Chapter 48: Chapter 43 – Alice and Zeel Once More

Zeel planted his feet in the ground. The cement surface cracked under the strain of his powerful footstep.

A 300ft fall took a lot out of Zeel's remaining stamina in his injured state, but Zeel didn't have the time to pay attention to his recovery.

Zeel widened his legs to shoulder-length. He needed a good foundation to stop the incoming 'missile'.

Alice's plane was about to descend onto the roof, but it was more along the lines of crashing.

With a massive rumbling noise, the plane descended but another problem soon presented itself.

The plane still traveling too fast to slow down in time.

At this rate, Zeel could not stop the plane without damaging it so he decided to disperse the force over a certain distance.

For a brief moment, Zeel also got dragged along with the plane.

After dispersing enough of the force, Zeel then dug his feet into the concrete below. The plane instantly halted under his insurmountable strength.

With a sufficient counterbalancing weight, Zeel then flexed every muscle he could spare.

The plane stopped just beyond the edge of the building. The ravenous Zombies below entered a frenzy at the disappointment of missing another meal.

The group stood at the side, completely appalled by the super-human feat Zeel had just completed.

While anyone would like the looks of admiration at the moment, Zeel was more concerned about his worsening wounds.

Zeel preferred assistance instead of mere observation and admiration.

"Little help here?" Zeel yelled, throwing a death stare at everyone there.

He was still holding onto the wing of Alice's plane. He was confused about why Alice didn't just float the plane down with her telekinesis but didn't pay it much attention.

'Why can't Alice just use telekinesis to stop the plane? Even if she is weak right now, it shouldn't be by much,' Zeel reasoned in his mind.

Alice exited the plane and jumped toward Zeel with excitement. It was the excitement of a wife that didn't expect her husband to return after the war.

Alice wrapped her arms and legs around Zeel like a koala bear.

Zeel had expected many reactions from her: kicking, cursing, biting, slapping, but he had to admit that this was his favorite reaction.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you," Alice said in a bit of a seductive voice.

Zeel had read about this before, so he knew that she was currently deflecting and trying to act cute.

He could guess it was because she did something that messed with the nanites and didn't want him to be overly angry at her.

But the devil would always get his due.

"I've been around, but we'll talk a bit later," Zeel replied as he saw the earlier spectators running toward them in excitement.

Threat assessments indicated that they were harmless but Zeel was never one to let his guard down.

"Nice landing!" The guy named Luther said to Alice.

"I think technically it is called crashing," Alice replied.

"I guess catching a plane is no big deal around here?" Zeel interrupted as his body began to sway, excessive blood loss was still an issue even with an amazing healing factor.

"Yeah, I am not sure how to compliment a guy who caught a plane," Luther said as he stretched out a hand toward Zeel and then Alice "My name is Luther West,"

"Alice. And this is Claire. And this is my husband, Zeel," Alice introduced as she got off the swaying Zeel, and began carrying him instead.

'Truly a reliable wife,' Luther thought watching Alice and Zeel's interactions.

Alice's eyes darted over Zeel's body as she noticed a couple of new scars on his already excessively scarred body.

"That guy dropped from a couple of hundred feet just now. I can see why you two are married. It is a pleasure to meet you," Luther said as he then introduced everyone in the group.

Luther pointed to the stuck up old man, and the Mechanic checking out the plane, then the shy looking Asian, before finally pointing at the smiley girl and said "That's Bennett, Angel, Kim, and Crystal,"

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Everyone was surprised by Zeel's inhuman display, but this was the Apocalypse, everyone was worried about survival first and unnatural phenomena later.

Zeel and Alice had the same thought at that moment 'Guess all the normal people died with the apocalypse?'

The group was as weird as they came and very diverse.

"Hi! My name is Crystal," The girl said as she tried to stretch her hand forward.

"No, no, no! Enough with the introductions. So you're here to help, right?" Bennett asked interrupting everyone like the asshole he was.

Zeel looked at him strangely with a twinkle in his eyes.

Alice, seeing this, got in front of Zeel.

Even if they have been apart for a long period of time, she was still very keen on Zeel's habits.

Especially the habit to kill people with little to no explanations.

"Can you get us out?" Angel asked.

"Are you from Arcadia?" Crystal echoed immediately after.

Multiple questions were fired one after another, much to the ire of Zeel and Claire.

Zeel got annoyed very quickly and decided to pour cold water on their parade.

"We are not from Arcadia and just random survivors who were running out of gas and decided to land," he replied, not wanting to waste any more time with the bunch of misfits.

"There'll be no rescue?" Crystal said in a downtrodden voice.

Zeel was tempted to kick her off the roof since she reminds him of a lost puppy, and he hated puppies.

"I'm sorry...Oh..." Alice said as she tried to say something positive to cheer up the group but couldn't think of anything on the spot.

After every other question was answered, the group dispersed.

Luther continued to talk to Alice and Zeel. He looked at Alice strangely, much to Zeel's annoyance, it reminded him of Carlos.

'Gosh, I so wish he is dead,' Zeel thought to himself.

"Don't even think about it...they had their hopes up. They thought you could take them to the promised lands." Luther said as he led Alice, Zeel, and Claire inside.

It was now their turn to ask the questions, and Luther happily answered all doubts.

Alice asked mostly about Arcadia, while Zeel and Claire were busy giving each other the stink eye.

Zeel doesn't know why but he and Claire could never really get along. Zeel always suspected that she was a lesbian who fell in love with Alice.

"I don't even have my memories and I don't like you," Claire said as even without her memories, she could still feel the dislike towards Zeel.

"Oh, really?" Zeel said before he dropped the bomb "Are you pretending so you can forget that maybe Carlos abandoned you for K-Mart or another young girl?"

Though Claire could not remember who Carlos or K-Mart was, she still felt extremely offended by the statement.

Claire threw a punch towards Zeel who just stood still and took the face shot without flinching one bit.

"Fuck!" Claire yelled as she retracted her swollen hand, wondering if she had just punched a person or a fucking rock.

Zeel stopped paying attention to Claire and instead turned toward Alice and Luther.

Earlier he heard them mention Arcadia a couple of times, and had a few conjectures about what it was.

He wanted to talk to Alice about his conjectures before telling everyone.

While captured and drifting in and out of consciousness, he often heard the pilot and soldiers talking about transporting him to 'Arcadia'.