There is not in history a sharper contrast, or one more dramatic, thanthat between the first voyage of Columbus and the second. In the firstvoyage, three little ships left the port of Palos, most of the men of theircrews unwilling, after infinite difficulty in preparation, and in the midst ofthe fears of all who stayed behind.
In the second voyage, a magnificent fleet, equipped with all that theroyal service could command, crowded with eager adventurers who areexcited by expectations of romance and of success, goes on the very sameadventure.
In the first voyage, Columbus has but just turned the corner after thestruggles and failures of eight years. He is a penniless adventurer who hasstaked all his reputation on a scheme in which he has hardly any support.
In the second case, Columbus is the governor-general, for aught he knows,of half the world, of all the countries he is to discover; and he knowsenough, and all men around him know enough, to see that his domain maybe a principality indeed.
Success brings with it its disadvantages. The world has learned since,if it did not know it then, that one hundred and fifty sailors, used to thehard work and deprivations of a seafaring life, would be a much moreefficient force for purposes of discovery, than a thousand and morecourtiers who have left the presence of the king and queen in the hope ofpersonal advancement or of romantic adventure. Those dainty people, whowould have been soldiers if there were no gunpowder, are not men tofound states; and the men who have lived in the ante-chambers of courtsare not people who co-operate sympathetically with an experienced manof affairs like Columbus.
From this time forward this is to be but a sad history, and the sadness, nay, the cruelty of the story, results largely from the composition of thebody of men whom Columbus took with him on this occasion. It is nolonger coopers and blacksmiths and boatswains and sailmakers whosurround him. These were officers of court, whose titles even cannot betranslated into modern language, so artificial were their habits and soconventional the duties to which they had been accustomed. Such men itwas, who made poor Columbus endless trouble. Such men it was, who, atthe last, dragged him down from his noble position, so that he diedunhonored, dispirited and poor. To the same misfortune, probably, do weowe it that, for a history of this voyage, we have no longer authority socharming as the simple, gossipy journal which Columbus kept through thefirst voyage, of which the greater part has happily been preserved. It maybe that he was too much pressed by his varied duties to keep up such ajournal. For it is alas! an unfortunate condition of human life, that men aremost apt to write journals when they have nothing to tell, and that in themidst of high activity, the record of that activity is not made by the actor.
In the present case, a certain Doctor Chanca, a native of Seville, had beentaken on board Columbus's ship, perhaps with the wish that he should bethe historian of the expedition. It may be that in the fact that his journalwas sent home is the reason why the Admiral's, if he kept one, has neverbeen preserved. Doctor Chanca's narrative is our principal contemporaryaccount of the voyage. From later authorities much can be added to it, butall of them put together are not, for the purposes of history, equal to thesimple contemporaneous statement which we could have had, hadColumbus's own journal been preserved.
The great fleet sailed from Cadiz on the twenty-fifth day of September,in the year 1493, rather more than thirteen months after the sailing of thelittle fleet from Palos of the year before. They touched at the GrandCanary as before, but at this time their vessels were in good condition andthere was no dissatisfaction among the crews. From this time the voyageacross the ocean was short. On the third day of November, 11 the Sundayafter All Saints Day had dawned, a pilot on the ship cried out to thecaptain that he saw land. So great was the joy among the people, that itwas marvellous to hear the shouts of pleasure on all hands. And for this there was much reason because the people were so much fatigued by thehard life and by the water which they drank that they all hoped for landwith much desire."The reader will see that this is the ejaculation of a tired landsman; onemight say, of a tired scholar, who was glad that even the short voyage wasat an end. Some of the pilots supposed that the distance which they hadrun was eight hundred leagues from Ferro; others thought it was sevenhundred and eighty. As the light increased, there were two islands in sightthe first was mountainous, being the island of "Dominica," which stillretains that name, of the Sunday when it was discovered; the other, theisland of Maria Galante, is more level, but like the first, as it is describedby Dr. Chanca, it was well wooded. The island received its name from theship that Columbus commanded. In all, they discovered six islands on thisday.
Finding no harbor which satisfied him in Dominica, Columbus landedon the island of Maria Galante, and took possession of it in the name ofthe king and queen. Dr. Chanca expresses the amazement which everyonehad felt on the other voyage, at the immense variety of trees, of fruits andof flowers, which to this hour is the joy of the traveller in the West Indies.
"In this island was such thickness of forest that it was wonderful, andsuch a variety of trees, unknown to anyone, that it was terrible, some withfruit, some with flowers, so that everything was green. * * * There werewild fruits of different sorts, which some not very wise men tried, and, onmerely tasting them, touching them with their tongues, their faces swelledand they had such great burning and pain that they seemed to rage (or tohave hydrophobia). They were cured with cold things." This fruit issupposed to have been the manchireel, which is known to produce sucheffects.
They found no inhabitants on this island and went on to another, nowcalled Guadeloupe. It received this name from its resemblance to aprovince of the same name in Spain. They drew near a mountain upon itwhich "seemed to be trying to reach the sky," upon which was a beautifulwaterfall, so white with foam that at a distance some of the sailors thoughtit was not water, but white rocks. The Admiral sent a light caravel to coast along and find harbor. This vessel discovered some houses, and thecaptain went ashore and found the inhabitants in them. They fled at once,and he entered the houses. There he found that they had taken nothingaway. There was much cotton, "spun and to be spun," and other goods oftheirs, and he took a little of everything, among other things, two parrots,larger and different from what had been seen before. He also took four orfive bones of the legs and arms of men. This last discovery made theSpaniards suppose that these islands were those of Caribs, inhabited by thecannibals of whom they had heard in the first voyage.
They went on along the coast, passing by some little villages, fromwhich the inhabitants fled, "as soon as they saw the sails." The Admiraldecided to send ashore to make investigations, and next morning "certaincaptains" landed. At dinnertime some of them returned, bringing withthem a boy of fourteen, who said that he was one of the captives of thepeople of the island. The others divided, and one party "took a little boyand brought him on board." Another party took a number of women, someof them natives of the island, and others captives, who came of their ownaccord. One captain, Diego Marquez, with his men, went off from theothers and lost his way with his party. After four days he came out on thecoast, and by following that, he succeeded in coming to the fleet. Theirfriends supposed them to have been killed and eaten by the Caribs, as,since some of them were pilots and able to set their course by the pole-star,it seemed impossible that they should lose themselves.
During the first day Columbus spent here, many men and womencame to the water's edge, "looking at the fleet and wondering at such anew thing; and when any boat came ashore to talk with them, saying,'tayno, tayno,' which means good. But they were all ready to run whenthey seemed in danger, so that of the men only two could be taken byforce or free-will. There were taken more than twenty women of thecaptives, and of their free-will came other women, born in other islands,who were stolen away and taken by force. Certain captive boys came to us.
In this harbor we were eight days on account of the loss of the saidcaptain."They found great quantities of human bones on shore, and skulls hanging like pots or cups about the houses. They saw few men. Thewomen said that this was because ten canoes had gone on a robbing orkidnapping expedition to other islands. "This people," says Doctor Chanca,"appeared to us more polite than those who live in the other islands wehave seen, though they all have straw houses." But he goes on to say thatthese houses are better made and provided, and that more of both men'sand women's work appeared in them. They had not only plenty of spunand unspun cotton, but many cotton mantles, "so well woven that theyyield in nothing (or owe nothing) to those of our country."When the women, who had been found captives, were asked who thepeople of the island were, they replied that they were Caribs. When theyheard that we abhorred such people for their evil use of eating men's flesh,they rejoiced much." But even in the captivity which all shared, theyshowed fear of their old masters.
"The customs of this people, the Caribs," says Dr. Chanca, "arebeastly;" and it would be difficult not to agree with him, in spite of the"politeness" and comparative civilization he has spoken of.
They occupied three islands, and lived in harmony with each other, butmade war in their canoes on all the other islands in the neighborhood.
They used arrows in warfare, but had no iron. Some of them used arrowheads of tortoise shell, others sharply toothed fish-bones, which could do agood deal of damage among unarmed men. "But for people of our nation,they are not arms to be feared much."These Caribs carried off both men and women on their robbingexpeditions. They slaughtered and ate the men, and kept the women asslaves; they were, in short, incredibly cruel. Three of the captive boys ranaway and joined the Spaniards.
They had twice sent out expeditions after the lost captain, DiegoMarquez, and another party had returned without news of him, on the veryday on which he and his men came in. They brought with them tencaptives, boys and women. They were received with great joy. "He andthose that were with him, arrived so DESTROYED BY THE MOUNTAIN,that it was pitiful to see them. When they were asked how they had lostthemselves, they said that it was the thickness of the trees, so great that they could not see the sky, and that some of them, who were mariners, hadclimbed up the trees to look at the star (the Pole-star) and that they nevercould see it."One of the accounts of this voyage[*] relates that the captive women,who had taken refuge with the Spaniards, were persuaded by them toentice some of the Caribs to the beach. "But these men, when they hadseen our people, all struck by terror, or the consciousness of their evildeeds, looking at each other, suddenly drew together, and very lightly, likea flight of birds, fled away to the valleys of the woods. Our men then, nothaving succeeded in taking any cannibals, retired to the ships and brokethe Indians' canoes."[*] That of Peter Martyr.
They left Guadeloupe on Sunday, the tenth of November. Theypassed several islands, but stopped at none of them, as they were in hasteto arrive at the settlement of La Navidad in Hispaniola, made on the firstvoyage. They did, however, make some stay at an island which seemedwell populated. This was that of San Martin. The Admiral sent a boatashore to ask what people lived on the island, and to ask his way, although,as he afterwards found, his own calculations were so correct that he didnot need any help. The boat's crew took some captives, and as it was goingback to the ships, a canoe came up in which were four men, two womenand a boy. They were so astonished at seeing the fleet, that they remained,wondering what it could be, "two Lombard-shot from the ship," and didnot see the boat till it was close to them. They now tried to get off, butwere so pressed by the boat that they could not. "The Caribs, as soon asthey saw that flight did not profit them, with much boldness laid hands ontheir bows, the women as well as the men. And I say with much boldness,because they were no more than four men and two women, and ours morethan twenty-five, of whom they wounded two. To one they gave twoarrow-shots in the breast, and to the other one in the ribs. And if we hadnot had shields and tablachutas, and had not come up quickly with the boatand overturned their canoe, they would have shot the most of our menwith their arrows. And after their canoe was overturned, they remained inthe water swimming, and at times getting foothold, for there were some shallow places there. And our men had much ado to take them, for theystill kept on shooting as they could. And with all this, not one of themcould be taken, except one badly wounded with a lance-thrust, who died,whom thus wounded they carried to the ships." Another account of thisfight says that the canoe was commanded by one of the women, whoseemed to be a queen, who had a son "of cruel look, robust, with a lion'sface, who followed her." This account represents the queen's son to havebeen wounded, as well as the man who died. "The Caribs differed from theother Indians in having long hair; the others wore theirs braided and ahundred thousand differences made in their heads, with crosses and otherpaintings of different sorts, each one as he desires, which they do withsharp canes." The Indians, both the Caribs and the others, were beardless,unless by a great exception. The Caribs, who had been taken prisonershere, had their eyes and eyebrows blackened, "which, it seems to me, theydo as an ornament, and with that they appear more frightful." They heardfrom these prisoners of much gold at an island called Cayre.
They left San Martin on the same day, and passed the island of SantaCruz, and the next day (November 15) they saw a great number of islands,which the Admiral named Santa Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins.
This seemed "a country fit for metals," but the fleet made no stay there.
They did stop for two days at an island called Burenquen. The Admiralnamed it San Juan Bautista (Saint John Baptist). It is what we now callPorto Rico. He was not able to communicate with any of the inhabitants,as they lived in such fear of the Caribs that they all fled. All these islandswere new to the Admiral and all "very beautiful and of very good land, butthis one seemed better than all of them."On Friday, the twenty-second of November, they landed at the islandof Hispaniola or Hayti which they so much desired. None of the party whohad made the first voyage were acquainted with this part of the island; butthey conjectured what it was, from what the Indian captive women toldthem.
The part of the island where they arrived was called Hayti, anotherpart Xamana, and the third Bohio. "It is a very singular country," says Dr.
Chanca, "where there are numberless great rivers and great mountain ridges and great level valleys. I think the grass never dries in the wholeyear. I do not think that there is any winter in this (island) nor in the others,for at Christmas are found many birds' nests, some with birds, and somewith eggs." The only four-footed animals found in these islands were whatDr. Chanca calls dogs of various colors, and one animal like a youngrabbit, which climbed trees. Many persons ate these last and said theywere very good. There were many small snakes, and few lizards, becausethe Indians were so fond of eating them. "They made as much of a feast ofthem as we would do of pheasants.""There are in this island and the others numberless birds, of those ofour country, and many others which never were seen there. Of ourdomestic birds, none have ever been seen here, except that in Zuruquiathere were some ducks in the houses, most of them white as snow, andothers black."They coasted along this island for several days, to the place where theAdmiral had left his settlement. While passing the region of Xamana, theyset ashore one of the Indians whom they had carried off on the first voyage.
They "gave him some little things which the Admiral had commanded himto give away." Another account adds that of the ten Indian men who hadbeen carried off on the first voyage, seven had already died on account ofthe change of air and food. Two of the three whom the Admiral wasbringing back, swam ashore at night. "The Admiral cared for this but little,thinking that he should have enough interpreters among those whom hehad left in the island, and whom he hoped to find there again." It seemscertain that one Indian remained faithful to the Spaniards; he was namedDiego Colon, after the Admiral's brother.
On the day that the captive Indian was set ashore, a Biscayan sailordied, who had been wounded by the Caribs in the fight between the boat'screw and the canoe. A boat's crew was sent ashore to bury him, and as theycame to land there came out "many Indians, of whom some wore gold atthe neck and at the ears. They sought to come with the christians to theships, and they did not like to bring them, because they had not hadpermission from the Admiral." The Indians then sent two of their numberin a little canoe to one of the caravels, where they were received kindly, and sent to speak with the Admiral.""They said, through an interpreter, that a certain king sent them toknow what people we were, and to ask that we might be kind enough toland, as they had much gold and would give it to him, and of what theyhad to eat. The Admiral commanded silken shirts and caps and other littlethings to be given them, and told them that as he was going whereGuacanagari was, he could not stop, that another time he would be able tosee him. And with that, they (the Indians) went away."They stopped two days at a harbor which they called Monte Christi, tosee if it were a suitable place for a town, for the Admiral did not feelaltogether satisfied with the place where the settlement of La Navidad hadbeen made on the first voyage. This Monte Christi was near "a great riverof very good water" (the Santiago). But it is all an inundated region, andvery unfit to live in.
"As they were going along, viewing the river and land, some of ourmen found, in a place close by the river, two dead men, one with: a cord(lazo) around his neck, and the other with one around his foot. This wasthe first day. On the next day following, they found two other dead menfarther on than these others. One of these was in such a position that itcould be known that he had a plentiful beard. Some of our men suspectedmore ill than good, and with reason, as the Indians are all beardless, as Ihave said."This port was not far from the port where the Spanish settlement hadbeen made on the first voyage, so that there was great reason for theseanxieties. They set sail once more for the settlement, and arrived oppositethe harbor of La Navidad on the twenty-seventh of November. As theywere approaching the harbor, a canoe came towards them, with five or sixIndians on board, but, as the Admiral kept on his course without waitingfor them, they went back.
The Spaniards arrived outside the port of La Navidad so late that theydid not dare to enter it that night. "The Admiral commanded twoLombards to be fired, to see if the christians replied, who had been leftwith the said Guacanagari, (this was the friendly cacique Guacanagari ofthe first voyage), for they too had Lombards," "They never replied, nor did fires nor signs of houses appear in that place, at which the people weremuch discouraged, and they had the suspicion that was natural in such acase.""Being thus all very sad, when four or five hours of the night hadpassed, there came the same canoe which they had seen the evening before.
The Indians in it asked for the Admiral and the captain of one of thecaravels of the first voyage. They were taken to the Admiral's ship, butwould not come on board until they had "spoken with him and seen him."They asked for a light, and as soon as they knew him, they entered theship. They came from Guacanagari, and one of them was his cousin.
They brought with them golden masks, one for the Admiral andanother for one of the captains who had been with him on the first voyage,probably Vicente Yanez Pinzon. Such masks were much valued among theIndians, and are thought to have been meant to put upon idols, so that theywere given to the Spaniards as tokens of great respect. The Indian partyremained on board for three hours, conversing with the Admiral andapparently very glad to see him again. When they were asked about thecolonists of La Navidad, they said that they were all well, but that some ofthem had died from sickness, and that others had been killed in quarrelsamong themselves. Their own cacique, Guacanagari, had been attacked bytwo other chiefs, Caonabo and Mayreni. They had burned his village, andhe had been wounded in the leg, so that he could not come to meet theSpaniards that night. As the Indians went away, however, they promisedthat they would bring him to visit them the next day. So the explorersremained "consoled for that night."Next day, however, events were less reassuring. None of last night'sparty came back and nothing was seen of the cacique. The Spaniards,however, thought that the Indians might have been accidentally overturnedin their canoe, as it was a small one, and as wine had been given themseveral times during their visit.
While he was still waiting for them, the Admiral sent some of his mento the place where La Navidad had stood. They found that the strong fortwith a palisade was burned down and demolished. They also found somecloaks and other clothes which had been carried off by the Indians, who seemed uneasy, and at first would not come near the party.
"This did not appear well" to the Spaniards, as the Admiral had toldthem how many canoes had come out to visit him in that very place on theother voyage. They tried to make friends, however, threw out to themsome bells, beads and other presents, and finally a relation of the caciqueand three others ventured to the boat, and were taken on board ship.
These men frankly admitted that the "christians" were all dead. TheSpaniards had been told so the night before by their Indian interpreter, butthey had refused to believe him. They were now told that the King ofCanoaboa[*] and the King Mayreni had killed them and burned thevillage.
[*] "Canoaboa" was thought to mean "Land of Gold."They said, as the others had done, that Guacanagari was wounded inthe thigh and they, like the others, said they would go and summon him.
The Spaniards made them some presents, and they, too, disappeared.
Early the next morning the Admiral himself, with a party, including Dr.
Chanca, went ashore.
"And we went where the town used to be, which we saw all burnt, andthe clothes of the christians were found on the grass there. At that time wesaw no dead body. There were among us many different opinions, somesuspecting that Guacanagari himself was (concerned) in the betrayal ordeath of the christians, and to others it did not appear so, as his town wasburnt, so that the thing was very doubtful."The Admiral directed the whole place to be searched for gold, as hehad left orders that if any quantity of it were found, it should be buried.
While this search was being made, he and a few others went to look for asuitable place for a new settlement. They arrived at a village of seven oreight houses, which the inhabitants deserted at once. Here they foundmany things belonging to the christians, such as stockings, pieces of cloth,and "a very pretty mantle which had not been unfolded since it wasbrought from Castile." These, the Spaniards thought, could not have beenobtained by barter. There was also one of the anchors of the ship whichhad gone ashore on the first voyage.
When they returned to the site of La Navidad they found many Indians, who had become bold enough to come to barter gold. They had shown theplace where the bodies of eleven Spaniards lay "covered already by thegrass which had grown over them." They all "with one voice" said thatCanoaboa and Mayreni had killed them. But as, at the same time, theycomplained that some of the christians had taken three Indian wives, andsome four, it seemed likely that a just resentment on the part of theislanders had had something to do with their death.
The next day the Admiral sent out a caravel to seek for a suitable placefor a town, and he himself went out to look for one in a different direction.
He found a secure harbor and a good place for a settlement, But hethought it too far from the place where he expected to find a gold mine.
On his return, he found the caravel he had sent out. As it was coastingalong the island, a canoe had come out to it, with two Indians on board,one of whom was a brother of Guacanagari. This man begged the party tocome and visit the cacique. The "principal men" accordingly went onshore, and found him in bed, apparently suffering from his wounded thigh,which he showed them in bandages. They judged from appearances that hewas telling them the truth.
He said to them, "by signs as best be could," that since he was thuswounded, they were to invite the Admiral to come to visit him. As theywere going away, he gave each of them a golden jewel, as each "appearedto him to deserve it." "This gold," says Dr. Chanca, "is made in verydelicate sheets, like our gold leaf, because they use it for making masksand to plate upon bitumen. They also wear it on the head and for earringsand nose-rings, and therefore they beat it very thin as they only wear it forits beauty and not for its value."The Admiral decided to go to the cacique on the next day. He wasvisited early in the day by his brother, who hurried on the visit. TheAdmiral went on shore and all the best people (gente de pro) with him,handsomely dressed, as would be suitable in a capital city." They carriedpresents. with them, as they had already received gold from him.
"When we arrived, we found him lying in his bed, according to theircustom, hanging in the air, the bed being made of cotton like a net. He didnot rise, but from the bed made a semblance of courtesy, as best he knew how. He showed much feeling, with tears in his eyes, at the death of thechristians, and began to talk of it, showing, as best he could, how somedied of sickness, and how others had gone to Canoaboa to seek for thegold mine, and that they had been killed there, and how the others hadbeen killed in their town."He presented to the Admiral some gold and precious stones. One of theaccounts says that there were eight hundred beads of a stone called ciba,one hundred of gold, a golden coronet, and three small calabashes filledwith gold dust. Columbus, in return, made him a present.
"I and a navy surgeon were there," says Dr. Chanca. "The Admiralnow said that we were learned in the infirmities of men, and asked if hewould show us the wound. He replied that it pleased him to do so. I saidthat it would be necessary, if he could, for him to go out of the house,since with the multitudes of people it was dark, and we could not see well.
He did it immediately, as I believe, more from timidity than from choice.
The surgeon came to him and began to take off the bandage. Then he saidto the Admiral that the injury was caused by ciba, that is, by a stone. Whenit was unbandaged we managed to examine it. It is certain that he was nomore injured in that leg than in the other, although he pretended that it wasvery painful."The Spaniards did not know what to believe. But it seemed certain thatan attack of some enemy upon these Indians had taken place, and theAdmiral determined to continue upon good terms with them. Nor did hechange this policy toward Guacanagari. How far that chief had tried toprevent the massacre will never be known. The detail of the story wasnever fully drawn from the natives. The Spaniards had been cruel andlicentious in their dealing with the Indians. They had quarrelled amongthemselves, and the indignant natives, in revenge, had destroyed them all.