We didn’t even need to peak from a corner. The large holes in their chests were indicative of the power of these guns. They would easily blow a normal human in half if hit. While Robin and I were more durable, these weapons would still be lethal to us.

Robin: “Careful Kevin, one mistake and we’re dead.”

Kevin: “I thought we weren’t afraid to die considering our reincarnation situation.”

Robin: “I’m not worried about us dying, I’m worried about the people who are trying to survive after we go. They’ll all have a horrible time surviving if we don’t succeed in this.”

Kevin: “Then let’s make sure we do it right.”

We had killed five aliens and a total of fourteen so far. There were more on the way. We took one of their grenade like explosive weapons and set up several ambush points blowing a group of them into blood splatter. Another group followed in the same way while I aimed through the vents while Robin pulled the trigger. The magnetic guns don’t make the same loud bang as modern guns do, and the bullets moved quickly through the air at a velocity faster than the speed of sound yet the noise vibrations didn’t seem to come out.

The gray skinned aliens were being shredded one by one. It was easy to win with this kind of advantage, and a gun that easily pierces through their own armor.

Robin: “Did you think it was going to be this easy?”

Kevin: “I didn’t… actually… even with their power suits they have openings we could exploit but their own weapons makes it all a cakewalk. They look like tanks but their armor isn’t strong enough to stop their own weapons.”

Robin: “Maybe we should have done this first.”

Kevin: “Well look at you, you went from being immensely angry fearful that we may die on this trip to this?”

Robin: “I mean… I didn’t think it would be this easy. Now I almost feel sorry for them because of how defenseless they are.”

It was easy… and I get the feeling it’s only because this is the first world. In the later worlds perhaps it becomes harder. I maybe one day even the senses we have now wouldn’t give us an advantage.

Kevin: “Just because it’s easy in this world doesn’t mean it will remain easy in other worlds. Robin… this is more like the tutorial level. I get the feeling that it’ll get harder ever reincarnation.”

Robin: “I get it… but that’s still a long way off so let’s wrap it up for now.”

Kevin: “Thirteen more aliens on the way. Should we make it more interesting and fight them with knives or something?”

Robin: “No… why would we do that? Let’s kill them all and wrap this up. Once they’re dead we can decide what we want to do after. We don’t need to make it more challenging just because we’re bored.”

I nodded my head at Robin’s words. I had started to think of this more as a game rather than a life or death situation that could have consequences on the people who will have to live in this post-apocalyptic world. If we had known about the aliens beforehand, we could have stopped it all from happening but it wasn’t as if we could know before before it happened.

I honestly didn’t even think aliens would exist in this world.

Robin: “Kevin, come on keep focus. Once we take out all the males then we can deal with everything else. We’ll take out the facilities as we go so they can’t rebuild.”

Kevin: “Alright Robin, let’s keep going.”

Ark’Ovar kept losing connection with the communicators since the alien males he sent out were dying quickly upon each encounter. After reporting an attack the communicator would go silent a few seconds later. The enemy was attacking quickly and seemed to always know their squad position while avoiding the cameras. Information couldn’t be shared because they died before they could report.

It was a nightmare that Ark’Ovar could not have anticipated when he selected this world to be their repopulation planet. After a global extinction event on their own home planet, this seemed to be the weakest civilization to try and conquer. Ark’Ovar wished he had picked a different planet now. Bo’olin was in the chamber and he thought long and hard about how he most probably would not be able to have offspring with her..

At the back of his mind however, he wondered if this was penance for the attempted genocide of an entire planet full of sapient life forms. They had decided they were the superior species, but now he was no longer sure. The superior species shouldn’t be this easily wasted by two intruders.

Alien Male 69: “Reporting to Commander, I found an entire squad of dead bodies. They are using our weapons against us. The inhabitants of this world are stronger than—“

Radio silence once more. The reporting alien was dead.

You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at

Ark’Ovar slammed his large fist into the side of the ship causing a large dent. More reports came in.

Alien Male 23: “We’re under attack—“

Radio Silence.

Alien Male 56: “The female native is the same height as—“

Another radio silence but the last call made Ark’Ovar question what he heard. The female native the same height? What did they mean?

Robin: “Yes, this is so much better.”

Robin had increased her height to ten feet and was able to carry a gun without me involved. She was wearing the suit without the third leg. I had to run just to keep up with her walking speed due to the large strides. I didn’t know she could increase her size like this. If I had known then we would have had some kinky play in private…

It doesn’t matter right now. The point is she was easily killing the aliens one by one and holding the large gun comfortably. I dragged the ammunition I collected in a large bag magnetic bag while she aimed and fired with deadly accuracy. Alien after alien fell to their death. Soon there was only one left. 

It was the commander, and his name in his alien language was Ark’Ovar. I don’t even know what kind of name that is. I didn’t care, but he was the only alien left. I followed Robin as we made our way to the last room.

Kevin: “Hey Robin. We’re almost done you know.”

Robin: “I know.”

Kevin: “How are we going to deal with the alien females? I know you hate them but I don’t feel good about killing those that are defenseless.”

Robin looked at me for a moment. The alien males were definitely a threat with their large size and strength. They used weapons and their muscle would give them an advantage even without weapons in a fight. The females when compared to ordinary human males were not physically stronger than them. They were built to take a pounding by the large alien males, but that was all they were built for. 

Robin: “As much as I’d like to watch you fuck them… and I think alien pussy might be out of this world… we already made an agreement to not have sex outside of those fated to be with unless gathering the spirit energy. I don’t know what to do with them, but I don’t feel we should kill them when they’re not the primary decision makers.”

Kevin: “The machine is going to activate and destroy all the zombies in the world. Since the apocalypse started the amount of males who initially survived the miasma already outnumbered the females. Factor in the survivability of males in a dangerous environment compared to their female counter parts and we’ll see an even greater disparity in the numbers. We talked about how they’re compatible.  I think we should let them go and try to mate with human men.”

Robin who was towering over me at the moment looked down at me with a smirk. She realized too that the aliens could produce children with humans. There seemed to be a rule through the multiverse that allowed sapient species to procreate with each other. It this rule was written into our spiritual code.

Robin: “That’s an option I… I don’t think it’s a bad option. Let’s take out the last male alien then talk about it after.”

Robin lifted me up and put me on her shoulders where I sat behind her neck with my crotch pressed up against the back of her head. Her blonde hair felt nice in my hands as I road on her shoulders.

Robin: “Since you have trouble keeping up.”

Kevin: “I can keep up, I just have to run.”

Robin: “If you’re uncomfortable you can get down you know.”

Robin spoke in a teasing voice and well… let’s just say something poked the back of her head.

Robin: “So this is something you like too. That’s good to know.”

Let’s just say I didn’t get down as Robin reached the final room and shot the commander in the chest, arm and disabled him while he lay on the floor bleeding. It was anticlimactic but then what do you expect from those who have wall hacks fighting against those that don’t? I decided to have a little chat with Ark’Ovar.

I spoke in his language.

Kevin: “In your last few minutes, the only thing I wanted to ask was why you didn’t try to talk to the world leaders first about having a place to stay. Why did you want to kill everyone?”

Ark’Ovar stared at me. Probably didn’t realize I knew his name because I spied on him having sex with Bo’olin. I don’t really want to describe the scene again.

Ark’Ovar: “How do you speak our language?”

Robin: “It doesn’t matter how we can speak your language.”

Robin carried me down and then brought herself down to her normal height. She still wore the armored version of the suit as she looked at Ark’Ovar. There was anger in her eyes and I didn’t want to get in between if she decided she wanted to kill him and be over with it.

Robin: “Why didn’t you try diplomacy first? You could still have landed in the Antarctic and do what you wanted if the world leaders had said no. Do you know how many people you killed that otherwise wouldn’t have cared if you wanted land somewhere?”

Ark’Ovar: “Other inhabitants before had war with us. We could not risk it when we are going into extinction from losing our last planet.”

So they’ve done this before… kind of pathetic… I guess this was their only ship so the two hundred here left everyone else behind without remorse.

Robin: “And so it’s alright for us to go into extinction? That’s what you’re going to say? You know you could mate with humans right? If you had come in and started mixing the blood between species then there wouldn’t be any distinguishing the two races anymore! But no! You had to kill us!”

Ark’Ovar didn’t respond. He keeled over and died from the bleeding. Robin’s last words to him were heard but not responded too as she took several deep breaths. I gave her a hug as she kept herself together. The death of so many hit her harder than it hit me. I think she still feels sad over how everything turned out here.

After a few moments Robin spoke up.

Robin: “Kevin, let’s take care of the females. There are transport ships they can use to leave this place. We can disable all the weapons so they can try to find a suitable place on their own and only give them enough fuel to go around the world once.”

Kevin: “Let’s send three of them over to Carvard University… actually let’s send eight of them so each one of those guys can have a partner.”

Robin shook her head.

Robin: “Let them decide where they want to go. I don’t want to control someone else’s life or decisions just because we’ve won over them.”