Chapter 67: Chapter 61 – Warrior Compound

“I’m sorry,” Charlie said, his face pressed and smudged against the body of the Chiefess. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. Her tail held his legs, and her arms were wrapped around his head. Angrily, she nipped and nibbled at his ear and neck.

“I said I’m sorry!” Charlie said as the Chiefess gave out a deep growl. Looking to Nolkonoe, he saw the sly smile on her lips.

“Bastard!” he whispered harshly towards her.

“I understand she is being a little… irrational right now. But please, have some time with her. In her mind, not being around you for even a day is like a year of torture,” Nolkonoe asked as the Chiefess continued to bury her face into his neck.

“Even though it was the Chiefess’s body that had sex with you, she is still annoyed that you technically slept with another woman,”

“Yes, but technically it was the Chiefess, after all it was her body,”

“Possessed body,”

“Still her body,”

“Try saying that to her,” Nolkonoe said with a smirk.

Looking up, Charlie saw the eyes of the Chiefess glaring down at him. Sighing, he slipped his arms from the Chiefess’s grip. Putting his arms out, he blushed slightly as he made an opening for her to hug him. Far quicker than he expected, she dove onto him, wrapping her arms around his chest as her legs moved to straddle his waist. Locking herself around him, her now free tail began to angrily sway from side to side.

“How long do you think she'll be like this?” Charlie asked looking down to see the Chiefess huffing and puffing against his chest like a pouting child.

“Maybe an hour or two, if you're lucky that is,” Nolkonoe said, turning to look at the doorway where the other four clan heirs peaked their heads around the corner. The mutation to give them another tail did indeed enhance their power, as well as increase the amount of magic they can learn and use, but it had a side effect. As well as giving heightened emotion, it temporarily…

Nolkonoe’s thoughts were cut off by the four pouncing onto Charlie and the Chiefess. Temporarily they had heightened animalistic urges, and this was clearly on display as the four women began to wrestle with the Chiefess over who got to get the most attention from Charlie.

“Their good people, independent and strong, yet even they cannot resist the side effects of the mutation,” Cluupyte said from the doorway, noticing how her usually stoic and reserved daughter was now licking and biting at the neck of Charlie as a primitive sign of love and dominance.

“Should we help him?” Ases asked, entering the room with Pycleia behind her. For a moment the women were quite, but soon burst out in laughter at the stupid thought of stopping their entertainment.

Managing to sneak a peak through the horde of bickering and battling wolf women, Charlie saw the four clan leaders smirking and laughing their whims away.

“Cunts!” he yelled as he pulled himself from the pile.

The girls were now more distracted with fighting over where they believed him to be, so he just managed to slip out of their grasp. The addition of the extra tail to each of the four clan heirs was something they were obviously struggling to get used to as their own tails often fluttered in front of them, blocking their vison of where Charlie was or who they were fighting.

As Charlie scampered away, he tried to get to his feet, just for a foot to press against the top of his head and stop him in his tracks. Looking up, he saw a grinning Pycleia.

“Go back to the pile, its funny,” Pycleia said with a wide grin.

“Sorry, but there is something I actual would like to talk about,” Charlie said, trying to get to his feet, just for Pycleia to push him back.

“I said go back, we aren’t finished laughing at you,” Pycleia said, giggling at the worry on his face. Sighing, Nolkonoe stepped forward.

“Stop being such a sadist, lets just listen to what he has to say. If it is something we deem unimportant, we will just throw him back to the group,” Nolkonoe said, grinning down at Charlie, a sadistic gin coming over her face.

“Thank you,” Charlie said, allowing Pycleia to drag him to his feet.

“What is it you have to say?” Cluupyte said, stepping forward to join her fellow clan leaders.

“It’s something to do with a question asked to me by the Goddess,” Nolkonoe and the others quickly lost their cheery moods as he spoke.

“I want to first though scout the area where the Region Lord lives. I want to see what we are fighting against,” Charlie said, causing the women to exchange glances.

“I would be willing to take you until the wolves have calmed,” Cluupyte said, knowing that Nolkonoe and Pycleia would be more than enough to keep the girls under control for the time being.

A voice yelled a few harsh words from behind Charlie. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the women had only now figured out that he had escaped.

“You go, we will keep them here,” Nolkonoe said, grabbing a stick from near the door and walking over towards the group.

 Cluupyte lifted Charlie over her shoulder before sprinting out the room, the calls and yells of the women rattling from behind them.

“If we are to go and scout the enemy, we should get some warriors first for protection,” Cluupyte explained, as she grabbed Charlie around the waist. Lifting him up, she flung him over her shoulder before wandering down the path and towards the tribe. Getting to the bottom, the warrior spent no time in dodging through the village and hiding them into the crowds.

“We will go to my compound; there I can gather some of the warriors available. My best were the ones who underwent the ritual last night, so these ones are quite young and will probably be a little… interested in seeing a human let alone a man for the first time. The Forgers and Vultures are the only clans that even have a handful of men, and they are very open about keeping them to themselves,” the lead warrior explained, as she began to slow in pace. Charlie only nodded, somewhat used to the weird looks and glances he got from the natives.

The lead of the warrior was fast, so it wasn’t long until they reached the warrior compound. The walls around it were painted with the head of a wolf. The wolf was black on a white painted wall, and along the snarling fangs of the wolf were bright red drops of paint. Even if she hadn’t told him what this area was, he still could have made a good guess.

Slowly, they walked towards the entrance, as if the lead warrior was allowing some of the watching women to stare at him as they walked. Her grin that had away this intention as she knew she was using him as a way to show off how good her clan was. He assumed this bragging was probably shown through her carrying him. Most likely, it was something like ‘oh look at me, the human allows me to carry him,’ or something like that.

He knew in such a warrior and hunter gatherer culture such as theirs that without a doubt his actions had gotten him vast amounts of approval or fame, yet the looks the warriors gave him still made him nervous. Moving to the front gate, the large wooden fence swung open to allow them inside.

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Upon entering, Charlie was greeted by a tall pole, which he estimated to be at least 20ft tall, with human and animal skulls hanging from wooden spikes off it. Glancing slightly over her shoulder, Cluupyte noticed the look on his face.

“Don’t worry, all are the people and beasts we have battled against. Even though the Desert Ghost is our tribe’s goddess, we also do worship others. We believe that as warriors we shall go to heaven, but to get there we must battle 100 monsters of legend. And whenever we kill someone, we will have to battle them again in the afterlife. By taking their skulls, we take their souls and have them battle as our minions when we die,” Cluupyte explained as they arrived at a large wooden hut.

The women entering and leaving, and from what the lines of fur beds he could see through the windows, Charlie assumed this to be a barracks for the warrior clan. Carefully, she placed him down onto the steps of the hut.

“Give me a minute and I’ll get some warriors, we can then leave,” with those few words, Cluupyte disappeared into the hut.

Immediately upon her disappearing, several small groups began to form out of the warriors. At first Charlie simply ignored the eyes staring at him, but as the small pockets of women grew, as did his worry for his safety. Tucking his legs into his chest, then his face into his legs, he thought it best to try and act as if he was sleeping. He wasn’t sure why, but at the time he somehow thought that acting as if he was asleep would make them lose interest.

In fact, his act had the opposite effect. What little light came through the opening in his arms disappeared. Looking up, Charlie was met by a few screams as a few native girls leapt back. Laughing, they stared down at him. For a moment he stared at them and them back towards him. Smiling awkwardly, he nodded before quickly tucking his head back between his legs.

“Fuck this is awkward,” Charlie muttered. There was a moment of silence, before a hand quickly prodded the top of his head. Looking up, he saw one of the girls had approached him.

There was something off to him about her gaze, quickly though he realised what it was. She wasn’t looking at him, but rather the top of his head.

“Oh,” Charlie said, only now realising the obvious. She was probably wondering why this strange, ghostly pale creature lacked ears such as theirs. Lifting his hands, he cupped his ears, as if telling the girls that this was how he heard, rather than their taller, far better ears.

Still not fully understanding, the girl swallowed her fear and approached. Moving to his side, she began to examine the ear visually. Deeming it safe, she raised a hand and gestured for the others to come to her side. Doing so, they also began to examine his ears. Keeping still, Charlie began to examine the girls as well as some of the other groups.

From what he could gather, there were three types of people in the tribe. Number 1 – the youngest. These ones were hyper, overly friendly, and incredibly innocent. These were the ones examining him now. Next were the middle matures, these ones were more like the clan heirs or like the Chiefess. Stoic and calm most the time, but at other times they were incredibly possessive and clingy.

Looking to his left, he saw a group of these second kind gathering. They kept their distance, but he could see they were more concerned with the safety of the younger ones, who seemed about his age. Thirdly, there was the ‘mothers’ or the most mature of the tribe. These tended to be people like Nolkonoe or the other clan leaders. Slightly perverted but caring and far more sensible and intelligent than the other two groups.

This group stood closer to them, laughing at the ignorance of the younger ones as they now began to quickly tug at his ears or poke a the top of his head. They did this as if trying to make sure he wasn’t using any kinds of magic to hide his true form. For a while they carried on, until one of the girls made a new discovery. He didn’t appear to have a tail. The other girls laughed as the first relayed her thoughts.

Impossible, the creature who had saved their tribe must have had at least a hundred tails. He must have been hiding them. Or at least this is what they thought as they berated their friend for being so foolish. Snarling, she walked forward and grabbed Charlie’s shirt. Yanking it upwards, she pulled him forward. Grabbing his trousers, he pulled them down.

Panicking Charlie began to struggle, but she was far stronger as she held him in place. Muttering and gasping, the girls looked on to see that in fact Charlie had no tail. Scoffing, a girl quickly pointed out that he was probably just hiding that as well. Snarling again, the first girl and her believers began to argue with the other group of whether or not he had a tail.

Snarling, Charlie began to kick and punch at the girls as they took turns grabbing his ass and trying to find any alternative roots for the tail. Looking up, he saw two of the warriors from the ‘mother’ category staring down at him. Giving him soft looks of sympathy, they used their tails and arms to pick up and gather all the girls they could.

With the lead girls captured, the other quickly followed as the mothers began to walk away. Pulling up his trousers, Charlie puffed out his cheeks as he turned a bright right.

“Everything alright? I heard shouting,” Cluupyte said, walking out of the hut.

“Fine, everything is fine,” Charlie grimaced.

“Okay good, I will be back in a couple of minutes, just need to get everyone armed,” Cluupyte said, frowning in confusion as she saw Charlie physically shrink in size, as if he was trying to hide from some monster.

Shrugging it off, she returned back into the hut. Charlie stared out at the groups. They had already reformed and now each eyed each other as well as him, watching to see who was to make the first move. Shouting broke the awkward silence that hung over the area.

Looking past the few tents and huts, Charlie looked to the source of the shouting. At the entrance of the compound stood about twenty or so warriors in the traditional white paint. The red painted arrows and their skin revealed them to be huntresses. Quickly, Charlie recognised Ourupadia. She was one of the few natives who had short hair, let alone short hair that curled around her shoulders.

She stood at the entrance, arguing with a warrior. In her hand she held a bow, and on her back, she had a quill of arrows. Seeing Charlie, Ourupadia raised a hand and gestured from him to come over. She tired to step forward, but the warriors placed their hands onto her shoulders, stopping her in her tracks.

Wanting to avoid a conflict beginning, Charlie leapt onto his feet and charged towards the entrance. Reaching the entrance, he saw the snarls, straightening hairs and tails of the women. Stepping between the two groups, he placed his hands out to the side to avoid and further conflict. Seeing him, the girls clamed and both took a few more steps back.

As the two groups stared at one another, a tensity now forming like a knife to the throats of each woman present. A splash of warmth flowed over Charlie’s face. Looking up, he saw the same girls who had harassed him earlier holding a bucket, it contents now emptied onto them. Ourupadia looked up. Snarling, she began to load an arrow onto her bow string.










Hey, hope you have enjoyed the story! I understand it is a little slow at the moment, that's why I just want to upload a little bit more until it starts to get towards more action. Anyway, hope you have enjoyed and feel free to become a reader if you liked the story!