Chapter 9



  Columbus had hoped, with reason, to send back a part of the vesselswhich made up his large squadron, with gold collected in the year by thecolonists at La Navidad. In truth, when, in 1501, the system of gold-washing-had been developed, the colony yielded twelve hundred poundsof gold in one year. The search for gold, from the beginning, broke up allintelligent plans for geographical discovery or for colonization. In thiscase, it was almost too clear that there was nothing but bad news to sendback to Spain. Columbus went forward, however, as well as he could, withthe establishment of a new colony, and with the search for gold.

  He sent out expeditions of discovery to open relations with the natives,and to find the best places for washing and mining for gold. MelchiorMeldonado commanded three hundred men, in the first of theseexpeditions. They came to a good harbor at the mouth of a river, wherethey saw a fine house, which they supposed might be the home ofGuacanagari. They met an armed party of one hundred Indians; but thesemen put away their weapons when signals of peace were made, andbrought presents in token of good-will.

  The house to which they went was round, with a hemispherical roof ordome. It was thirty-two paces in diameter, divided by wicker work intodifferent rooms. Smaller houses, for persons of rank lower than the chiefs,surrounded it. The natives told the explorers that Guacanagari himself hadretired to the hills.

  On receiving the report of these explorers Columbus sent out Ojedawith a hundred men, and Corvalan with a similar party in different directions. These officers, in their report, described the operation of gold-washing, much as it is known to explorers in mining regions to-day. Thenatives made a deep ditch into which the gold bearing sand should settle.

  For more important work they had flat baskets in which they shook thesand and parted it from the gold. With the left hand they dipped up sand,handled this skilfully or "dextrously" with the right hand, so that in a fewminutes they could give grains of gold to the gratified explorers. Ojedabrought home to Columbus one nugget which weighed nine ounces.

  They also brought tidings of the King of Canoaboa, of whom they hadheard before, and he is called by the name of Caunebo himself.[*] He wasafterwards carried, as a prisoner or as a hostage, on the way to Spain; butdied on the passage.

  [*] The name is spelled in many different ways.

  Columbus was able to dispatch the returning ships, with theencouraging reports brought in by Meldonado and Ojeda, but with verylittle gold. But he was obliged to ask for fresh supplies of food for thecolony--even in the midst of the plenty which he described; for he hadfound already what all such leaders find, the difficulty of training men touse food to which they were not accustomed. He sent also his Caribprisoners, begging that they might be trained to a knowledge of thechristian religion and of the Spanish language. He saw, already, how muchhe should need interpreters. The fleet sailed on the second of February,and its reports were, on the whole, favorably received.

  Columbus chose for the new city an elevation, ten leagues east ofMonte Christi, and at first gave to his colony the name of Martha. It is theIsabella of the subsequent history.

  The colonists were delighted with the fertility of the soil under thetropical climate. Andalusia itself had not prepared them for it. Theyplanted seeds of peas, beans, lettuces, cabbages and other vegetables, anddeclared that they grew more in eight days than they would have grown intwenty at home. They had fresh vegetables in sixteen days after theyplanted them; but for melons, pumpkins and other fruits of that sort, theyare generous enough to allow thirty days.

  They had carried out roots and suckers of the sugar-cane. In fifteen days the shoots were a cubit high. A farmer who had planted wheat in thebeginning of February had ripe grain in the beginning of April; so thatthey were sure of, at least, two crops in a year.

  But the fertility of the soil was the only favorable token which theisland first exhibited. The climate was enervating and sickly. The labor onthe new city was hard and discouraging. Columbus found that his colonistswere badly fitted for their duty, or not fitted for it at all. Court gentlemendid not want to work. Priests expected to be put on better diet than anyother people. Columbus--though he lost his own popularity--insisted onputting all on equal fare, in sharing the supplies he had brought from Spain.

  It did not require a long time to prove that the selection of the site of thecolony was unfortunate. Columbus himself gave way to the generaldisease. While he was ill, a mutiny broke out which he had to suppress bystrong measures.

  Bornal Diaz, who ranked as comptroller of the expedition, and FerminCedo, an assayer, made a plot for seizing the remaining ships and sailingfor Europe. News of the mutiny was brought to Columbus. He found adocument in the writing of Diaz, drawn as a memorial, accusingColumbus himself of grave crimes. He confined Diaz on board a ship to besent to Spain with the memorial. He punished the mutineers of lower rank.

  He took the guns and naval munitions from four of the vessels, andentrusted them all to a person in whom he had absolute confidence.

  On the report of the exploring parties, four names were given to asmany divisions of the island. Junna was the most western, Attibunia themost eastern, Jachen the northern and Naiba the southern. Columbushimself, seeing the fortifications of the city well begun, undertook, inMarch, an exploration, of the island, with a force of five hundred men.

  It was in the course of this exploration that one of the natives broughtin a gold-bearing stone which weighed an ounce. He was satisfied with alittle bell in exchange. He was surprised at the wonder expressed by theSpaniards, and showing a stone as large as a pomegranate, he said that hehad nuggets of gold as large as this at his home. Other Indians brought ingold-bearing stones which weighed more than an ounce. At their homes,also, but not in sight, alas, was a block of gold as large as an infant's head.

  Columbus himself thought it best to take as many men as he could intothe mountain region. He left the new city under the care of his brother,Diego, and with all the force of healthy men which he could muster,making a little army of nearly five hundred men, he marched away fromthe sickly seaboard into the interior. The simple natives were astonishedby the display of cavalry and other men in armor. After a few days of adelightful march, in the beauty of spring in that country, he entered uponthe long sought Cibao. He relinquished his first idea of founding anothercity here, but did build a fortress called St. Thomas, in joking reference toCedo and others, who had asserted that these regions produced no gold.

  While building this fortress, as it was proudly called, he sent a youngcavalier named Luxan for further exploration.

  Luxan returned with stories even greater than they had heard of before,but with no gold, "because he had no orders to do so." He had found ripegrapes. And at last they had found a region called Cipangi, cipansignifying stone. This name recalled the memory of Cipango, or Japan.

  With tidings as encouraging as this, Columbus returned to his city. Heappointed his brother and Pedro Margarita governors of the city, and leftwith three ships for the further exploration of Cuba, which he had left onlypartly examined in his first voyage. He believed that it was the mainlandof Asia. And as has been said, such was his belief till he died, and that ofhis countrymen. Cuba was not known to be an island for many yearsafterwards. He was now again in the career which pleased him, and forwhich he was fitted. He was always ill at ease in administering a colony,or ruling the men who were engaged in it. He was happy and contentedwhen he was discovering. He had been eager to follow the southern coastof Cuba, as he had followed the north in his first voyage. And now he hadhis opportunity. Having commissioned his brother Diego and Margaritaand appointed also a council of four other gentlemen, he sailed to explorenew coasts, on the twenty-fourth of April.

  He was soon tempted from his western course that he might examineJamaica, of which he saw the distant lines on the south. "This island," saysthe account of the time, "is larger than Sicily. It has only one mountain,which rises from the coast on every side, little by little, until you come to the middle of the island and the ascent is so gradual that, whether you riseor descend, you hardly know whether you are rising or descending."Columbus found the island well peopled, and from what he saw of thenatives, thought them more ingenious, and better artificers, than anyIndians he had seen before. But when he proposed to land, they generallyshowed themselves prepared to resist him. He therefore deferred a fullexamination of the island to his return, and, with the first favorable wind,pressed on toward the southern coast of Cuba. He insisted on calling thisthe "Golden Chersonesus" of the East. This name had been given by theold geographers to the peninsula now known as Malacca.

  Crossing the narrow channel between Jamaica and Cuba, he begancoasting that island westward. If the reader will examine the map, he willfind many small keys and islands south of Cuba, which, before any surveyhad been made, seriously retarded his westward course. In every case hewas obliged to make a separate examination to be sure where the realcoast of the island was, all the time believing it was the continent of Asia.

  One of the narratives says, with a pardonable exaggeration, that in all thisvoyage he thus discovered seven hundred islands. His own estimate wasthat he sailed two hundred and twenty-two leagues westward in theexploration which now engaged him.

  The month of May and the beginning of June were occupied with suchexplorations. The natives proved friendly, as the natives of the northernside of Cuba had proved two years before. They had, in general, heard ofthe visit of the Spaniards ; but their wonder and admiration seem to havebeen none the less now that they saw the reality.

  On one occasion the hopes of all the party, that they should findthemselves at the court of the Grand Khan, were greatly quickened. ASpaniard had gone into a forest alone, hunting. Suddenly he saw a manclothed in white, or thought he did, whom he supposed to be a friar of theorder of Saint Mary de Mercedes, who was with the expedition. But,almost immediately, ten other friars dressed in the same costume, appeared,and then as many as thirty. The Spaniard was frightened at themultiplication of their number, it hardly appears why, as they were all menof peace, or should have been, whatever their number. He called out to his companions, and bade them escape. But the men in white called out to him,and waved their hands, as if to assure him that there was no danger. He didnot trust them, however, but rushed back to the shore and the ship, as fastas he could, to report what he had seen to the Admiral.

  Here, at last, was reason for hope that they had found one of theAsiatic missions of the Church. Columbus at once landed a party,instructing them to go forty miles inland, if necessary, to find people. Butthis party found neither path nor roadway, although the country was richand fertile. Another party brought back rich bunches of grapes, and othernative fruits. But neither party saw any friars of the order of Saint Mary.

  And it is now supposed that the Spaniard saw a peaceful flock of whitecranes. The traveller Humboldt describes one occasion, in which the townof Angostura was put to alarm by the appearance of a flock of cranesknown as soldados, or "soldiers," which were, as people supposed, a bandof Indians.

  In his interviews with the natives at one point and another, upon thecoast, Columbus was delighted with their simplicity, their hospitality, andtheir kindly dealing with each other. On one occasion, when the Mass wascelebrated, a large number of them were present, and joined in the service,as well as they could, with respect and devotion. An old man as much aseighty years old, as the Spaniards thought, brought to the Admiral a basketfull of fruit, as a present. Then he said, by an interpreter:

  "We have heard how you have enveloped, by your power, all thesecountries, and how much afraid of you the people have been. But I have toexhort you, and to tell you that there are two ways when men leave thisbody. One is dark and dismal; it is for those who have injured the race ofmen. The other is delightful and pleasant; it is for those who, while alive,have loved peace and the repose of mankind. If, then, you remember thatyou are mortal, and what these retributions are, you will do no harm to anyone."Columbus told him in reply that he had known of the two roads afterdeath, and that he was well pleased to find that the natives of these landsknew of them; for he had not expected this. He said that the king andqueen of Spain had sent him with the express mission of bringing these tidings to them. In particular, that he was charged with the duty ofpunishing the Caribs and all other men of impure life, and of rewardingand honoring all pure and innocent men. This statement so delighted theold prophet that he was eager to accompany Columbus on a mission sonoble, and it was only by the urgent entreaty of his wife and children thathe stayed with them. He found it hard to believe that Columbus wasinferior in rank or command to any other sovereign.

  The beauty of the island and the hospitality of the natives, however,were not enough to dispose the crews to continue this exploration further.

  They were all convinced that they were on the coast of Asia. Columbusdid not mean that afterwards any one should accuse him of abandoning thediscovery of that coast too soon. Calling to their attention the distance theyhad sailed, he sent round a written declaration for the signature of everyperson on the ships. Every man and boy put his name to it. It expressedtheir certainty that they were on the cape which made the end of theeastern Indies, and that any one who chose could proceed thence westwardto Spain by land. This extraordinary declaration was attested officially bya notary, and still exists.

  It was executed in a bay at the extreme southwestern corner of Cuba. Ithas been remarked by Munoz, that at that moment, in that place, a shipboy at the masthead could have looked over the group of low islands andseen the open sea, which would have shown that Cuba was an island.

  The facts, which were controlling, were these, that the vessels wereleaky and the crews sick and discontented. On the thirteenth of June,Columbus stood to the southeast. He discovered the island now known asthe Island of Pines. He called it Evangelista. He anchored here and took inwater. In an interview, not unlike that described, in which the old Cubanexpressed his desire to return with Columbus, it is said that anEvangelistan chief made the same offer, but was withheld by theremonstrances, of his wife and children. A similar incident is reported inthe visit to Jamaica, which soon followed. Columbus made a carefulexamination of that island. Then he crossed to Hispaniola, where, from theIndians, he received such accounts from the new town of Isabella asassured him that all was well there.

  With his own indomitable zeal, he determined now to go to the Caribislands and administer to them the vengeance he had ready. But his ownframe was not strong enough for his will. He sank exhausted, in a sort oflethargy. The officers of his ship, supposing he was dying, put about thevessels and the little squadron arrived, none too soon as it proved, atIsabella.

  He was as resolute as ever in his determination to crush the Caribs,and prevent their incursions upon those innocent islanders to whom he hadmade so many promises of protection. But he fell ill, and for a short timeat least was wholly unconscious. The officers in command took occasionof his illness, and of their right to manage the vessels, to turn back to thecity of Isabella. He arrived there "as one half dead," and his explorationsand discoveries for this voyage were thus brought to an end. To his greatdelight he found there his brother Bartholomew, whom he had not seen foreight years. Bartholomew had accompanied Diaz in the famous voyage inwhich he discovered the Cape of Good Hope. Returning to Europe in 1488he had gone to England, with a message from Christopher Columbus,asking King Henry the Seventh to interest himself in the great adventurehe proposed.

  The authorities differ as to the reception which Henry gave to thisgreat proposal. Up to the present time, no notice has been found of hisvisit in the English archives. The earliest notice of America, in the paperspreserved there, is a note of a present of ten pounds "to hym that found thenew land," who was Cabot, after his first voyage. Bartholomew Columbuswas in England on the tenth of February, 1488; how much later is notknown. Returning from England he staid in France, in the service ofMadama de Bourbon. This was either Anne of Beaujeu, or the widow ofthe Admiral Louis de Bourbon. Bartholomew was living in Paris when heheard of his brother's great discovery.

  He had now been appointed by the Spanish sovereigns to command afleet of three vessels, which had been sent out to provision the new colony.

  He had sailed from Cadiz on the thirtieth of April, 1494, and he arrived atIsabella on St. John's Day of the same year.

  Columbus welcomed him with delight, and immediately made him his first-lieutenant in command of the colony. There needed a strong hand forthe management of the colony, for the quarrels which had existed beforeColumbus went on his Cuban voyage had not diminished in his absence.

  Pedro Margarita and Father Boil are spoken of as those who had made themost trouble. They had come determined to make a fortune rapidly, andthey did not propose to give up such a hope to the slow processes ofordinary colonization. Columbus knew very well that those who hadreturned to Spain had carried with them complaints as to his own course.

  He would have been glad on some accounts to return, himself, at once; buthe did not think that the natives of the islands were sufficiently under thepower of the new colony to be left in safety.

  First of all he sent back four caravels, which had recently arrived fromEurope, with five hundred Indians whom he had taken as slaves. Heconsigned them to Juan de Fonseca's care. He was eager himself to saythat he sent them out that they might be converted, to Christianity, and thatthey might learn the Spanish language and be of use as interpreters. But, atthe same time, he pointed out how easy it would be to make a source ofrevenue to the Crown from such involuntary emigration. To Isabella'scredit it is to be said, that she protested against the whole thingimmediately; and so far as appears, no further shipments were made inexactly the same way. But these poor wretches were not sent back to theislands, as she perhaps thought they were. Fonseca did not hesitate to sellthem, or apprentice them, to use our modern phrase, and it is said byBernaldez that they all died. His bitter phrase is that Fonseca took no morecare of them than if they had been wild animals.

  Columbus did not recover his health, so as to take a very active part inaffairs for five months after his arrival at San Domingo. He was wellaware that the Indians were vigorously organized, with the intention ofdriving his people from the island, or treating the colony as they hadtreated the colony of Navidad. He called the chief of the Cipangi, namedGuarionexius, for consultation. The interpreter Didacus, who had servedthem so faithfully, married the king's sister, and it was hoped that thiswould be a bond of amity between the two nations.

  Columbus sent Ojeda into the gold mountains with fifty armed men to make an alliance with Canabao. Canabao met this party with a good dealof perplexity. He undoubtedly knew that he had given the Spaniards goodreason for doubting him. It is said that he had put to death twentySpaniards by treasonable means, but it is to be remembered that this is thestatement of his enemies. He, however, came to Columbus with a largebody of his people, all armed. When he was asked why he brought so largea force with him, he said that so great a king as he, could not go anywherewithout a fitting military escort. But Ojeda did not hesitate to take himprisoner and carry him into Isabella, bound. As has been said, he waseventually sent to Spain, but he died on the passage.

  Columbus made another fortress, or tower, on the border of KingGuarionexius's country, between his kingdom and Cipango. He gave tothis post the name of the "Tower of the Conception," and meant it to be arallying point for the miners and others, in case of any uprising of thenatives against them. This proved to be an important centre for miningoperations. From this place, what we should call a nugget of gold, whichone of the chiefs brought in, was sent to Spain. It weighed twenty ounces.

  A good deal of interest attached also to the discovery of amber, one massof which weighed three hundred pounds. Such discoveries renewed theinterest and hope which had been excited in Spain by the first accounts ofHispaniola.

  Columbus satisfied himself that he left the island really subdued; andin this impression he was not mistaken. Certain that his presence in Spainwas needed, if he would maintain his own character against the attacks ofthe disaffected Spaniards who had gone before him, he set sail on the Ninaon the tenth of March, taking with him as a consort a caravel which hadbeen built at Isabella. He did not arrive in Cadiz till the eleventh of June,having been absent from Spain two years and nine months.

  His return to Spain at this time gave Isabella another opportunity toshow the firmness of her character, and the determination to which alonebelongs success.

  The excitement and popularity which attended the return from the firstvoyage had come to an end. Spain was in the period of reaction. Thedisappointment which naturally follows undue expectations and extravagant prophecies, was, in this instance, confirmed by the return ofdiscontented adventurers. Four hundred years have accustomed the worldto this reflex flow of disappointed colonists, unable or unwilling to work,who come back from a new land to say that its resources have beenexaggerated. In this case, where everything was measured by the standardof gold, it was certainly true that the supply of gold received from theislands was very small as compared with the expenses of the expeditionwhich had been sent out.

  Five hundred Indians, who came to be taught the language, enteringSpain as slaves, were but a poor return for the expenses in which thenation, not to say individuals, had been involved. The people of Spain,therefore, so far as they could show their feeling, were prejudiced againstColumbus and those who surrounded him. They heard with incredulity theaccounts of Cuba which he gave, and were quite indifferent to thegeographical theories by which he wanted to prove that it was a part ofAsia. He believed that the rich mines, which he had really found inHispaniola, were the same as those of Ophir. But after five years ofwaiting, the Spanish public cared but little for such conjectures.

  As he arrived in Cadiz, he found three vessels, under Nino, about tosail with supplies. These were much needed, for the relief of the precedingyear, sent out in four vessels, had been lost by shipwreck. Columbus wasable to add a letter of his own to the governor of Isabella, begging him toconform to the wishes expressed by the king and queen in the dispatchestaken by Nino. He recommended diligence in exploring the new mines,and that a seaport should be founded in their neighborhood. At the sametime he received a gracious letter from the king and queen, congratulatinghim on his return, and asking him to court as soon as he should recoverfrom his fatigue.

  Columbus was encouraged by the tone of this letter. He had chosen toact as if he were in disgrace, and dressed himself in humble garb, as if hewere a Franciscan monk, wearing his beard as the brethren of those ordersdo. Perhaps this was in fulfillment of one of those vows which, as weknow, he frequently made in periods of despondency.

  He went to Burgos, where Ferdinand and Isabella were residing, and on the way made such a display of treasure as he had done on thecelebrated march to Barcelona. Canabao, the fierce cacique of Hispaniola,had died on the voyage, but his brother and nephew still lived, and he tookthem to the king and queen, glittering on state occasions with goldenornaments. One chain of gold which the brother wore, is said to have beenworth more than three thousand dollars of our time. In the processionColumbus carried various masks and other images, made by the Indians infantastic shapes, which attracted the curiosity which in all nationssurrounds the idols of a foreign creed.

  The sovereigns received him cordially. No reference was made to thecomplaints of the adventurers who had returned. However the sovereignsmay have been impressed by these, they were still confident in Columbusand in his merits, and do not seem to have wished to receive the partialaccounts of his accusers. On his part, he pressed the importance of a newexpedition, in order that they might annex to their dominions the easternpart of Asia. He wanted for this purpose eight ships. He was willing toleave two in the island of Hispaniola, and he hoped that he might have sixfor a voyage of discovery. The sovereigns assented readily to his proposal,and at the time probably intended to carry out his wishes.

  But Spain had something else to do than to annex Asia or to discoverAmerica; and the fulfillment of the promises made so cordially in 1496,was destined to await the exigencies of European war and diplomacy. Infact, he did not sail upon the third expedition for nearly two years after hisarrival in Cadiz.

  In the autumn of 1496, an order was given for a sum amounting tonearly a hundred thousand dollars of our time, for the equipment of thepromised squadron. At the same time Columbus was relieved from thenecessity by which he was bound in his original contract, to furnish atleast one-eighth of the money necessary in any of these expeditions. Thisburden was becoming too heavy for him to bear. It was agreed, however,that in the event of any profit resulting to the crown, he should be entitledto one-eighth of it for three ensuing years. This concession must beconsidered as an evidence that he was still in favor. At the end of threeyears both parties were to fall back upon the original contract.

  But these noble promises, which must have been so encouraging tohim, could not be fulfilled, as it proved. For the exigencies of war, theparticular money which was to be advanced to Columbus was used for therepair of a fortress upon the frontier. Instead of this, Columbus was toreceive his money from the gold brought by Nino on his return. Alas, itproved that a report that he had returned with so much gold, meant that hehad Indian prisoners, from the sale of whom he expected to realize thismoney. And poor Columbus was virtually consigned to building andfitting out his ship from the result of a slave-trade, which was condemnedby Isabella, and which he knew was wretchedly unprofitable.

  A difficulty almost equally great resulted from the unpopularity of theexpedition. People did not volunteer eagerly, as they had done, the mindsof men being poisoned by the reports of emigrants, who had gone out inhigh hope, and had returned disappointed. It even became necessary tocommute the sentences of criminals who had been sentenced tobanishment, so that they might be transported into the new settlements,where they were to work without pay. Even these expedients did not muchhasten the progress of the expedition.

  Fonseca, the steady enemy of Columbus, was placed in commandagain at this time. The queen was overwhelmed with affliction by thedeath of Prince Juan; and it seemed to Columbus and his friends that everypetty difficulty was placed in the way of preparation. When at length sixvessels were fitted for sea, it was only after the wear and tear of constantopposition from officials in command; and the expedition, as it proved,was not what Columbus had hoped for, for his purposes.

  On the thirtieth of May, however, in 1498, he was able to sail. As thiswas the period when the Catholic church celebrates the mystery of theTrinity, he determined and promised that the first land which hediscovered should receive that sacred name. He was well convinced of theexistence of a continent farther south than the islands among which he hadcruised, and intended to strike that continent, as in fact he did, in the outsetof his voyage.