Chapter 1: 01

“Waaah! WAAHHH!” Were the first sounds I made in this world.

Being reborn in another body wasn't so bad, actually. I had lived a moderate life until my forty-ninth birthday. I sat down to watch an episode of my favorite animated show, (name withheld for copyright issues), and propped my feet up on the footstool. I was just getting into it when I suddenly felt lightheaded. I closed my eyes to try and clear my head, then nothing.

The next thing I knew, my little baby butt was being slapped by a tentacle. It hurt. I cried. The less said about that, the better. I was cleaned up and wrapped, then placed into my mother's arms.

“Oh, he's gorgeous!” My new mother gushed and kissed my forehead.

If I looked anything like her, I would have to agree. I thought.

She was one of the prettiest women I had ever seen and she had just given birth. I couldn't wait to see what she looked like normally. Right now, her luscious black wavy hair was messy and sweat covered and her face had tear streaks all over it. Her bright blue eyes almost glowed as she stared at me.

“I think he really sees me.” She said and kissed my head again. “His eyes are already so bright.”

“He's definitely got my looks.” A man's voice said as he leaned into view.

Well, damn. Is that Clark Kent? What the hell?!? I thought, shocked, and let out a baby gurgle. When I looked back at my mother, I had to assume that she was Lois Lane, even though I didn't recognize her. Superman wouldn't cheat on the love of his life, would he?

“I think he's hungry! That's my boy.” Possible Clark said with a laugh. “Honey, we'll give you some privacy.”

“Thank you.” My mother said and a minute later, I was staring at the most delicious looking nipple I had ever seen. Milk was already dripping out of it and she pulled me close to suckle.

I wasn't going to say no, so I latched onto her like my life depended on it.

“Hmmm... oh, not so... hard.” She said and then moaned a little.

I blinked my eyes at her reaction and I was sure that wasn't quite a normal thing to have happen. I sucked a little harder and she let out another moan. She didn't tell me to stop this time, so I didn't. I almost chuckled at the power of my mouth and wished I had my hands free to give her a little massage as well. I doubt I could, not so soon after being born. I would have to wait several months before I would have the muscle strength to do anything like that.

After about ten minutes, I let go of her nipple and she sighed in relief and also a little frustration. The funny thing was, I was actually hungry. I made a noise and she looked at my face to see my eyes on her other breast.

“Really? You want more?” She asked, clearly surprised.

I made another little noise and she shifted me around to take out her other breast. I made her moan right away and she laid her head back and seemed to really enjoy having me suckle on her breasts. I might only be a baby right now; but, I have never left a woman unsatisfied in my life. I used my tongue to lick and my developing gums to bite.

Five minutes later, she moaned and let out a long sigh.

Even though I was still hungry, I stopped suckling to subtly let her associate how she felt with what I just did. She didn't comment and covered her chest up, then tucked me close and started to hum some tune that I didn't recognize. I was soon asleep and didn't see or hear anything for an unknown amount of time.

I woke up the next day and was surprised I was in a car. They didn't keep us for long at all! I thought and tried to look around.

“So inquisitive.” My mother said and I looked up at her.

I was right. The woman was gorgeous. She was supermodel beautiful, in fact. I was so shocked by her that I actually spoke my first word.


The car's brakes engaged and the car slid off to the side of the road and I suddenly had my father's face in my vision.

“Did you hear that, Lois! He spoke! My little boy spoke!”

“Our little boy, Clark.” Lois said with a chuckle and pushed him out of the way. “You almost caused three accidents with that stunt.”

“Right! I need to apologize.” Clark said and hopped out of the car. “Sorry folks! My baby boy was only born yesterday and he just spoke his first word!”

There were a few people cheering and congratulated him.

“Get back in here and get us home, you nut!” Lois shouted with a laugh.

“Duty calls!” Clark said with a wave to everyone and climbed back into the car. We were soon off again and racing home.

“I'd tell you to slow down if I didn't know you have to go on patrol.” Lois said.

“I'm doubting my decision to drive, now that I know my boy's a prodigy.” Clark said and put his hand on the blanket I was wrapped in. “He would have survived the flight, I'm sure.”

You are reading story Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia at

Lois shook her head. “I'm not chancing it until he's older and gets tested.”

Clark nodded. “I agree. Until we know if he inherited anything, we shouldn't assume anything.” He said and then chuckled. “Besides him being a genius!”

Lois laughed and moved his hand. “Both hands on the wheel, please.”

“Right, sorry.” Clark said and drove us home.

We were barely in the driveway when he parked, had the car door opened, the house door opened, and then had carried Lois and myself inside the house in only a couple of seconds.

“CLARK!” Lois yelled.

“I held his head steady, my love.” Clark said and kissed her. A second later, he was wearing a really weird green version of the traditional Superman outfit with gloves, boots, and a cape over one shoulder.

“Have fun at work.” Lois said as he kissed her again, then he was gone and the door shut. “I swear he would be doing the hero thing even if the pay wasn't so good.”

Those words surprised me. There wasn't anything like that in the comic universe I knew about.

Lois carried me into the living room and held me in one arm as she set something up, then sat down and turned on the large television.

“ we reported earlier, government has made yet another announcement about the recent rash of villain attacks.” The newswoman said. “They urge all citizens to hide or flee if a villain appears in their area. If you are in your home, stay there. If they are in your home, flee. It's not worth your life to fight evil. Leave it to the professional heroes. It's their job and they are trained for things like this. Please keep a news source available at all times for our early warning notices.”

Lois changed the channel and it was a similar report. “I hate it when they blanket the broadcast.”

“Ma.” I said and she smiled down at me.

“I figured you would want to eat after waking up.” Lois said and opened up her top to reveal her mammary glands. She didn't bother only taking one breast out for me and opened up my blanket as well.

I latched onto her nipple and she relaxed on the couch to let me feed as much as I wanted from her. I wasn't going to pass it up, mainly because I was hungry again and needed what she offered. If I was a lesser man, I would be enjoying this a lot more than I was.

The taboo factor would be a huge bonus in most cases. The problem was, I was a baby and it was rare for a woman to enjoy breastfeeding this much. I was sure that Lois would get self-conscious about her own child making her feel this good before it became too awkward for her. I also didn't want her to think that I wanted her in a sexual way, despite being the beautiful woman that she was.

I switched breasts and she moaned a little louder. It took me a moment to realize that she left the more sensitive one for last and I took advantage of it. I didn't want to be the only one to get something out of this arrangement. I knew I shouldn't be thinking in terms like that; but, I wanted her to be happy. She brought me into this world and I would thank her for it as best as I could.

“The latest crop of heroes graduating this year are looking very promising.” A commentator on the television said. “The last sports festival really showcased their talents.”

“I agree. That new guy, Endeavor, is really pushing up the top hero list.” Another voice said.

“What's his quirk again? Fire manipulation?”

“That's right.”

“That's not going to be able to push All Might out of the top spot. He has that locked this year and even beat out Superman for rescues.”

I stopped suckling when I heard those names.

“Oh? Done already?” Lois asked, her voice a little dreamy.

I started suckling again and she moaned and kept her eyes closed. Okay, this doesn't really make sense. I thought I was in some altered comic universe as Superman's son and now I hear proof that I'm actually in the anime My Hero Academia that I died watching! What the hell is going on?

Lois shivered slightly and let out a sigh, so I stopped suckling and closed my eyes because I needed to think. I had somehow crossed over onto a world that is in an anime universe and yet had another comic universe character in it. I hoped that my parents are the only ones. The last thing I needed was to have to deal with the likes of Lex Luthor and Brainiac.

I couldn't do anything about my lack of information until I was older, though. Having a mother as a journalist would help with that, assuming she was a member of the press in this odd world. In fact, all I could do was wait for my body to grow before I could start making proper plans. In other words, I would keep my mom happy and my dad surprised with my progress as a genius.


A year passed and I was walking on steady feet. Dad was ecstatic and Mom was worried. I kept her happy by adding massages to my breastfeeding sessions. Luckily, she never looked at me oddly or asked me where I learned how to do it. If I asked her, I was sure that she would attribute it to my quick progress.

I still couldn't reach the computer or had access to the television unsupervised, so my research into this world was still hampered. I would need to wait a bit more before I could sneak around and do it at night.