After the crash, I was pretty badly messed up.
Had it not been for the nanites and the improved Z-Virus, I have no doubt that I would have died in the mountain crash.
I spent the rest of my time wandering from place to place waiting for the nanites to finish expelling whatever it was Wesker injected into my system.
Then I had an idea, I should head to Alaska to search for Claire and the others.
When I took revenge on Umbrella along with Zeel, The last handful of survivors took a chopper to safety.
They were headed for a town in Alaska called Arcadia. We had received radio transmissions from there They offered food and shelter, safety, and security ...
Also with my nanites in a dormant state, I am unable to feel any connection whatsoever with Zeel, I am not sure where to go so I opted to follow the group.
Searching for …
A Haven.
Free of infection.
I had been alone for so long I started recording messages to keep my sanity.
The nanites would not awaken even after expelling the foreign substance from my body, so I've been walking on a tight rope ever since.
Recorded Video Message 1
"I'm at, uh...
Closing on coordinates for Arcadia
But no signs appear on any map.
I hope Claire & the others made it"
Recorded Video Message 2
After reaching Arcadia's location.
If such a place exists. Just an empty field... And a beach. We all heard the transmissions.
Someone must've sent them. Someone must have... Why aren't all these people here?
Or why...Where they go? Where is the group? Where is Zeel? Where is anyone?"
Recorded Video Message 3
"Day 177 signing off. I don't know if I can do this much longer.
I am the last one...or is there no one else? Anyone who watches this tape...
Is this my punishment for not staying alongside Zeel? I wouldn't want to separate again if this is what I have to expect."
While recording my message I notice a shadow pass by and runs in the direction of the plane, not long after I catch up only to see a dirty, battered woman who looks as if she had been hungry for most of her life.
I manage to tackle her down, she begins to struggle fiercely until I recognize her as Claire.
"Claire? Claire! it's me, Alice." I yell trying to calm her down.
I then notice a beetle-like contraption attached to her chest which I immediately remove and as a result her behavior became a little bit milder.
Recorded Video Message 4
The two are now in the red plane flying to their next destination.
You are reading story The Crawford’s Multiverse Of Madness at
I began my daily recording " I plotted a course to Prince Rupert and British Columbia. I'll pass Vancouver,
Drop down in Seattle. After that, it's San Francisco... And the rest of the West Coast,"
Then I began to video the beetle I found on Claire's chest "Whatever that thing was it was injecting her with some sort of drug. Something that causes memory loss. I just hope the effects aren't permanent,"
After I recorded the message, I then proceeded to have a small conversation with Claire about who she is and what she did.
Claire barely does any talking but after six months of talking only to myself, as long as someone is there to listen to me, it's not as bad as it seems.
We were on our way to San Francisco and was about to enter the vicinity of high rise buildings when we heard a loud explosion above us.
It was probably another plane I thought but I wondered who could fly that high other than probably The Umbrella Corporation.
I diverged a bit from my path so as to dodge debris that might be falling directly on top of my already fragile plane.
A couple of minutes later, Claire and I could see a dot becoming larger, then after a while, we are able to make out the shape a little bit.
It seems to be a person sky diving without a parachute.
"Idiot!" Claire murmured and I agreed with her assessment, only an idiot would skydive without a parachute.
"Yeah nobody is mad enough to do that. Guess that person must have been captured," I replied.
The dot was becoming much closer, Claire and I watch as a person came close enough to attempt latching onto the left-wing.
But Claire pushed my hand to swerve to the side as I was in a bit of a daze looking at the person.
Ever since I saw that person, my dormant nanites seemed to have indications of awakening.
"What are you doing he is trying to sabotage us!" Claire yelled at me, but I was too excited to care.
"Shut up!" I yelled, surprising both myself and Claire.
"I think I know him!" I then said in a small voice, trying to search my memory, but it was fairly obvious who the person is – the silver-white hair basically gives him away.
Still, there was no way to be sure given his state.
I swerve the plane towards him after he was back above us and then he latched onto the right-wing. This didn't affect the plane much as it is already on a descent into San Francisco.
After a while of looking, I was certain that it was Zeel.
In my defense, his entire face was covered in dried blood, and he seemed a bit beat-up in comparison to his usual calm demeanor.
I also second-guessed myself because I can't feel him at all. Even with the nanites dormant, I should still be able to feel something right?
I then hear the sharp noise of a flare and look down to see a building surrounded by zombies with survivors at the top.
Almost out of fuel, I decided to see if it was Zeel or another one of Umbrella's tricks. Pointing down, I sent a signal for him to fall onto the building when I circle over.
If it was Zeel, he can survive a fall of that height. Just like the Umbrella Corporation can clone me, but not as powerful.
I believe Zeel would be the same. They could probably clone Zeel, but not with his physical prowess.
The person outside returned a thumbs-up before releasing the wing and falling about 300 feet to the building.
Claire yelled in fright as I stifled a small smile since this basically confirms that it was indeed Zeel. If it wasn't Zeel, then it would be a suicidal maniac.
Still, I couldn't help but become a bit angry.
While I have been working my ass off to take down Umbrella Corporation, he has been sky diving and having fun without me?
I hope he can give me a good enough explanation for this or I'll have to break up with him again.
We already broke up, but we were never a normal couple, so I guess we can break-up twice without actually being together.