It was Dian Wei that led plenty of the henchmen along with him, and a baby was brought gently with them in a small carrier. Dian Wei was recognized by those who worked at the Cirillo mansion and they let him through. They brought him into the meeting room where both Itala and Romeo were alerted and showed up promptly. There was a baby in the arms of one of their men and Dian Wei spoke clearly without greetings.
Dian Wei: “This is Romeo and Jade’s son. I have come to take Romeo to accept his punishment. In exchange you can keep his son alive, otherwise we you will both die and the baby will go to an orphanage.”
The words that came from Dian Wei were both stoic and without emotion. The tone was even and did not have any flair. He was simply doing as ordered and as how he had been trained from young.
Dian Wei: “Since Romeo laid his hands on the daughter of the Great Dragon Head, he must pay for it with his life, but his child is not to be blamed. The Great Dragon Head still holds new life as sacred. In exchange for Romeo coming with me, this child will be left with you Itala Cirillo to be raised as the replacement head for your family. We know the traditions of the Italian Families in wanting a male heir, but you will need to make due without this child being of full italian as punishment for Romeo’s transgression. In return, the alliance you have with the Ocean Triads will be cemented by hidden blood.”
Itala looked over at Romeo giving him a glare. She never thought Romeo would have done something so stupid. There was anger brimming on the inside of her chest but she remained calm outwardly because getting angry and fighting in the cold underworld without thinking would mean death. There would always be time to fight, and so she wanted to make sure she did so after exploring other options.
Itala: “Is there any negotiation available? Perhaps if the baby dies there is no need for Romeo to die.”
Dian Wei: “That option is not available.”
Itala: “Why isn’t it? As long as the price is high enough then any deal can be made. What’s the price for Romeo’s life?”
Dian Wei: “There is no price. Either peacefully allow his son to live with you or we will fight and the full power of the Ocean Triads will crush your family and every loyal subordinate you have.”
Dian Wei’s voice was stern and without empathy. In contrast Romeo looked at the baby sleeping quietly in the carriage. Even if it was one short night it was still his child. Romeo wondered how he could so easily have a son and then could only wish the boy would grow up.
Dian Wei: “Yes or no is the only option. Take the deal or fight to the death. I assure you his fate will where he will suffer.”
Itala: “Death is not suffering? How dare you!”
Itala stood up angrily and glared at Dian Wei for a few more moments. There was blood pumping through her as she got angrier. A small aura started to disperse from her body as she prepared herself to fight. The Dian Wei started to gather an aura too as Romeo looked over the two of them. The guards on both sides were preparing to fight.
Romeo: “Stop!”
Romeo stood in between.
Romeo: “I’ll go with them. Stop. It was a mistake… Itala take care of my son please.”
Itala quickly stood up and grabbed Romeo. She couldn’t believe what he was saying but at the same time couldn’t bear to part with him. He was the only family she’d known and the son he had wasn’t someone she particularly cared for.
Itala: “Romeo! You don’t know what you’re doing! Sit down, we’re going to settle this however we need to but you are not going!”
Romeo: “No… no… no! You don’t understand anything? Do you know how I feel? Do you know how I feel about all this? About being a puppet leader and having to be a mob boss? I don’t want to be, maybe that boy will be better than me. Let him live, if he is my son then I’d rather die than have him die!”
Romeo threw off Itala’s hands.
Itala was surprised at this for a moment. She stood there stunned as every man in the area stood on standby to see what their bosses would do. The tenseness in the air was there.
Romeo: “Don’t stop me sorella, I need to go for my child. If I go they won’t kill us or the family, he can take my place instead.”
Itala: “Romeo no! You’re my brother.”
Romeo: “And he is my son. I can’t let my son die now that I know he is real.”
Itala: “Please Romeo, we can fight. We’ll fight!”
Romeo sighed.
Romeo: “Sorella, I have always lived in your shadow my entire life. I have always been trained and raised by you. If I don’t go, you will die. It was my mistake what happened that night.”
In reality he didn’t even really enjoy it. In fact it was a few minutes of stupid and now he had a child. Romeo still had an attachment to his son despite only having seen him for the first time. Even if he didn’t feel a connection with Jade he still didn’t want to see his own child die as his instincts stopped him from that.
Itala: “Romeo… you can have another child. There are women who will marry into our family, you just have to pick one of good standing. Why do you need this child? This child isn’t even Italian like we are. Why are you doing this Romeo? You are just going to give up your life so easily?”
You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at
Romeo: “I don’t like my life. I don’t like being a mob boss. I only did it because I didn’t want to disappoint you and I had no other choice… Sorella… I’m sorry…”
Romeo stood up pulling his hand away from Itala.
Romeo: “This boy is now your last relative Sorella. I… I’m sorry but please take care of him.”
Romeo took the baby from the man and carried him his arms. The baby was sleeping and he saw the hair growing out of his forehead. The baby was sleeping peacefully not realizing everything that was going on around. On his head Romeo noticed locks of curly hair similar to his own.
He walked over to Itala and handed her the child. There was a soft breathing from the baby as Itala took him in her arms. She wasn’t sure what to think at everything that was happening because it was so sudden. Stunned she carried the baby in her arms.
Itala: “Romeo… don’t…”
Romeo walked out with Dian Wei. Itala could fight but her legs wouldn’t move as the baby was in her arms. She felt anger in her heart over learning about the situation and tears streamed from her eyes.
Itala: “Romeo…”
She repeated his name as he left her sight.
Why didn’t she fight?
Why couldn’t she fight?
She didn’t know as she held the innocent child in her arms. A boy who wasn’t full Italian but who was now the last of the Cirillo line. Though emotional, Itala realized this was also the best result since she didn’t die and the family could continue. Romeo was the most important person in her life before but now she looked at the baby. She didn’t know.
Itala: “Romeo… I promise I will raise your child well… I am still angry at you but… your child is not at fault… I will… I will call you Romeo as well… Romeo Cirillo the Second…”
Itala took the baby as Romeo walked out the mansion and into the car. Dian Wei had him in a car further back as he took out a phone and called the Great Dragon Head. The other line picked up as the Great Dragon Head answered.
The Great Dragon Head: “You have Romeo?”
Dian Wei: “We do.”
The Great Dragon Head: “Good. Dragon will take over because my second son doesn’t have martial talent. There is no choice but to do this.”
Dian Wei: “He will have the same fate as Jade?”
The Great Dragon Head: “It is the only way. Dragon will leave the baby alone. He is not part of the Ocean Dragons and never will be. My first grandchild to be born this way…”
Dian Wei: “I am sorry, master.”
The phone call ended and Dian Wei put it away. No one in the car talked and in the car behind Romeo sighed at the thought of his life being over. His sister had sacrificed a lot for him but he didn’t want her to also sacrifice her life. It was the first decision he made without her consent and he felt it was the right choice.
His son would have a chance to live, and one day perhaps he would also fill the void left by him leaving her behind. The streets of Italy passed by as the Ocean Dragon gang surprisingly didn’t treat him roughly. They reached the dock and he got on a boat with the other triads. Dian Wei said nothing a the boat took off without a horn and they sailed out into the sea.
Looking back at his home Romeo didn’t want to think too much about everything that happened but he was tired of being a mob boss and perhaps this was the best result. He never wanted to be a leader.
Romeo: “Good by Sorella.”
Romeo was escorted down into the cabin of the boat and put into a cell. He only knew that he would be taken to an unknown location.
From that night, six years would pass and two children from two countries far away from Italy were now in their teenage years.