Chapter 2: 02

Another year passed and Mom began to wean me from her milk. She had started to work on a part time basis and couldn't be around as much as she used to be, which was understandable. I also discovered that she was a journalist and they were going to hire a babysitter for me. Both my attitude and Mom's changed slightly when both of those events happened.

Mom became easily irritable because her breasts ached constantly and I didn't want someone around that I didn't know or who didn't know about my progress. I didn't want to have to act like an actual baby or be treated as such.

On the first morning of Mom's first full work day, I was delivered to a woman's house that we had visited a week before. She was a nice lady with long green hair and she had a baby that was my age. I was going to hate this as much as my Mom was going to, so I looked into my mother's eyes and let her see how much I was going to miss her.

“I'm sorry, Connor.” Lois said and knelt to hug me. “My maternity leave ended and I can't be home all day with you, even though I really want to.”

I knew that and understood. I wasn't going to make things harder for her, so I kissed her cheek. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you, too.” Lois said and kissed my face several times before she let me go and stood. “CLARK! Get me to work! Now!”

“Yes, dear.” Clark said and was dressed in his hero costume instantly, then he and my mom were gone, as was our car we had driven in.

“Let's get you into the playpen with my son.” My babysitter said and picked me up.

I didn't fight her, even though I probably could have, and let her put me into a baby's playpen with a baby with short green spiky hair. The woman turned on the television to cartoons and walked away.

“Wanna play?” The baby asked, which surprised me.

“You can talk, too?” I asked.

“Mom doesn't like it. She says it's not natural to have a quirk too early, so I stay quiet.”

I chuckled. “It's not a quirk. We're just too smart for our bodies.”

“Really?” He asked and I nodded. “Want to see a trick?”

“Sure.” I said and then the baby was up and over the playpen wall, hit several numbers on the television remote, and dived back into the playpen, head first. The television blared rock music through the house and I had to cover my mouth to stop from laughing as he righted himself and his mother ran back into the room.

“What the hell? Not again! I told those cable guys it keeps doing this and they don't believe me.” The woman said and changed the channel back and turned it down. “It's a new television, too.”

When she left the room again and the door shut, I laughed and it sounded weird having baby laughs come from my mouth. The other baby laughed with me, clearly happy to share his trick with someone else.

“I'm Connor.” I said.

“I'm Izuku.” He responded.

I looked around. “What else do you do for fun around here?”

Izuku had a big smile on his face. “We need to wait for Mom to start cooking lunch...”

Needless to say, my time spent there that first day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The mother, Inko, wouldn't accept how smart we were, and that was okay. I knew people stuck in denial in my old life, too. Both Izuku and I worked around her and she never knew that it was us doing things around the apartment.

“Where's my boy?” Lois' voice cut through the apartment after supper.

“MOM!” I yelled and she ran into the room and scooped me up. “Missed you.”

“I missed you, too.” Lois said and hugged me, then noticed Izuku waving. “I see you made a friend.”

I nodded. “Bye, Zuku.”

“Bye, Con!”

We had agreed to not speak normally around his mother and full names would give the game away.

Lois seemed to guess that and smiled as she pat Izuku's head, then she carried me out of the house after thanking Inko.

“See you tomorrow.” Inko said and waved to us as we climbed into the car and Lois drove.

“Mom.” I said from my car seat and she gave me a sad look.

“Not until we get home.” Lois said and the car sped up.

I nodded in understanding and waited patiently as we made our way back to the house. Luckily, we were still in the same district and the drive wasn't that bad, even with the traffic.

Lois parked the car and had me out of my seat and inside the house before I could ask if she was okay, then she had her top open and her damp bra off. “I really hope you're hungry, Connor.”

“Always, Mom.” I said and she sighed in relief as I took several long sucks to relieve the pressure, then I switched to her other breast and did the same thing.

“Ohhhh, that's so... thank you, Connor.” Lois said and laid back on the couch and hugged me close to let me suckle her more. “They've been aching all day! The breast pump wouldn't relieve me and didn't seem to get as much out as you can.”

I stopped sucking and looked at her. “Does that mean you have super breasts?”

Lois barked a laugh and her milk filled breasts jiggled enticingly. “Clark would laugh his ass off if he heard that.”

“Dad loves you.” I said and started suckling again and then started to massage her.

“I know, and I know he means well... it's just that...” Lois sighed and closed her eyes to enjoy my hands touching her as I sucked out the offending milk from her mammary glands. “He could be working for his own agency, get a bigger cut of the government funding, and I wouldn't have to work. I could stay home and care for you.”

I stopped suckling and kept my hands going. “He's a boy scout.”

Lois nodded and put her hand behind my head to urge me to continue. “He's too nice to leave the agency that took him on years ago and they have lots of people working there that depend on him.”

I hummed agreement and she moaned in pleasure. It took me nearly half an hour before her breasts were dry and I made sure that they weren't sore afterwards.

“You've gotten so good at that.” Lois said and looked down at her chest.

“I love you.” I said, as if that explained everything.

Lois gave me a smile and then kissed my forehead. “Come with me to the kitchen. I want some company to talk to while I cook for your father.”

I nodded and she carried me with her, her top still hanging open and her bra discarded. She put me into the highchair beside the counter and put on an apron before she started to cook one of Dad's favorite meals.

“You're beautiful, mom.” I said as she turned to grab a potato and I saw a lot of side boob, thanks to her open top and the apron.

“I've heard that before.” Lois said and turned back to chop up the potato.

“I'm not biased.” I said and she snorted a laugh. “It's different if I say it.”

Lois stopped and gave me a look. “You mean that.”

I nodded several times. “I fell in love with you the very first time I saw you.”

Lois blinked her eyes several times, then she put down the knife. “Conner, you don't mean...”

“I remember everything from the day I was born.”

Lois caught her breath and swayed slightly on her feet. “No, you... were just... a baby. You can't remember...”

“I think I still have a tentacle mark on my butt. He hit me so hard!” I said, cheekily.

Lois braced her hands on the counter and closed her eyes. “Oh, my god.”

“Mom, it's okay.” I said and she shook her head. “It really is. I've been with you every day since then and I wouldn't trade that for anything.”

“No, Connor. Your life... if you remember everything...” Lois opened her eyes and looked at me. “You must hate me.”

“Why?” I asked and pointed. “I love those things! I owe them my life!”

Lois couldn't stop her smile. “Connor...”

“I started massaging them as soon as I could move my hands.” I admitted and she looked surprised. “I wanted you to be happy, mom. You gave me so much... gave me life... that it was the least I could do.”

Lois opened her mouth to speak, then closed it and stood there for several moments. “You let me...”

“Of course. I knew you liked it and I would never deny you anything. You're my mother and the first woman in my life that I'll ever love.”

Lois took a deep breath and a tear rolled out of the corner of her eye. “Conner, I love you so much.”

“Not as much as I love you.” I said and smiled. “If Dad wasn't married to you, I'd fight him over you!”

Lois barked a laugh. “Now that's a news story. Superman fights Superbaby over mom's super breasts.”

I laughed a high pitched baby laugh and that set her off laughing again.

After a few minutes, Lois reached out and cupped the side of my face. “You're the best little boy in the world.”

“I better be. I'm your son.”

Lois leaned in and kissed my forehead. “Thank you, Connor.”

You are reading story Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia at

“Anytime, Mom.” I said and she went back to cooking.


The hero agencies banded together about six months later to fight off the growing villain menace and it caused a major battle to happen in one of the city's districts. It was a run down part where a lot of the crime happened, so it wasn't a big loss when the entire place was levelled in the fight. It was mainly because of All Might and Superman teaming up to deal with one of the main villains. The news never said who it was and Mom kept tight lipped about it, too.

On the plus side, the regular villain attacks lessened considerably afterwards and it became safe to go out and live your life without worry that an outbreak of villainy would happen. An era of calm settled over the city and the heroes had a much easier time dealing with all of the petty criminals and little villains without having to worry about being caught up in another war between good and evil.


It wasn't until eight years later that the worst happened.

The main villain from the previous war had escaped custody, thanks to one of the guards not following protocol and opening the food dispenser without securing the prisoner first. He was the first to die. The rest of the guards were next and then the villain started in on the other prisoners. By the time the man had escaped from the facility, everyone inside was dead and he had regained his previous strength.

Needless to say, a call went out to the heroes because the villains had come out in force as well. Recruitment went up to a hundred and fifty percent, just to try and get the numbers they would need to fight. It was a desperation move on the heroes part, mainly because they knew that everyone remembered the last time a fight with this villain happened. A plan was set in motion and a district was chosen for the battle that they all knew was coming.

The villain wasn't having that, though. He sent his minions there as a distraction for the heroes and ignored the bait himself. He attacked the main downtown area and the shopping district that was full of civilians. The heroes did their best to deal with the small time villains first before they scrambled to get to the shopping district to assist. Most arrived in time to witness the middle of the massacre.

“STOP!” A voice boomed out and everyone froze. Even the main villain stopped in the middle of snapping some poor soul in half. “FOR I AM HERE!”

“ALL MIGHT!” The people and gathered heroes yelled as one.

That was just a distraction, however. Superman flew in from the side and slammed his fists at supersonic speeds into the villain's side. The two crashed into the ground and left a long furrow in the concrete and pavement.

“GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE!” All Might yelled to the heroes and jumped into the fray. “Detroit SMASH!”

The villain reeled from the uppercut and flipped end over end as he soared through the air. Superman flew quick as a flash and used a double handed punch to slam into the masked villain's back, shoving him down through the air and into the ground to make a huge crater.

“TAG TEAM!” All Might yelled and jumped into the air.

Superman caught him and then threw him as hard as he could at the downed villain.

“Chicago SLAM!” All Might yelled and slammed his feet into the villain's head and shoved him even deeper into the crater Superman had planted him in. The sonic boom from the impact shook every building around them.

The heroes could only watch in awe as the two top heroes fought against the most powerful villain that anyone had ever faced.

“Your cooperation won't work this time.” The masked villain said and his hand seemed to make cracking sounds as he made a fist. Energy gathered around it and it glowed green.

“NO!” Superman yelled and dove to tackle All Might.

The masked villain smiled behind his mask and changed his target to whom he really wanted to attack. He swung right at Superman's chest as he flew by and everyone cried out at the solid crunch sound as the villain's fist dented right into Superman's upper rib cage.

“NO!” All Might yelled as Superman limply tackled him and they fell to the ground in a heap. “Clark! CLARK! Speak to me!”

“He's done for.” The masked villain said and stood. “How dare he touch me.”

“You... YOU...” All Might eased his friend aside and stood as well. “No more.”

“Oh? Are you going to try and fight me one on one? You didn't last long the last time.”

“I wasn't this angry the last time.” All Might said and his trademark smile disappeared. He seemed to expand a little and also glowed slightly gold in color. “Your reign of terror ends today.”

“Why? It just started.” The masked villain said and took a fighting stance. “Come on, if you think you can.”

All Might let out a growl and then attacked in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was shocked as the always happy hero was no longer smiling. Even the villain was surprised as All Might assaulted him. Hundreds of punches pummelled the man all over. His arms, chest, and legs looked like they were being pulped. In only seconds, the man was only a mass of flesh and broken bones on the ground.

“Stay down.” All Might said to the gurgling mass and turned back to his longtime friend and knelt. “Clark, can you hear me?”

“Yes.” Superman said and took a shaky breath. “Whatever he hit me with, it's starting to heal. I'll be fine.”

“Thank god.” All Might said and his smile returned. “You should see what I did to...”

“No!” Superman said as he saw a glowing green fist slam into All Might's side.

“ARGH!” All Might yelled and hunched over.

“Never turn your back on me, you arrogant fool.” The masked villain said and slowly stood. His mangled legs and arms slowly reformed into their proper shape. “You heroes are all the same. Self-sacrificing do-gooders that make ordinary people weak because you do all the work for them.”

“That's not true.” Superman said and stood. He was a little shaky and took a breath to steady himself. “We show them what it means to be a hero.”

The masked villain laughed. “Hero? You have no idea what it means to work for anything. You've always been handed things because of your power.”

Superman shook his head. “You're wrong. I've never accepted charity and I've never abandoned anyone that needed me.”

“Ha! You let the government pay you for walking around and giving interviews!”

“Only because I have to. I'd do it for free if it was legal for me to do so.” Superman said, surprising everyone. “Unfortunately, I have to eat and I have a family to take care of.”

The masked villain reached up and pulled off the mask to reveal a bald head. Everyone saw the manic smile on his face and cringed.

“I know. After I'm done with you, I'll be paying Lois a little visit. I think it's time she learned what it's like to be with a real man and not a caricature.”

Superman made his hands into fits. “You will never touch her or my son!”

“A son? Really? They let you breed?” The man asked, then laughed as his hands glowed. “I'm going to have fun breaking you and then your brat.”

“NEVER!” Superman said and his eyes suddenly glowed red before two thick red beams shot out and slammed into the villain's chest.

“AHHHH!” The villain cried out and was blasted back into the ground.

“If you wanted to see what I will do to someone that threatens my family...” Superman said and floated up into the air. “...I'll show you.”

Everyone watched as he flew over the villain and into the sky.

“Wait, where is he going? Is he running?” One of the civilians asked.

“It looks like it.” Someone responded, then he winced when a sonic boom washed over the area, then another... and then a streak passed in front of everyone's faces as a huge explosion of dirt and rock came from around the villain. Everyone covered themselves from the debris and the heroes did their best to stop any collateral damage.

“What the hell was that?” One of the heroes asked, shocked. He had never seen anything like that before.

“Was it a comet? It looked like a comet.” Someone else asked.

The dirt and dust settled a few moments later and everyone stared at the humongous crater in the middle of what used to be a street and several buildings.

“Whooaaa.” Several of the heroes said in awe at the destruction.

What was in the crater was a surprise, however.

The villain stood up and pulled his glowing green fist from inside Superman's chest. “You took too long and I caught you.”

Superman used his heat vision again and the villain laughed as the damage seemed to heal as it was caused.

“You can't push me away if I'm holding onto you.” The man said with a grip on Superman's shoulder and kicked with all of his strength... right between Superman's legs.

“Blleeeghhhh!” Superman threw up all over the villain, who looked disgusted by the sight.

“No more children for you.” The villain said and tossed him aside.

Superman's limp body crumpled and he curled up into a ball to hug something that couldn't be hugged while blood pooled underneath him.

“Some superman you are! You can't even take a shot to the nuts.” The villain said and stepped on Superman's leg, breaking it. He did the other one as well and was disappointed that Superman didn't react. “Nothing? You've lost your mind already from pain and from bleeding out?” He huffed. “Pathetic.”

Everyone felt sympathy pains as they watched the villain turn to All Might.

“It's your turn now.” The villain said with a manic smile.

“I won't let you...” Superman said and was suddenly on the villain's back with an arm around his neck. Superman's broken legs dangling down and not moving. “...hurt anyone else.”

“You can't stop me.” The villain said and started to chuckle.

“Yes. I can.” Superman said and used his other hand to brace the villain's chin, then pulled using all of his super strength. The resounding crack of the villain's spine shocked everyone.

The two of them dropped to the ground next to All Might and no one was moving.

“Medic!” One of the heroes said and started to run down into the crater. “MEDIC!”

“Get all the medics! Heroes down! HEROES DOWN!” Someone else yelled and rushed down into the crater as well.