Charlie took in several deep breaths. Looking down to his chest, he saw the Chiefess. Or well, the Chiefess possessed by that self-appointed Goddess, suckling his member to hardness. How many times had it been now? Was all he could think as he looked to Phukomeia. She held a bowl in which the women had been gathering his seamen.
Nolkonoe sat by his head, a bowl of some kind of native drug in her hands. Ases was next to her, using her hands to support his head. Every now and then she would swap with another one of the clan leaders when her arms began to weaken. For a moment, Charlie closed his eyes, exhausted by the Chiefess’s relentless riding.
“He is getting tiered again,” Ases said. Pycleia placed her fingers onto his lips. Gently she parted them and allowed Nolkonoe to pour the drink into his mouth.
“Only a little longer,” Nolkonoe reassured as she poured the last of the liquid past his lips.
How long had it been now? Turning his head, Charlie remembered it being dawn when they stared, but now it looked to be dusk. Or maybe it was the other way round? He wasn’t sure anymore. He tired to move his arms and legs, but several warriors held him still. Seeing these women weren’t going to relinquish their grip, Charlie simply relaxed his body.
A mixture of pleasure and pain flowed through him. Ripping his cock from her pussy, the Goddess took the bowl from Phukomeia. Yanking roughly on his cock, she made him exploded his last load into the bowl.
“Finally,” she said with a smile as she lifted the bowl of seed into the air.
The tribe bellowed cheered as the Goddess held the bowl for all to see. Chanting something in her thick native accent, the bowl of seed began to glow in a bright, pure white light. Lowering the bowl, the woman walked over to the waiting four clan heirs. Carefully, the Goddess offered the bowl out to the women.
“Drink, become strong, and lead the tribe forward,” the Goddess’s voice boomed across the tribe. Taking the scared knife, she slit her hand. A white drop of blood left the land of the Chiefess. The white blood of the desert sands. With a few deep breaths, Phukomeia took the bowl from the embodiment of the Goddess.
“I will lead my clan and my tribe towards victory, I shall drive these invaders from out land, I thank you Goddess, and I shall capture the Region Lord and sacrifice him in your name,” Phukomeia said, lifting the bowl to her lips and taking a sip of the position made him his seamen and a drop of the Goddesses Blood.
After taking a sip, the Goddess took back the bowl and offered it out to the next in line. Xasuyle repeated the same oath spoken by Phukomeia, before taking a sip of her own from the bowl. Next was Felkouyope, then lastly Klipesia. Once each of the four clan heirs had taken their drink, the Goddess looked down to the temple steps.
Fifty warriors, fifty Vultures, fifty warriors and fifty huntresses stood in lines at the bottom of the temple steps. Moving from her place on Charlie, she stood at the top of the steps. Lifting his arms and legs, the clan heirs carried Charlie off the altar.
“You did amazing,” Nolkonoe whispered. Cluupyte placed a quick kiss onto his cheek before joining the other three clan leaders in standing along the tops of the temple steps. Proudly, the clan leaders stood. Each clan leader beckoned one of their clan followed from the line up the steps.
From what little Charlie could see, he saw a man being dragged towards the alter.
“What’s happening?” he asked as he was dragged into the temple by the four clan heirs.
“One of the mercenaries that works for the Region Lord. Some huntresses kidnapped him earlier today while the Goddess was riding you. He was one of the bastards that raped our sisters. He will be the holy sacrifice in your place Feal no pity for him,” Phukomeia said, a look of anger in her eyes as she glared at the terrified man.
“I thought,” Charlie tired to argue but was too weak. As if reading his mind, Xasuyle spoke.
“Its what the Goddess demands. She needs sacrifices to use her magic, as well as a mortal form. For the time being the Chiefess is that mortal form, you seamen is a sacrifice, as will be that man. With that, we shall be given power to help us slaughter those bastards who invade our lands,” Xasuyle said as she helped her fellow Sarati carry their new fellow Sarati inside the temple.
Inside, they carried him over to a bed of furs and blankets.
“Lie here. We’ll come and get you when its all over darling,” Klipesia said with a smile before all four clan leaders left the room. Despite everything he had done, it seemed there was still so much to do.
“PLEASE! I BEG YOU!” the man screamed as the four clan heirs held him on the altar. The bowl of Goddess blood and Charlie seamen sat next to the man’s chest. Knife in hand, the Goddess began to carve into the man’s chest. His screams battled with the sounds of the cheering tribe.
“Do you think he can hear?” Nolkonoe whispered, hoping Charlie understood that this was a necessary if their tribe was to beat the Region Lord. Their people were far stronger than the usual human but doing this ritual will make them far stronger.
“Does it matter? He was bound to find out about the twin tail now or later anyway,” Pycleia said as she watched the Goddess begin to use smaller bowls to gather the blood of the male sacrifice. Once the four bowls were filled, each of the four clan leaders took a bowl.
Proudly they stared down at their fellow clan women at the fronts of their respected lines. Each clan leader beckoned a member of their clan forward. A single member from each clan stepped forward. Charlie only saw this though as the women reached the top of the steps. Dipping their fingers into the blood, the clan leaders placed two stripes onto the faces of their respected clan members.
Once the women were painted, they walked to the side and were handed the bowl of drink by the Goddess. Bowing their heads, each woman took the bowl and accepted a small sip of the scared drink. Finally, the first group of women stepped to the side, allowing for the next row of women to come forward.
Charlie watched in exhausted horror as each woman did this for all fifty of the warriors. After an excruciating amount of time, each woman was painted, and there was only a signal sip of the drink left. All watched, expecting the Goddess to drink it, and in turn give the power to the Chiefess. But instead, she looked to Nolkonoe.
“Nolkonoe, as a thanks for so many years of service to the tribe, and hopefully many more to come, I offer out the last of my potion to you,” The Goddess said, approaching her and offering the bowl. Nolkonoe starred at the drink.
“No,” all hung in silence as she refused the gift.
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“I can’t, I won’t allow myself to go down that path. I saw what happened when someone of my blood line had the drink before, I saw the massacre, I saw the hell created by it,” Glancing into the temple, Nolkonoe looked at Charlie.
“And there is someone I need to care for, and I fear if I had the potion, I wouldn’t be able to control myself. And anyway, it is not fair that the Chiefess doesn’t have the drink,” Nolkonoe said with a smile.
“She refused. Her mother had slaughtered dragons with her bare hands and even when she was becoming weaker due to internal injuries, she was still able to hold off an entire army by herself. Etasose tells me that until she can reach her limit, only then will she take the drink and allow herself to expand that limit,” the Goddess said.
“Then my I ask something?” Nolkonoe said, turning to look at Ases.
“As a sign of new friendship, may I offer my gift to Ases. I can never apologise enough, none of us can, but I hope this is a step in the right direction,” Ases stood stunned as Nolkonoe proposed this. Shakily, she nodded and the Goddess past the bowl to her.
“You have more than enough control to take this drink,” Ases said, knowing Nolkonoe was only coming up with excuses to try and help her. Offering out the bowl, the Goddess smiled.
“Drink, party, and tomorrow I wish to talk to the human, I shall give him some advice as well as inform him about tonight. After this, listen to him, and I assure you that you will succeed in capturing the Region Lord. After I have spoken to him tomorrow, I shall return the Chiefess to you all,” the Goddess announced, raising her arms and beginning to chant a spell.
All women who had drank the drink fell to the floor. Others moved back as the women began to convulse. The ripping and tearing of fur and flesh filled he night in a chorus with the screams of the chosen women. Charlie watched as the tails of the women began to split into two, and new fur to grow off the tails. It was a subtle detail, but he also watched as the women seemed to grow another inch taller to match the new, secondary tail.
What was that drink? Women chanted, sang, and danced around the women as they simply tolerated the pian. Phukomeia was the first to stand, he ears a little taller, as was her stature. Her hips seemed al little wider, as her breasts also seemed a tiny bit bigger. But the most obvious thing to have changed about the women were their tails, or well, their twin tails as both women now had two large wolf tails protruding from between the coccyx and lumbar.
The Goddess noticed his stare, turning, she waved a hand. A small arm of sand grabbed the curtain and closed it. It was too late though, the sites of flesh and fur tearing, and mutating was already seared into his mind. Howls erupted from the other side of the door, and with that, Charlie knew generation had just been created.
The generation of the twin tailed had just begun.
For hours Charlie simply laid still and stared. Should he go and see what was happening? All the growling and howling abused his hearing, yet it also peeked his curiosity. That the thing, the thing that called itself a Goddess, it terrified him. It was far from human, yet somehow it seemed more human than any of them present.
The cloth hanging over the entrance of the hut opened, and all fear seemed to leek from his body as he saw Nolkonoe enter. Smiling, she closed the hut door and moved to his side.
“You must be petrified, poor dear,” she said, sitting by his side and wrapping her tail around him. Lifting him, she placed him onto her lap. Forcing his head against her chest, she grinned as she saw his already exhausted eyes be overwhelmed by the heat of her body.
“The Goddess wishes to speak to you tomorrow. So have some rest so you may give her your full attention. She is an incredibly important person, and you should treat her with the up most respect,” Nolkonoe said as she began to cradle the young boy.
“What,” he tried to ask about that night’s events, but Nolkonoe quickly silenced him with a figure against his lips.
“I said sleep, there is a lot that will happen tomorrow, and you will need all the energy you can get,” Nolkonoe continued.
“After the Goddess speaks to you, she will return the Chiefess’s body back to her. After that the Chiefess and her four Sarati will most likely come to dominate and insert dominance in every sense of the word over you. But don’t worry though, the animalistic states they are in will only last a day. So, whatever they do to you, just know that they love you and they will only ever do something like that once a month when their mating instincts take over them,” Nolkonoe said, stopping her speech as she noticed Charlie was now asleep. As his head nestled against her breast, she knew why the Chiefess was so possessive over him. Such an adorable creature was so easy to tame and bring to collapse.
“Good luck tomorrow. The first part of the day will be easy, but the second will most likely be filled with five Wolvanticai trying to dominate you and claim you as their male,” with those few idle words said, Nolkonoe leaned back and allowed the boy to sleep.
Haven't done a grammar check (because I am shit at remembering to do so) but I still hope you enjoy!