Chapter 66: Chapter 60 – plea of a Goddess

“Is he awake?” Pycleia asked, staring down at the sleeping Charlie.

“Smack him and find out,” A far less patient Cluupyte said, winding up an arm to slap him.

“LADIES!” Nolkonoe snapped at them, pulling Charlie closer to her chest.

“Stop yelling you fucking troglodytes!” the Goddess snapped. All four women quieted as their Goddess stared down at them.

“The poor thing must be terrified, you need to be like Nolkonoe, gentle, but stern,” the Goddess said, examining the tail of the Chiefess, or well, at the moment it was her tail.

“Sorry,” the three women said, quickly claiming as they noticed Charlie stirring in the arms of Nolkonoe. The three clan leaders stared at their Goddess. She pulled and tugged at her tail.

“Why did I give you these? They are so irritating!” the Goddess said, trying to brush all sand and grime from the tail.

“Ahh, I know they are just a side effect that I couldn’t help with while creating you all. But still!”

“Well, they do take a lot of maintaining, but their beauty is unmatched. Combined with how useful they are as well to look after our children and others,” Nolkonoe ethnicized the others part as her tail wrapped around Charlie.

“Now I can use my hands, and he gets a giant tail pillow to snuggle,” Nolkonoe said with a smile as she picked up a bowl of berries. Happily, she ate the berries as Charlie curled into her fur like a child.

“Do you think he will be ready for the fight against the Region Lord?” Cluupyte said, wondering herself if her warriors had what it would take to slaughter the Region Lord. She had seen the ability of the Mercenary weapons. Those things they called guns could probably slaughter at least three of her warriors before they even reach the front lines. They weren’t even sure what kind of army the Region Lord had.

Did he have more soldiers? Or had they fled back to their homelands once they decided the risk of battling them wasn’t worth the risk. The tribe were good at ambushes and defending, not full-scale attacks. Every clan leader present thought something of the same. No words were needed to exchange the future horror that was battling the Region Lord.

Noticing the rising tension in the room, the Goddess spoke.

“You should all leave, I wish to speak with the human alone,” Not wanting to question their Goddess, the women stood and left in silence. Nolkonoe took one last stare at Charlie before she left. He was only now waking up due to Nolkonoe moving away from him.

Opening his eyes, he was met by the warm smile of the Chiefess. For a moment he stared in confusion as he looked into her deep, red eyes. That’s when it hit him, this wasn’t the Chiefess, or at least not at the moment.

“Morning,” he said quietly, not sure on how to great this…thing.

“Good morning human, did you sleep well?” she said with an awkward yet oddly warming smile. She seemed to notice him frowning and placed a soft hand onto his head.

“Are you okay mortal? You are off-put by something?” she said, her cloud-white hair contrasting with the blood-red eyes and dark skin of the Chiefess. 

“Sorry, it's just… are you really a Goddess?” Charlie asked, quickly lowering his head as he realised that what he just asked could have incredibly insulted her.

“Indeed,” the Goddess said, her tone that of confusion as she tried to figure out why the human was so nervous.

“You are still tense,” grabbing her top, she began to yank it down.

“I’ll breastfeed you,” Charlie grabbed her hands, stopping her from pulling down her top.

“D…Don’t worry,” he muttered, looking to the door and hoping no one walked into seeing them.

“But doesn’t that make humans relax?” the Goddess asked, her tone showing her genuine confusion.

“No, well yes, human children, but not adults, and I am eighteen, so adult,” Charlie stumbled out as he kept his eyes off the now fully exposed breasts of the Goddess/Chiefess.

“But Nolkonoe breastfeeds you in your sleep?” Charlie frowned as she said this.

“Oh really? Since when?” he said, all embarrassment now gone as he started to wonder what Nolkonoe had been doing to him in his sleep.

 “Since you arrived at the tribe. She would sneak in with several other of her friends and alongside the Chiefess, breast feed you,” the Goddess said, noticing the look of annoyance on Charlie’s face.

“Did I say something wrong?” She asked innocently.

“No, just, please put your top back on,”

“But you seem angry?”

“Don’t worry, I just need to have a long talk with Nolkonoe later,” Charlie said, peeking out the corner of his eye at the Goddess. Relieved to see she had her top back on, he turned to face her.

“Anyway, would it be best if you were to now tell me what you wanted to talk about?” Charlie asked, wanting to get away from the previous topic as quickly as possible. The Goddess seemed to notice this and quickly changed back to the main topic at hand.

"Do you hate me, Charlie?” the Goddess asked quietly, her eyes locking with his.

“Why do you ask?” Sighing, she could tell he was trying to dodge the question.

You are reading story The Chieftess at

“I am a Goddess who requires blood sacrifices to use my powers. From my place as a Goddess, I can only watch your world, only ever making myself into a form when a true sacrifice is offered to me through the knife. I can then only stay if given a human form. Again, all this though requires a human sacrifice,” the Goddess explained.

“Can I tell you a story Charlie, a story of two Goddesses and a human man?” Charlie only nodded as he began to listen.

“Hundreds of years ago, I was the Goddess of nature life. I loved everything that lives, and I still do, as did my sister. She was the Goddess of sustenance. I can control nature, give life to the trees, and bring the rains, but she was the one who gave sustenance to the ground and trees sentence the rain into crops. Without her I am powerless, and without me she was useless. We worked perfectly together for many thousands of years breathing life into the southern realm, then one day a young man came wandering into our jungle.” The goddess looked down; her eyes narrowed as if looking back onto a painful memory.

“He was injured, and I saved him. I loved him and cared deeply for him, and since at the time I was incredibly powerful, I was able to make a form of myself out of magic. I danced, I sang, and before long I claimed him as my husband. We loved each other deeply, but my sister did not appreciate this. A year after meeting the man, I found a tribe of Amazons coming through my land from the southeast. They were outcast, injured, so being the benevolent Goddess I was, I took them in,” Looking to the doorway, Charlie followed her gaze.

“I sometimes ask myself whether or not that's the biggest mistake I ever made. One night my sister snuck into the home I had created for myself and the human. She had made a pact with the goddess of trickery, in doing so the goddess had given her power. In our sleep she slit the throat of my husband, before using her power to make me barren and kill the child I was nurturing in my womb,” Charlie stared at the eyes of the goddess as she spoke, her innocent demeanour was now gone.

Replaced with a far more veteran, a cold, emotionless gaze that still had this sense of mourning to it. It wasn’t a look Charlie had seen before.

“When I woke the next day and found my husband died, I came to learn that she had also turned the amazons against me. The next day she seemed so happy that man was now out of our lives and that he was once again just us two and our loyal subjects, but I was furious with her. I tried to use my powers to bring him back to life, but then I found the spell she had learnt made me barren in every sense of the word,” the Goddess continued to speak, her words becoming more and more filled with hate with every word muttered.

The goddess talked about how the spell her sister had performed upon her had stripped her of all her life-giving powers including all and any power she'd used to bring life to the land. The substance is now poured into the earth by the goddess’s sister, but with no trees or rain brought around by the goddess, her sister's powers became useless.

Before long, the land began to die, and the sands of decay began to take over. Enraged, the Goddess battled with her sister, and civil war amongst the Amazons who had come to call their land home began. Not being able to bring herself to kill her sister, when the Goddess won, she banished her and her amazons off into the southeast waters to hopefully find an island to call home. With what remained of her amazons, she simply waited for death.

But then she heard it, the whispers of temptation from the Goddess of trickery. The goddess came to her and offered her a deal that in all honesty, she wished she had not accepted.

“I can return your powers to you, and give you more at that, but for a price,” the Goddess of trickery had told her. She was so distraught; she was willing to do anything.

“You love life, but to be able to create it once again, you shall have to give me something in exchange,” The Goddess of trickery teased, her cruel joke stabbing at the heart of the Goddess.

“Blood. You will have to offer sacrifices of blood in exchange for power,” The Goddess stared at Charlie.

“I despise the sacrifices, but they are the reason there are pockets of the jungle in this wasteland,” the Goddess said, her eyes not leaving those of Charlie’s.

“The only reason I can do anything is that people die in exchange. I hate it, and I wish for it to stop. To help me, people, I combined them with the Desert Crawlers, thus creating the Wolvanticai. I thought this would help them to survive, and it did for a long time. But as food became more scarce, the tribe had to offer up more and more blood sacrifices so that I could create more animals for them to eat. And this brings me to where I need you,” the Goddess moved to his side, placing a soft hand onto his head.

“The Wolvanticai get their strength, speed and heightened senses from me. But again, this comes at a price. Every time I bestow a gift upon them, they gain another tail become even more loving and caring, but also vicious and protective. Each tail acts as a limit for how strong a Wolvanticai can become. More tails, taller they become, and higher their limit becomes. I rarely give out more than three tails since… no, never mind, that’s getting off the point,” the Goddess looked to the doorway to see Nolkonoe watching them.

“What I want to tell you Charlie is very simple. I wish for death,” Charlie stared at the Goddess, jaw dropped as she said this.

“So many have died because of my mistakes. I am now nothing more than a ghost of my former self,”

“I don’t want to have to give more tails. I don’t want more people to have to die. So, I will ask you with, do what I cannot in my limited power,” Lowering her head, Charlie sat in silence.

“I leave the Chiefess to lead my people. She is strong, but she needs an intelligent mind to guide her,”

“Please, help my people. Care for them when I can’t, and do not make the mistakes I did. I was never smart, and all I had was my strength, but with that being held to ransom by prices of blood, I want someone to be able to give my people help. The Chiefess is my chosen one, but even the chosen one needs strong people by their side. So, I ask you, boy, will you dedicate yourself permanently to the tribe, to the Chiefess, and me?” The Goddess asked, raising her head to look at him. For a moment Charlie didn’t even dare to breathe as he took in everything the Goddess had just told him.

Nolkonoe noticed this and moved to his side. Placing a soft kiss onto his cheek, she smiled.

“It's not every day someone is handpicked by a Goddess to become one of the saviours for her people,” Nolkonoe whispered, the other two available clan leaders stood by the doorway, staring at him.

“I…” Charlie stared at her for a moment. The eyes of a Goddess who had fallen from grace. Who knew they could be so gentle. The Goddess smiled at his words as he blushed in the embarrassment of Nolkonoe holding him so tightly in front of such an important person.

“I… I can’t promise anything. But I can try. I’ll try and help your people, and be a second hand for the Chiefess,”

“Thank you, Mr Charlie. I will return the Chiefess to you soon, and please, find a way so that I won’t have to give more tails to my people,” with those few words, the white drained from the Chiefess’s hair as her eyes returned to their usual colour.






Haven't done a grammar check, been very busy lately and just started editing chapter 3.