It has been four years since the previous adventure to the center of the world. Sean was currently on his dirt bike, going 90mph down the street, intent on escaping the pursuing police cars.
Seventeen-year-old Sean was soon caught by the police, after a brief chase on his dirt bike due to a wrong turn.
He was fished out of the nearby pool, along with his beyond -damaged bike.
Sean's stepfather, Hank, arrived a bit later when notified about the incident by a friend in the force. The officers proceeded to explain that Sean had broken into a satellite control center.
Hank discovered that Sean accessed the satellites in hopes of enhancing a coded signal.
Sean suspected that the signal was sent by his long-missing grandfather, Alexander Anderson.
Wanting to bond with his stepson, Hank helped decipher the code of Jules Verne's characters which led to three books: Treasure Island, Gulliver's Travels, and Verne's own Mysterious Island.
Three different books that referenced three different islands, but Hank soon noticed that all book could be referring to the same island.
After a bit of decryption and puzzles, Sean and Hank collaborated to uncover the location of an Island from the clues given by the satellite transmission.
What Hank and Sean didn't know was that one other group was searching, scouring the internet, radio waves, even low bands, all frequencies were scanned a couple of times over, even those coming from other dimensions that humans had yet to detect.
"We finally found something conspicuous, huh?" Elizabeth said twirling in her office chair, this would be the third one she bought over the past month since she had the tendency to spin until the hinges gave out every time.
Alice nodded "Yeah, but it looks sort of diluted, as a dimensional signal and also not – pseudo-dimensional signal?"
Zeel was really annoyed by Elizabeth's constant spinning but did not mention anything. Zeel was a bit peeved since the girls had him do dishes for the first time in his life.
Alice and Elizabeth always wondered why the plates would go missing at every home they ever lived.
Then a couple of days ago, Alice caught Zeel destroying the plates, cups, and spoons after they finished eating.
That led to a massive argument between the trio since Zeel always thought that the gold-plated plates were disposable.
Even if he was still annoyed, Zeel opted to answer Alice's guess "Yeah, or rather it is coming from a dimension that has its barriers weakened so much that it has almost become a part of the mortal world,"
"Hmmm, so a human wandered in and is now asking for help getting out?" Elizabeth asked after she stopped spinning, she was able to deduce this from the limited information provided "I mean I am not in a hurry to get my divine spark or anything you know?"
Alice laughed and teased Elizabeth "You aren't dying to have sex again, huh? Since its too dangerous for gods of any strength to have sex with humans, or Loriens in your case,"
"I mean, we could at least have tried it but you two have been having fun alone for almost a year now," Elizabeth complained swinging her head back and forth as if the music was playing, but truly she was trying to stop the voices in her head that were telling her to beat Alice up.
Zeel shook his head "It's too dangerous if we don't have our divinities under control. Alice would have burnt me to death already had I not also possess a divine body now,"
Zeel was trying to convince Elizabeth of the potential risks.
"Onto the matter at hand, this person isn't looking for help, from this message it looks as if he is inviting someone to join him. Someone rather specific,"
"Humans are crazy, but why do we need to care about his message, we already have the location. And it is no problem to breach a faded sub-dimension belonging to a dead god where birds don't shit anymore," Elizabeth pointed out, irritated at their ever-cautious attitude for every scenario.
Sometimes it was best to just let life surprise you.
Zeel shook his head "Gods are tricky beings, at first we thought that Hermes loved his descendants so much he couldn't bear to part with them, but after we learned the truth of his nature. Gods have lived a very long time, and even if they are Ascended like us, we can never judge their nature, not while adjusting to our divinity, even Alice would be hard-pressed to tell,"
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"Yeah, so we need to be extra cautious, gods don't like other gods coming to their territory. So we can't go there as gods or we'll likely be killed since I am sure whoever that sub-dimension belongs to was stronger than us when he was alive," Alice emphasized since pretty much all gods are stronger than them at this stage of godhood.
"Don't be sexist, it could be a goddess as well," Elizabeth commented feeling injustice that Zeel and Alice always assumed that gods were men.
"So what do we do? We need contingencies for sacrifices, since most gods like those. And much more planning is needed," Alice mentioned since she was certain Zeel would catch the hints she was throwing out.
Zeel and Alice had done an in-depth study of Lorien's inheritance thus far and found that all Gods used sacrifice as a method to activate truly important relics they left behind.
This was because the soul is a potent source of power, especially for Gods looking to improve their power.
"You want to take guilty men along to sacrifice? Your divinity requires it ever so often, huh? But you have been adjusting to prayers, though at a very slow pace. Can you now manage without the Vibrational Blockers?" Zeel asked with expectation lacing his tone.
"Yeah, I took it off a week ago and have been fine since. Sometimes it gets too much but I could block out some of the prayers," Alice replied, not telling Zeel that she sometimes went out at night to perform Punishment and Retribution.
It was not enjoyable to punish those who committed disturbing crimes, but each time Alice could feel her divinity strengthen a bit.
Zeel was the same since he also committed a couple of good deeds to grow his divinity.
The previous night he made sure a heart reached the hospital to save a patient who desperately needed a heart transplant.
With speed at the tip of his fingers, Zeel simply had the ambulance move faster with no obstruction.
"Well, I will be the bodyguard on this trip since a god is looking for other gods and not Loriens. Since we want to appear human, we'll go with the humans to whom this transition was sent.
After all, in the dimension of a god, even if the god is dead, it would not allow a signal to exit unless it wanted something from the outside.
While this sub-dimension may not be sentient, it could still decide who is worthy or unworthy to enter," Elizabeth said as she always points out the missing information in any plan Alice and Zeel comes up with.
They had the tendency to overlook certain basic information that they deemed useless at first glance.
Zeel shrugged "Well, we won't know until we pay it a visit. The signal originates from the middle of the pacific, the signal could be picked up by anyone bothering to listen, though the signal would be unclear after dimensional scattering. But only one person broke into a satellite facility in the last 48 hrs and my guess is that's our guy,"
After Zeel finished speaking, Elizabeth gave him the stink eye prompting him to add to the earlier statement "or girl" with great reluctance.
Elizabeth nodded as Alice pulled up the profile of two individuals who had recently bought tickets to Palau, near the South Pacific where the signal originated from – confirming their suspicions.
"Hank and Sean, huh? Navy retired and oh!" Zeel said in surprise as he looked at the information on Sean "This could be a bit troubling, I hate teenagers, hopefully, I won't kill him,"
Alice's face changed briefly but quickly returned to normal as she dismissed the urge to burn Zeel.
"I'll find three prisoners to take as sacrifices," Alice said as she walked off, her hands shaking like someone experiencing withdrawal from addiction.
Alice had to hold herself back from killing Zeel every time they were together, but over time she had learned to barely control the urge.
After all, you could love someone but also want them dead.
She was also able to hasten the growth of her divinity by performing actions that were considered her 'responsibilities' like occasionally burning a criminal or two.