Chapter 174: Chapter 165 – Nobody Can Beat Time

"Why are you so afraid to travel dimensions, when we literally travel between Universes every time we perform a Mjump?" Alice asked confused, usually, Zeel would be the first to experiment with possible techniques for new abilities but he seemed very withholding in this scenario.

"Yeah, that always confuses me," Elizabeth said deciding to share an all-time confusion that had been plaguing her since the beginning of her travels alongside Zeel and Alice "If we can multiverse jump, why don't we meet others who can do the same. I mean they're literally millions of planets more advanced than your world was and smarter people than you in those worlds, I am pretty sure a lot of them have figured out how to jump between multiverses,"

"You're right, I also had that concern a long time ago," Alice said watching Elizabeth a bit weirdly as if asking 'You have now only begun to question this?'

"But the way we do it is unique you can say," Alice said in a hesitant manner.

"Unique how?" Elizabeth asked wondering if both Zeel and Alice had kept something from her, but it was never them trying to hide information – rather she was too lacking in education to fully understand the processes involved in their Mjumps.

Zeel pondered for a bit and decided to explain in a 'lessons-for-dummies' manner "Each universe is infinite; some infinities are bigger than other infinities.

Now within each universe, there is a passageway to another nearby universe though no one had ever discovered or even used these passages as it is like having to go from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 just to get to 10.

Traveling the multiverse this way would take millions if not billions of years to get to your destination. Most people choose to jump from 1 to 10, which causes them to be noticed, some jump from 1 to 5, then 5 to 10 to be stealthy, but there are always traces left behind,"

"So you're saying we take the natural way that would usually take millions of years?" Elizabeth asked a bit shocked touching her face and chest to make sure she wasn't a granny with saggy boobs yet.

If she had become a grandma after one Mjump, then safe to say she would kill Zeel first for stealing the entirety of her youth.

"Exact same reaction I had when I found out," Alice bragged while giggling slightly since she too checked that her boobs weren't soggy as yet "In the multiverse, they're many different things, even a multiverse police who track those who breach the barrier without authorization, gods who like to collect the technology of those who break the barrier, and basically breaking the multiverse barrier to jump from one universe to another is like sending a fish into a proverbial shark nest,"

"Exactly, we use what is called a cosmic wormhole, in every universe, there is only about one or two of these guys. And they cannot be used at all, and it is impossible to pass… unless," Zeel said and paused waiting for Elizabeth to take the initiative to figure out the rest with his memories as an aid.

"Unless you can trick the Universe into thinking you don't belong there in the first place; you need the Universe's approval to pass legally, leaving no traces that could be discerned without careful attention directed specifically at you," Elizabeth commented finally with realization dawning upon her.

Zeel nodded his head approvingly "Exactly, so I developed an algorithm to find these cosmic wormholes in all universes we visit. When we jump we're actually traveling faster than any speed known in the multiverse alongside some spatial manipulations towards a cosmic wormhole that lets us pass by since it's annoyed at us, basically it spits us out.

Even then they're some Universes that are just restricted so you have to be careful with the cosmic wormhole you choose to travel. It's a lot more science but think of it as Alice may be bitchy one day and happy the next, so we confront her when she is happy, that's what we do using complex algorithms, temporal and spatial shocks to hit it at just the right angle to pass through,"

"I understand now but that still doesn't explain how you trick them into allowing you through," Elizabeth questioned after careful contemplation.

"Oh, that part is sound manipulation or vibrational frequency alteration. Felians are masters at sound manipulation, so we sneak a peek through to the next universe, identify the vibrational frequency required in that universe and make ourselves vibrate at that exact frequency.

The cosmic wormhole thinks we somehow breached the barrier and send us back to 'our' own universe which is the new universe we want to enter. This happens perpetually until we go from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and so on.

That's about it, at first we were running on half-baked algorithms and equipment, but I perfected it after a while," Zeel explained avoiding all the science of phases, time dilation, retardation, and quantum mechanics of multiverse jumping.

"Pretty impressive if I do say so myself," Elizabeth said feeling proud of their unique method of Multiversal Travel, but still felt that such a method should have been discovered before "But still no one was able to figure this out in the infinite Multiverse?"

Zeel thought really hard for this one since it was a bit more complex to explain.

Zeel waved his hand, expecting a board to materialize from the earth beneath their feet, but suddenly realized that his Technomancy ability was locked away since it would damage his divinity.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Zeel proceeded to explain with a stick and drawing on the ground "There are six different types of Jumps you can perform. Homo-Superiors accidentally discovered all these types of Jumps since we never took a step without knowing everything of the previous step,"

Alice accessed Zeel's memories and said "Possibility Jumping, Near Field Jumping, Cluster Jumping, Different Time Continuum, Universal Jumping, and Multiverse Jumping,

"Exactly," Zeel applauded Alice and began to draw on the ground for Elizabeth to fully understand the differences "Image a shape – let's say a square. First, you have Possibility Jumping, since you will be jumping from one possibility to another.

Every thought what would happen if I ate bread today instead of donuts? Maybe kissed Tom yesterday instead of Cliff? Those are possibilities. Think of it as the square. You can alter this square, but at any given moment only one side can be altered infinitesimally.

So you can change the length of this square but the width must remain the same, likewise, when you change the width, the length must remain the same – that is Probability Jumping.

Next, you have Near Field Jumping. With Probability Jumping you can alter meaningless events that will not impact your life in any significant way in the short-run. Any changes that occur during Probability Jumping will be corrected by time itself.

That is why most people feeling like you cannot disrupt the flow of time, and that what is meant to happen will always happen.

Near Field Jumping is different. Now, you have the ability to alter events that might affect your life in a significant way but still achieves the same conclusion. Now, you can simultaneously alter the length and width of the square instead of one at a time.

You can think of it as someone losing his wife to cancer. That person can Near Field Jump, which can allow him to tell his wife how much he loved her, treat her better and spend more time with her, but he cannot stop her from dying.

Time will always claim the life of his wife. Even if he finds the cure, his wife will still die in a car accident or something else. You can change the state but the total energy will always remain the same.

Next, you have Cluster Jumping. This time you have a square and this square can do more tricks than the previous Squares. Now, you realize that this square is apart of a larger group of shapes – you realize that this square is a quadrilateral.

With this, now you have a wider range of choices: square, rhombus, trapezoid, rectangle, parallelogram, kites, irregular shapes. With Cluster Jumping, you can change the ending but not the overall compensation.

No matter how accurate the Law of Conservation of Energy is, there will always be infinitesimal energy losses. When you boil water, the steam escapes the lid of the pot.

The amount of steam will always match the amount of water that evaporated, but energy is lost that will never be recovered.

This is because maybe an electron or two just simply disappears. Everything moves from order to chaos so energy is always lost, but the end result is still infinitesimally close to the true value.

Cluster Jumping is the same. The husband can save his wife this time, but the result will still be really close to what was supposed to happen to his wife. For the life of his wife, when they have a daughter she would die instead.

Cluster Jumping is the most painful because while you can have what you want, you will always lose something of equal importance – time always wins.

Next, Time Continuum jumping is akin to winning the lottery. It is highly improbable but not impossible. This type of jump is a gamble, and time rigs the game to gain as many chances of winning as possible – so like every casino in the world.

You are reading story The Crawford’s Multiverse Of Madness at

This is the time when the square becomes any 2Dimensional shape you can think of: circle, polygon, oval, triangle…

With Time Continuum Jumping, this is the point in which you are directly confronting time itself.

This is a game of strategy and wits that you can never win, but you can, with great effort, force a tie. That is what you want at that point, to tie with time itself.

At this point, Time will say 'This guy is really troublesome, let's give him his wife, and let him live a mediocre life where he achieves nothing'. This will be a tie, but Time is petty and childish so it will f*ck with you until you break.

Time Continuum Jumping will eventually cause you to integrate into that new timeline. Your memories of Jumping will slowly fade, and you become the person of that time.

It is like getting everything you want but losing the reason you wanted it so bad in the first place.

You have your wife and happy life, but without your memories, you won't remember how much you love your wife. You lose your job, become an alcoholic, and beat your wife until she leaves you for another guy.

On your death bed, Time will allow you to remember, for a brief moment, all the struggles you endured to find your wife, but you did not treat her well – Time taunts you and still wins in the end.

While you managed to beat Time at a game of chest, Time pulled out a bomb, set it on the table, and walked away.

Time continuum Jumping is like a small victory for an eventual major loss. But like the lottery, there is a small possibility of winning if you choose a time continuum where your wife is too obsessed with you to ever break up with you.

Time won't be able to meddle a lot in those scenarios and you get to have an awesome unhealthy relationship.

Universal Jumping is your first fair bet of happiness. This becomes a medium chance to win.

Universal Jump is when you realize that the shapes you draw can also be drawn in space, but it will just be lines connecting. Now, you can draw a 2dimensional triangle, but in space.

In this scenario, the husband will jump to an entirely new Universe where he can meet his wife and be happy. Only, the moment you go to a new Universe, that Universe can tell that you are different and begins to kill you.

The rate at which you vibrate, and the new Universe vibrates are completely different – you are like an infection it needs to get rid of. But, like all good infections, if you claw and dig your way deep enough into the foundations of your host – you can survive.

How do you do this? Easy, you have to make yourself important enough that the new Universe protects you from the machinations of Time.

You will always feel a thug trying to pull you back to your Universe, but as long as you have really good karma or contributions to the new Universe – it will want to keep you.

After a couple of years of fruitful contributions, you will become an official citizen of that Universe. Now, you can have your wife without any worries because you compensated the new Universe for your happiness and Time cannot do anything to you.

However, the type of influence and contributions you need to accumulate to avoid being sent back to your Universe is the type of influence only the President, or Billionaires have. It is not easy, but not that hard either if you have knowledge.

Now, Multiverse Jumping is a whole different ball game. It is like jumping from a cuboid to a pyramid, to a sphere, to a dog, cow, cat, then star, ruler, skinny-jeans, condom, toad, stool, radio, money.

The point is... it just doesn't make sense, and you now enter the world of demons, gods, mythical beasts, and you realize you will die anyway so it is not worth it.

In this case, the husband is truly free and doesn't have to care about anything else but finding his wife.

However, when you find your wife, you might be a joke because in this Universe your wife is a horse being humped by another horse in front of your face," Zeel ended, causing Alice and Elizabeth to burst out laughing.

"What if that person gets really lucky in this Multiverse of Madness," Elizabeth asked "Will he find his wife and live happily ever after,"

Zeel's voice turned serious as he emphasized his next statement "Sure, he can find happiness with the correct Multiversal Jump, but…"

"But?" Alice asked.

Zeel pondered and answered "But it is meaningless. The moment you perform any kind of jump; you will be giving up everything you know. That woman will no longer be your wife, just someone with similar experiences, and similar body,"

"At the end of the day, whoever you meet, wherever you meet them, will not be the person you truly want," Zeel said.

"Isn't there a way to get back his wife," Elizabeth asked eager to hear a happy ending to the explanation that turned into a story?

"Very specific beings can do it. Homo-Superiors raised a Family of Grimm Reapers that could perform resurrections for us, but they rebelled and we killed them," Zeel mentioned but continued his explanation seeing Elizabeth's eager face.

"A person consists of mind, body, and soul. Everyone in the Multiverse, no matter if you look-alike or not, has a unique mind, body, and soul. Behind the mind-body and soul is existence, and that is what gives legitimacy to you being here.

Existence is a network that connects all versions of yourself across the Multiverse and even connects you to others in rare cases.

Grimm Reapers can reach into existence from a wife in another universe, and pull the mind and soul of the original wife.

She is therefore resurrected in her entirety. However, doing this means that you will be challenging the authority of Heaven, Hell or whatever being reincarnated the wife,"

Alice and Elizabeth were comforted by the fact that there was a way to resurrect Zeel if he ever died. Zeel felt weird about it since they were more likely to die than himself.

"So how far along are you with a map?" Alice asked brushing off the previous topic.

Zeel thought for a while before deciding to be honest about what he had been doing "Not much, it's impossible to map. I have spent the majority of the time figuring out where not to go, instead of where to go,"

Elizabeth began laughing loudly following the conclusion of the conversation; she marveled at the fact that someone like Zeel, who seemed so cold and calculating, would sometimes perform actions with greater risk than seasoned gamblers.