Chapter 175: Chapter 166 – Singing With Great ‘Zeel’

A week later, the group began to travel around after finding that Hawaii was getting tedious very fast.

"So what's there to do?" Alice asked as they were walking around the streets of Rome, Italy.

They had toured a large majority of the Earth in many Universes at this point in time, Alice thought it was time they made use of the crystallized spaceships they found in Hermes Dimension.

However, as soon as she thought about the price of calibration, she grew slightly reluctant to use the spaceships.

"I am not sure either, I found some strange occurrences in the mantle layer of the earth but nothing worth our time," Zeel said with multiple images flashing through his pupils.

"We could try strip-"


Elizabeth got smacked by Alice and Zeel before she could finish her suggestion.

Elizabeth was always one to explore even the more questionable professions on Earth, recently she got the idea to learn stripping was an honorable profession.

Something Zeel and Alice had to smack it out of her head every time the thought recurred.

Elizabeth felt that her suggestion would make her and Alice more appealing to Zeel. Little did she know that was exactly what Alice did not want.

Having sex with Zeel was beyond amazing, it was an orgasm with every thrust for both girls. The nanite's connection, enhanced by their psychic connections would always leave them physically and mentally exhausted.

However, recently Alice and Zeel became Ascending Gods, and the sex they experienced was on a totally different level.

It was mating between souls, that would soon turn into an addiction. That was the last thing Alice wanted, Zeel would have enough willpower to stop but she would not.

While Alice was contemplating talking Elizabeth out of the sexier ventures, music began playing on the television screen they were passing by.

The music was enchanting to the nearby crowds as they gathered to watch the broadcast. Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth look bewildered since they have heard music much better than the trash that was currently playing.

Suddenly realization hit Elizabeth as if the heavens themselves were laying a path for her "We should become performers and singers. Get a bit of the rock star life under our belt,"

Zeel and Alice just walked off, leaving Elizabeth to her own delusions as they always do when she gets headstrong about a specific profession.


One year later

"We are here at the Madison Square Garden, about to witness the last performance of the group that has taken the world by storm over the past year: The Ascending Gods. Give a huge round of applause for them as they perform a mix of their top singles," The reporter shouted out, like the true fangirl she was.

Backstage Area

"Is it only me that finds it weird that the Reporter for this concert looks exactly like Linda Cali from the Lorien Universe?" Alice asked extremely puzzled by this occurrence.

"Yeah, she is uncanny. The same body, same brainwaves, and even her soul feel familiar," Elizabeth murmured.

Zeel just dismissed the thought "Don't mind her, this is the Multiverse. Everyone will appear a couple of times,"

As if feeling their gazes, Linda Cali waved to Alice and Elizabeth as if she recognized them. This both gratified and freaked them out simultaneously.


The lights shut off as the night sky sparkling with stars become ever more vivid. The clouds gather above the stadium as a spot of light breaks through and shines on center stage where Elizabeth is standing holding a mike.

Then she began singing while moving her hands gracefully and walking from one side of the stage to the next.

"I've been hearing symphonies ????????

Before all I heard was silence????????

A rhapsody for you and me????????

And every melody is timeless????????

Life was stringing me along????????

Then you came and you cut me loose????????????

Was solo singing on my own????????????

Now I can't find the key without you????????

And now your song is on repeat????????

And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat????????

And when you're gone, I feel incomplete????????????

So if you want the truth????????

I just wanna be part of your symphony????????

Will you hold me tight and not let go?"????????????

Then another beam of light broke through the clouds as Alice floats down all the while being illuminated by the light, akin to an angel descending from the heavens.

The mike in her hand glistening with precious jewels she had no use for until recently. The music suddenly turned more upbeat as Indian dancers ran onto the stage in the background.

Elizabeth span in place as her dress changed from a gown to a colorful skin revealing outfit, Alice landing beside her was wearing something similar with their marks from former scars on display.

It did not detract from their beauty, only added to the story that the world had come to learn over the past year.

The audience jumped crazily as they cheered for their favorite singers, some of the lesser-willed in the audience began fainting.

Girls and guys alike tried to siege the stage, but Alice and Elizabeth paid it little mind. They had already become accustomed to such scenarios.

Zeel ultimately decided to accept Elizabeth's career choice since the rampaging emotions of the crowd could allow Zeel and Alice to hone their empathetic, God-nature.

Alice had become much better at controlling the urges instilled into her by her divinities.

Both Alice's and Elizabeth's heads were faced downwards while they were now on their knees.

Then everyone on stage began to jump their shoulders to the beat a couple of times, getting into the rhythm.

The initially rioting crowd suddenly felt calmer and began to dance to the beat of the music instead of hurting each other to get to the front.

"Do you recall, not long ago????????

We would walk on the sidewalk?????????

You are reading story The Crawford’s Multiverse Of Madness at

Innocent, remember?????????

All we did was care for each other????????

But the night was warm????????????

We were bold and young????????

All around, the wind blows????????

We would only hold on to let go????????

Blow a kiss, fire a gun????????

We need someone to lean on????????

Blow a kiss, fire a gun????????

All we need is somebody to lean on????????

Blow a kiss, fire a gun????????????????‍????

We need someone to lean on????????

Blow a kiss, fire a gun????????

All we need is somebody to lean on"????????

When Alice finished the chorus of the song, a dancing fit broke out on the stage as traditional dances from India were displayed for the next couple of minutes: The Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, and Manipuri.

Elizabeth, being wild as she is, became too engrossed in the music allowed her power to run rampant for the first time since she got them.

A multi-colored flame appeared on stage and frightened the dancers, but being the professionals they are, they quickly adjusted.

The flames circled the stage and then the dancers, before encasing their bodies around the wrist and ankles. Now what accompanied the intensity of the dancing was an equal flame intensity that added to the beauty of everything.

Elizabeth drew inspiration for the colors from the cosmic wormhole they would always travel through to get to the next Universe.

Alice, seeing the flames were altering the genetic structure of the dancers, quickly dispersed the flames using her telekinesis.

Then the music halted as it repeated one word over and over again as if it was broken.

"Hold –hold –hold –hold,"

Then multiple men staggered onto the stage walking unsteadily with Zeel leading the bunch, the music then unfroze as Zeel, using an A cappella style, started singing a couple of words before the music kicked in, giving people a chance to appreciate his unfiltered musical talents.

"Hold, hold on, hold onto me????????

'Cause I'm a little unsteady????????

A little unsteady????????

Hold, hold on, hold onto me????????

'Cause I'm a little unsteady????????

A little unsteady????????

Mama, come here????????

Approach, appear????????

Daddy, I'm alone????????????

'Cause this house don't feel like home????????

If you love me, don't let go????????

Whoa, if you love me, don't let go"????????

The crowd went ballistic at Zeel's voice, who was later accompanied by Alice and Elizabeth as they sang their souls out at this final concert, wrapping their arms around each other on the stage as they danced and twirled in perfect harmony.

The crowd could feel the love saturating the air, and sadly the crowd was not mistaken. As Gods, Zeel and Alice could do unexpected things such as sharing their emotions with others passively but still to a very weak extent.

After the song finished, Elizabeth spoke as she was the most enthusiastic about the singing lifestyle.

"We thank all of you for your support over the past year, but fame has been too much pressure for us and now we just need a break. Maybe we'll see you guys later on with a comeback tour, until then goodbye my loves,"

The dancers had exited the stage and soon Alice, Zeel and Elizabeth followed with a standing ovation from the crowd, most driven to tears by their hiatus or retirement depending on what the future would hold.

Little did they know, there would be no such future, as after leaving the concert, the car driven by Zeel, with Alice and Elizabeth inside, exploded in fiery glory.


"This just in, I am at the scene of the attack, and we have confirmed. The bodies of the Ascending Gods band members: Alice, Elizabeth, and Zeel have been found within the fiery rubble of the car explosion. Tonight America grieves for the young musical legends. The death of an era," Linda Cali said in a sad tone of voice, genuinely peeved by the loss of America's music legends.

"However, for the small price of a piece of your soul, you can stream them live at their next concert…" the moment Linda Cali said those words, everyone watching from their homes went silent

Linda Cali quickly rephrased her earlier statement "I mean, click the tab at the bottom of your screen to see exclusive content of Alice, Zeel, and Elizabeth. Movie content, Romance content, and marriage proposals,"

Everyone at home quickly subscribed to Linda Cali's channel.

Linda smiled brightly seeing her rating steadily increasing ever since she started following Zeel, Elizabeth, and Alice.

"Haha, with this I can finally make it big," she whispered licking her lips intensely anticipating the next show.


Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth watched this from the comfort of their suburban homes as the many channels on television detailed their early demise.

"Bit of a sad way to go," Alice commented, which Elizabeth nodded heavily to, still a bit disgruntled of having to give up her career so early.

'I am still young and beautiful. Singers retire in their 30's but I have to retire this early. Ugh, all those praises are no more, who will I sing for? It's okay, I can make a comeback tour by myself at a later date,' Elizabeth thought but a smile still graced her face, as she started to laugh maniacally to herself.

Elizabeth had forgotten that Zeel and Alice could hear her thoughts all the time.

"Yeah but also the easiest way to go," Zeel said as he turned around and flicked his Mbeamer to view satellite encryption they had intercepted the night before.

"Time to work for a living," Zeel shouted as he entered his lab, followed closely by Alice and the cutely pouting Elizabeth who still had illusions of grandeur.