Robin was now fifteen years old. Whenever she looked in the mirror, she was astounded by the fact she looked exactly the same as her past 2 lives. Kevin had looked the same as well in the previous world, so she assumed that would be the case this time as well. This time however, they were connected via a chat app on the phone and they communicated by sending each other pictures.
The frequent communication with pictures and the telepathic conversations helped her keep up with Kevin’s more active social life than her own. Talking with him throughout this time was what kept her happy as she had taken care of her mother until her mother’s recent death. She decided that she would be free of worldly constraints and attachments this time. Since Kevin was in Japan and had always been a fan of anime that takes place in school, she could tell he was having his fun there.
This was despite Kevin stating that he had some weird circumstances with his parents. Regardless of that, she was happy he was enjoying himself for once compared to her enjoying herself far more in the last life.
Now Robin attended the funeral of her mother in a small church in a small forgettable town somewhere in middle America. There weren’t many things in her life this time around since her mother wasn’t someone who was special in any way. As far as Robin knew, she had a single mother who got money from some unknown account every month for living expenses. Her mother chose to live in an apartment while drinking alcohol everyday. The only time she left the house was to buy alcohol at the liquor store across the street. Everything else was delivered or she would send Robin to buy groceries.
Robin hadn’t had the need to call the police since her mother gave her money to buy food and groceries and didn’t hold her back from advancing in her life. Since Robin had life experience from previous lives, she felt the arrangement gave her a freedom she wouldn’t have with a meddling parent. The only thing she felt for her mother in this world was pity. There were very few who knew her mother as the woman lived a solitary lifestyle.
Robin wasn’t sad at her mother’s passing, but instead felt relief that the suffering woman was put to rest. The only issue now was that she was only fifteen years old and couldn’t make decisions for herself yet. There was the possibility of becoming an emancipated minor, but she still had to attend high school which would prevent her from holding a full time regular job.
Robin decided she would plan her own life away from the government social services. Kevin was in Japan, so why not just go see him early? Running away with her abilities was easy. She might not be the strongest in the world but against the ordinary person there were none that could stop her.
At the funeral there were only three people: Robin, the liquor store owner and another man at the in a suit wearing dark glasses. He walked up to Robin who was standing at the plot after the priest read the rites of her mother before burial. Robin felt there was something special about the man in a suit as he was probably an awakened fighter.
Robin had learned about these kinds of people through her conversations with Kevin. Awakened fighters were rare and very difficult to come across. They were less than one in a million, and yet there are thousands of them in total throughout the world.
The man didn’t appear to have any hostility towards Robin. Instead he approached slowly and stopped at a distance.
George: “Miss Carson, my name is George Herman. I am an associate of your fathers and he would like to speak with you. I am sorry for the loss of your mother, but your father now wishes to take responsibility for you. He was the one who sent money to your mother to take care of you up until now.”
Robin didn’t feel the need to reject.
Robin: “When does my father want to meet?”
George: “He has flown in this morning. If you would kindly come with me I can take you to him for the meeting.”
Robin: “Alright. I wouldn’t mind meeting him.”
George appeared a bit stunned at Robin’s response.
George: “Aren’t you angry at him for not being a part of your life up until now?”
Robin: “No I’m not.”
George: “That’s an unexpected response.”
Robin: “I suppose it would be right for me to be angry, but at the same time when I think about my mom I’m really not sure him coming and being a part of my life would have been good for her. She was depressed and upset all the time which makes me think he hurt her in the past. Seeing him would cause her more grief. I don’t really want to pry into my dad’s personal life, so even if he didn’t want anything to do with me I would have been alright with it.”
George was taken aback by such a response. He never expected a fifteen year old girl to be so cold to the idea of her own family. Most girls her age had crushes on celebrities or wanted to look for love in their high school. The pragmatism that came from the girl however made George respect her.
George: “You’re quite mature for your age. If you’ll follow me then we’ll drive you to the meeting place.”
Robin followed George to a car where there was a driver ready to take them. It was a luxury car made in Britain with custom accents. Robin got into the back seat without asking any questions as George tried to observe her demeanor.
George: “I do have something to ask you, why are you so willing to get into the car of a stranger? You’re a beautiful young girl and there are many men who would take you in like this.”
Robin squinted at George. Such provocations by men had been asked of her in the past and she understood the purpose of such a taunt well. It was more of a warning to be careful, especially since George was someone who already knew who she was.
Robin smirked.
Robin: “You’re an awakened fighter George Herman. Would I have been able to resist? Would anyone have been able to help me even if I screamed?”
Robin didn’t mention that she was actually stronger than George who seemed to be on the weaker side of those who were considered awakened fighters. Against ordinary people however, a gun would be required to win against him.
George: “You could tell?”
There was surprise in George’s voice as he didn’t expect Robin to know. The driver had started the engine and the car began driving off. There wasn’t much traffic since it was the weekend in a small town where no one goes anywhere.
Robin: “I know about people like you. You’re usually hired by people who are powerful. Since that’s how it is… is there any point in me running? If my father wants to see me then won’t he see me one way or the other? I don’t hate my father and I’m perfectly willing to listen to what he has to say, but even if I don’t want to see him I don’t think it would be easy to say no.”
Robin didn’t want to make too many ties now that she knew that she would pass on to the next within 30 days of gathering enough energy. The fated woman in this world was triangulated with Kevin to be somewhere in Italy. They wouldn’t be able to gather energy until they turned 18 anyway, so she didn’t think it was a good idea to make waves until then. Kevin was living peacefully and there were dangerous opponents she couldn’t beat yet as well.
George: “I see. Looks like his personality was inherited by you as well.”
Robin said nothing in response. She didn’t know who her father was but she was going to meet him so the question would soon be answered. The car drove out of the town and into the city. The city was busier with people flocking around going about from one entertaining thing to another. There was always something to do in the city. The car stopped at a nice hotel and Robin got out and followed George inside.
They went up the elevator to the penthouse and she walked off the elevator and into well lavished room to finally see her father. When she saw his face, Robin was surprised at who her father was. Robin paused for a second as the surprise in her mind passed without her showing any outward emotion. Robin took a seat in an empty chair in the living room area of the pent house across from him as it was open. She didn’t even need prompting to do so.
You are reading story Oh no! My Fiance and I reincarnated 7 times and she became a voyeuristic pervert! at
Father: “Robin Carson, my daughter. Do you know who I am?”
Her father was a man with graying hair and a face that was recognizable on television. To say he was famous is an understatement. Everyone was always talking about him and he had a pristine reputation in the media. It made sense why her mother was constantly depressed at home since she was the mistress that would ruin his reputation if exposed. This was likely why Robin never heard about her father and also why there was a good amount of money coming to her mother to support her every month.
Sometimes career takes precedence over family. Most of the time it’s more important than a second family hidden away from the public. Robin decided to be diplomatic.
Robin: “I know who you are and I have no intention of interfering with your career since my existence as your daughter could ruin your reputation. I would like to know what you have planned for me since you’ve brought me here to meet you.”
Robin’s father was surprised at how Robin spoke calmly and coldly. He had expected her to be upset with him like most of the other women in his life. Even his other children never gave such mature and pragmatic response, and now it made him regret never trying to raise her himself. She wasn’t like the other spoilt brats with his official wife.
Father: “I didn’t think you’d be so logical about this. I did have a plan to send you to a caretaker until you turned eighteen then help you go to a college and get a job somewhere. I can’t be in your life and I feel guilt over that but my career is more important than that guilt. I hope you understand.”
Robin: “I do. That’s why I have no intention to interfere with what you’re doing. One mistake you made earlier in your life shouldn’t affect the rest of your life, but that’s not how the public sees it. They find one mistake and then they go after you as a weakness. This is especially true in the work you do.”
Robin’s father let out a faint smile and he started to really see Robin as his daughter. The fact that she understood his position unlike the other trouble makers gave him happiness. He took a deep sigh.
Father: “Well, since you have thought so far ahead maybe you can tell me what you want instead. I can’t be a father to you but perhaps you can choose where you’d like to go or what environment you would like to be in if you don’t like the current small town you’re staying in. Staying her is also fine and I’ll assign a caretaker to you as a guardian.”
When he said that a light bulb lit up in Robin’s mind. There was something she had thought of and now it could become a reality. She gave her father a smile.
Robin: “Let me choose a specific school in Japan to be a foreign exchange student and take the tests since they’re coming up for entrance. If I can get in then pay for me to stay in a small apartment by myself for high school. I don’t want a caretaker. My mother was a drunk who didn’t do much for me anyway which had me spending the last few years taking care of her. I can see about getting a part time job to support myself but since I’m not an adult legally over there I wouldn’t be able to rent without consent.”
Robin’s father sighed at Robin’s statement. There were so many things he felt was wrong in the way Robin was treated and now he lamented it even more.
Father: “Robin, is that all you want from me? I can give you a lot more.”
Robin: “That’s all I need. I can figure the rest out on my own.”
Father: “I’ll send you money the same way I was sending it to your mother. You’ll get a little more since the cost of living is higher in Japan. At least enjoy your school life over there.”
Robin’s father took out a small card with a number on it and handed it to her. Robin reached out to take the card and stared at it. She already heard what she wanted to hear since her father approved of her going to Japan. The excitement about going to school with Kevin in a foreign culture was fun.
Father: “Keep that card. That’s a direct number to me. If you ever need anything then call me. I can’t make up for everything that I’ve done wrong to you, but I still want to do whatever I can without losing my career.”
Robin gave him a smile.
Robin: “Your career affects an entire country so I’m not going to be upset about this. Thank you father for granting me this request. I promise I’ll call if anything goes wrong.”
Robin’s father was taken aback by her smile. Even if he hadn’t seen her for her entire life he was happy she was his daughter.
Father: “Maybe someday when my career is over we can come together again.”
Robin: “Maybe father, but we’ll see. Thank you father.”
Father: “George, make the arrangements for her discretely. I can’t believe I had such a wonderful daughter. Robin, please don’t ever hesitate if you need me for anything. When you graduate high school and want to come back or go to college, let me know at that time where you want to go. You’re growing into a fine and independent woman.”
Robin smiled and walked over to her father to give him a hug. The affection surprised him a bit since he didn’t expect that the girl would do this. Robin kissed his cheek.
Robin: “I understand father. Thank you for letting me go to Japan. Also, please succeed because I know a lot of people are counting on you. Make sure to take care of yourself too.”
Robin waved good bye and left with George. She would go home that night as arrangements would be made for her to go to Japan. When George returned Robin’s father was taken to the airport where he would return to his work. In the car he chatted a little with George.
George: “That girl grew up so quickly. I never expected she would be so mature.”
Father: “Please be quiet about this George.”
George: “I’m sorry sir.”
An awkward silence permeated the cabin for a few moments while the car drove. There were several deep breaths taken by Robin’s father as he contemplated several things.
Father: “George it’s not your fault, but I feel guilty now about her mother too. That night she seduced me… and because of that I had to threaten her and eventually make a deal for her living… it’s really not something I wanted to ever do… None of this is to be known by anyone.”
George: “I understand sir.”