Chapter 4: C3: Level 5 Monster Area

Everything was the same as she remembered. That is without mentioning the hint from the system which came as a sudden but welcomed surprise.

Every new player has 4 free attributes to spend, the only difference being the allocation of the free attributes. With every level up a player can obtain 4 free attribute points to spend.

Strength increases Attack Damage and Critical Strike Damage. Agility increases Attack Speed and Movement Speed. Endurance increases maximum HP and stamina. Intelligence increases Magic Damage and maximum MP, and lastly, Vitality increases the recovery rate of HP and MP. Different jobs prioritize different Attributes, but it isn't a necessity. However, it greatly affects a player's advancements later down the line.

Because Ciel was an Assassin in her past life, she focused on Strength and Agility with a 2:2 ratio, but rarely would other players allocate their points in such a way because it was the very definition of a glass cannon; massive damage output but extremely low HP and Defense.

However, Jack now has a talent that increased all of her attacks by tenfold.

Without hesitation, Jack clicked on the plus sign (+) for Agility, placing all 4 Free Attribute Points into it. Her Agility increased to 14; her Attack Speed and Movement Speed changed to 7 m/s.

Even without the new talent, Jack would've still decided to allocate all her Free Attribute Points into Agility.

In the early stages of God's Domain, Agility for melee-based classes was very important as they dealt more damage per second as compared to players who only focused on Strength. It also increased a player's maneuverability or in layman's terms dodge rate.

It wouldn't be until several weeks later when the majority of players had better equipment that they would balance out their Attributes, discovering this secret.


Jack's body blurred leaving behind a gust of wind, passing through wild vegetation and the occasional party of players hunting wild boars.

"What the fuck?! Did you guys just see some guy run past us?"

"Bro, are you hallucinating? Hit your head too hard earlier?"

"No, really, I swear I just saw a shadow flash by. It looked like a girl so..."

The Hunter who had mentioned Jack scratched his head with a confused look. Did he really imagine it or did someone really run past them?

On Jack's side, she already had a destination in mind, constantly using dash whenever its cooldown was up as she headed deeper into the forest. Passing through the Level 1 monster area, she kept going until she finally arrived at the Level 5 monster area.

Thousand Valley Forest covered an area of 7-12 million square kilometers, half of which was made up of valleys that surrounded said forest. It was one of if not, the largest Forest in the Starlight Kingdom.

The trees here were similar to Redwood trees except they had a dark gray color and were called Ironwood trees, a very common species in large forests. Other than Ironwood trees there were also Western White Pine, Maple, Birch, and chestnut trees all sporting a different shade of color, painting the forest in a vibrant and colorful tone.

Anyway, Level 5 monster areas in forests like these were swarming with all types of monsters, commonly Level 5 Forest Wolves, Goldenjacket Wasps, Ironhide Boars, Forest Bears, Horned Pythons, and Giant Eagles. Naturally, these monsters had their own territories and wouldn't aggressively invade other territories unless hunting for food.

Only at Level 5 and above monster areas did Rare, Special, Blight, and Elite monsters start to spawn. Of course, they weren't restricted to the area like common Level 5 monsters but could roam lower leveled monster areas freely. Jack remembered that there was a certain event that created chaos in her past life. A Level 35 Blight monster appeared in a Level 10 area, massacring hundreds of thousands of players. The cause of the high casualties was that the Level 10 area was a very important location to the guild who was in charge of it, so obviously they couldn't give it up. However, this was a rare case and Jack wasn't worried about that happening here at all. Her target was a rare giant-type monster.

Perhaps due to her luck, she had yet to be discovered by a monster. Not wanting to be careless though, she continued to keep a low profile hiding in the shadows and avoiding large monster areas.

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It took Jack almost an hour to finally reach her destination. That was enough time for the Elite players to smoothly hit their first level up, but it couldn't be helped. She had to take several detours in order to not pull aggro from the nearby monsters. Just any one of them could casually flick their claws and she'd be sent to the nearest towns' respawn point.


Jack had arrived beside the top of a waterfall. Crystal-clear water crashed against the lake below, and aquatic beasts and monsters could be seen occasionally jumping in and out of the waters.

Surrounding the large lake were towers of trees reaching as high as 100 meters, a small patch of grass, gravel, and sand separated the trees from the lake and was occupied by the fauna of the forest.

Most players would easily mistake this place for a safe-zone unoccupied by the monsters but players with a keen eye could detect the dangers.


[Forest Giant] (Rare Monster)

Type: Giant, Nature

Level: 5

HP: 1,200

AR: 52

MR: 40


Compared to common Level 5 monsters, Forest Giants had high Attack Damage and HP but their Agility and Defense were on the low side.

They were the perfect "prey" for squishy players like Assassins. It was only possible to get hit if one was stupid enough to let it, or an accident occurred.

Jack glanced at the lake below thinking whether she should just jump but shook such intrusive thoughts out of her head with a slight chuckle.

5 minutes later Jack quietly hid inside a crevice in the rocky wall and brought up her system interface.

She wanted to reconfirm the additional skills she received would work as she assumed.

Concealment allowed her to blend her "existence" into the environment. It wasn't as simple as applying a camouflage or turning invisible, but her entire person would vanish as if it were never there. It was the most terrifying skill and quite possibly the strongest skill in all of God's Domain.

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